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Grammar exercises. English for technical institutes (Shevtsova G. V) Unit To be

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1. _____ you help me with my homework?

A) Are 
B) May 
C) Can 
D) Need

2. You _____ enter without a tie.

A) aren’t 
B) can’t 
C) ought not 
D) weren’t

3.  If you had video, you _____ record it yourself tonight.

A) could 
B) can 
C) must 
D) may

4. A: My car has been stolen.
    B: _____.

A) You should ring the police. 
B) Will you phone the police?
C) Could you ring the police? 
D) You are phoning the police.

5. If you don’t feel better you _____ go to bed.

A) ought 
B) should 
C) don’t have to 
D) needn’t

6. You _____ get the 8.45 train. It doesn’t stop at Yorkshire.

A) had better 
B) mustn’t 
C) should 
D) don’t have to

7. His illness got worse and worse. In the end he _____ go into hospital for an operation.

A) will have to 
B) must 
C) had to 
D) ought to have

8. You _____ spanked her. She didn’t deserve it.

A) shouldn’t have 
B) needn’t have
C) mustn’t have 
D) couldn’t have

9. In a hundred years’ time we _____ out of water to drink.

A) must have run 
B) might have been/run
C) should have run 
D) may have run

10. I __________ understand her because I don’t speak Italian.

a) can’t

b) mustn’t

c) needn’t

d) had to

11. She tried to get out of the house, but ___________. The doors were locked.

a) couldn’t

b) wouldn’t

c) was to

d) needn’t

12. George passed the examination. He _________ be very clever.

a) should

b) must

c) can’t

d) had to

13. It’s late. You ________ go as soon as possible

a) can’t

b) mustn’t

c) need

d) should

14. I __________ go in order not to be late at the meeting

a) may

b) must

c) have to

d) can

15. You ___________ copy the homework of your classmates

a) ought

b) must not

c) cannot

d) are able to

16. ________ we go for a walk in the evening?

a) need

b) should

c) may

d) must

17. Yesterday he _____________ do all the housework

a) had to

b) must

c) can’t

d) may

18. Anna has been working in the garden for 4 hours. She ______ be very tired

a) can

b) may

c) should

d) must

19. The teacher ____________ explain further if everybody understands him well

a) mustn’t

b) needn’t

c) need

d) can’t
Simple tenses (Present, Past, Future) Active

Present Simple

Write the verbs in brackets in the right form

1. Some days ago I ... (to be) in the theatre.

2. Next year our family ... (to travel) to the mountains.

3. My day always... (to begin) with a cup of black coffee.

4. He ...(not/to be) happy when I saw him last.

5. Where ...you (to be) last summer?

6. I ...(not/to go) to the park tomorrow, I ... (to stay) at home.

7. I not (to like)... pizza, I... (to like) hot dogs.

8. Who ...you (to play) chess with yesterday?

9. When ...you usually (to get up)?

10. Why ...he often (to behave) in such a way?

11. Who ... (to write) “Romeo and Juliet”?

12. When ...you (to be born)?

13. My mother (not/to work), she (to be) a housewife.

14. Who ... (to be) a doctor in the future?

15. When ...you last (to write) a letter to your granny?

16. In 1999 I (not/to go) to school, I ... (to go) to kindergarten, I ... (to be) only 6.
Write the verbs in brackets in the right form

1. Alice (to have) a sister.
2. Her sister’s name (to be) Ann.
3. Ann (to be) a student.
4. She (to get) up at seven o’clock.
5. She (to go) to the institute in the morning.
6. Jane (to be) fond of sports.
7. She (to do) her morning exercises every day.
8. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea.
9. After breakfast she (to go) to the institute.
10. Sometimes she (to take) a bus.
11. It (to take) her an hour and a half to do her homework.
12. She (to speak) English well.
13. Her friends usually (to call) her at about 8 o’clock.
14. Ann (to take) a shower before going to bed.
15. She (to go) to bed at 11 p. m.


Put the sentences in interrogative and negative forms.

  1. I visit my parents very often.
    2. They live in Great Britain.
    3. He goes to school by bus.
    4. She lives in this house.
    5. He wants to be a doctor.
    6. They play tennis every Sunday.
    7. We work every day.
    8. My sister goes to bed at nine.
    9. Usually, I have dinner very late.
    10. My brother watches TV every evening.
    11. She likes classical music.
    12. We go to the theatre once a month.

Write the verbs in brackets in the right form

1. My working day (to begin) at seven o’clock.
2. I (not to walk) to work every morning.
3. She (to do) her morning exercises every day.
4. He (to speak) German.
5. I (to visit) my friend every week.
6. Her first class (to start) at eight o’clock.
7. Ann (not to read) a lot.
8. He always (to invite) his friends to his birthday party.
9. I (to go) for a walk every day.
10. She (to wash) her car once a week.

Translate into English

1. Она занята.
2. Я не занят.
3. Вы заняты?
4. Они дома?
5. Его нет дома.
6. Я не знаю.
7. Они знают?
8. Она не знает.
9. Кто знает?
10. Никто не знает.
11. Он читает английские книги?
12. Они никогда не читают.
13. У неё есть квартира?
14. У него ничего нет.
15. Это кто?

16. Почтальон приносит нам почту утром и вечером.

17. Леонид хорошо говорит по-французски.

18. Я езжу в центр города на метро.

19. В этом магазине я всегда покупаю продукты.

20. Илья изучает два иностранных языка.

21. Я не понимаю, что Вы имеете в виду.

22. Олимпийские игры проходят каждые четыре года.

23. Мой друг играет в футбол каждый день.

24. Эндрю никогда не пропускает занятий по музыке.

25. Летом я всегда хожу в порт встречать корабли.

26. Какие книги ты любишь читать?

27. Как ты произносишь это слово?

28. Анна обычно заходит к своей коллеге, когда бывает в Петербурге.

29. Моя сестра обычно работает в библиотеке по вечерам.

30. Они часто играют в теннис?

Choose the right variant

1. Yesterday I ... a little kitten.

a) find b) found c) finded d) will find

2. My mother ... in a hotel.

a) work b) works c) worked d) will work

3. My friends usually .... TV in the evenings.

a) watch b) watches c) watched d) will watch

4. Tomorrow they ... a test.

a) write b) writes c) wrote d) will write

5. In a year he ... 12.

a) is b) was c) were d) will be

6. Cows … meat

a) eat b) eats c) don’t eat d) ate

7. I … New York is exciting

a) thought b) think c) will think d) thinks

8. The story … place in the United Kingdom.

a) took b) will take c) take d) takes

9. Andrew Johnson … on a North sea oil rig.

a) worked b) works c) will work d) is working

10. Janet is a pilot. She … all over the world.

a) flies b) is flying c) flew d) will fly

11. Pilots … for about two years to get their flying license

a) trained b) trains c) train d) will train

12. Peter … in London with his wife and two children.

a) lives b) lived c) will live d) is leaving

13. My new car … a lot of petrol.

a) use b) used c) will use d) uses

14. I often ... TV in the evening.

a) watch b) watches c) watched d) will watch

15. Two days ago we ... to the park.

a) go b) goes c) went d) will go

16. Soon we ... a New Year Party

a) have b) has c) had d) will have

17. We ... always at school in the mornings

a) was b) is c) are d) will be

18. Last year they ... in Moscow.

a) was b) were c) are d) will be

Choose the correct variant.

1. The students of British schools wear a uniform.

a) usually b) yesterday c) next year d) last year

2. My family lived in the country.

a) every summer b) last summer c) next summer d) soon

3. He will read a book.

a) often b) a week ago c) in a week d) seldom

4. We are at school.

a) every day b) last month c) next month d) suddenly

5. They were in the zoo.

a) sometimes b) yesterday c) always d) tomorrow

6. We watch the news on TV at 9.00.

a) sometimes b) usually c) next week d) suddenly.

7. Alice sees her Granny in London.

a) most weekends b) at that time c) an hour later d) in the evenings

8. We get up at about 7.00. Could you come an hour later?

a) often b) really c) seldom d) usually

9. My tutor sees me for a tutorial at two o’clock.

a) next week b) every Monday c) yesterday d) often

10. The college runs the same course.

a) during the semester b) every year c) at the beginning of each year d) for five years.

Past Simple.

Put the verb to be in the right form

1) (I / be / at the cinema last night)

2) (the children / be / naughty)?

3) (we / be / in a cafe when you called)?

4) (I / be / late)?

5) (she / be / a teacher when she was young)

6) (where / we / be)?

7) (you / be / okay)?

8) (we / be / too tired)

9) (how / the party / be)?

10) (they / be / late for the interview)

11) (you / be / in the garden)

12) (what / his name / be)?

13) (it / not / be / cold)

14) (she / be / beautiful)?

15) (she / not / be my wife at the time)

16) (he / be / hungry)

17) (why / you / be / late)?

18) (you / not / be / early)

19) (they not / be / in love)

20) (we / not / be / in China)

Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple form

  1. Last year I (go) to England on holiday.

  2. It (be) fantastic.

  3. I (visit) lots of interesting places. I (be) with two friends of mine.

  4. In the mornings we (walk) in the streets of London.

  5. In the evenings we (go) to pubs.

  6. The weather (be) strangely fine.

  7. It (not / rain) a lot.

  8. But we (see) some beautiful rainbows.

  9. Where (spend / you) your last holiday?

  10. Last month we (move) to a new house

  11. They (bring) a sandwich.

  12. He (do not) the homework.

  13. He (visit) his friends?

  14. When (be) Mother's Day last year?

  15. It (be) in April.

  16. What you (do)?

  17. We (make) a cake and cards for Mum.

  18. Mum (be) happy?

  19. What you (give) to your granny?

Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple form

The legend of Lake Naroch

Many years ago there __________ (live) a girl called Nara. She _____ (can) sing _______very well and play the psaltery. She _____ (love)  a young man and ________ (want) to marry him. One day she was sitting near a large beautiful lake when a rich man ________ (see) her. He _______ (like) Nara so much that he_________ (want) to marry her. As Nara________ (have) a fiancé she________ (not want) _______  to marry the rich man. But the rich man_______ (be) very stubborn, and his servants ___________ (kill) Nara’s fiancé and __________ (take) Nara to the rich man’s palace. The girl ______ (be) so unhappy that when everybody was sleeping, she ______ (set) fire to the palace, and _______ (run) away. When the rich man________ (learn) about  it, he _____ (send) his servants after Nara. As she ___________ (cannot)  run away from them, Nara ___________ (dive) into the lake and____________ (die). From that time the lake was named Lake Naroch.

Complete the e-mail with the verbs in brackets.

Dear Jane, How are you doing? I feel miserable, I must admit. And I'm going to tell you why. Yesterday I ..................... (do) my homework, ..................... (tidy) my bedroom and ..................... (decide) to go out. The weather ..................... (be) perfect and so I ..................... (go) to the park. And do you know who I ..................... (see) there? Jason, my boyfriend. I ..................... (want) to say hello to him, but then I ..................... (stop), because I ..................... (can) see a girl coming to him. Guess what ..................... (happen). They ..................... (meet) in the middle of the road and he ..................... (kiss) her. My Jason! Jason and I ..................... (be) in the park three times and he never ..................... (try) to kiss me! I didn't know what to do. I just ..................... (run) away. When I ..................... (come) back home, I ..................... (cry). Just a little bit, you know. Then I ..................... (say) to myself: Forget about Jason. There are plenty more fish in the sea! What do you think of him? Is he worth it? Please, write back soon. Love, Bea

Complete the story with negative forms.

Blue Monday I .................................. (not have) a good day yesterday. I ......................... (cannot) stay in bed late, because it was Monday and I had to go to school. Unfortunately, I .................................... (not get) up on time and I ................................ (not catch) the bus. I wanted to take a taxi, but I ........................ (not be) lucky. There ........................... (not be) any taxis in our street. I ....................................... (not want) to ask my dad to take me by car, because I thought it ........................... (not be) a very good idea. I went to school on foot and as I ....................... (not be) used to long walks, I was pretty tired. I.......................................... (not listen) to our English teacher and when we wrote a revision test I ..................................... (not pass) it. Believe me, my parents ......................... (not be) very happy about it.

Choose the correct question.

□ Did your students their homework? □ Did your students do their homework? Yes, they did. They always do.

□ Who went with you? □ Who did go with you? Nobody. I went there alone.

□ Did you worked all day yesterday? □ Did you work all day yesterday? Of course, I did. I was so tired!

□ Which jeans liked you best? □ Which jeans did you like best? I don't know. They were awful. □ Why was Tim and Greg so unhappy? □ Why were Tim and Greg so unhappy? Because they had an argument.

□ Why didn't you answer the phone? □ Why did not you answer the phone? The phone? I did not hear it.

□ Were they not at the hospital on Sunday? □ Didn't they be at the hospital on Sunday? Not on Sunday. They went there on Saturday.

□ Had you a shower this morning? □ Did you have a shower this morning? Sorry? I have a shower every morning.

Future Simple

Put the sentences in future simple.

1. You can speak to him.

__________________ to him.

2. You can dance there.

__________________ there

3. We must stay here.

__________________ here

4. I can help you.

__________________ you

5. She must make sandwiches.

__________________ sandwiches.

6. She can read English books.

__________________ English books.

7. They can go to the party.

__________________ to the party.

8. They must invite their friends

__________________ their friends.

9. You can buy food there.

 __________________  food there.

10. We can grow vegetables.

__________________  vegetables.

Change the verb into the Future Simple.

1. We (do) this together.
2. Next year (be) very exciting.
3. People (invent) new things.
4. I (be) in Rome next week.
5. John (be) very pleased.
6. Wait, I (do) this.
7. We (catch) him.
8. They (probably finish) tomorrow.
9. You (find) your bag.
10. Bonnie (like) you.
11. It (be) sunny tomorrow.
12. The winter (be) especially cold.
13. The next game (be) hard to win.
14. I (speak) with him about you.
15. You (send) Kate the pictures. 

Use the verbs in brackets in Future Simple.

 I like to go to school. I have many good friends there. But I like Sundays more.  Soon it ____ (be) Sunday, and all our family  _____ ( be ) at home. I _____ (get up) at 9 o’clock, and then I_____ (do) my morning exercises and have breakfast together with my parents. After breakfast I ____ (help) my mother in the kitchen and my father ____ (go) shopping. Then we  (go) for a walk in the park or to the cinema.

After dinner my friends ____ (come) to me, and we ____ (play) together at home or in the yard. In the evening my mother ____ (knit), my father ____ (watch) a concert on TV and I ____ (listen) to music or read a book. I know that I ____ (have) a lot of fun next Sunday.

Complete the sentences with the future simple. Keep the same meaning.

Example: I think Jim's birthday party is on Saturday. (have) I think Jim will have his birthday party on Saturday.

You can't take my car. I use it at weekends. (need)

You can't take my car. I ................................... it next weekend.

Waiter, we would like two glasses of orange juice. (have) Waiter, we .............................. two glasses of orange juice.

Do you think our English teacher is preparing a test for tomorrow? (write) Do you think we .......................................... a test tomorrow?

I don't mind going to the cinema if you help me with the housework. (go) I ........................ to the cinema if you help me with the housework.

I have a lot of work to do in the evening. (work) I ................................ a lot in the evening.

Dad can't take you to the station because there is a football match on TV. (want) Dad can't take you to the station because he ..................................to see a football match.

This film is worth the money! (watch) I .................................... this film!

There is a museum on our programme for tomorrow. (visit) We .................................. a museum tomorrow.

Jumbled sentences - make future simple questions.

Example: you | tidy | room | your. ………………… Will you tidy your room?

Bill | arrive | when ………………………………………………........................…………..?

not | work | mum | late | your | tonight .................................................................................................................. ?

at | be | Marion | tomorrow | school ....................................................................................................................?

you | what | leave | time …..………..................................................................................................?

classmates | in | be | classroom | their | your ................................................................................................................... ?

hairstyle | think | what | Matt | my | of | new

………………………………………....................................................... ?

concert | enjoy | the | Mr. and Mrs. Gregson .................................................................................................................. ?

you | till | stay | there | not | Sunday ................................................................................................................... ?

you | address | your | tell | me | email ................................................................................................................... ?

the | how | Joe | find | hotel

Choose the correct form.

Don't leave your keys on the table. You will | won't forget it.

If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we will | won't take our umbrellas.

Susan will | won't like it if you come late.

Anna will | won't be on holiday next week

I'm told you are ill. I hope you will | won't feel better again.

“I have no idea how to do it”. - I will | won't do it.

Turn on your laptop tonight. We will | won't chat a little bit.

I will | won't be a doctor, because I didn't finish my studies.

You needn't wear your cap. It will | won't be cold today.

I am really tired. I will | won't have a rest
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