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  • Use the verbs in the list to complete the sentences.

  • Write questions and negatives.

  • Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of Present continuous.

  • Write questions from these words.

  • Note

  • In the following sentences use either Present Continuous or Simple Present form

  • Past Continuous. Choose the correct tense

  • Find mistakes and correct them

  • Read these sentences and make questions.

  • Put the verbs in brackets in the right form

  • Use Present Continuous, Past Continuous or Future Continuous.

  • Put positive sentences into negative ones.

  • Future Continuous Rewrite sentences. Use future simple or future continuous

  • Put the verbs in brackets in Future continuous.

  • Use Future Continuous with the verbs in brackets.

  • Write negative sentences.

  • Answer the questions in Future Continuous.

  • Develop your ideas. Use Future Continuous.

  • Look through Mike’ plan for the next week and make up sentences.

  • Grammar exercises. English for technical institutes (Shevtsova G. V) Unit To be

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    Continuous Tenses (Present, Past, Future)
    Present Continuous.

    Write the verb to be in the right form

    1. You … swimming in the pool now.

    2.  My sister … cleaning her room.

    3. They … waiting for us.

    4.  I … having dinner now.

    5.  It … still raining outside.

    6.  We … skiing in the Alps.

    7.  I … taking a shower now.

    8. You …writing a letter to our uncle.

    9. My friend … reading a book.

    10. I … drinking tea.

    11. They … making noise.

    12. He … looking through the window.

    13. She … helping about the house/

    14. We … watching TV.

    15. Granny … cooking dinner.
    16. The dog … sitting at the door.

    17. It … looking at me.

    18.  My sister … reading a book.

    19. I … doing my housework.

    20. Jack … eating an orange now.

    21. They… singing a funny song.

    22. She … cooking breakfast.

    23.We … watching a cartoon.
    Use the verbs in the list to complete the sentences.

    eat   go   fly   watch   do   sing  write   work   wait

    1. Listen! Somebody … a nice song.

    2. I … to London next week.

    3. I …. a letter to my friend Pam now.

    4. I’m very tired. We … hard these days.

    5. Jane …. a delicious cake with maple syrup.

    6. We … to play football tomorrow with Bob’s friends.

    7. They … an interesting programme about animals at the moment.

    8. Sarah …. a bus at the bus stop at the moment.

    9. Peter and liza … the washing-up now.

    Write questions and negatives.

    1. She is reading a book now.

    2. We are listening to music.

    3. They are going to wash the car.

    4. He is cleaning his bedroom now.

    5. They are swimming in the river.

    6. The children are playing basketball in the garden.

    7. Dan is talking on the other phone right now.

    8. Jan is taking a shower at the moment/

    9. At the moment I am travelling round Europe.

    10. Giselle is planning to visit me in Russia next year sometime.  

    11. Charles is writing a letter to his girlfriend.

    12. Margaret is preserving tomatoes.

    13. I am playing on a local team this season.

    14. Their son Ted is preparing for his exam at the moment.

    15. The children are taking their dog out for a walk.

    Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of Present continuous.

    1. Be quiet! Mum … (sleep).

    2. What … you … (do) now?

    3. The dog … (play) with a ball.

    4. I … (watch) TV. I’m listening to music.

    5. The children … (drink) milk in the kitchen.

    6. He … (have) a bath.

    7. Why … you … (laugh)?

    8. I … (solve) my problem in the wrong way.

    9. He … (go) to see her on his holidays.

    10. Jim and Jacob … (play) the violin melodies by the composer Brahmas.

    11. He … (cook) an Italian meal of spaghetti.

    12. … your wife (arrive) on Monday?

    13. I … (read) a detective story now.

    14. … you (get) back on Sunday evening?

    15. They … (watch) the film “Gone with the wind”

    Write questions from these words.

    1. (Why / looking / are / you / me / at?)

    2. (She / dishes / washing / is / now?)

    3. (are / What / reading / you?)

    4. (going / she / Where / is?)

    5. (your parents / travelling / are / abroad?)

    6. (she / is / a / nice / wearing / dress?)

    7. (is / working / clock / that?)

    8. (mechanic / the / going / to / repair / father’s / my / this / car / week / is)

    9. (at / stadium / I / playing / the / tennis / am / “Locomotiv”/ Sunday / on).

    10. (they / planning / to / go / are / fishing / Wednesday / on).

    11. (weekend / are / to / trees / plant / my / and / parents / and / I / going / this).

    12. (at / this / artist / moment / painting / a / is / the / picture).

    13. (I / using / the / am / Internet / to / article / a / needed / search / now).

    14. (we / thinking / of / in / for / are / a / sports / little / going).

    15. (the / is / concert / to / be / going / in / student’s / held / our / held).
    Correct the mistakes

    1. They learning English.

    2. She is play tennis.

    3. You is drinking milk.

    4. What is they doing?

    5. Where your friends staying?

    6. He am going to the shops.

    7. I isn’t talking on the phone.

    8. She listening to the radio now.

    9. You is reading for the exam in History.

    10. Where your friends training now?

    11. They going to wash the car.

    12. She not cleaning the bedroom now.

    13. Who are swimming in the river?

    14. They are not listen to me.

    15. The children play basketball in the garden.

    These words do not generally use a PRESENT CONTINUOUS form
    Believe, depend, forget, hate, know, like, love, mean, need, prefer, remember, understand, and want.


    1. Каждый год он проводит каникулы в горах.

    2. Мама на кухне. Она печет торт.

    3. Наши дети любят играть в саду.

    4. Где Том? – Он играет в саду.

    5. Что вы сейчас читаете? – Я читаю “ Прощай, оружие!” Э. Хемингуэя.

    6. Кто-то стучит в дверь. Откройте, пожалуйста.

    7. Что-то дети сильно присмирели. Сходите, пожалуйста, и посмотрите, что они делают. – Они что-то рисуют.

    8. Он всегда пьет кофе утром, а сейчас пьет чай.

    9. Он обычно так быстро говорит, что я его не понимаю.

    10. Вы понимаете, что говорит лектор? – Конечно.

    11. Что она обычно делает по вечерам? – Она обычно читает или слушает радио.

    12. Аня шьет себе платье сейчас. Она всю одежду шьет себе сама.

    13. На ней сегодня шляпа, потому что солнце слишком жаркое.

    14. Я не могу вам дать сейчас газету, потому что я ее сейчас читаю.

    15. Вы записаны в нашу библиотеку? – Да.

    Вы много читаете? – Да, довольно много.

    Как часто вы меняете книги? – Я меняю их через три – пять дней.

    16. Вы видите где-нибудь мои очки? – Нет, я их ищу.

    17. Почему вы так быстро идете сегодня?  Вы обычно ходите совсем медленно. – Я тороплюсь, потому что моя сестра ждет меня.

    18. Птицы обычно строят гнезда на том дереве.

    19. Что это слово означает?

    20. На кого ты смотришь? — Я смотрю на этого человека.

    Ты узнаешь его? — Я думаю, что я узнаю его, но я не помню его имя.

    21. Не беспокой меня больше, я работаю.

    22. Что ты хочешь, мой милый? – Мне скучно, поиграй со мной.

    23. Вы слышите что-нибудь? – Нет Я ничего не слышу.

    24. С кем секретарь сейчас говорит по телефону?

    25. Кого вы здесь ждете? – Я жду свою сестру.

    26. Не заходите с класс. Ученики сейчас сдают экзамены.

    27. Я не понимаю это правило. Объясните мне его еще раз.

    28. Как ваша дочь знает английский язык? – Она знает его хорошо.

    29. На каком языке вы обычно говорите дома?

    30. На каком языке он говорит сейчас?
    In the following sentences use either Present Continuous or Simple Present form.

    1. Susan (knit) a sweater for her cousin’s birthday.

    2. Mother (cook) broccoli for dinner, but Steve (hate) that vegetable.

    3. It (snow) so hard I cannot see across the street.

    4. You (remember) your first day at school?

    5. Tonight the lecturer (speak) about rattlesnakes.

    6. Where you (go)?

    7. She (prefer) tea.

    8. Paul (speak) three languages.

    9. You (believe) in ghosts?

    10. I always (forget) my cousin’s birthday.

    11. Tim (play) in a gold tournament this week.

    12. He (play) in tournaments every chance he (get).

    13. Karen (read) a book for her literature class.

    14. It (rain) so much that the city park by the river is now flooded.

    15. We (go) to the movies tonight after dinner.

    16. I (write) a letter to my nephew now.

    17. I (leave) work at 6 p.m. most days.

    18. “Who you (phone)?” I (try) to get through to John.

    19. Holidays abroad (become) increasingly popular these days.

    20. Dad always (clean) the car when I want to use it!

    Past Continuous.

    Choose the correct tense.

    As the stranger came | was coming to the station, a car stopped | was stopping behind him. My grandma never watched | was never watching TV. But she read | was reading books. I started | was starting work at 6 o'clock. He got up | was getting up and switched off | was switching off the light. When I finished | was finishing my homework, I cooked | was cooking dinner. While we listened | were listening to the news, the telephone rang | was ringing. Kate stood up | was standing up and answered | was answering it. As I drove | was driving to work last Friday, a car crashed | was crashing in front of me. I stepped | was stepping on the brakes. Yesterday Carrol wrote | was writing emails from 10 to 11 and then from 5 to 7 again. We arrived in Cannes at 2.30. The sun shone | was shining, people sunbathed | were sunbathing on the beach and big yachts sailed | were sailing near the harbour. We parked our car and went | were going to the beach.

    Find mistakes and correct them.

    I was doing my homework first and then I had a rest.

    My mum was often driving when she was younger.

    While daddy didn't look, Susan put his key in her pocket.

    I needed to talk to her. And at 10 I was calling her.

    I saw you with Jill at the cafe. You talked.

    Your English is very good. Where were you studying?

    As they walked along the river, they saw something in the water.

    I was taking her to Dover. We had a great time.

    The weather was perfect when the sun was shining. But it was changing soon.

    When he met her, she wore a hat.

    Read these sentences and make questions.

    Example: When I met him, he was talking on the telephone. Who to? (he | talk) – Who was he talking to?

    The company wanted to finish this house last week. And when it? (they | start)

    I saw your wife last night. She was driving a car. What car.? (she | drive)

    I tried to get in touch with you last weekend. Why to get in touch with me? (you | want)

    My sister was not listening when I wanted to tell her. What ? (your sister | do)

    When I came to his bedroom, he was snoring. How ? On his back? (he | lie)

    At 10 o'clock I was watching a documentary film. Which channel ? (you | watch)

    I had an accident on Monday. What? (happen | you)

    Use Past Continuous

    1. When I entered the bathroom he … (shave).

    2. When she met him, they … (work) for the same company.

    3. What you … (do) last night?

    4. I showed him my new dress, but he … (not look) at it.

    5. When it started to rain, they … (sit) on the grass.

    6. Which hotel Anna … (stay) when she lost her credit card?

    7. We … (sleep) when the phone rang.

    8. Doctor Fleming discovered penicillin while he … (study) influenza.

    9. Sam … (stand) under the tree because it … (rain).

    10. When the teacher came into the classroom, the children … (run) and … (scream).

    11. While Bob … (chop) the meat, his wife … (peel) potatoes.

    12. When I arrived at the party, all the guests … (dance).

    13. The waiter cut his finger while he … (pick up) the broken glasses.

    14. What you … (wear) when he met you?

    15. I … (live) in Mexico in June, 2010.

    16. They (to write) the test at this time yesterday. 

    17. He (to work) in the garden from six till nine o'clock. 

    18. We (to watch) television the whole evening. 

    19. You (to play) chess at six o'clock? 

    20. You (to drink) tea at seven o'clock.

    21. He (to draw) from three till five o'clock?

    22. Who (to listen) to the radio at this time? 

    23. It (to rain) the whole day yesterday? 

    24. They (to skate) at five o'clock? 

    25. She (not to help) mother about the house from two till seven. 

    Put the verbs in brackets in the right form
    1. When I (come) home, my two hamsters (sleep).
    2. When I (wash) the floor, I (find) my old toy under the sofa.
    3. Jack (ride) his bike, while Jill and Jane (run) to prepare for the competition.
    4. When Fred (come) over, I (play) with my cat. Then I (stop) playing, (put on) my coat and we (go) for a walk.
    5. When granny (read) a book on the sofa, she (fall) asleep.
    6. When mother (arrive) from work, I (play) computer games.

    7. I quickly (finish) playing and (begin) doing my homework. 
    8. When I (get up), my mother and father (drink) tea. 
    9. Jane (watch) the game while Tim and Tom (play) football
    10. When Alice (call) me, I (watch TV). Then I (stop) watching and (go) to the sports ground with Alice.
    11. When mother (come) home, the children (play) on the carpet.
    12. While granny (cook) dinner, I (tell) her about my school day.
    13. He (repair) his bicycle the whole day yesterday.
    14. He (finish) repairing his bicycle in the evening yesterday
    Use Present Continuous, Past Continuous or Future Continuous.

    to shine

    1. The sun … yesterday morning.

    2. The sun … brightly now.

    3. Tomorrow the sun … all day long.

    to write

    1. I … a postcard at the moment.

    2. I … a postcard when you phoned.

    3. I … a lot of Christmas cards tomorrow evening.

    to sit

    1. We … in the garden at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon.

    2. This time tomorrow we … in the garden.

    3. We … in the garden now.

    1. I … (study) Japanese online from 5 till 6 tomorrow evening.

    2. Listen! Why the dogs … (bark)?

    3. She … (wear) a yellow coat when I saw her.

    4. They … (take) their driving test next Monday.

    5. I dropped my wallet when I … (get) on the bus.

    6. What you … (do) in my office yesterday?

    7. Bob … (feel) much better today.

    8. The kids … (watch) cartoons in their room now.

    9. I’m afraid she … (sleep) in ten minutes.

    10. We … (have) tea soon?

    Put positive sentences into negative ones.

    1. We are enjoying the party. He’ll be playing chess in an hour.

    2. They were planting flowers in the garden last May. I am looking for a job.

    3. The phone was working yesterday. Margaret will be working as a waiter during her summer holidays

    4. The secretary is typing a contract.

    5. We were living in Paris then

    6. I was feeling well that day, so I went out with the others.

    7. Karla was always complaining about something or other.

    8. We were planning to come to your party.

    9. We were driving home from the shopping mall when we heard a loud bang.

    10. While Rob was playing his match, I was waiting in the car outside.

    Future Continuous

    Rewrite sentences. Use future simple or future continuous.

    Don't call me at 10 o'clock. I am going to fly to Spain. ........................................................................................................................................................... I suppose we're going to stay at a hotel next summer. ........................................................................................................................................................... Come to see me in the afternoon. I work in the garden. ........................................................................................................................................................... Do you think it is snowing at the weekend? ........................................................................................................................................................... Is the coat OK.? - Yes, I am taking it. ........................................................................................................................................................... This time on Sunday we are going to ski in France. ........................................................................................................................................................... I don't know if I will stay here. Perhaps I move to a big city one day. ...........................................................................................................................................................Every student is using a computer in the near future. ........................................................................................................................

    Put the verbs in brackets in Future continuous.

    Tomorrow John __________ (to get up) at seven. Then he _________ (to go) to school. He __________ (to have) dinner at one. He ____________ (to come home) at three. Then he _____________ (to play) in the yard. After that he ___________ (to do) his homework.

    Use Future Continuous with the verbs in brackets.

    1. This time next Monday, I _______ in a huge office in New York. (work)

    2. This time on Tuesday, Mary ___________ on a beach in Italy. (sunbathe)

    3. Don’t make noise after midnight – I ________ soundly, I hope. (sleep)

    4. Jackeline _______ to Kenya tomorrow at this time. (fly)

    5. Students _______ copies while he _________the report. (make/ finish)

    6. I_______ in my study library at 6pm tomorrow. (work).

    7. This time next year we ________ the Pacific Ocean. (cross)

    8. I _________ the dinner table while my mother__________  the meat. (lay / prepare)

    9. You’ll recognize Molly! She _________ a pink hat. (wear)

    10. From 7 till 12 I __________ classes. (have)

    11. ________you ______ your bike this evening? (use)

    12. My auntie and uncle __________ with us this weekend. (stay)

    13. I ________ television from ten pm to midnight. (to watch)

    14. This time on Friday I ______ on the beach. (to lie)

    15. What ______you _______ tomorrow evening? (to do)

    16. _______you __________ late tomorrow night? (to work)

    17. Don’t ring Greg up at 10am. He_______  his music lesson. (have)

    18. The boys of our team ________ football tomorrow morning. (play)

    19. It ________ probably __________ when we arrive in Kongo. (rain)

    20. It is mid-autumn, the leaves ___________ soon . (fall)


    Write negative sentences.

    Example: Will the sun rise at six? The sun won't rise at six.

    Will you be listening to records in the evening?

    Will it rain all the summer?

    Will you have a cup of coffee?

    Will everyone be using mobile phones in future?

    Will dad be watching the match when I return?

    Will you fail the English exam?

    Will the mankind destroy our planet?

    Answer the questions in Future Continuous.

    1. What will Zana be doing? (make a skirt)

    2. What will Michael be doing? (swim in the Red Sea)

    3. What will Paul’s grandfather be doing? (work in the orchard)

    4. What will Greg be doing at the University? (study languages)

    5. What will Megan’s mother be doing? (fly to Mumbai)

    6. What will the singer be doing at the concert? (sing songs)

    7. What will the journalist be doing? (interview the President)

    8. What will the professor be doing next September? (read lectures)

    9. What will Sue be doing at 5 o’clock tomorrow? (do homework)

    10. What will Nelly and Diana be doing at this time next week? (rest in Hawaii)

    11. What will Kate be doing all day next Saturday? (visit her grandparents)

    12. What will they be doing all next week? (prepare to the wedding party)

    Develop your ideas. Use Future Continuous.

    1. Don’t call on Steven tonight. (pack)

    2. Don’t ring anybody up at six am. (sleep)

    3. Don’t wait for Melody tomorrow, (train)

    4. Don’t tell your Granny. (grumble)

    5. Don’t expect Molly to come on Saturday, (work)

    6. Don’t come to see Miranda after lunch. (typing her novel)

    7. Don’t send Molly any letters in July. (travel)

    8. Don’t ask Sue to come to your party. (travel around Canada)

    9. Don’t invite them to visit you tomorrow evening. (dance at the party)

    10. Don’t arrange any meetings from three to five tomorrow. (have a conference)

    Translate into English

    1. Сегодня в кино ты будешь сидеть со мной.

    2. Андрей будет ждать тебя возле гипермаркета в 4.

    3. Ты пообедаешь со мной завтра? – В это время я сдаю экзамен.

    4. Интересно, чем будут заняты дети, пока мы будем наслаждаться концертом.

    5. Как я узнаю Тома? На нем будет зеленое пальто.

    6. Интересно, будем ли мы все еще встречаться через год.

    7. Если ты ей расскажешь, она будет плакать.

    8. Чем ты будешь занят завтра в шесть?

    9. Уже через час Гриша будет работать в огороде.

    10. Я встречаюсь с друзьями после работы, я могу прийти домой поздно.

    11. Боюсь, что не смогу с вами увидеться завтра, я на конференции целый день.

    12. В понедельник они работают дома.

    13. Встретимся у главного входа в театр. Мы будем ждать вас там.

    14. Через несколько минут стюардессы продемонстрируют вам спасательное оборудование.

    15. Не звони мне завтра вечером. Я буду работать над докладом.

    Look through Mike’ plan for the next week and make up sentences.
    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   ...   16

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