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  • Put the verbs in brackets in Future Perfect Simple.

  • Use the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences

  • Rewrite the sentences with expressions in brackets

  • Make questions in the future perfect to complete the dialogues.

  • Translate into English using Future Perfect.

  • Future perfect continuous Form

  • Put the verbs in brackets in Future Perfect Continuous.

  • Make up sentences in Future Perfect Continuous.

  • Translate using Future Perfect Continuous.

  • Fill in all the gaps with the correct form of the future perfect continuous

  • Fill in the correct form verb in either the future perfect simple or future perfect progressive tense.

  • Future Perfect or Future Perfect Continuous

  • Complete the sentences with the future continuous, future perfect or future perfect continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

  • Grammar exercises. English for technical institutes (Shevtsova G. V) Unit To be

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    Future Perfect Simple
    Form: I will have painted, He will have painted, (I'll have painted, He'll have painted). Negative statement: I will not have painted (I won't have painted), He will not have painted (He won't have painted) Question: Will you have painted? Neg. question: Will you not have painted? (Won't you have painted?)

    1. We use the future perfect simple for events that will be completed before or at a certain time.

    2. It is often used with a time expression beginning with by: by then, by that time, by midnight, by the end of the year.

    3. The time can also be given by other time expressions (on Sunday, before 31 June) or other activities expressed in different future tenses.

    Examples: I will have sent the project by Friday. On 11 August this year we will have been married for five years. When the mountaineers get back to the base, they'll have been in the snowstorm for two days. We'll have reached the top before noon. How long will she have worked here by the end of this year? In all these examples, at a given time the future perfect actions will be in the past.
     Put the verbs in brackets in Future Perfect Simple.

    1. I ________ a Londoner for five and a half years by next September. (be)

    2. By Tuesday Jill ________ these novels by O’Henry. (finish)

    3. Next year is Fred and Kate’s 10th wedding anniversary. They _________ happily married for ten years. (be)

    4. Molly thinks the film _________ by the time she gets to Fred’s. (to start)

    5. They _________ the plans by then. (to finish)

    6. Before his holiday Tom _______ all his money. (to spend)

    7. The train _________ by the time the couple get to the station. (to leave)

    8. I __________ dinner by then. (cook)

    9. I _______my chemistry homework before Jillian comes home. (finish)

    10. Fernando __________ his operation by August and should be much fitter. (have)

    11. Before Lisa arrives, I _________ dinner. (finish)

    12. Johnny ___________ this document by 7pm o’clock this afternoon. (translate)

    13. Helen _______ this awesome doll by her daughter’s birthday. (make)

    14. Steven ________ his lesson by tomorrow. (not/learn)

    15. This test is so arduous, that I _________ it in a day’s time. (not/complete)

    16. You __________ over half a thousand words when you finish this English book (learn).

    17. The commission _________ to a definite decision in a month. (come)

    18. I won’t see Molly on the 1st of August since I _________ to the South by that time. (go)

    Use the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences. Use Future perfect simple
    I'll tell you tomorrow. I ...................................................... by then. (decide)

    When you come next time, we ........................................................ in a new house. (move)

    By the time we reach the coast, the storm ................................................ . (end)

    In two years's time I ................................................... my university studies. (finish)

    He .......................................................... the film before he retires. (complete)

    Next year we ................................................... in Spain for ten years. (be)

    Don't worry. I ............................................................ the manager by noon. (contact)

    The dinner will be ready when we get back. Mum ...................................................... it. (cook) Please, call again later. Mr. Jones ......................................................... by two o'clock. (return) The garden party will be in July. Do you think the grass ................................... in time? (grow)
    Rewrite the sentences with expressions in brackets

    Example: The meal will be ready sooner than at 6 o'clock. (finish) I will have finished the meal by 6 o'clock.
    You will get the photographs on Friday. I ....................................................... the photographs by the end of the week. (take)

    Call me later. I will know the information. When you call me I .......................................................... the information. (find out)

    I will be here tomorrow, but Tim is going to leave today. I will still be here tomorrow, but Tim ........................................... . (leave)

    Clare will have nothing to do in half an hour. Clare .......................................................... her work in half an hour. (finish)

    In summer there will be two new houses in this field. By next winter they ............................................... two new houses in this field. (build)

    When we come to the station, the train will be already there. The train ....................................................... at the station before we come there. (arrive)

    I will have 150 lessons in the English course. I ............................................................. 150 lessons when the English course ends. (attend)

    We will have no bread tomorrow. We .............................................................. all that bread by tomorrow. (eat)

    They will be in the middle of the journey when they reach York. They .................................................... half of the journey in York. (do)

    If you don't hurry, you won't meet anyone at the party. Hurry up or everyone ......................... home by the time you get to the party. (go)
    Make questions in the future perfect to complete the dialogues. Use the following verbs:

    start reach cover read clean turn paint do change update
    What time ............. you ..................................... the windows? By 5 o'clock, I hope.

    When ............ Samantha ................................................... the book? She'll give it back to you in two weeks' time, she promissed.

    How many projects ............... you ................................................... when you finish this one? This is only my second project.

    When .............. Susan ............................................... the portrait? Before the end of the day, I would say.

    ............ you ................................................. the oil before we collect our car? Yes, I will. I'll have done it by one o'clock.

    ............ the show ................................................ if we come in two hours?

    I'm afraid it will start in an hour.

    ............ Angie ................................................ her CV by the time she goes to the interview? She's already done it.

    When ............ you ........................................................... all the topics? When I finish my lectures.

    ............ we .................................................. the top of the mountain before the sun sets? Don't worry. It's just two hours' walk.

    ............ my hair ............................................ grey in a ten years' time? Who knows?
    Correct mistakes.
    In two years' time we will have reconstruct our house.

    In two years' time we ......................................................................... our house.

    Will have your father returned by Sunday? .................................................................................................... by Sunday?

    My friend will taken up a new job before summer.

    My friend ............................................................................ a new job before summer.

    Will you prepared everything for me when I arrive?

    .................................................................... everything for me when I arrive?

    Will you have gone to bed at midnight?

    ..................................................................... to bed ...................................... ?

    By the end of next week Sharon has come back from Greece.

    By the end of next week Sharon ............................................................. from Greece.

    We will have tidy up the rooms before our guests appear.

    We ................................................................. the rooms before our guests appear.

    Next month we will be married for five years.

    Next month ............................................................. married for five years.

    The translation will be ready when you need it. Greg is going to do it by then. The translation will be ready when you need it. Greg ................................................ it by then.

    At the end of this exercise I will correct ten mistakes. At the end of this exercise I ................................................................ ten mistakes.

    Translate into English using Future Perfect.

    1. Майкл закончит этот отчет до завтра.

    2. Студенты доделают работу к трем часам по полудню.

    3. К июню мы сдадим сессию.

    4. Строители построят школу к началу сентября.

    5. Я напишу заявление к тому времени, как приедет секретарь.

    6. Поезд уйдет, пока мы доберемся до станции.

    7. Зоя переведет этот доклад к понедельнику.

    8. К ночи Меган переведет эту длинную статью.

    9. Стивен уже уедет в Париж, когда Молли вернется из Конго.

    10. Зора не дочитает эту дурацкую книгу к концу года.

    Future perfect continuous
    Form: Positive statement: I will have been meeting (I'll have been meeting) Negative statement: I will not have been meeting (I won't have been meeting) Question: Will you have been meeting? Neg. question: Will you not have been meeting? (Won't you have been meeting?)


    1. We use the future perfect continuous tense for activities that will continue until a point of time in the future and will not be completed.

    2. Like the simple tense it is normally used with by or other time expressions and future actions. I'll go home on 20 June. By then I'll have been staying at this hotel for a fortnight. At six o'clock we'll have been waiting here for three hours. When you arrive, we'll have been sitting in the classroom all day.

    Put the verbs in brackets in Future Perfect Continuous.

    1. By next week the group _________ (shoot) their clip for twenty days.

    2. By Easter Sandy and Malory __________ (work) together for 7 years.

    3. In some minutes, Fred _______ (wait) for 2 hours already.

    4. We’ll be halfway through our swim in an hour so we ________ (swim) non-stop for 48 hours.

    5. If Melissa is still on the phone at 5pm, Fred ________ (to talk) to her for over six hours.

    6. By the time Mike arrives, Megan _______ (read) the funny book for 4 hours.

    7. By July the Stevensons __________ (build) their cottage for a year.

    8. If nobody stops Fred, he _________ (grumble) till night.

    Make up sentences in Future Perfect Continuous.

    1. been / will / the New Year / a teacher / for / working / by / Andrew / have / as / 15 years.

    2. for / Mark / before / will / been / at the conference / Moscow / leaves / working  / he / have / for 2 days.

    3. for / at Christmas / writing / will / she / have / her / new / been / novel  / seven years?

    4. go / the competition / for / their / before / training /  have  / they / to / coach / will  / been / them / three months.

    5. By/ two/ Friday/ next/ will/ been/ I/ waiting/ for/ exam/ my/ results/ over/ months/ have/ for.

    6. They/ working/ since/ eight/ so/o’clock/ they/ will/ be/ been/ have/ will/ tired.

    7. On/ essay/ by/ o’clock/ nine/ for / four/ will/ working/ hours/ been/ my/ have/I.

    8. And/ I/ then/ been/ here/ by/ waiting/ for/ six/ have/ more/ than/ will/ hours.

    9. Year/ I/ company/ for/ next/ will/ years/ thirty/ been/ have/ years/ in/ the.

    10. When/ 40/ he/ is/ will/ been/ Spanish/ for/ have/ learning/ years/ 15/ he.

    Translate using Future Perfect Continuous.

    1. Когда наша дочь пойдет в школу, мы уже будем жить в этом городе 10 лет.

    2. В конце месяца будет 5 лет, как я учу китайский.

    3. К тому времени, как Майкл закончит колледж, его отец проработает в Боливии два года.

    4. Я буду писать третий портрет к тому времени, как Молли вернется.

    5. Они будут смотреть этот сериал пока ты не скачаешь новый.

    6. В следующем году будет десять лет, как он изучает испанский.

    7. В конце следующей недели будет месяц как мы работаем над этим проектом.

    8. К 11 утра будет 10 часов как он спит.

    9. К 2019 году исполнится 20 лет как они живут в Мадриде.

    10. К концу этой недели будет 15 дней как они будут читать эту книгу.

    Fill in all the gaps with the correct form of the future perfect continuous
    Before I stop, I ……………………………………………………………………….. (smoke) for 10 years.

    My sister ………………………………………(date) the same guy for 3 years before she gets married.

    Prof. Lee in the English department …………………..  (live) in Sharjah for 20 years before she finally retires and moves back to America.

    By the time I tell him to stop, my brother ……………………………………. (study) for 12 hours straight.

    My parents ……………..(save) money for 40 years before they have enough to buy their dream house.

    That tree…………….(grow) for a hundred years before it is big enough to provide shade for our house.

    We …………………………………...  (train) for 2 years before our team is ready for the next World Cup.

    If it continues raining for another day, it …….……. …… (rain) for forty days and forty nights. (live, they) here long before they get citizenship?

    I…………………………………..  (not, study) long when you arrive, but that's okay. I can continue later.

    By the time we get to the top of the mountain, we …………………. (climb) for longer than anyone else.

    That satellite …………………………………………. (operate) for 10 years before it needs replacement.

    My family ………………….. (help) my grandfather with his farm for 20 years when he sells it next year.

    The sun ………………………………………………  (shine) for an hour before I finally get up on Sunday.

    Before they arrive, we ……………………………………………………….  (watch) the movie for an hour.

    Fill in the correct form verb in either the future perfect simple or future perfect progressive tense.

    Examples: Tamara will have completed her Bachelor’s Degree by June. (complete). The customer service department will have been operating for 2 years by then. (operate)

    1. By the time I start my shift, Dr. Frazier _________ for 18 hours straight. (work)

    2. Sheila ____ the scholarship by the time she starts school in September. (get)

    3. By this time next month, I hope they ____building the community center. (finish)

    4. Professor Adams ______ at this university for 25 years by the time he retires in June. (teach)

    5. By this time tomorrow night we ______ in Australia. (arrive)

    6. ______ he ______ the message by the time your flight takes off? (receive)

    7. Dana _____ the night shift by the time you get up in the morning. (not finish)

    8. The team _____ at the exhibition for five hours by the time I arrive there. (work)

    9. By the time we get on the plane, they ____already _____ the luggage. (load)

    10. By 2025, I hope researchers ______ a cure for cancer. (find)

    Future Perfect or Future Perfect Continuous?

    By the time we get to Chicago this evening, we (drive) ………….. more than four hundred miles. We are going to be exhausted.

    1. When Sara goes on vacation next month, she (study)…………… German for over two years. She should be able to communicate fairly well while she is in Austria.

    2. I have not travel much yet; however, I (visit) ………… the Grand Canyon and San Francisco by the time I leave the United States.

    3. By the time you finish studying the verb tense tutorial, you (master)…………all twelve tenses including their passive forms.

    4. Drive faster if you don’t hurry up, she (have) …………… by the time we get to the hospital.

    5. I came to England six moths ago. I started my economics course three months ago. When I return to Australia, I (study) ……….. for nine months and I (be) …………. In England for exactly one year.

    6. Margie just called and said she would be here at 8 o’clock. By the time she gets here, we (wait) …………… for her for two hours.

    7. Frank just changed jobs again. If he keeps this up, he (change) …………. jobs at least four or five times by the end of the year.

    8. Come over to my house around 9 o’clock. By then, I (complete) ……….. my history assay and we can go see a movie.

    9. In June, my grandmother and grandfather (be) ……… married for fifty years.

    Complete the sentences with the future continuous, future perfect or future perfect continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

    Начало формы

    1. We (move) into our new house soon. I'm so excited.score

    2. I (go out) with John for two years in May.score

    3. (you / use) the car at the weekend?score

    4. This time tomorrow, we'll be celebrating because we (finish) our exams.score

    5. Don't phone her now. She (have) dinner.score

    6. We (not / work) next week. We'll be on holiday.score

    7. This time next month I (drive) for ten years.score

    8. I'm afraid the books you ordered (not / arrive) by Friday.

    9. ………..she (arrive) tomorrow?

    10. I (meet) my friends after work so I may be home late.

    11. They (work) since eight o’clock so they’be tired.

    12. It’s a really long flight. We (sit) for over 14 hours so will be exausted.

    13. I am working on my project this evening but I (do) most of it by senen thirty.

    14. If she carries like this she (lose) over five kilos by the end of the month.
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