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Grammar exercises. English for technical institutes (Shevtsova G. V) Unit To be

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12. Я слышал, как она играет на пианино. 

13. Учитель посоветовал нам воспользоваться словарём. 

14. Мы ожидаем, что наша команда выиграет в следующей игре. 

15. Я не хочу, чтобы ты ей что-либо об этом говорил. 

16. Я видел, как она открывала окно. 

17. Я видел, что он открыл окно. 

18. Это для тебя слишком тяжело, позволь мне тебе помочь. 

19. Вы хотите, чтобы мы сегодня встретились? 

20. Мы ожидаем, что на этом месте будет построен новый дом. 

21. Вы хотите, чтобы мы обсудили этот вопрос сегодня? 

22.Говорят, что он очень ленивый. 

23. Она наверняка скоро придёт. 

24. Он никогда не опаздывает, он всегда приходит первым. 

25. Он не уверен, что это можно сделать, но он хочет попытаться. 

26. Заставь его говорить громче, никто ничего не слышит. 

27. Нам бы лучше остановиться отдохнуть. 

28. Ты лучше останешься дома, или пойдёшь с нами в кино? 

29. Сообщают, что он уже приехал. 30. Маловероятно, что она придёт. 

31. Он несомненно придёт. 

32. Наверняка, они приготовят блестящий доклад.

33. Он оказался там раньше всех, а считали, что он опоздает по крайней мере на пол часа. 

34. Похоже, Надин знает ответ.

35. Думают, что она приехала из Франции. 

36. Считают, что Иван уже живёт в Германии 3 года. 

37.Известно, что наш староста любит петь. 

38. Он, кажется, очень взволнован. Должно быть что-то случилось. 

39. Тебе бы лучше поспешить, если ты не хочешь опоздать. 

40. – Вы не хотели бы еще чашечку кофе? – Нет, спасибо, я бы лучше выпила немного воды. 

41. Вероятно, он опоздает. 

42.Наверняка, они выиграют. 

43. Я слышал, как она играет на гитаре. 

44. Тебе лучше сделать домашнюю работу сегодня, завтра у тебя не будет на это времени. 

45. Мы, несомненно, успеем все сделать. 

46. Мы ожидаем, что наш тест будет легче, чем предыдущий. 

47. Говорят, что английский язык очень нужен в настоящее время.
Open brackets using the appropriate infinitive form
1. I consider myself lucky (to be) to that famous exhibition and (to see) so many wonderful paintings. 

2. He seems (to know) French very well: he is said (to spend) his youth in Paris. 

3. You seem (to look) for trouble. 

4. I heard the door of the entrance hall (to open) and (to close) softly.

5. The article is likely (to appear) in the next issue of the journal. 

6. He is sure (to tell) me all about this even I don’t ask him. 

7. It seemed (to snow) heavily since early morning: the ground was covered with a deep layer of snow. 

8. He began writing books not because he wanted (to earn) a living. He wanted (to read) and not (to forget). 

9. Irving turned out (to be) a long, pale-faced fellow. 

10. I felt Nick (to put) his hand on my shoulder. 

11. Soon we found that there was another complicated problem (to consider). 

12. Here are some articles (to translate) for tomorrow. 

13. Jane remembered (to tell) a lot about Mr. Rochester. 

14. I am very sorry (to add) some more trouble by what I have told you. 

15. (To play) chess was his greatest pleasure. 

16. Isn’t it natural that we like (to scold)? 

17. I am sorry (to spoil) your mood. 

18. She was sorry (to miss) the beginning of the concert. 

19. I should like him (to say) it to my face.


    1. Zero Conditional (present conditions)

Form: if + present tense, + present tense

If you heat water to 100 C, it boils.
Or: present tense + if + present tense

Water boils if you heat it to 100 C.

We use the Zero Conditional to talk about something that is a general truth or fact.

    1. First Conditional (first conditions)

Form: if + present tense, + will/won’t (might/could/going to) + verb

If I invest my money, I will grow.

Or: will/won’t (might/could/going to) + verb + if + present tense

My money will grow if I invest it.

We use the First Conditional to talk about something we feel is a probable future result.

Alternatives to if

UnlessI won’t wash your car unless you pay me.

In case - Take an umbrella in case it rains.

Even if - I won’t wash your car even if you pay me!

Provided / As long as – You can borrow the car provided I have it back by six o’clock.

    1. Second Conditional

Form: if + past tense, + would(n’t) (might/could) + verb

If I invented my money, it would grow.

Or: Would(n’t) (might/could) + verb + if + past tense

My money would grow if I invested it.

We use the Second Conditional to talk about imaginary, impossible or unlikely situations in the present or future. !!! The past tense does not refer to past time.

Alternatives to if

Unlikely condition clause can also be introduced with unless

I wouldn’t ask for your help unless I needed it.

To ask about imaginary situations we use imagine or suppose

Imagine you had a million dollars, what would you spend it on?

Supposed they lived in the country, would they feel safer?

    1. Third conditional

Form: if + past perfect, would (n’t) have + past participle
If you had asked me, I would have done it.
Or: would (n’t) have + past participle + if + past perfect
I would have done it if you had asked me.
We use the Third Conditional to talk about hypothetical situation in the past or to imagine the result of something that did not happen.

0 Type

1. When my sister … (come) to town we … (go) to the cinema together. (Когда моя сестра приезжает в город, мы ходим вместе в кино.)

2. If my kids … (run) in the playground they … (become) very thirsty. (Если мои дети бегают на игровой площадке, они очень хотят пить.)

I Type

1. If it … (cost) too much I … (not take) it. (Если он стоит слишком много, я не возьму его.)

2. She … (be) angry if you … (lose) this photo. (Она разозлится, если ты потеряешь эту фотографию.)

3. If you … (not eat up) the bread we … (feed) the birds in the garden. (Если вы не съедите хлеб, мы покормим птиц в саду.)

II Type

1. If I … (have) free time now I … (watch) my favourite film. (Если бы у меня было свободное время сейчас, я бы посмотрел любимый фильм.)

2. If I … (be) you I … (not eat) fast food. (На твоем месте я бы не ел фаст фуд.)

3. His job … (be) so hard if he … (not have) a secretary. (Его работа была бы такой тяжелой, если бы у него не было секретаря.)

III Type

1. If you … (not smoke) so much you … (not be) in hospital now. (Если бы ты не курил столько, ты бы сейчас не лежал в больнице.)

2. If we … (meet) him yesterday we … (call) you. (Если бы мы встретили его вчера, мы бы позвонили тебе.)

Mixed Conditionals

    1. Past to present – we use this conditionals to talk about present results of an imagined past condition/action

If that thief hadn’t tricked me, I wouldn’t be in prison now.

(The chief did trick me) (I am in prison now)

If you hadn’t woken me up, I might still be in bed!

    1. Present to past – we use this conditional to talk about imagined past results of a present condition/action

If I didn’t believe you, I would have left you.

(I do believe you) (I didn’t leave you)

If I had a better memory, I could have won the Mastermind competition.

I wish, if only, it’s time, would rather

  1. Wish and if only + past simple.

We use wish + past simple to talk about present situations, when we are unhappy with the situation.

I wish we were still in holiday. (We aren’t on holiday now)

I wish we had a new car.

If only means the same but it can have a little more emphasis

If only I did not get angry so easily. (I get angry easily, but I don’t like it).

!!! We don’t use wish or if only with a present tense. – I wish I had a better job.

!!! We can use wish/if only+ would (not) to talk about a habit in someone else that we would like to change.

I wish you wouldn’t bite your nails.

Wish and if only + past perfect

We use wish/if only + past perfect to talk about a past situation or action that we regret.

I am very tired. I wish I had gone to bed earlier.

We use wish/if only with past perfect to talk about the past

If only I hadn’t shouted at my boss last week.

We use the past tense after it’s time and would rather when we are talking about the present.

Come on – It’s time we went home.

It’s high time you started looking for a flat of your own. (You can also use the Infinitive to – It’s time to go home)

We use would rather to say what we prefer:

I’d rather we stayed at home. (I’d prefer to stay…)

We’d rather we didn’t go by plane. (We’d prefer not to go…)

Define the type of Conditional.
1. If I played a guitar, I would become a very famous rock star.

2. If I were you, I would take part in this competition.

3. If he is late, he will miss the train.

4. If Helen had not eaten so much ice cream, she would not have fallen it.

5. If we were clever and careful, we wouldn’t live among litter and waste.

6. If Mary meets our teacher, she will ask her about the party.

7. If father buys tickets, we will go there,

8. If people had dreamed more about space flight, they would have found another planet to live on.

9. If I had felt better, I would have taken part in the competition.

10. If I am rich, I will help the poor people.

11. I would have won the first prize if I had worked hard.

12. If we took care pf our planet, we wouldn’t have so many environmental problems.

13. If she hadn’t studied so hard last month, she wouldn’t have passed her exam.

14. I would build a house for my Granny if I were an architect.

15. If I have an apple, I will eat it.

16. If the film is boring we will leave at once.

17. She would look much younger if she were slim.

18.If you are late again for training today, I won’t let you play in tomorrow’s match.

19. I wouldn’t be angry if you hadn’t eaten my chocolate mousse.

20. I wouldn’t go out with him even if you paid me.

21. When you heat wax it melts.

22. If people used bikes instead of cars, there wouldn’t be so much pollution.

23. If Sarah’s alarm clock had rung, she wouldn’t have missed her plane.

24. If the repairman had repaired my laptop yesterday, I could use it now.

25. If we had the access to company’s network, we could have entered the data yesterday.

26. If Mary knew how to play badminton, we’d have invited her to play with us.

27. I like to visit museums if I am in a new city.

28. I’ll do some work in the garden if it doesn’t rain tomorrow.

29. If we met at 9:30, we would have plenty of time.

30. If you spoke louder, your classmates would understand you.

31. The door will unlock if you press the green button.

32. If Mel had asked her teacher, he’d have answered her question.

Finish the sentences

  1. If I had enough money ….

  2. If it doesn’t rain soon … .

  3. I’ll stay at home if … .

  4. I wouldn’t have come to the theatre on time if …

  5. If I left home for work earlier ….

  6. If I won a prize … .

  7. If I were a king … .

  8. If I told my parents the truth ….

  9. If I were you ….

  10. If I were rich ….

Put verbs in brackets in the right form.

  1. If you (arrive) ten minutes earlier, you would have got a seat.

  2. I shouldn’t have believed it if I (not/see) it with my own eye.

  3. If you had told me that beforehand, I (find) some money for you.

  4. If he had asked you, you (answer)?

  5. If I (have) a book, I wouldn’t have been bored.

  6. If you (speak) slowly, he might have understood you.

  7. (take) a taxi if I had understood that it was too late.

  8. If I (be) ready when he called, he would have taken me with him.

  9. She had a headache, otherwise she (come).

  10. If my mother (know) about the party, she would have baked a cake.

  11. If I (try) again, I think that I would have succeeded.

  12. If I were you, I (not/buy) such expensive things.

  13. If I (live) in the country, I (have) a dog.

  14. What you (do) if someone gave you a million pounds?

  15. If I (be) you, I (look) for another job.

Make conditional sentences.

  1. Molly (be) _______ a splendid woman, if only she didn't talk so much!

  2. The evening will be fine, if only we ________ (not have) a storm.

  3. You might be of interest to me, if only I (have) _________time to waste on you.

  4. If you (leave) __________ at two, you will be there before dark.

  5. When he isdrowning, a man (clutch) ________ at any straw.

  6. If only Greg (can) _______ get some favourable shock, that's what would do it!

  7. You (can) _________ do it if you try

  8. You (can) _________ do it if you tried.

  9. You (can) _________ it if you had tried.

  10. We (go) __________ if it does not rain.

  11. Fred (come) _________ if he has time.

  12. If you (take) _______ a taxi, you'll be in time.

  13. If Mark (have) ________enough money, he will go to the university.

  14. They won't unless you (ask) ______ them to come

  15. What remains if you (subtract) ________ 5 from 10?

  16. If you (buy) ________a packet of cigarettes costing 3$ and matches costing 2$, and gave the shopkeeper 10$ note, how much change ought you to receive?

Supply the correct verb forms in these conditional sentences. Decide which type of conditionals these sentences are.

  1. If you (to heat) __________ iron, it (to start) ____________ to get red hot and then white hot.

  2. If Molly and Paul (be not) ________ misinformed about the train times, they (not be) __________ late.

  3. If Iohannis (stay) _______ longer at the party, he (have) ________ a good time

  4. If the government (lose) __________ the next election, the Prime Minister (resign) ________ from politics.

  5. If we (not go) ________ to your friend's party, I never (meet) _________ Alan.

  6. If train fares (be) _________ cheaper, more people (use) _________ them.

  7. If Molly (get) _______ that job she's applied for, she will be delighted.

  8. It (be) ______ a disaster if it the explosion had happened in the middle of the day.

  9. If the talks (be broken) __________ down again, there (be) ______ a war between the two countries

  10. If Ali (know) _______ anything about mechanics at that time, I'm sure she (help) _____ us.

  11. He (have) ________ a bad accident last Friday if he _____________ (not / drive) more carefully.

Open brackets

  1. If he were not such an outstanding actor, he (not to have) so many admirers.

  2. If you (to give) me your address, I shall write you a letter.

  3. If she (not to be) so absent-minded, she would be a much better student.

  4. If my sister does not go to the south, we (to spend) the summer in St. Petersburg together.

  5. If they (not to go) to Moscow last year, they would not have heard that famous musician.

  6. If you (not to get) tickets for the Philharmonic, we shall stay at home.

  7. If you were not so careless about your health, you (to consult) the doctor.

  8. I should be delighted if I (to have) such a beautiful fur coat.

  9. If it (to rain), we shall have to stay at home. 

  10. If he (to work) hard, he would have achieved great progress.

  11. If it is not too cold, I (not to put) on my coat.

  12. I (to write) the composition long ago if you had not disturbed me.

  13. If he (not to read) so much, he would not be so clever.

  14. If my friend (to be) at home, he will tell us what to do.

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