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Harold S. Kushner, When Bad Things Happen to Good People (New York:
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Shawn Carter, Jay-Z Decoded (New York: Spiegel and Grau, 2010), 240.

Lillian B. Rubin, The Transcendent Child: Tales of Triumph Over the Past
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Ann S. Masten, «Ordinary Magic: Resilience Processes in Development»,
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Research, Policy, and Practice in Children’s Mental Health 19, no. 1 (2005): 11–

Stuart T. Hauser and Joseph P. Allen, «Overcoming Adversity in
Adolescence: Narratives of Resilience», Psychoanalytic Inquiry 26, no. 4(2007):
549–576; Stuart T. Hauser, Joseph P. Allen, and Eve Golden, Out of the Woods:
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Emmy E. Werner and Ruth S. Smith, Overcoming the Odds: High Risk
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Emmy E. Werner and Ruth S. Smith, Overcoming the Odds: High Risk
Children from Birth to Adulthood (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1992),
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Judith Herman, Trauma and Recovery (New York: Basic Books, 1997), 42–
43,100; Stephen P. Hinshaw, «Parental Mental Disorder and Children’s
Functioning: Silence and Communication, Stigma and Resilience», Journal of
Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 33, no. 2 (2004): 400–411; Diane T.
Marsh andRex M. Dickens, Troubled Journey: Coming to Terms with the Mental
Illness of a Sibling or Parent (New York: Tarcher/Penguin, 1997); Ronald Seifer,
«Young Children with Mentally Ill Parents: Resilient Developmental Systems»,
in Resilience and Vulnerability: Adaptation in the Context of Childhood
Adversities, ed. Suniya Luthar (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003),
29–49; Rebecca L. Shiner, Ann S. Masten, and Jennifer M. Roberts, «Childhood
Personality Foreshadows Adult Personality and Life Outcomes Two Decades
Later», Journal of Personality 71, no. 6 (2003): 1145–1170; Zhe Wang and Kirby
Deater-Deckard, «Resilience in Gene-Environment Transactions», in Handbook of Resilience in Children, eds. Sam Goldstein and Robert B. Brooks (New York:
Springer, 2012), 57–72.

Paul Alexander, Rough Magic: A Biography of Sylvia Plath (New York: Da
Capo Press, 2003), 94.

Donald W. Winnicott, «Some Psychological Aspects of Juvenile
Delinquency», Deprivation and Delinquency (1946): 115.

Joyce Chen and Cara Sprunk, «Simone Biles Responds to NBC
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; Juliet Macur, «Simone Biles Calms Her Mother, Then Sends Crowd into Frenzy», New York Times, August 11, 2016, по состоянию на 23 января
2017 года, https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/12/sports/olympics/gymnastics- simone-biles-shines-brightest.html

Paula McLain, Like Family: Growing Up in Other People’s Houses, A
Memoir (New York: Back Bay, 2004), 4.

Robert Frost, «The Death of a Hired Man», in The Poetry of Robert Frost:
The Collected Poems, Complete and Unabridged, ed. Edward Connery Lathem
(New York: Henry Holt, 1969), 34.

Skyfall, directed by Sam Mendes (2012; Los Angeles: Twentieth Century
Fox, 2014), DVD.

Stuart T. Hauser and Joseph P. Allen, «Overcoming Adversity in
Adolescence: Narratives of Resilience», Psychoanalytic Inquiry 26, no. 4(2007):
549–576; Stuart T. Hauser, Joseph P. Allen, and Eve Golden, Out of the Woods:
Tales of Resilient Teens (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2006).

Обзор см. в Dacher Keltner, Deborah H. Gruenfeld, and Cameron
Anderson, «Power, Approach, and Inhibition», Psychological Review 110, no. 2
(2003): 265–284.

Dacher Keltner, Deborah H. Gruenfeld, and Cameron Anderson, «Power,
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Dacher Keltner et al., «Teasing in Hierarchical and Intimate Relations», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 75, no. 5 (1998):1231–1247; Paul Ekman and Wallace V. Friesen, «Felt, False, and Miserable Smiles», Journal of
Nonverbal Behavior 6, no. 4 (1982): 238–252; Marvin A. Hecht and Marianne
La France, «License or Obligation to Smile: The Effect of Power and Sex on
Amount and Type of Smiling», Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 24,
no. 12 (1998): 1332–1342.

Nancy Milford, Savage Beauty: The Life of Edna St. Vincent Millay (New
York: Random House, 2002), 29.

Dacher Keltner, Gruenfeld, and Cameron Anderson, «Power, Approach,
and Inhibition», Psychological Review 110, no. 2 (2003): 265–284.

Marilyn Monroe and Ben Hecht, My Story (Lanham, MD: Taylor Trade,
2007), 36.

Marilyn Monroe and Ben Hecht, My Story (Lanham, MD: Taylor Trade,
2007), 159.

Carl Jung, Two Essays on Analytical Psychology, 2nd ed., trans. Richard F.
C. Hull (London: Routledge, 1990), 192.

Marjorie Rosen, «Behind the Laughter: Numbed by Grief, Johnny Carson
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Marjorie Rosen, «Behind the Laughter: Numbed by Grief, Johnny Carson
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Henry Bushkin, Johnny Carson (New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt,
2013), 13.

W. R. D. Fairbairn, Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality (New York:
Routledge, 1994).

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Donald W. Winnicott, «Mirror-Role of Mother and Family in Child
Development», in Playing and Reality (New York: Routledge, 2005), 149.

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Douglas J. Besharov, Recognizing Child Abuse: A Guide for the Concerned
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Robert Karen, Becoming Attached: Unfolding the Mystery of the Infant —
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Leonard Shengold, Soul Murder: The Effects of Childhood Abuse and
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Renе Spitz, Grief: A Peril in Infancy [film] (New York: New York
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Daniel P. Chapman et al., «Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Risk of
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(2004): 217–225; Angelika H. Claussen and Patricia M. Crittenden, «Physical and Psychological Maltreatment: Relations Among Types of Maltreatment»,
Child Abuse and Neglect 15, no. 1–2 (1991): 5–18; Valerie J. Edwards et al.,
«Relationship Between Multiple Forms of Childhood Maltreatment and Adult
Mental Health in Community Respondents: Results from the Adverse Childhood
Experiences Study», American Journal of Psychiatry 160, no. 8 (2003): 1453–
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Predict Health Status in Midlife: A 35-Year Follow-Up of the Harvard Mastery of Stress Study», Journal of Behavioral Medicine 20, no. 1 (1997): 1–13; Linda
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Mastery of Stress Study», Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 2, no. 6
(1996): 55–62; Martin H. Teicheret al., «Sticks, Stones, and Hurtful Words:
Relative Effects of Various Forms of Childhood Maltreatment», American
Journal of Psychiatry 163, no. 6 (2006): 993–1000; David D. Vachon et al.,
«Assessment of the Harmful Psychiatric and Behavioral Effects of Different
Forms of Child Maltreatment», JAMA Psychiatry 72, no. 11 (2015): 1135–1142.

Leonard Shengold, «Assault on a Child’s Individuality: A Kind of Soul
Murder», Psychoanalytic Quarterly 47, no. 3 (1978): 419–424; Leonard
Shengold, «Child Abuse and Deprivation: Soul Murder», Journal of the
American Psychoanalytic Association 27, no. 3 (1979): 533–559; Leonard
Shengold, Soul Murder: The Effects of Childhood Abuse and Deprivation (New
Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1989).

Donald W. Winnicott, The Child, the Family, and the Outside World
(Cambridge, MA: Perseus, 1987), 88.

Donald Winnicott, «Transitional Objects and Transitional Phenomena: A
Study of the First Not-Me Possession», International Journal of Psychoanalysis
34 (1953): 89–97.

Alice Miller, The Drama of the Gifted Child: The Search for the True Self
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James Rhodes, Instrumental: A Memoir of Madness, Medication, and
Music (Edinburgh: Canongate, 2015), 50.

Lea K. Hildebrandt et al., «Cognitive Flexibility, Heart Rate Variability, and
Resilience Predict Fine-Grained Regulation of Arousal During Prolonged
Threat», Psychophysiology 53, no. 6 (2016): 880–890; Christian E. Waugh,
Renee J. Thompson, and Ian H Gotlib, «Flexible Emotional Responsiveness in
Trait Resilience», Emotion 11, no. 5 (2011): 1059–1067.

Donald W. Winnicott, «Ego Distortion in Terms of True and False Self
(1960)», in The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment
(London, Hogarth Press, 1965), 140–152.

Andre Agassi, Open (New York: Vintage, 2010), pg. 29

Andre Agassi, Open (New York: Vintage, 2010), pg. 27.

Donald W. Winnicott, «The Capacity to Be Alone (1958)», in The
Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment (London, Hogarth
Press, 1965), 30.

Steven Tuber, Attachment, Play and Authenticity: A Winnicott Primer
(Lanham, MD: Jason Aronson, 2008), 141.

Donald W. Winnicott, «Ego Distortion in Terms of Trueand False Self
(1960)», in The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment
(London,Hogarth Press, 1965), 140–152.

Donald W. Winnicott, «Ego Distortion in Terms of True and False Self
(1960)», in The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment
(London, Hogarth Press, 1965), 140–152.

Donald W. Winnicott, «Ego Distortion in Terms of True and False Self
(1960)», in The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment
(London, Hogarth Press, 1965), 143.

Andre Agassi, Open (New York: Vintage, 2010), 57.

Judith Herman, Trauma and Recovery (New York: Basic Books, 1997),

Helene Deutsch, «Some Forms of Emotional Disturbance and Their
Relation to Schizophrenia», Psychoanalytic Quarterly 11 (1942): 301–321;
более подробная дискуссия об этой концепции представлена в Helene
Deutsch, «The Impostor: Contribution to Ego Psychology of a Type of
Psychopath», Psychoanalytic Quarterly 24 (1955): 483–505; Ludwig Eidelberg,
«Pseudo-Identification», International Journal of Psychoanalytics 19 (1938):
321–330; Phyllis Greenacre, «The Impostor», Psychoanalytic Quarterly 27, no. 3
(1958): 359–382; Phyllis Greenacre, «The Relation of the Impostor to the
Artist», Psychoanalytic Study of the Child 13 (1958): 521–540; Ralph R.
Greenson, «On Screen Defenses, Screen Hunger and Screen Identity», Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 6, no. 2 (1958): 242–262; Nathaniel
Ross, «The ‘As If’ Concept», Journal of the American Psychoanalytic
Association 15, no. 1 (1967): 59–82.

Helene Deutsch, «Some Forms of Emotional Disturbance and Their
Relation to Schizophrenia», Psychoanalytic Quarterly 11 (1942):303.

Donald W. Winnicott, «Ego Distortion in Terms of True and False Self
(1960)», in The Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment
(London, Hogarth Press, 1965), 140–152.

W. R. D. Fairbairn, Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality (New York:
Routledge, 1994).

Tobias Wolff, This Boy’s Life: A Memoir (New York: Grove, 1989), 252.

Pearson Hesketh, G.B.S.: A Full Length Portrait (New York: Harper, 1942),

Alan Cumming, Not My Father’s Son: A Family Memoir (Edinburgh:
Canongate, 2014), 4.

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