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Книга о современных супергероях людях, которые, вопреки тяжелым жизненным обстоятельствам, сумели добиться успеха и стать счастливыми

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Donald W. Winnicott, «Ego Distortion in Terms of True and False Self
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(London, Hogarth Press, 1965), 145.

Eric Adam Avery, Perry Farrell, David Navarro, and Stephen Perkins,
Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Universal Music Publishing Group, 1988, по состоянию на 24 января 2017 года, https://genius.com/Janes-addiction-jane- says-lyrics

Steven Tuber, Attachment, Play and Authenticity: A Winnicott Primer
(Lanham, MD: Jason Aronson, 2008), 141.

Nick Madigan, «Abducted Girl’s Relatives Say Her Captors Brainwashed
Her», New York Times, March 17, 2003, по состоянию на 24 января 2017
года, http://www.nytimes.com/2003/03/17/national/17UTAH.html

Henry Krystal and John H. Krystal, Integration and Self-Healing: Affect,
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Albert Camus, «Notebook IV», in Notebooks: 1942–1951(New York:
Knopf, 1965), 80.

Bjоrn Hildrum et al., «Effect of Anxiety and Depression on Blood Pressure:
11-Year Longitudinal Population Study», British Journal of Psychiatry 193, no. 2
(2008): 108–113; Bjоrn Hildrum et al., «Association of Low Blood Pressure with Anxiety and Depression: The Nord-Trоndelag Health Study», Journal of
Epidemiology and Community Health 61, no. 1 (2007): 53–58.

См. обзор в Howard N. Snyder, «Sexual Assault of Young Children as
Reported to Law Enforcement: Victim, Incident, and Offender Characteristics»,
Bureau of Justice Statistics, US Department of Justice (Washington, DC, 2000),
1–17, по состоянию на
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Rebecca M. Bolen and Maria Scannapieco, «Prevalence of Child Sexual
Abuse: A Corrective Meta-Analysis», Social Service Review 73, no. 3 (1999):
281–313; David Finkelhor, «The International Epidemiology of Child Sexual
Abuse», Child Abuse and Neglect, 18, no. 5 (1994): 409–417; Noemе Pereda et al., «The Prevalence of Child Sexual Abuse in Community and Student Samples:
A Meta-Analysis», Clinical Psychology Review 29, no. 4 (2009): 328–338.

Howard N. Snyder, «Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law
Enforcement: Victim, Incident, and Offender Characteristics», Бюро статистики в области правосудия, Министерство юстиции США (Вашингтон, 2000), 1–
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2016 года,

Sandra Louise Kirby, Lorraine Greaves, and Olena Hankivsky, The Dome of Silence: Sexual Harassment and Abuse in Sport (Halifax: Fernwood,
2000);Roberto Maniglio, «The Impact of Child Sexual Abuse on Health: A
Systematic Review of Reviews», Clinical Psychology Review 29, no. 7 (2009):
647–657; Elizabeth Oddone Paolucci, Mark L. Genuis, and Claudio Violato, «A
Meta-Analysisof the Published Research on the Effects of Child Sexual Abuse»,
Journal of Psychology 135, no. 1 (2001): 17–36.

Celia Brackenridge, «‘He Owned Me Basically…’: Women’s Experience of
Sexual Abuse in Sport», International Review for the Sociology of Sport 32, no.
2(1997): 118.

Survivor quoted in Celia Brackenridge, «‘He Owned Me Basically…’:
Women’s Experience of Sexual Abuse in Sport», International Review for the
Sociology of Sport 32, no. 2 (1997): 118.

Kenneth V. Lanning, «A Law Enforcement Perspective on the Compliant
Child Victim», APSAC Advisor 14, no. 2 (2002): 4–9.

Возраст согласия варьируется во всем мире и даже в разных штатах
США; он может составлять 16, 17 или 18 лет.

Rachel Sturtz, «The Sex Abuse Scandal Plaguing USA Swimming»,
Online, по состоянию на
24 января
2017 года,
https://www.outsideonline.com/o/outdoor-adventure/water- activities/swimming/The-Sex-Abuse-Scandal-Plaguing-USA-Swimming.html

A. C. Shilton, «National Champion Missy Erickson Speaks Out About Her
Sexual Abuse», Bicycling, January 4, 2017, по состоянию на 24 января 2017
года, http://www.bicycling.com/racing/people/national-champion-missy- erickson-speaks-out-about-her-sexual-abuse

Katrin Bennhold, «Child Sexual Abuse Scandal Rocks UK Soccer», New
York Times, December 13, 2016, по состоянию на 24 января 2017 года,
https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/13/world/europe/soccer-uk-sexual-abuse- andy-woodward.html

Tim Evans, Mark Alesia, and Marisa Kwiatkowski, «20-Year Toll: 368
Gymnasts Allege Sexual Exploitation», Indianapolis Star, December 15, 2016,
по состоянию на
24 января
2017 года,
http://www.indystar.com/story/news/2016/12/15/20-year-toll-368-gymnasts- allege-sexual-exploitation/95198724/
; Brit McCandless, «On 60 Minutes,
Former Gymnasts Allege Sexual Abuse», CBS News, February 19, 2017, по состоянию на 26 февраля 2017 года, http://www.cbsnews.com/news/on-60- minutes-former-gymnasts-allege-sexual-abuse

Katrin Bennhold, «Child Sexual Abuse Scandal Rocks UK Soccer», New
York Times, December 13, 2016, по состоянию на 24 января 2017 года,
https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/13/world/europe/soccer-uk-sexual-abuse- andy-woodward.html

Katrin Bennhold, «Child Sexual Abuse Scandal Rocks UK Soccer», New
York Times, December 13, 2016, по состоянию на 24 января 2017 года,
https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/13/world/europe/soccer-uk-sexual-abuse- andy-woodward.html

Цитируется по Celia Brackenridge, «‘He Owned Me Basically…’:
Women’s Experience of Sexual Abuse in Sport», International Review for the
Sociology of Sport 32, no. 2 (1997): 123.

Bessel A. van der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and
Bodyin the Healing of Trauma (New York: Penguin, 2014), 43.

Адаптировано из S. Rodgers, «Guilty Knowledge: The Sports Consultant’s
Perspective» (труд представлен на тематическом семинаре Челтнемского и
Глочестерского колледжей, 1996), цит. по: Celia Brackenridge, «‘He Owned
Me Basically…’: Women’s Experience of Sexual Abuse in Sport», International
Review for the Sociology of Sport 32, no. 2 (1997): 115–130.

Viktor Frankl, послесловие для Edith Weisskopf-Joelson, Father, Have I
Kept My Promise? Madness as Seen from Within (West Lafayette, IN: Purdue
University Press, 1988), 137.

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по состоянию на 25 января 2017 года, http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/road- resilience.aspx

Американская психологическая ассоциация, «The Road to Resilience»,
по состоянию на 25 января 2017 года, http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/road- resilience.aspx

Elaine Fox, Laura Griggs, and Elias Mouchlianitis, «The Detection of Fear-
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Bruce S. McEwen, «Stressed or Stressed Out: What Is the Difference?»
Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience 30, no. 5(2005): 315–318.

«Breaking the Silence on Child Abuse: Protection, Prevention, Intervention,
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декабря 2011 года, по состоянию на 2 сентября 2016 года,
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Vincent J. Felitti et al., «Relationship of Childhood Abuse and Household
Dysfunction to Many of the Leading Causes of Death in Adults: The Adverse
Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study», American Journal of Preventive
Medicine 14, no. 4 (1998): 245–258.

Тут возможен также так называемый эффект потолка, то есть после определенного момента дополнительные неблагоприятные жизненные обстоятельства повышают уровень риска, но уже меньшими темпами. See
Corina Benjet, Guilherme Borges, and Maria Elizabeth Medina-Mora, «Chronic
Childhood Adversity and Onset of Psychopathology During Three Life Stages:
Childhood, Adolescence and Adulthood», Journal of Psychiatric Research 44,
no. 11 (2010): 732–740.

Vincent J. Felitti et al., «Relationship of Childhood Abuse and Household
Dysfunction to Many of the Leading Causes of Death in Adults: The Adverse
Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study», American Journal of Preventive
Medicine 14, no. 4 (1998): 245–258.

Margaret O’Dougherty Wright, Ann S. Masten, and Angela J. Narayan,
«Resilience Processes in Development: Four Waves of Research on Positive
Adaptations in the Context of Adversity», in Handbook of Resilience in
Children, eds. Sam Goldstein and Robert B. Brooks (New York: Springer, 2012),
26; Harvey Peskin, «Uses of the Past in Adult Psychological Health: Objective,
Historical, and Narrative Realities», in Handbook of Aging and Mental Health,
ed. Jacob Lomranz (New York: Springer, 1998), 297–318.

Shanta R. Dube et al., «The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on
Health Problems: Evidence from Four Birth Cohorts Dating Back to 1900»,
Preventive Medicine 37, no. 3 (2003): 268–277.

Andrea Danese et al., «Childhood Maltreatment Predicts Adult
Inflammation in a Life-Course Study», Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences 104, no. 4 (2007): 1319–1324; Gregory E. Miller and Steve W. Cole,
«Clustering of Depression and Inflammation in Adolescents Previously Exposed to Childhood Adversity», Biological Psychiatry 72, no. 1 (2012): 34–40;
Gregory Miller, Edith Chen, and Steve W. Cole, «Health Psychology:
Developing Biologically Plausible Models Linking the Social World and
Physical Health», Annual Review of Psychology 60 (2009): 501–524; Natalie
Slopen et al., «Childhood Adversity and Inflammatory Processes in Youth: A
Prospective Study», Psychoneuroendocrinology 38, no. 2 (2013): 188–200.

Stacy S. Drury et al., «Telomere Length and Early Severe Social
Deprivation: Linking Early Adversity and Cellular Aging», Molecular
Psychiatry 17, no. 7 (2012): 719–727; Laura Kananen et al., «Childhood
Adversities Are Associated with Shorter Telomere Length at Adult Age Both in
Individuals with an Anxiety Disorder and Controls», PLOS One 5, no. 5 (2010):
e10826; Janice K. Kiecolt-Glaseret al., «Childhood Adversity Heightens the
Impact of Later-Life Caregiving Stress on Telomere Length and Inflammation»,
Psychosomatic Medicine 73, no. 1 (2011): 16–22; Audrey R. Tyrka, «Childhood
Maltreatment and Telomere Shortening: Preliminary Support for an Effect of
Early Stress on Cellular Aging», Biological Psychiatry 67, no. 6 (2010): 531–

David W. Brown et al., «Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Risk of
Premature Mortality», American Journal of Preventive Medicine 37, no. 5
(2009): 389–396.

Paula S. Nurius, Edwina Uehara, and Douglas F. Zatzick, «Intersection of
Stress, Social Disadvantage, and Life Course Processes: Reframing Trauma and
Mental Health», American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation 16, no. 2
(2013): 91–114; Sharon Schwartz and Cheryl Corcoran, «Theories of Psychiatric
Disorders: A Sociological Analysis», in A Handbook for the Study of Mental
Health: Social Contexts, Theories and Systems, 2nd ed., eds. Teresa L. Scheid andTony N. Brown (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010), 64–88; Jack
P. Shonkoff et al., «The Lifelong Effects of Early Childhood Adversity and
Toxic Stress», Pediatrics 129, no. 1 (2012): e232–e246.

Michael D. De Bellis et al., «Brain Structures in Pediatric Maltreatment-
Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Sociodemographically Matched
Study», Biological Psychiatry 52, no. 11 (2002): 1066–1078; Michael D. De
Belliset al., «Developmental Traumatology Part II: Brain Development»,
Biological Psychiatry 45(1999): 1271–1284; Victor C. Carrion et al.,
«Attenuation of Frontal Asymmetry in Pediatric Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder», Biological Psychiatry 50, no. 12 (2001): 943–951; Danya Glaser,
«Child Abuse and Neglect and the Brain: A Review», Journal of Child
Psychology and Psychiatry 41, no. 1 (2000): 97–116; Christine Heim and
Charles B. Nemeroff, «The Role of Childhood Trauma in the Neurobiology of
Mood and Anxiety Disorders: Preclinical and Clinical Studies», Biological
Psychiatry 49, no. 12 (2001): 1023–1039; Joan Kaufman and Dennis Charney,
«Effects of Early Stress on Brain Structure and Function: Implications for
Understanding the Relationship Between Child Maltreatment and Depression»,
Development and Psychopathology 13, no. 3 (2001): 451–471; Joan Kaufman et al., «Effects of Early Adverse Experiences on Brain Structure and Function:
Clinical Implications», Biological Psychiatry 48, no. 8 (2000): 778–790; Sonia J.
Lupien et al., «Effects of Stress Throughout the Lifespan on the Brain,
Behaviour and Cognition», Nature Reviews Neuroscience 10, no. 6 (2009): 434–
445; Jack P. Shonkoff et al., «The Lifelong Effects of Early Childhood Adversity and Toxic Stress», Pediatrics 129, no. 1 (2012): e232–e246; Martin H. Teicher,
Carl M. Anderson, and Ann Polcari, «Childhood Maltreatment Is Associatedwith
Reduced Volume in the Hippocampal Subfields CA3, Dentate Gyrus, and
Subiculum», Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109, no. 9
(2012): E563–E572; Martin H. Teicher, Akemi Tomoda, and Susan L. Andersen,
«Neurobiological Consequences of Early Stress and Childhood Maltreatment:
Are Results from Human and Animal Studies Comparable?» Annals of the New
York Academy of Sciences 1071, no. 1 (2006): 313–323; MartinH. Teicher et al.,
«Childhood Neglect Is Associated with Reduced Corpus Callosum Area»,
Biological Psychiatry 56, no. 2 (2004): 80–85.

Краткий обзор взглядов доктора Блока представлен в стенограмме его выступления на собрании Американской ассоциации педиатров-хирургов в
2015 году в статье Robert W. Block, «All Adults Once Were Children», Journal of Pediatric Surgery 51, no. 1(2016): 23–27; this term on p. 25.

Robert F. Anda et al., «The Enduring Effects of Abuse and Related Adverse
Experiences in Childhood», European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical
Neuroscience 256, no. 3 (2006): 174–186; Oscar A. Cabrera et al., «Childhood
Adversity and Combat as Predictors of Depression and Post-Traumatic Stress in
Deployed Troops», American Journal of Preventive Medicine 33, no. 2(2007):
77–82; Daniel P. Chapman, Shanta R. Dube, and Robert F. Anda, «Adverse
Childhood Events as Risk Factors for Negative Mental Health Outcomes»,
Psychiatric Annals 37, no. 5 (2007): 359–364; Daniel P. Chapman et al.,
«Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Risk of Depressive Disorders in
Adulthood», Journal of Affective Disorders 82, no. 2 (2004): 217–225; Mariette
J. Chartier, John R. Walker, and Barbara Naimark, «Separate and Cumulative
Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences Adult Health and Health Care
Utilization», Child Abuse and Neglect 34, no. 6 (2010): 454–464; Ronald A.
Cohen et al., «Early Life Stress and Adult Emotional Experience: An
International Perspective», International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine 36,
no. 1 (2006): 35–52; Brian Draper et al., «Long Term Effects of Childhood
Abuseon the Quality of Life and Health of Older People: Results from the
Depression and Early Prevention of Suicide in General Practice Project», Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 56, no. 2 (2008): 262–271; Shanta R. Dube,
Michelle L. Cook, and Valerie J. Edwards, «Health-Related Outcomes of
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no. 3 (2010), A52; Valerie J. Edwards et al., «Relationship Between Multiple
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American Journal of Psychiatry 160, no. 8 (2003): 1453–1460; Jennifer Greif
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Christine Heim et al., «The Link Between Childhood Trauma and Depression:
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6 (2008): 693–710; Carole Hooven et al., «Childhood Violence Exposure:
Cumulative and Specific Effects on Adult Mental Health», Journal of Family
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During Adolescence or Early Adulthood», American Journal of Psychiatry 159,
no. 3 (2002): 394–400; RonaldC. Kessler, Christopher G. Davis, and Kenneth S.
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1119; Weili Lu et al., «Correlates of Adverse Childhood Experiences Among
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Adult Psychiatric Disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication II:
Associations with Persistence of DSM-IV Disorders», Archives of General
Psychiatry 67, no. 2 (2010): 124–132; Joshua P. Mersky, James Topitzes, and
Arthur J. Reynolds, «Impacts of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Health,
Mental Health, and Substance Use in Early Adulthood: A Cohort Study of an
Urban, Minority Sample in the US», Child Abuse and Neglect 37, no. 11(2013):
917–925; Elizabeth A. Schilling, Robert H. Aseltine, and Susan Gore, «Adverse
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Lloyd, «Lifetime Traumas and Mental Health: The Significance of Cumulative
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Charles L. Whitfield et al., «Adverse Childhood Experiences and
Hallucinations», Child Abuse and Neglect 29, no. 7 (2005): 797–810.

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