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  • III. Лексический минимум по теме Medicine: History (part I)


  • Методическое пособие- Английский 1 курс. Методические рекомендации для студентов по дисциплине Иностранный язык

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    Тематика занятия.

    1. Словообразование: суффиксы -ant (-ent), ize (yse, -yze, - ise).

    2. Past Simple.

    3. Причастия в роли определения.
    I. Вопросы для обсуждения:

    Прочтите правила по грамматическому справочнику (учебник англ. языка под ред. А.М.Масловой) и назовите:

    1. какие части речи образуются при помощи суффиксов(-ent), ize (yse, -yze, - ise),
    2. что такое правильные и неправильные глаголы,

    3. как образуется Past Simple у правильных и неправильных глаголов,

    4. как образуются причастия I и II,

    5. как иначе называются причастия I и II,

    6. как переводятся причастия I и II в роли определения.
    II. Выполнение заданий по теме: словообразование (суффиксы -ant (-ent), ize (yse, -yze, - ise ), Past Simple, причастия в роли определения
    1. Прочтите и переведите:

    a. important, ancient, different, present

    b. specialize, hospitalize, organize, analyze, summarize
    2. Прочтите слова, определите части речи (существительные, прилагательные. глаголы, наречия) и переведите их:

    surgical, treatment, trepanation, important, specialize, internal, ancient, acupuncture, prevention, successfully, plastic, natural, achievement, largely, contribution, scientific, founder, greatly, education, accurately
    3. Назовите 3 формы глагола:

    to believe, to consider, to know, to treat, to develop, to call, to begin, to contribute, to cut, to perform, to become, to get, to achieve, to make, to do
    4. Прочтите и переведите предложения:

    1. The first “physicians “ used stone instruments.

    2. The Egyptians began making important medical progress.

    3. Egyptian physicians began to specialize.

    4. Some physicians treated only diseases of the eyes and teeth.

    5. Ancient Chinese developed the practice of acupuncture.

    6. Indian surgeons performed many kinds of operations.

    7. The Romans got most of their medical knowledge from Egypt and Greece.

    8. The Greek physician Galen performed experiments on animals.

    9. The Arab physician Avicenna produced a vast medical encyclopedia.

    10. He described meningitis and many other diseases.

    11. This book became popular in Europe.

    12. It influenced medical education for more than 600 years.
    5. Переведите следующие словосочетания, используя причастие I или II :

    развивающиеся страны; развитые страны; лечение, предупреждающее заболевание; заболевание, предупрежденное с помощью лечения; статья, описывающая новые методы; новые методы, описанные в научной статье; хирург, выполняющий операцию; операция, выполненная хирургом; студенты, читающие текст; текст, прочитанный студентами
    III. Лексический минимум по теме Medicine: History (part I)
    to believe [bi’lJv] – верить, считать, полагать

    angry [‘qeNgri] – злой

    disease [di’zJz]– болезнь

    to cut (cut, cut) – резать

    skull – череп

    to release [ri’lJs] – выделять. высвобождать

    to treat [trJt] – лечить

    internal [in’tWnql] – внутренний

    ancient [‘einSqnt]– древний

    to contribute [kqn’tribjHt] – способствовать, вносить вклад

    to prevent [pri’vent] – предупреждать, предотвращать

    successful [sqk’sesful] – успешный

    to perform [pq’fLm] – выполнять, проводить

    kind [kQind] – вид, тип, сорт; добрый

    to include [in’klHd] – включать (в себя)

    physician [fi’ziSn]–врач

    to cause [kLz] – вызывать, быть причиной

    cause – причина

    to consider [kqn’sidq] – думать, считать, полагать

    health [helT] – здоровье

    findings [‘fQindiNz] – данные, результаты

    to describe [dis’krQib] – описывать

    to influence [‘influqns] – влиять

    surgeon [‘sWGqn] – хирург

    surgery [‘sWGqri]– хирургия

    IV. Базовый текст.

    Прочтите и переведите текст.

    In prehistoric times people believed that angry gods or evil spirits caused diseases. The first known surgical treatment was an operation called trepanation. It involved use of a stone instrument to cut a hole in a patient’s skull, perhaps to release evil spirits.

    By about 3000 B.C. the Egyptians who had developed one of the world’s first great civilization began making important medical progress. Egyptian physicians began to specialize. Some physicians treated only diseases of the eyes or teeth. Others specialized in internal diseases. Other ancient Middle Eastern civilizations also contributed to medical progress. The ancient Chinese for example developed medical practices. They developed the practice of acupuncture. In ancient India the practice of medicine stressed the prevention as well as the treatment of illness. Indian surgeons successfully performed many kinds of operations, including amputations and plastic surgery. The civilization of ancient Greece was at its peak during the 400’s. The great physician Hippocrates began showing that disease has only natural causes. He thus became the first physician known to consider medicine a science and art separate from the practice of religion. The Romans got most of their medical knowledge from Egypt and Greece. Their own medical achievements were largely in public health. The Greek physician Galen who practiced medicine in Rome during the A.D. 100’s made the most important contributions to medicine in Roman times. He performed experiments on animals and used his findings to develop the first medical theories based on scientific experiments. For this reason he is considered the founder of experimental medicine. During the Middle Ages the Islamic Empire of Southwest and Central Asia contributed greatly to medicine. Avicenna, an Arab physician produced a great medical encyclopedia called Cannon of Medicine. It summed up the medical knowledge of the time and accurately described meningitis, tetanus, and many other diseases. The work became popular in Europe where it influenced medical education for more than 600 years.
    V. Вопросы для обсуждения:

    1. What did people believe in prehistoric times?

    2. What was the first known surgical instrument?

    3. How did they perform operations?

    4. What did the Egyptians begin doing by about 3000 B.C.?

    5. How did other ancient Middle Eastern civilizations also contribute to medical


    6. Who developed the practice of acupuncture?

    7. When was the civilization of ancient Greece at its peak?

    8. What is Hippocratates famous for?

    9. Where and when did the Greek physician Galen practice medicine?

    10. What did Avicenna produce?
    VI. Домашнее задание к следующему занятию.

    1. Выучить грамматику урока 7.

    2. Выучить лексику по теме Medicine: History (part I)

    1. Учебник английского языка для медицинских вузов. – 3-е изд. Испр. и доп. – М.: Лист Нью, 2006. – 336 с. / под ред. Масловой А.М.
    1. Черединова О.В. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов факультета «Клиническая психология».(часть 1), 2012. – 102 с. (электронная версия).

    Практическое занятие № 19
    Тематический ( рубежный)тест по лексико-грамматическому материалу I семестра
    I вариант
    1. My friend … a dentist.

    a) not will be

    b) not be will

    c) won’t be

    d) will be no

    2. У меня завтра не будет свободного времени.

    a) Tomorrow I have no free time.

    b) I will have free time tomorrow.

    c) I will tomorrow have no free time.

    d) I will have no free time tomorrow.

    3. This disease is not common in развивающихся странах.

    a) developed countries

    b) countries which were developed

    c) developing countries

    d) develop countries

    4. When I studied at school I ### interested in chemistry.

    a) was

    b) is

    c) will be

    d) be

    5. I get up ### 7 0’clock.

    a) in

    b) on

    c) at

    d) about

    6. Слово, которое не является частью тела…

    a) thigh

    b) forearm

    c) research

    d) extremity

    7. Слово, которое не является названием мед. учреждения…

    a) maternity home

    b) clinic

    c) hospital

    d) library

    8. It takes him three hours to finish …

    a) he’s home assignments.

    b) home assignments of him.

    c) he home assignments.

    d) his home assignments

    9. There are 9 … in our university.

    a) blocks

    b) departments

    c) deans

    d) faculties

    10. During the course of studies medical students don’t have any practical classes at the University.

    a) You are absolutely right.

    b) It not true

    c) I don’t think so.

    d) That’s true.

    11. Местоимение в притяжательном падеже…

    a) them

    b) he’s

    c) our

    d) you

    12. Слово, где сочетание сh читается как [K]…

    a) choose

    b) chemistry

    c) child

    d) cheese

    13. В нашей группе нет плохих студентов.

    a) No bad students are there in our group.

    b) Bad students are not there in our group.

    c) There are not bad students in our group.

    d) There are no bad students in our group.

    14. What is the aim of medicine?

    a) healing

    b) diagnosis

    c) training

    d) prevention

    15. All medical students … know Hippocratic oath.

    a) have to

    b) must to

    c) must

    d) should to

    16. Мне семнадцать лет.

    a) I am seventy.

    b) I am seventeen years.

    c) I am seventeen years old.

    d) I am seventy years old.

    17. Неправильным глаголом является …

    a) to cause

    b) to receive

    c) to develop

    d) to meet

    18. Назовите предложение в Past Simple.

    a) He was come home at 8 o’clock.

    b) He were come home at 8 o’clock.

    c) He comes home at 8 o’clock.

    d) He came home at 8 o’clock.

    19. Profession of a doctor is ...

    a) the most difficult

    b) the latest

    c) the least

    d) the newest

    20. Слово, которое читается не по правилу…

    a) blood

    b) took

    c) look

    d) tool

    21. The brain is in the ### cavity.

    a) chest

    b) abdominal

    c) oral

    d) cranial

    22. I don’t know if he can … English.

    a) speaks

    b) speak

    c) spoke

    d) speaked

    23. We call Hippocrates ...

    a) the father of immunology.

    b) the father of medicine.

    c) the father of antibiotics.

    d) the father of modern surgery.

    24. We … complete the work two days ago.

    a) has to

    b) have

    c) don’t have to

    d) didn’t have to

    25. The doctor … patients for the heart disease.

    a) were treating

    b) have treated

    c) was treated

    d) treated

    26. What connects the lower extremity with the trunk?

    a) the neck

    b) the pelvis

    c) the cartilage

    d) the shoulder girdle

    27. Chemistry is … biology.

    a) difficult

    b) difficulter

    c) as difficult as

    d) most difficult

    28. Существительным является слово …

    a) contracted

    b) contracting

    c) contract

    d) contraction

    29. Укажите соответствия:

    a) fiber 1) волокно

    b) chamber 2) предсердие

    c) valve 3) клапан

    d) atrium 4) камера

    5) сердце

    30. Они не могли помочь нам.

    a) They were not able to help us.

    b) They can not help us

    c) They could no help us.

    d) They are not be able to help us.

    31. To know English today is necessary for every educated person.

    a) I disagree.

    b) I’m fully agree with you.

    c) You are absolutely wrong.

    d) I agree with you.

    32. Назовите правильный вопрос к предложению My friend studied at the medical faculty.

    a) Where studied your friend?

    b) Where was your friend study?

    c) Where did your friend study?

    d) Where was your friend studied?

    33. Слово, которое не является анатомическим термином…

    a) cartilage

    b) abdomen

    c) wisdom

    d) joint

    34. I … the answer to the question.

    a) haven’t know

    b) do not know

    c) does not know

    d) is not know

    35. Расположите названия позвонков в правильной последовательности.

    a) cervical

    b) sacral

    c) lumbar

    d) thoracic

    36. The ### is the organ of taste

    a) stomach

    b) language

    c) tongue

    d) heart
    II вариант
    1. Правильным глаголом является …

    a) to receive

    b) to rise

    c) to meet

    d) to get

    2. Her son ### a pupil last year.

    a) was

    b) is

    c) will be

    d) be

    3. Слово, не имеющее латино-греческого корня…

    a) practice

    b) magazine

    c) pensioner

    d) college

    4. We will have two lectures …

    a) a day before yesterday

    b) a week ago

    c) yesterday

    d) tomorrow

    5. The operation was performed ### a new method.

    a) of

    b) by

    c) with

    d) about

    6. Они только что оценили результаты эксперимента.

    a) They have just estimated the results of the experiment.

    b) Now they estimate the results of the experiment.

    c) They are estimating the results of the experiment.

    d) Now they are estimated the results of the experiment.

    7. Слово, которое не является названием факультета…

    a) morphological

    b) stomalogical

    c) medical

    d) pediatric

    8. Мой любимый предмет – анатомия.

    a) Anatomy my favourite subject.

    b) Anatomy is my favourite subject.

    c) My the favourite subject is anatomy.

    d) My favourite subject anatomy.

    9. What is the symbol of medicine?

    a) the snake

    b) the poison

    c) the dog

    d) the cup

    10. What is a pre-clinical subject?

    a) surgery

    b) obstetrics

    c) therapy

    d) physiology

    11. The Novosibirsk medical institute was founded…

    a) in 1941

    b) in 1975

    c) in 1937

    d) in 1935

    12. Существительное во множественном числе…

    a) man

    b) child

    c) teeth

    d) mouse

    13. Are you a first-year student?

    a) Yes, is it.

    b) Yes, you are.

    c) Yes, it is.

    d) Yes, I am.

    14. Существует одна новая теория.

    a) There is a new theory.

    b) There is a new theory there.

    c) It is a new theory.

    d) This theory is new.

    15. Существительным является слово …

    a) associated

    b) excellent

    c) confidence

    d) special

    16. У нас обычно две лекции.

    a) We usually have two lectures.

    b) We have two usually lectures.

    c) Two lectures we usually have.

    d) We have usually two lectures.

    17. Глаголом является слово …

    a) founder

    b) educated

    c) important

    d) strengthen

    18. Назовите предложение, где –ed является определением.

    a) The surgeon performed the operation successfully.

    b) The surgeon described a new a method of treatment.

    c) The operation was performed by the prominent surgeon.

    d) A new method of treatment described in the report was very interesting.

    19. It is difficult to diagnose a disease but it is … to cure it.

    a) the most difficult

    b) difficult

    c) more difficult

    d) the more difficult

    20. Usually it … me an hour to get the university.

    a) take

    b) took

    c) takes

    d) taked

    21. Lower extremity consists of ###, leg and foot.

    a) shoulder

    b) forearm

    c) thigh

    d) neck

    22. Предложение, где глагол to have имеет модальное значение…

    a) The surgeon hasn’t performed many operations yet.

    b) The surgeon doesn’t have to perform the operation.

    c) The physician has many patients.

    d) The surgeon has little time to perform the operation.

    23. Наречием является слово …

    a) particularly

    b) particular

    c) particularity

    d) particle

    24. Его нет ни на работе, ни дома.

    a) He is not at work and at home.

    b) He is not neither at work nor at home.

    c) He is not both at work and at home.

    d) He isn’t either at work or at home.

    25. Превосходная степень прилагательного little…

    a) the letter

    b) the littlest

    c) the most little

    d) the least

    26. … the surgeon perform this operation successfully?

    a) Is

    b) Does

    c) Do

    d) Was

    27. Can the first-year students treat heart diseases?

    a) Yes, they cannot.

    b) No, they can’t.

    c) No, we cannot.

    d) No, they can.

    28. Слово, которое не является частью туловища.

    a) thigh

    b) breastbone

    c) shoulder girdle

    d) vertebrae

    29. How many bones are there in the skeleton?

    a) 250

    b) 150

    c) 180

    d) 200

    30. My friend … at the medical faculty.

    a) is study

    b) to study

    c) was study

    d) will study

    31. 35-40% of the body is formed by ###.

    a) the tissue

    b) the bones

    c) the muscles

    d) the vessels

    32. Расположите названия позвонков в правильной последовательности.

    a) thoracic

    b) sacral

    c) cervical

    d) lumbar

    33. Слово, которое не является анатомическим термином…

    a) female

    b) vascular

    c) madiastinum

    d) ventricle

    34. The … of the lungs is 3-4 liters.

    a) the length

    b) the size

    c) the vital capacity

    d) the weight

    35. Слово, которое обозначает отдел желудочно-кишечного тракта…

    a) stomach

    b) valve

    c) extremity

    d) pleura

    36. What is the largest gland in the body?

    a) the pancreas

    b) the gallbladder

    c) the spleen

    d) the liver
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