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  • Introduction - what you say

  • Hello

  • State

  • __________________________________________________________ 7. COMPANY PROFILE________________________________________________ Vocabulary

  • Listening.

  • Competitors product employees factories markets customers sales head office

  • Reading.

  • __________________________________________________________

  • Departments in the company

  • Human resources Production Marketing

  • 7нн. Методические указания и задания к занятиям семинарского типа, контрольной и самостоятельной работе по дисциплине

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    НазваниеМетодические указания и задания к занятиям семинарского типа, контрольной и самостоятельной работе по дисциплине
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    Jenny: Good morning, Paul.

  • Paul: Pleased to meet you, Ms Redford.

  • Jenny: Fine, thanks, and you?

  • Paul: And please call me Paul.

  • Elaine: How do you do?

  • Paul: Fine. Is that Ms Redford over there?

    Practice the dialogue with your partner.

    3. How do you want people to address you? When you introduce yourself in a formal situation, you can show people how you want them to address you.

  • Introduction - what you say


    (for men)

    Hello, my name's Smith.

    Hello, my name's Smith. John Smith.

    Hello, my name's John. John Smith.

    • Hello, Mr. Smith.

    • Hello, Mr. Smith.

    • Hello, John.

    (for women)

    Hello, my name's Smith.

    Hello, my name's Smith. Mrs. Smith.

    Hello, my name's Anna. Anna Smith.

    • Hello, Ms Smith.

    • Hello, Mrs. Smith.

    • Hello, Anna.

     Don't say: “My name's Mr. Smith / My name's Mrs. Smith”.

     Don't forget to use the same greeting words in the reply: Hello for Hello, Good morning for Good morning.
    4. Here's some advice about introductions. Complete the gaps with one of these verbs:

    State shake reply introduce look exchange

    1. When people meet on business, they often ______________ cards.

    2. Women choose whether to _____________hands with men or not.

    3. _________________ younger people to older people.

    4. Always __________________ your name clearly.

    5. ____________ the other person straight in the eye and smile.

    6. In Britain, _____________ 'How do you do' if the other person says 'How do you do.'

     When you start a conversation try to reply in a way that develops the conversation.
    5. These dialogues are abrupt and impolite. Below are phrases (A-G) to improve them. Complete the replies.

    How are you?

    • Fine thanks.

    Nice to see you again.

    • Nice to see you too.

    It's been a long time, hasn't it?

    • Yes.

    Nice weather today, isn't it?

    • Yes, lovely.

    Terrible weather, isn't it?

    • Yes, awful.

    That's a nice shirt/blouse.

    • Thanks. I bought it from Harrods.

    This coffee's a bit weak.

    • Yes, it is.

    Did you get that report I sent you?

    • Yes, I did, thanks.

    A. I hope it stays like this for the weekend.

    B. And you? You're looking well.

    C. I think it's rained every day since I arrived.

    D. I think we last met two years ago in Manila.

    E. It was very useful.

    F. How are you?

    G. Not like the coffee you get in Italy.
    Now cover the replies with a piece of paper. Start conversations with a partner and continue naturally for a few lines.




    Vocabulary. Business sectors

    Match the companies (1–20) with their sectors (a-t).

    1. a company which makes aspirin

    a) construction

    2. a company which sells package holidays

    b) consumer electronics

    3. a company which distributes electricity

    c) financial services

    4. a supermarket chain

    d) confectionery

    5. a company which builds houses

    e) software

    6. a company which makes washing machines

    f) telecommunications

    7. a company which sells hamburgers

    g) media

    8. a company which makes camcorders

    h) pharmaceuticals

    9. an airline

    i) beverages

    10. a company which makes fighter planes

    j) toiletries

    11. a company which makes shampoo

    k) real estate

    12. a restaurant chain

    l) transport

    13. a newspaper publisher

    m) utilities

    14. a company which sells things over the

    n) household goods

    15. a company which makes mobile phones

    o) retail

    16. a company which sells investment advice

    p) fast food

    17. a company which makes chocolate

    q) catering

    18. a company which makes beer

    r) defence

    19. a property company

    s) e-commerce

    20. a company which writes computer programs

    t) tourism


    Listening. Talking about the company
    1. Here is some information about Nokia, the Finnish telecommunications company. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

    Competitors product employees factories markets customers sales head office

    1) The __________ of Nokia is in Helsinki. 2) Europe is one of the company’s major _________. 3) __________ in China are very high. 4) Ericsson is one of the main __________. 5) They have __________ in ten different countries. 6) The company has more than 50,000 __________ in the world. 7) The Nokia 9100 is a very successful __________. 8) Nokia has __________ in at least 130 countries.
    2. Simon Hastings has an interview with a senior manager at Nokia. Listen and complete the information below.



    Head office

    Research centre



    Major markets

    Main competitors











    ______________________________Check your answers with Tape script 2.

    Reading. Companies

    Read the texts and answer if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements.

     We’re a multinational company with a quarter of million employees and there are over a hundred and twenty subsidiaries worldwide. The group has a turnover of thirty one thousand, six hundred and twenty million dollars and our holding or parent company is located in the Netherlands.

    About half our sales are to the consumer market and half are to the professional and industrial markets. Altogether we manufacture and sell over a million different electrical products.

    The group is also working in joint ventures with other partners. For example, we’re expanding our activities in China at the moment, developing business ventures with the People’s Republic.

    1. The company has 25,000 employees.

    2. They operate worldwide.

    3. This is a Dutch company.

    4. This company produces consumer and industrial goods.

    5. The turnover of the company is $30,626,000.

     We carry over 30 million passengers a year and we fly to 41 destinations in 25 foreign countries. We also provide a domestic service that has 48 routes and serves 20 cities.

    Safety is number one priority and at the moment we are installing “FANS” in our aircraft – that is Future Aircraft Navigation Systems. These devices are improving communications and reducing air traffic congestion by making use of satellite links.

    1. They fly to 41 destinations.

    2. They are installing new equipment at the moment.

    3. Safety is a weak point of the company.

    4. They serve the home market.

     We have a turnover of sixty-two billion dollars and there are two hundred and fifteen thousand employees worldwide. We manufacture and sell advanced information processing products and we are the market leader in microelectronics, data storage, communications and many other fields. It’s the most exciting industry in the world and it’s changing fast. And we’re changing too. We are throwing out bureaucracy and developing a new company culture. We’re introducing new systems that encourage speed, risk taking and personal leadership.

    1. They have the biggest market share in microelectronics.

    2. They don’t want to develop.

    3. The company employs 250, 000 people.

    4. This is a trading company.


    Use the Internet to find information about a local or multinational company. Fill in the chart. Speak about the company using the information. Listen to your partners and fill in the chart for them.



    Head office

    Research centre



    Major markets

    Main competitors





    You want to set up a company to develop and produce a new type of MP3 player. What different people do you need to employ? Make a list.

    1. Read the text and draw an organization chart of the company.
    Most companies are made up of three groups of people: the shareholders (who provide the capital), the management and the workforce.

    At the top of the company hierarchy is the Board of Directors, headed by the Chairperson or President. The Board is responsible for policy decisions and strategy. It will usually appoint a Managing Director or Chief Executive Officer, who has overall responsibility for the running of the business. Senior managers or company officers head the various departments or functions within the company.

    2. Study a sample departmental structure:

    Departments in the company

    Human resources











    Customer Accounts

    Wages and Salaries


    After-Sales service

    Financial Services




    Research and development

    Information technology


    3. Which department:

    a) puts the products in boxes and crates? b) places ads in magazines?
    c) pays the staff? d) purchases supplies? e) sells the products to customers? f) plans how to sell new products? g) services the machines and equipment? h) arranges courses for the staff? i) recruits new employees?
    j) manufactures the products? k) invoices customers? l) looks after customers’ problems and complaints? m) dispatches the products and sends them to customers? n) organizes control systems to prevent the mistakes? o) deals with taxation, investment and cash management? p) thinks of ideas for new products? q) looks after the computers?


    Listen to six recordings. Where (in which department) does each speaker work?
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