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  • Turnover employs market share located products subsidiary competitors outlets

  • Example

  • Connecting the points Referring to AV aids Finishing

  • __________________________________________________________

  • 7нн. Методические указания и задания к занятиям семинарского типа, контрольной и самостоятельной работе по дисциплине

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    НазваниеМетодические указания и задания к занятиям семинарского типа, контрольной и самостоятельной работе по дисциплине
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    ______________________________Check your answers with Tape script 3.



     Have you ever had to speak in front of a large group of people? How did you feel?

    Vocabulary. Here some facts about Pizza Hut (UK).Use the worlds in the box to complete the sentences.

    Turnover employs market share located products subsidiary competitors outlets

    1. The headquarters of Pizza Hut (UK) is ________ in London.

    2. Their range of ________ includes pizza, pasta, salads, and desserts.

    3. The company ________ 16,000 people.

    4. Pizza Hut (UK)’s ________ is over ₤300 m.

    5. Their main ________ are Pizza Express and Ask.

    6. They have ________ in most large towns in Britain.

    7. Pizza Hut (UK) is a ________ of Tricon Global Restaurants.

    8. Their ________ at the moment is 6%.


    Listening. Listen to the short presentation on Pizza Hut (UK). Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?

    1. The talk is in four parts.


    1. Tricon Global Restaurants is a subsidiary of Pizza Hut.


    1. Jon Prinsell is the President of Pizza Hut (UK).


    1. British people do not eat many pizzas.


    1. Pizza Hut wants to expand.


    ______________________________Check your answers with Tape script 4.


    1. You have to give a presentation. Here are some things to do at the beginning of a presentation. Number them in the order you would do them.

    • Outline the structure of the presentation;

    • Welcome the audience;

    • Introduce the first point;

    • Tell the audience the subject of the presentation;

    • Introduce yourself;

    • Tell the audience when to ask questions.

    Listen to Sarah James again and check your order.

    Now write exact words Sarah used to do the things in the list. Example:

    Welcome the audience: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming_________________

    Suggest other ways to do the things. Discuss the suggestions with your teacher. Example: I’m very grateful that you could all come today.
    2. Here are some more things to do in the rest of the presentation. Match the headings on the left with the phrases on the right.

    Connecting the points
    Referring to AV aids

    • Thank you for listening

    • Let’s move on to…

    • Are there any questions?

    • This diagram shows…

    • So, in conclusion…

    • As you can see…

    • My next point is…

    • If you look at the next slide

    Add more phrases under each heading. You may read the Tape script for Sarah’s presentation on page 41.


    Reading. Here are some rules for preparing a presentation. Match the first sentence of each paragraph (A – F) with the paragraphs (1 – 6).

    1. Decide what you want to say to your audience. ____

    2. Choose the right equipment to help make your talk interesting.____

    3. Find out who you are talking to. ____

    4. Practice your presentation in advance. ____

    5. Make sure your presentation has a clear structure. ____

    6. Find out about the room you are talking in. ____

     It's important to know your audience. How many people are there? Where are they from? What do they want to learn? How much do they already know?

     The venue is important too. If possible, visit it before your presentation. Where will the audience sit? Where will you stand? Where will you put your equipment?

     Make sure your objectives are clear. This will help you to prepare material that is interesting and informative. Remember, you want your audience to learn something they don't know. You also want them to enjoy your presentation.

     A well-organized presentation is easier to understand. Give it a beginning, a middle and an end. Make separate points and number them. This structure will help your audience to follow what you are saying.

     There are many different kinds of AV (audio-visual) aids. You can use a simple flip chart or show slides on an overhead projector. There is also computer software, like Microsoft PowerPoint™, which can make your presentation look professional. Choose AV aids that are appropriate for your audience. And make sure you know how they work.

     Make notes of the most important points. Make sure you speak to your audience - don't read to them. Practice giving your talk out loud and check how much time it takes. Ask a friend to listen and give you feedback.


    Get real.

    Use the Internet to find out about a company. Select the most interesting information and prepare a presentation on the company.




    Work in pairs. Do the quiz together and calculate your scores.

    1. How often do you buy on the Internet?

    1. Very frequently;

    1. Quite often;

    1. Rarely;

    1. Never.

    2. MP3 player, Blackberry, mobile phone, laptop. How many of them do you own?

    1. four;

    1. three;

    1. two;

    1. none.

    3. Wi-Fi, L8, gbps, ISP. How many of them do you understand?

    1. four;

    1. three;

    1. two;

    1. one or none.

    4. Your internet connection goes down.

    1. It's not a problem – I have a back-up account;

    1. I call the helpline immediately;

    1. I try dialing later or do something else instead;

    1. I don't notice.

    5. Your computer is being repaired.

    1. I use my other PC – I have a spare;

    1. I use my laptop;

    1. I borrow a computer if necessary;

    1. It's not a problem, I can wait.

    6. What do you prefer to do at home in the evenings?

    1. check my email;

    1. play computer games;

    1. watch TV;

    1. read a book.

    7. Is it usually better to contact you…

    1. …by text message?

    1. …by email?

    1. …by phone?

    1. …face-to-face?
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