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методичка СР, 5, 2,3к. Методичні вказівки з розвитку комунікативної компетенції студентів з предмету Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням

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Lesson 5

1. Read and translate the text

A French physicist, Henri Becquerel discovered that a metal called uranium gave off a kind of radiation, which later Marie Сuriе called radioactivity. But where did this radiation come from and what was it like? Here was a secret of nature which she decided to discover. She made experiments again and again. There was failure, success, more failure, a little success, a little more success. All proved that in the mineral which she was examining there was some form of radiation which man knew nothing about. Life was rather hard. Marie wrote: "Life is not easy for any of us. We must work, and above all we must believe in ourselves."

At this time her husband Piere Curie left his own laboratory work, in which he was successful, and joined with her in her search for this unknown radiation. In 1898 they declared that they believed there was something in nature which gave out radioactivity. To this something, still unseen, they gave the name radium. All this was very interesting, but it was against the beliefs of some, of the scientists of that day. These scientists were very polite to the Curies, but they could not believe them. The common feeling among them was: "Show us some radium, and we will believe you."

There was an old building at the back of the school where Piere Curie had worked, with walls and the roof made of wood and glass. There were some old tables, a blackboard and an old stove in it. It was not much better than a shed9. The Curies moved in and set up their laboratory and workshops. Here for four very difficult years they worked, weighing and boiling and measuring and calculating and thinking. The shed was hot in summer and Cold in winter, when it rained, water dropped from the ceiling. But in spite of all these discomforts, the Curies worked on. For them these were the four happiest years of their lives. One evening in 1902 they went to their labo­ratory again. They opened the door. "Don't light the lamps," said Marie. "Look! ... Look!"

And there, glowing with faint blue light in the glass test-tubes on the tables, was (he mysterious something which was so hard to find: Radium.

I. Translate the sentences paying attention to the Modal Verbs.

1. Scientists can calculate and correct the orbits of sputniks with the help of electronic computers. 2. Thanks to the remote control devices and the radio communication system one person can control the operation of the most complex machinery. 3. The distance between the Earth and the Moon may change. 4. All radio receivers must have three essential parts: a) antenna-to-ground system; b) a detector; c) a speaker or headphones. 5. By means of a special microscope biologists can examine the smallest organisms in their live state. 6. The fourth-year students must regularly inform their Physics instructor of their scientific experiments. 7. Our team must assemble the device.

II. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention
to the Modal Verbs.

1. In his experimental work any research worker must apply the necessary safety measures. 2. Man can live and work both in a spaceship and outside it in space. 3. Some radio signals may serve as a clue to the chemical processes that take place in outer space. 4. A radio-engineer must know radio, TV and radar equipment perfectly well and must be able to design it. 5. First of all we can and must explore the Moon and other planets with the aid (help) of automatic devices. 6. Scientists, engineers and other experts could calculate the orbits of Sputniks with the help of electronic computers.

III. Translate into Ukrainian paying attention to the Modal Verbs.

1. The sputniks can be used to study the magnetic fields, atmosphere, ionosphere and cosmic radiation. 2. The memory unit of that electronic instrument can remember results, repeat them at the right moment and compare them with the results of another calculation. 3. Radio engineers may use new technological methods and automation to develop micro TV receivers. 4. A digital computer can solve thousands of mathematical operations in one second.

IV. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian, write the figures in words.

1 Benjamin Franklin, an American statesman, scientist and writer was bom in 1706 and died in 1790. 2. Kilocycle (kc.) equals 1,000 cycles while one megacycle equals 1,000,000 cycles. 3. On November 12th, 1970 in accordance with the set programme, the TU-144 supersonic liner developed a speed of 2,430 km per hour at an altitude of 16,960 metres. 4. Approximately (nearly] 1 /4 of the world's scientific workers work in various branches of the economy and culture. 5. The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second. 6. Galileo's telescope had a lens (лінза) only 2.25 inches in diameter. 7. The distance from our Institute to the centre of the city is 2.75 kilometres. 8. The mass of an electron is about 1/1840 of the mass of a hydrogen atom.

V. Write the following in words:

a) numerals: 40; 90; 105:8,300; 3,755,039.

b) fraction: %.; 5%; 25.34; 0.75,

VI. Translate the sentences paying attention to the words in bold type:

1. The experiments carried out by us showed very good results. 2. These results are of great importance. 3. The increase of production results from the use of automation and high-speed methods. 4. The application of machinery results in a great increase of production. 5. The problem set before our scientists is to study the results of the first experiment.

VII. Render from English into Ukrainian.

In 1898 the Curies obtained a new element whose radioactivity was several million times stronger than that of uranium.

They named this new substance "radium". Radium is very expensive, as it is extremely rare. Several tons' of rich ore are required in order to obtain one ounce of radium worth many thousands of dollars.

Radium possesses many interesting properties. It liberates heat, electrifies the air; it causes many substances to become phosphorescent when brought near it; it kills bacteria and other tiny organisms. Radium is used for medical purposes, as it helps to locate and diagnose different growths. There are many other applications of radium and more are developing each year.

VIII. Title the text in the Ex. VII.

IX. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the words in the bold type.

1. We are steadily finding new means of protection from radiation. He
always says what he means. The word "safe" means "free from danger".

2. Radiation can produce bums and injuries of various kinds. People
should be very kind to animals.

3. This clock doesn't show the time: the hour hand is missing. We pull
back our hands from a flame or a very hot objects. On the one hand this
research is very promising but on the other hand it is expensive and time-

Lesson 6-7

1. Read and translate the text


Here are some facts about a new automatic plant in Kyiv. The new plant is truly an enterprise of tomorrow – a factory where men and women are free from manual labour, where machines do all the hard work.

In the high, light and clean halls hundreds of mechanical devices act with unprecedented precision and timing. The machine assembly transforms metal into complex machine parts without human intervention.

A few people walk quietly round the machines and check their oper­ation. These are operators. They operate separate machines. They keep them working at just the right speed. Every operator is a very skilled technician with a wide knowledge of machines. He knows machines so well that he can feel the pulse of each machine. If any trouble arises, the operator determines the damage and repairs it quickly, in seconds. He changes tools and starts the device again. But to repair damage is only a Part of his job. To prevent stoppages is even much more important.

The operators are well trained people. A controller sits at a desk. He merely watches the illuminated glass panel on which he sees the entire machine assembly in graphic form. As he knows the connection between the various working processes, he directs various sections and shops of the plant.

Machines are used not only to produce high-precision parts. They inspect the quality of work. If any stoppage takes place an automatic device immediately sends a signal. At every stage of its journey through the plant, the part goes through accurate mechanical inspection. A mechanical device inspects and checks the weight of the part, precision of its diameter, solidity of metal. Another mechanical inspector not only checks the precision of the complex parts but sorts them out in different sizes.

The plant of today is a factory which looks more like a first-class laboratory than a plant.

I. Translate into Ukrainian paying attention to the Predicates.

1. He has been interested in history since his childhood. 2. The positive results hadn't been obtained until a more powerful apparatus was installed. 3. They have already determined the main properties of the substance. 4. The explanation of these strange facts hasn't been furnished yet. 5. He has been offered a very interesting job at that institute. 6. I was very busy with my work so I had to refuse to take part in the expedition. 7. All necessary information is being stored in the computer. 8. What substance must be added to the solution? 9. The discovery of these rays may cause great changes in modem technology. 10. After careful consideration of your report we shall be able to point out to you all the defects it contains. 11. The problem of the future of human civilization on the Earth is being steadily researched by the scientists throughout the world.

II. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form, state the type of Predicates and translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. The speaker just (to mention) the role of genetics in the development of medical sciences. 2. In 2000 people (to mark) the 275th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 3. Science (to become) the productive force of the society. 4. They (to obtain) these results last year. 5. We (to do) this research since 2000. 6. The Institute of Geophysics (to carry out) the re­search into the structure of these planets. 7. They always (to try) to use the most efficient methods of research.

III. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the function of the word with suffixes-ed and-ing

1. As mentioned above the method of working (обробка) depends on the mechanical properties of a metal. 2. The development of jet turbines raised an urgent need for a new metal which has to maintain its properties when subjected to high temperatures. 3. The metals used cannot be reheated. 4. The existing methods of extracting metals from ores are to be improved. 5. When selecting a metal the engineer must take into consideration its mechanical properties. 6. Mention should be made that the word "ferrous" is derived from the Latin word "ferrum".

IV. Put the verbs in brackets in the required forms of the Tense and Voice and translate into Ukrainian.

1. The theory of the biosphere (to work out) in the first half of the XX century. 2. The biosphere (to interpret) as the global envelope produced on the Earth with the development of life. 3. The set pattern of the biosphere (to unbalance) by man's activity now. 4. The established mechanisms of the biosphere (to disrupt) by huge volumes of synthetic compounds. 5. World science (to face) with the task of protecting the biosphere from pollutants. 6. The first theory of the biosphere (to address) to the scientists.

V. Translate the following word-combinations into Ukrainian.

a) engine design; power shortage; radiation gauge; thickness gauge;

tracer technique;

b) atomic power plant; electric power generation; tracer measurement

system; ultrasonic machine tool;

c) high power ultrasonic generator; high tension transmission line.

VI. Translate the following word-combinations into Ukrainian.

common usage, automatic dishwashers, result from, common char-s, primitive automatic machines, controlling functions, electronic computing devices.

Lesson 8-9

1. Read and translate the text
The Development of Radio Engineering and Electronics.

The invention of electronic devices whose activity is based upon the flow of free electrons in a vacuum, has considerably enlarged. The ap­plication of electrical energy for various industrial purposes. It is electronic devices that made it possible to solve the problem оf obtaining high-frequency currents which are the basis of radio-engi­neering, television, "talkies",* radar and other very important branches of modern engineering.

Radio, one of the greatest achievements was born in Russia. A. S. Ророv demonstrated the first radio receiving set in the world as far back as 1895.

Broadcasting is considered to be developed in the USSR along with short waves. For the lime being radio broadcasting has become a part of our life. The basic devices in radio engineering are known to be radio-transmilting and radio-receiving ones. The theory of both these devices was developed by Soviet scientists.

In the early 30s Academician A. I. Berg developed the theory of radio-transmitting devices.Academician Vvcdenskey is known to have con­tributed a great deal to the successful development of radio elec­tronics. His investigations in the field of propagation of ultra-short waves proved to the of particularly great significance. The results of these researches are increasingly used in television, radar and other fields of radio engineering.

Without radio elec­tronics we would not have cybernetics, cosmonautics and nuclear phys­ics. No book on electricity would be complete without mentioning elec­tronics.

In the field of television our country was the first as compared with other countries. As early as the 20's in Moscow under the supervision of V. 1. Archangelsky television signals were transmitted for the first time. In the early 30's electronic television was being developed. Prin­ciples of electronic television suggested by B. L. Rosing were put into practice by S. I. Katayev and other Soviet specialists. In 1939 the Moscow television centre was put into operation. The newly built 500 metre television tower in Moscow makes it possible to extend direct broadcasts to more than a hundred kilometers.

As far us radar is concerned such specialists made a great con­tribution. They are N. F. Alekseyev and D. E.Malyarov. One of the first radars is known lo have been worked out by Kobzaryov. is carried out using ultra-short waves.

2. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following:

The invention of electronic devices

electrical energy

high-frequency currents

to base the activity upon

the flow of free electrons in a vacuum

radio-receiving set


nuclear physics

to transmit signals

to make a great contribution

to put into operation

succesful development.

3. Answer the following questions;

1. How did the invention of the electronic devices influence the application of electrical energy?

2. What brunches of engineering began to develop?

3. Who developed the theory of radio- transmitting devices?

4. Who created the development of television?

Lesson 10

1. Read and translate the text:


The word laboratory is used to denote any room or building devoted to experimental investigation in techniques and sciences for the purpose of advancing man's knowledge of special applications of natural laws. The word laboratory is also used to denote the work-room of a chemist or a testing-room of an industry.

In earlier days people called the places devoted to chemical work simply a workshop and later they used these workshops for making drugs.

Among the greatest laboratories of the world may be noted the laboratory of the Royal Institution established in 1800 in Britain and devoted to the applied sciencies The laboratory soon became the seat of great activity in research in pure science conducted by such scientists as M. Faraday and J. Tyndall. The first physical laboratories founded for students appeared in 1846.

Nowadays laboratories are introduced into educational institutions to teach scientific and technical knowledge by means of experiments. Some laboratories have departments devoted to research in pure sciences and to the study of the application of science to industrial purposes.

VIII. Form words of opposite meaning by adding suffixes or prefixes
to the following words.

Useful, convenient, practical, harmonious, important, attractive, comfortable.

IX. Translate the following phrases from the text.

experimental investigation; man's knowledge; natural law; testing-room; chemical work; work-room; by means of; nowadays; applied sciences; the seat of great activity.

X. Arrange the following words in pairs according to the similar meaning.

Eminent, complete, bad, use, receive, take part, supervise, number, full, motion, outstanding, achievements, help, poor, employ, connect, obtain, participate, developments, assist, associate, power, guide, quantity.

Lesson 11-12

1. Read and translate the text:
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9

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