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  • 2. Mind the following words and word-combination

  • Lesson 11 1. Read and translate the text

  • Lesson 12 1. Read and translate the text

  • 3. Answer the following questions

  • методичка СР, 5, 2,3к. Методичні вказівки з розвитку комунікативної компетенції студентів з предмету Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням

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    НазваниеМетодичні вказівки з розвитку комунікативної компетенції студентів з предмету Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням
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    Lesson 10

    1. Read and translate the text:

    Computers and Сareer.

    Computers have been used more and more frequently in Great Britain. Today many Britons use them every day. According to recent statistics every third person has contact with a computer at work. The ability to operate at least some basic computer programs is a major requirement when applying for a job as an accountant secretary or an administrative clerk. A lot of older people often have to learn new skills to be able to stay іn their jobs.

    Access to personal computers is also growing. The number of people who purchase them is gradually increasing. Today most people have computers at home, others are planning to buy one soon.

    Computers in Great Britain are being increasingly used in numerous walks of life. They are revolutionising the design, printing, manufacturing, accountancy, banking, telecommunication, energetics, the mining industries and the railway system.

    The computer is no longer simply an object of fascination but an absolute necessity. Many analysts are of the opinion that in a few years' time the inability to operate a computer will be treated as a kind of cultural illiteracy.

    2. Mind the following words and word-combination:

    Recent statistics

    to have a contact with co0mputer at work

    to operate basic computer programs

    to learn new skills


    3. Answer the following questions.

    1. Does every Briton has a computer at home today?

    2. Do many people have contact with a computer at work?

    3. Is the ability to operate basic computer programs a major requirement when applying for some jobs?

    4. Are computers in Great Britain being used preferably in advertising and marketing?

    5. Do a lot of old people often have to learn new skills to be able to stay in their jobs?

    6. Is the computer the only an object of fascination in Great Britain?

    7. Is having contact with computer at work and operating the new skills very important nowadays?

    Lesson 11

    1. Read and translate the text:

    Intelligent Homes.

    Control devices and networking.

    Intelligent homes are controlled with different types of interfaces, devices that facilitate communication between the user and the system: physical switchers, touch screens, IR (infrared) remote controls, computers either at home or at a distance, telephony.

    The different elements perform one of these two functions: they are either command initiators, e.g a brightness sensor that is programmed to send an instruction when it gets dark, or command receivers, e.g. a light that turns on when it receives an instruction sent by the sensor.

    Household appliances, sound and video systems, optical and thermal sensors, etc. can be linked with wired and wireless systems. Wired LANs use different types of cables and also electrical wiring.

    WLANs, wireless networks, use radio frequency systems: Bluetooth, a short-range radio system used to communicate between portable devices (laptops, PDAs, mobile phones, etc.), is now frequently used to design PANs (personal area networks) inside the home.

    Intelligent systems perform such functions:

    - turn on and off alarm systems and phone emergency services if needed,

    - open and close door and gates, blinds or curtains,

    - control heat and smoke sensors,

    - control heating, air conditioning and electricity,

    - detect motion and switch on and off lights,

    - switch on and off hi-fi sets and home cinema, select music and programs,

    - have everything ready when you wake up: the bath running, the electric kettle on, the news headlines on your computer,

    - keep a list of the products in the fridge, make an order to a supermarket and suggest recipes.

    1. Guess what is it?

    1. A wireless standard used for PANs.

    2. Touch screens, remote control and computers are different types of .............

    3. The adjective which describes networks without cables.

    4. A smoke sensor is an example of a command ................

    5. The automatic operation of a system or process.

    6. The adjective used to describe homes and devices that use IT technology.

    7. A light switch can be used as a command………..

    Lesson 12

    1. Read and translate the text:


    The rapidly advancing field of electronics led to construc­tion of the first general-purpose electronic computer in 1946 at the University of Pennsylvania. It was Electronic Numeri­cal Integrator And Computer or ENIAC, the device contained 18,000 vacuum tubes and had a speed of several hundred mul­tiplications per minute. Its program was wired into the pro­cessor and had to be manually altered.

    Later transistors appeared. The use of the transistor in computers began in the late 1950s. It marked the advent of smaller, faster elements than it was possible to create with the use of vacuum-tube machines. Because transistors use less power and have a much longer life, computers alone were im­proved a lot. They were called second-generation computers. Components became smaller and the system became less ex­pensive to build.

    Modern digital computers are all conceptually similar, re­gardless of size and shape. Nevertheless, they can be divided into several categories on the basis of cost and performance.

    The first one is the personal computer or microcomputer, a relatively low-cost machine, usually of desk-top size. Sometimes they are called laptops. They are small enough to fit in a brief case. The second is the workstation, a microcomputer with hanced graphics and communications capabilities that make it especially useful for office work. And the server computers, large expensive machine with the capability of serving the needs of major business enterprises, government departments, scientific research establishments. The largest and fastest of these are called supercomputers.

    A digital computer is not actually a single machine, in the sense that most people think of computers. Instead it is a sys­tem composed of five distinct elements: a central processing unit, input devices, memory storage devices, output devices and a communications network, called a “bus” that links all the elements of the system and connects the system itself to the external world.

    2. Mind the following words and word-combination:

    rapidly — швидко

    general-purpose — універсальний, багатоцільовий

    device — прилад, пристрій

    vacuum tube — вакуумна трубка

    multiplication — множення

    to wire into тут записати на

    manually — вручну

    to alter — змінювати

    transistor — транзистор

    to create — створювати

    to improve — поліпшувати, вдосконалювати

    expensive — дорогий

    to build (past built, p.p. built) — побудувати

    digital — цифровий

    conceptually — концептуально

    similar —схожий, подібний

    regardless — незважаючи на

    nevertheless — проте, однак

    desk-top — десктоп, комп'ютер настільного розміру

    laptop — лептоп

    to fit — підходити

    briefcase — портфель, валізка

    workstation — робоча станція

    to enhance — поліпшити, збільшувати

    capability — здатність

    server — сервер

    enterprise — підприємство

    research establishment — дослідницька установа

    to be composed of — складатися з

    central processing unitцентральний обчислювальний


    distinct — різний

    input device — пристрій введення інформації

    memory storage device — пристрій збереження інфор­мації

    output device — пристрій виводу інформації

    communication network — система комунікацій busтут шина to link — з'єднувати

    external — зовнішній

    3. Answer the following questions

    1. When was the first general-purpose electronic computer constructed?

    2. When did the use of transistor in computers begin?

    3. Are all modern digital computers conceptually similar?

    4. What is laptop?

    5. What is a server computer?

    6. What is supercomputer?

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