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  • I. State the tense and type of Predicates and translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

  • II. Put the Verbs in the brackets in the required forms of the Tense and translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

  • III. State the functions of the words ending-ed and translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

  • IV. Put the Verbs in the brackets in the required tense form and translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

  • VI. Translate the following word-combinations into Ukrainian.

  • Lesson

  • XI. Express the main idea of the text ( ex. VI) in one sentence. Translate the following word-combinations into Ukrainian

  • IV Semester Lesson 1

  • 2. Words and expressions for the text comprehension

  • I. Comprehension questions

  • II. Discussion questions: 1.

  • REVISION EXERSICES I.Changethe following sentences from Active into Passive Voice

  • II. Use the Present Indefinite Passive. Mind the place of the Preposition in the sentences. Translate the sentences

  • III. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying atten­tion to the Predicate in the Present, Past, Future Perfect Passive Voice

  • IV. Put the Verbs in brackets in the required tense form and translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

  • V. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the meaning word "time"

  • методичка СР, 5, 2,3к. Методичні вказівки з розвитку комунікативної компетенції студентів з предмету Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням

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    Automation may be said to be a modem term signifying the use of machines to do work that formely had to be done by people. What used to be called automation.

    The machine that automatically makes, inspects and packs 1,200 cigarettes a minute can do nothing else. It is a one-purpose machine as there are many of others.

    But the digital computer seems to be versatile and can be used as the brains for automating a wide variety of work where figuring, remembering and making logical choices are required. The computer proves to be only a very high-speed adding and subtracting machine. It is unlikely to be the thinking machine as it is sometimes called. Everything it does other than adding and subtracting is the result of man's ingenuity .

    The design of newer equipment with greater usefulness and capabilities is said to be bringing about an ever increasing growth in the development of control equipment. The reason is twofold. Firstly automatic controls relieve man of many monotonous activities so that he can devote his abilities to other occupation. Secondly modem complex controls can perform functions which are beyond the physical abilities of man. For example an elaborated automatic control system operates the engine of a modern jet airplane with only a minimum amount of the pilot's attention, so that he is free to fly his airplane.

    Mention should be made that the design and development of automatic control systems is a principal concern of an engineer. In recent years we know automatic control systems to have been rapidly advancing in importance in all fields of engineering. The applications of control system are known to cover a very wide scope, ranging from the design of precision control devices such as sensitive instrument to the design of the equipment used for controlling the manufacture of steel or other industrial processes. New applications for arranging6 automatic controls are continually being discovered.

    I. State the tense and type of Predicates and translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

    1. When the engineer was measuring the temperature he used the ultrasonic technique. When measuring the temperature the engineer used the ultrasonic technique. 2. The temperature the engineer was measuring was of great value for our tests. The temperature was being measured great importance for our tests. 3. When the temperature was being measured it Proved extremely low. Being measured the temperature proved extremely low. 4. When the student had measured the temperature he wrote it down in the table.

    II. Put the Verbs in the brackets in the required forms of the Tense and translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

    1. For many years scientists (to study) the nucleus before they found that it is possible to split it. 2. By the first of January our plant (to use) atomic energy for running different machines for eight months. 3. Many power stations (to use) atomic energy for a long time before I knew it. 4. All this period scientists and engineers (to develop) rocket technology and electronics in close cooperation. 5. We widely (to use) electronic devices in industry for many years. 6. We know that our astronomers (to observe) the moon for a long time. 7. My friend (to make) these experiments to compare the weigh of elements since the first of September, 8. The question about the new experiment on this subject (to discuss) for some time before we came to a definite conclusion.

    III. State the functions of the words ending-ed and translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

    1. Iron and steel are both produced from iron ore. 2. The steel produced by our plant is of high quality. 3. Scientists produced new elements in і nuclear reactors. 4. For very low-temperature work gases are the only substances that can be used. 5. The two very important types of thermometers widely used in industrial processes are electrical in character. 6. We used both types of thermometers in our work. 7. Our laboratory will be provided with all the necessary instruments. 8. The instruments provided by our plant are very accurate. 9. This plant provided a great number of accurate instruments last year. 10. The automatic space station created provides important information on space.

    IV. Put the Verbs in the brackets in the required tense form and translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

    1. Last month we (to place) a trial order with Brown and Co. with whom we (not to do) business before. 2. In June we (to be going) to make a transaction with Bell and Co. We (not to have) any business relations with them before. 3. "Why you(can. not to go) to the theatre with me now?" Well, you see, I (not finish) my work yet." 4. "Why you (not to go) to the manufacturing plant yesterday afternoon?" "I (can, not to go) there because we (not to complete) the talks by that time.

    VI. Translate the following word-combinations into Ukrainian.

    a) atomic power plant, hydroelectric station, thermal power station, power resources, power transmission, electric power generation, high-tension (volt­age) transmission line, the capacity of the power station, the capacity of this machine, the capacity of electric circuits to realize a plan, to realize phe­nomena; to be in operation, to put into operation, to put into service.

    b) to be under construction, the consumption of energy, to be in use compared with.

    Lesson 13

    1. Read and translate the text:

    Scientific Progress and Man.

    Scientific and engineering progress opens up wide prospects, before man. The more scientific knowledge man has, the more he is able to use the forces of nature to his advantage.

    Scientific and technical progress enables man to obtain newer and cheaper sources of energy, to manufacture new man-made materials and to launch

    artificial satellites into outer space. Let us take, for example, the prospects for accelerating communications.

    Today with the latest means of transports man can overcome great distances. Rocket transport may solve the problem of far distances in the very nearest future. Quantum electronics will have to enable man to transmit comprehensive information over great distances.

    The possibility to watch what goes on in the world over TV changes people's way of thinking. People begin to understand that they are neighbours and have to build their relations on the basis of scientific and cultural cooperation. One should remember that it is the scientific cooperation which is to become the foundation of international relations.

    XI. Express the main idea of the text ( ex. VI) in one sentence. Translate the following word-combinations into Ukrainian

    a) similar terms, similar properties, similar weights, similar quality, similar in shape, similar in colour; to emphasize the importance, to emphasize
    the significance; remarkable changes, remarkable achievements, remarkable
    equipment; noticeable progress, noticeable improvement, noticeable advan­tage

    b) to be dependent upon one's help, to be dependent upon speed; closely
    connected; current conduction; wireless communication; basic discoveries;
    modern research laboratory; measuring devices; electrically operated; a
    means of automation and control; a direct means of fulfilling such operations

    IV Semester

    Lesson 1-2

    1. Read and translate the text:

    1. Read aloud and memorize the following words:

    circuit ['s3:kit] — схема; require— вимагати (потребувати); compatible — сумісний, сполучений; assembly — монтаж; cumbersome] — незграбний, громіздкий; hexadecimal

    ['hekso'desimal] — щістнадцятковий; alphanumeric— початкове число; assign — приписувати; ascending— який іде по висхідній лінії; vice versa— навпаки.
    2. Words and expressions for the text comprehension: integrated circuit — інтегральна схема; to provide with — забезпечувати; read-only memory (ROM) —доступ­на тільки для читання пам'ять; interactive video computer terminal — інтерактивний комп'ютерний відеотермінал; line printer — пристрій рядкового друку; control element— елемент управління; number system — числова система; decimal number system — система десяткових чисел; mi­croprocessor-based system — система на основі мікропроцесора; binary number system — двійкова система чисел; assembler language — мова асемблера; shorthand number system — стенографічна система чисел; octal — вісімковий; hexadecimal — шістнадцятковий; no matter how large or small — незважаючи на те, якої величини.
    A microprocessor is an integrated circuit (1С) that performs many of the functions found in a digital computer. A single microprocessor 1С is capable of performing all the arithmetic and control functions of a computer. By itself, a typical microprocessor 1С does not contain the memories and input/ output (I/O) functions of a computer. However, when these functions are provided with additional ICs, a microcomputer is formed.

    Typically, a basic microcomputer requires a read-only memory (ROM) to store the computer program or instructions, a random-access memory (RAM) to store temporary data (the information to be acted upon by the computer program), and an I/O 1С to make the system compatible with outside or (peripheral) equipment such as an interactive video compu­ter terminal, teletype, or line printer. There are some ICs that contain some, or all, of these functions. In effect, when an 1С contains all of the basic functions, the 1С is a computer on achip. However, this is not the typical case.

    Microprocessors are sometimes referred to as micropro­cessor units (MPU) or control processor units (CPU) (CPU can sometimes mean central processor unit). A microproces­sor is not always used in digital computer applications. Instead, the microprocessor is used as a controller. As a matter of in­terest, the microprocessor was originally developed as the control element for those applications where digital computer function (the ability to store and execute a complete program automatically) was too large or expensive. Sometimes, the microprocessor is called a microcontroller when used in these control applications.

    The term minicomputer can be applied to many relatively small and relatively simple computers. A minicomputer often contains many ICs, but not necessarily a microprocessor 1С.
    Number Systems

    in Microprocessors / Microcomputers
    The decimal number system is generally used in the world outside the microprocessor. Inside a microprocessor-based sys­tem, the binary number system is used most often. This is be­cause binary numbers are compatible with the electrical pulses used in digital or logic systems. Binary numbers use only two digits, 0 or 1. The zero can be represented by the absence of a pulse, with the 1 being represented by the presence of a pulse (vice versa in some systems). The pulses can be positive or negative without affecting the binary number system (as long as only two states exist). In any event, to understand the language of microprocessor-based systems (generally referred to as machine language), it becomes ne­cessary to examine number systems in general and the bi­nary number system in particular.

    Although microprocessors use binary numbers in the form of pulses, most microcomputer systems use some other form of number system for assembly of computer programs (generally referred to as assembly language). This is because binary numbers (although compatible with pulses) are cum­bersome when the values are beyond a few digits. Shorthand number systems are used to enter and read out programs and data in a microcomputer system. The most common shorthand number systems used for microcomputer programming are the octal, hexadecimal (or hex), binary-coded decimal (or BCD), and alphanumeric systems. •

    The binary number system uses only two digits, 0 and 1. In all number systems, digits are assigned positional weights, or values, , so that numbers can be written to express all quantities, no matter how large or small.

    I. Comprehension questions:

    I. What do we call a microcomputer? 2. What functions do some ICs contain? 3. What purpose was the microprocessor originally developed for? 4. How many digits does the binary system use? 5. Where are the electrical pulses used? 6. What is necessary for understanding the machine language? 7. Why must microcomputer systems use shorthand number systems? 8. What does the real value of a digit depend on?

    II. Discussion questions:

    1. What functions is a single microprocessor 1С capable of performing? 2. How is a microcomputer formed? 3. What is a microcomputer on a chip? 4. Why is the microprocessor sometimes called a microcontroller? 5. What do the 0 and 1 digits represent? 6. What number systems are there? 7. What way does the positional weight of the digit increase?

    III. Speak on the arithmetical operations by electrical means.

    IV. Render the text into Ukrainian.

    V. Group activities:

    a) Large-scale integration (LSI) in electronics.

    b) How many separate electronic components can a chip contain?

    c) What have minicomputers, microcomputers, micro­processors and microcontrollers in common?

    d) Define the computer's hardware and software.

    Lesson 3-4

    1. Read and translate the text:


    “Atomic Age” is the name often applied to the period in which we live. It is also frequently referred to as the “Air Age”. These terms emphasize the importance of science and invention in our time. But we can speak of an age that has prepared the way for these and includes them all — the “Age of Electricity and Electronics."

    From the remarkable achievements of nuclear science and the noticeable progress in aviation to the innumerable discoveries that have added comfort and convenience to our daily lives, we are constantly dependent upon electricity and electronics.

    It is very difficult to separate the meaning of the two words "electricity" and "electronics". The field of electricity is usually thought of as electricity that is used in magnets, generators, motors, lights and heaters.

    The field of electronics is usually thought of as electricity that is used in radio, television, and other equipment where electron tubes and transistors are needed.

    Basically electronics is not so much a new subject as a new way of looking at electricity. All electrical effects are really electronic because all electric currents result from the movements of electrons, and all electric charges are due to the accumulation of electrons.

    Electronics is the science or practice of using electricity in devices similar to radio tubes so as to get results not possible with ordinary electrical equipment.

    Although electronics has received greater attention in recent years, we have been using electronic equipment for half of a century. Radio, television, sound pictures, fluorescent lighting and long-distance telephone calls owe their existence to electronics. As most of these familiar equipments serve to carry or give information one may say that communication has been the major purpose of electronics.

    Electronics is closely connected with a series of discoveries and inventions which have revolutionized the life of man in this twentieth century. In 1883 Thomas A. Edison discovered current conduction through gas in an incandescent lamp. This phenomenon known as the Edison effect marked the birth of electronic science. The Edison effect was followed by the discoveries of electromagnetic waves, X-rays, wireless communication and at last by the invention of the two-electrode detector or the "valve". These basic discoveries and a lot of others have produced what is known as electronics.

    Nothing can be done in modern research laboratory without the aid of electricity and electronics. Nearly all of the measuring devices used in industry and research are electrically operated. Electronics has found broad application in industry as a means of automation, control and inspection, and as a direct means of fulfilling such operations as melting, cutting of superhard materials and welding.


    I.Changethe following sentences from Active into Passive Voice

    1. My brother carries out many interesting experiments in our lab. 2. The engineer often gives the workers instructions. 3. The teacher often shows the students new devices, 4. In the assemble shop the workers assemble parts and fit them on the body of the machine. 5. My friend sends me two reference books a year. 6. In the engineering shop engineers repair engines. 7, The postman brings us newspapers and letters in the morning.

    II. Use the Present Indefinite Passive. Mind the place of the Preposition in the sentences. Translate the sentences:

    1. We always look through the results of your experiments with great interest. 2. Students speak much of the new device which is used for measuring pressure. 3, They often refer to the facts given by you. 4. Many students attend your lectures. 5. He always looks through my reports. 6. The discussion usually follows the experiments. 7. We look upon crude oil as one of the most useful products. 8. What do we obtain petrol and paraffin from?

    III. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying atten­tion to the Predicate in the Present, Past, Future Perfect Passive Voice

    1. Electronics has made a rapid progress. A further progress has been made in microwave systems. 2. When the designer came we had already installed new equipment. New equipment had been installed in our shop when the designer returned to the plant. 3. By the end of this week the students will have conducted all the experiments. By 8 o'clock all the experi­ments will have been conducted. 4. T he radar has been used for automatic control of automobiles. 5. The majority of valves have already been replaced with tiny transistors. 6. By the middle of the 19th century about 60 elements had been discovered. 7. By he end of t he year a large variety of semicon­ductor devices will have been produced.

    IV. Put the Verbs in brackets in the required tense form and translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

    1. We believed that we (can) get seats a first-class compartment.

    2. I knew that Fred usually (to travel) second-class.

    3. I hoped if I (to go) by the 10 o'clock train I (not to have to) change.

    He didn't know that it (to be) to start.

    We knew that the 2 o'clock train (to start) already and decided to go
    by the next train.

    6. I didn't know that it (to be) a slow train.

    7. We hoped that our friend (to be able) to come to the station in time.

    8. I thought I (no to be able) to get to the station in 30 minutes and I (to

    have) to take a taxi.

    9. I knew that we (to have) to have a snack at the station as there (to

    be) no buffet-car on the train.

    V. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the meaning word "time":
    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9

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