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  • Artificial Intelligence

  • II. Complete the article with words from the text Action Robot To Copy Human Brain

  • III. Complete the extracts with words the text

  • III. Make a list of other uses of ribits at home and at work. VI Semester Lesson 1 I. Read and translate the text

  • II. Give equivalents to the following word combinations.

  • III. Answer the following questions

  • Lesson 2 -3 1.

  • 2. Mind the following words and word-combination

  • 3. Answer the following questions

  • Lesson 4- 5 1.

  • 3. Answer the following questions.

  • Lesson 6 1.

  • методичка СР, 5, 2,3к. Методичні вказівки з розвитку комунікативної компетенції студентів з предмету Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням

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    Lesson 15

    I. Read and translate the text.

    Artificial Intelligence. Robots and Androids.

    Robots and automata.

    A robot is a computer-programmed machine that performs actions, manipulates objects, etc. In many cases and repetitive way.

    Robots may be automata, or man-like machines, whose basic components are similar to a human body.

    • they have mechanical links, which connect their movable parts;

    • their heart and muscles are the electric or pneumatic motors or systems;

    • robots have tools or grippers, called end effectors;

    • they may be equipped with cameras or infrared controls, which transmit information to the central system to locate objects or adjust movements;

    • robots depend on a computer system.

    Artificial Intelligence is the science that tries to recreate the humanthough process and build machines that perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. It has several applications.

    Androids are anthropomoric robots designed to look and behave like a human being. Most androids can walk, talk and understand human speech. Some react to gestures and voice inflection. They store information and adapt their behaviour according to a previous experience.

    II. Complete the article with words from the text

    Action Robot To Copy Human Brain

    Scientists at Aberystwyth University are working on a machine which they hope will recognize objects with cameras that will work as ............. , and retrieve objects with an arm that will be its .............. .................. .

    Although the arm will have .................. that will link its muscles and an electric motor that will be the ................ , this new ................. won’t move like a human, it won’t be like the .............. of science-fiction films: forget Star Wars. It will be desk based: no walking, or climbing stairs.

    The team hopes to discover how the brain performs “multi-tasking” and to use that information to develop the ................ ................. to create a robot that can think for itself.

    III. Complete the extracts with words the text

    The term ............ is defined as the automation of intelligent behaviour, but can ............... really be intelligent?

    ................ are made of units that resemble neurons. They are often used to simulate brain activity and are effective at predicting events.

    ................ , also known as knowledge-basedsystems, mirror the structure of an expert’s thought.

    III. Make a list of other uses of ribits at home and at work.

    VI Semester

    Lesson 1

    I. Read and translate the text:

    My Profession

    I am a third-year full-time student of the Polytechnical School. There are 7 departments in our Polytechnical School. My future speciality is electronics. As for me its one of the most popular and important professions in many spheres of economy, and one of the dominant ones in industry. There is no such a plant which doesn’t need a skilled specialist in electronics.

    We learn various subjects: maths, literature, English, economy and many specialized subjects which will help us in future. During the turms we have to do manylaboratory works, we also have practical training: we asseble electric elements in complex chains, we give a second life to a broken device. All that gives us a chance to learn my future speciality better and more effectively.

    I’m getting skills of a computer operator. By the way, computers increase man’s thinking capabilities of planning, analyzing, computing and controlling.

    There are all opportunities at our Polytechnical School to acquire the profession of a computer operator. We learn three programming languages: Basic, Pascal, Assembler. We are also taught to make programms for computers and do many maths functions and operations.

    Thanks to electrician-designers there exist many devices which make the man’s life easier. That’s why our profession is needed everywhere.

    II. Give equivalents to the following word combinations.

    a third-year full-time student


    future speciality

    spheres of economy

    the dominant ones

    a skilled specialist

    various subjects


    III. Answer the following questions:

    1.How many departments are there in Polytechnical School?

    2.What is your future speciality?

    3.Is it one of the most popular and important professions in many spheres of economy?

    4.What subjects do you learn?

    5.What programming languages do you know?

    Lesson 2-3

    1. Read and translate the text.

    Modern Life and the Internet.

    The Internet is a huge network of computers spanning this planet and is now started to bring in the surrounding area like space. Some computers like servers share data, others just surf the web as clients downloading the data. Public Internet be­gan in the late 70's. In the 70's web users used an interface called telnet, but now that program is mainly obsolete. Telnet is most widely deployed in accessing college e-mail accounts. The Internet is very helpful, because it's a huge database of knowledge, from the pictures of family trips to an analysis of quantum mechanics. Everyone should have the Internet be­cause of its near instantaneous communication and huge wealth of knowledge. But how to go on the Internet and do a search for information we need. There are two ways to do it.

    The first is when you know an internet address of data you need and the second one is when you try to find information you need by using a search program. In the beginning we have got to enter any browser you like. It could be an Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator or Opera, etc. If we have a broad­band connection, we connect to the Internet at once. If not, we have to set up and connect to our dial-up service. Finally, if we want to find some information in the Internet, we are to type an address of this data in the browser we use or simply use the existing search-programs such as the Google search program, rambler search program, yandex search program or yahoo search program. They are very simple and popular net­works of sites. In these programs we can just type the word or name of thing, we would like to find and then press enter. A search program solves this problem. We get our results in the same window. After we get our results, we simply choose wha­tever site best matches our query or keep searching.

    Besides data, one can get from the Internet; we can also send and receive e-mail or electronic mail. This internet ser­vice is cheaper than ordinary mail and much quicker. It is be­coming popular day by day. We can get some news from the Internet, because there are many informational servers in the web.

    2. Mind the following words and word-combination:

    huge — великий, гігантський, величезний

    network — мережа

    to span — обхоплювати, охоплювати

    surrounding — навколишній

    to share — поділяти, розподіляти; розділяти

    dataмн. від datum; дані, факти, відомості; інформація

    to surfтут знаходитися в мережі

    to download — завантажувати, пересилати (по лінії зв'язку)

    interface — інтерфейс, адаптер

    obsolete — непотрібний, який вийшов із ужитку; старий

    to deploy — використовувати, уживати; розгортати

    email accounts — облікові записи електронної пошти

    quantum mechanics — квантова механіка

    instantaneous — миттєвий; негайний browserобч. броузер, браузер, вікно перегляду; про­грама перегляду

    broadband connection — виділене підключення

    dial-up — вилучений доступ до мережі

    to type — друкувати, надрукувати

    search-program — програма-розвідник

    site — сайт

    to solve — вирішувати, дозволяти; знаходити вихід

    to match — підходити, відповідати

    query — запит, питання

    to provide — постачати: доставляти; забезпечувати

    3. Answer the following questions:

    1. What is the Internet?

    2. What are servers?

    3. When did public Internet appear?

    4. What was the most popular mail interface used in 70s?

    5. What kind of browsers do you know?

    6. How can we find information in the Internet?

    7. Is it cheaper to use the Internet mail service instead of ordinary post office?

    8. What search programs do you know?

    Lesson 4-5

    1. Read and translate the text:


    It is estimated that thirty five to forty millions users cur­rently are on the Internet. According to a recent statistics, an average Internet call lasts five times as longer as the average regular telephone call. 10 percent of the Internet calls last 6 hours or longer. This can cause an overload and, in turn, cause telephone network to fail. The local network was designed for short calls which you make and then hang up, but Internet calls often occupy a line for hours. With so many users in the Inter­net and their number is growing by 200 percent annually, it certainly provides new challenges for the telephone companies. The Internet, up to the beginning of the 90s, was used only to read a different texts. Then in the early 90's, a way was made to see pictures and listen to a sound on the Internet. This break through made the Internet to be most demanded means of communication, data saving and transporting.

    However, today's net is much more than just pictures, text and sound. The Internet is now filled with voice messages, video conferencing and video games. With voice massages, users can talk over the Internet for the price of the local phone call.

    Nowadays we no longer have to own a computer to access the Internet. Now, devices such as Web TV allow our televi­sion to browse the Web and use Electronic Mail. Cellular phones are now also dialing up the Internet to provide e-mail and answering machine services. The telephone network was not designed and built to handle these sorts of things. Many telephone companies are spending enormous amounts of mo­ney to upgrade the telephone lines.

    K. Kao and G. Hockman were the first to come up with the idea of using fiber optic cables, as opposed to copper wire, to carry telephone signals. Fiber optics uses pulses of light to transmit binary code, such as that used in computers and other electronic devices. As a result the amount of bandwidth is inc­redibly raised. Another solution for the problem is fast mo­dems which satisfy the need for speed.

    By accessing the Net through the coaxial cable that pro­vides television to our homes, the speed can be increased 1,000 fold. However, the cable system was built to only send infor­mation one way. In other words, they can send stuff to us, but we can't send anything back, if there is no modem available.

    Yet another way is being introduced to access the Inter­net, and that is through the use of a satellite dish just like the TV dishes currently used to deliver television from satellites in space to your home. However, like cable connection, the in­formation can only be sent one way.

    Faster ways of connecting to the Internet may sound like a solution to the problem, but, just as new lanes on highways attract more cars, a faster Internet could attract many times more users, making it even slower than before.

    To help solve the problem of Internet clogs, Internet providers are trying new ways of pricing for customers. So, in business time any connection to Net cost more than your con­nection in the night.

    In conclusion, I should add that if we want to keep the Inter­net usable and fairly fast, we must not only improve the telephone lines and means of access, but also be reasonable in usage.

    2. Mind the following words and word-combination:

    network — мережа

    to captivate — полонити

    to log on — входити, підключатися

    to last — тривати

    overload — перевантаження

    to grow (past grew, p.p.grown) — рости, збільшуватися

    breakthrough велике досягнення, прорив

    voice massage — голосове послання

    video conferencing — відео-конференц-зв'язок

    web TV — веб-телебачення

    to browse — переглядати

    cellular phone — стільниковий телефон

    to dialing up — набирати номер, дзвонити

    answering machine — автовідповідач

    to handle — звертатися, мати справу з

    amount — кількість

    fiber optic cables — оптиковолоконний кабель

    opposed тут замість

    binary code — бінарний код, двоїнний код

    amount of bandwidth — пропускна здатність

    fast modem — швидкий модем

    coaxial cable — коаксильний кабель

    to increase 1,000 fold — збільшити(ся) у 1000 разів

    satellite dish — супутникова тарілка

    lane — лінії руху

    clog — засмічення, перешкода

    customer — клієнт, покупець

    business time — бізнес-час

    3. Answer the following questions.

    1. How many users are currently in the Internet?

    2. How long does an average Internet call last?

    3. What can cause the overload of the telephone system?

    4. What was the main purpose of the Internet up to the 90s?

    5. Do we need to have a computer to get access to the Inter­net today?

    6. Who was the first to come up with the idea of using fiber optic cables?

    8. What is the alternative way to get access to the Internet today?

    Lesson 6

    1. Read and translate the text:

    Disks and drivers

    A. Magnetic storage

    Magnetic devices store data magnetically. A disk drive spins the disk at a high speed and reads its data or writes new data onto it.

    • A floppy disk drive uses 3.5 inch diskettes which can only hold 1.44 MB of data; it’s often called A: drive and is relatively slow.

    • Most PCs have one internal hard disk, usually called C: drive, which can hold several gigabytes of data. It’s used to keep the operating system, the programs and the user’s files easily available for use.

    • When you format a disk, or prepare it for use, it’s surface is devided into concentic circles called tracks. Each track is further divided into a number of sectors. The computer remembers where information is stored by noting the track and sector numbers in a directory.

    • The average time required for the red\white heads to move and find dadt is called access time; it is measured in milliseconds (ms). Don’t confuse “access time” with transfer rate”, the rate of transmission of data from the disk to the CPU (e.g. 15 megabytes per second).

    • A portable hard drive is an external unit with the drive mechanism and the media all in one sealed case. You can use it to make a backup, a spare copy of your files, or to transport data between computers.

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