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Mobile phones

Mobile phones: definition and technology

Mobile phones, or cellular phones, are devices that enable communication to all types of telephones while moving over a wide area called the coverage area.

The term 'cellular' comes from the fact that the phone calls are made through base stations, communication towers or antennas, which divide the coverage area into cells. As you move from cell to cell, the calls are transferred to different base stations belonging to the same or a different telephone company. This capability of mobile phones is called roaming. The phone is said to be out of range when it cannot communicate with a base station.

A brief history

1G, First Generation phones started in the 1980s when Motorola introduced the first hand-held phones. They used analogue technology and the main drawback was the small number of channels that could be used at a time.

• In the 1990s, 2G mobiles introduced digital transmission methods that converted voice into

binary information, increasing the number of channels, the speed of transmission between

the phone and the base station and enabling a reduction in size. The most common standard,

GSM, Global System for Mobile communications, started to be used at this stage. One of

the features of this technology is the use of SIM cards, a type of smart card that contains the

user's information, the connection data and the phonebook. It also enables the user to change

service provider without changing the handset.

3G phones offer a high-speed data transfer capability. Some of these phones are called smart

phones and combine PDA capabilities with the usual functions of a digital phone. The new

communication standard, UMTS, Universal Mobile Telecommunications System, enables the multimedia transmissions that are becoming common nowadays.

• New standards are being developed that will open the way to new 4G phones with an

emphasis on multimedia, real-time television and radio.

1. Complete this text about basic principles of mobile telephony with words from A opposite.

Mobile phones, also called (1)……………., or cell phones for short, need a network of towers or antennas to transmit calls. In a cellular system, a city is divided into smaller sections or (2)

…………………….where the (3)………………………….. usually occupy a central position. When you are outside your service provider's (4)…………area, your telephone may become out of (5)…………………… unless your telephone allows (6)……………………., i.e. the ability to use another service provider's network.

2. Read B opposite and decide if these sentences are True or False. If they are false, correct them.

  1. 1G phones had a slower transmission speed than 2G.

  2. 2G phones introduced analogue technology.

  3. GSM started to be used in the 80s.

  4. Smart phones can be used for other purposes, e.g. as a personal digital assistant.

  5. People won't be able to watch live TV on 4G phones.

  6. SIM cards enable users to keep important information.

  7. UMTS, the standard used in 3G phones, has made video phones a commercial reality.

Lesson 3-4
1. Read and translate the text:
Environmental Pollution
Pollution is the release of harmful environmental contaminants, or the substances so released. Generally the process needs to result from human activity to be regarded as pollution. Even relatively benign products of human activity are liable to be regarded as pollution, if they precipitate negative effects later on. The nitrogen oxides produced by industry are often referred to as pollution, for example, although the substances themselves are not harmful. In fact, it is solar energy (sunlight) that converts these compounds to smog. Pollution can take two major forms: local pollution and global pollution. In the past, only local pollution was thought to be a problem. For example, coal burning produces smoke, which in sufficient concentrations can be a health hazard. One slogan, taught in schools, was "The solution to pollution is dilution." The theory was that sufficiently diluted pollution could cause no damage. In recent decades, awareness has been rising that some forms of pollution pose a global problem. For example, human activity (primarily nuclear testing) has significantly raised the levels of background radiation, which may lead to human health problems, all over the world. Awareness of both kinds of pollution, among other things, has led to the environmentalism movement, which seeks to limit the human impact on the environment.

Traditional forms of pollution include air pollution, water pollution, and

radioactive contamination while a broader interpretation of the word has led to the ideas of ship pollution, light pollution, and noise pollution. Serious pollution sources include chemical plants, oil refineries, nuclear waste dumps, regular garbage dumps.

2. Find Ukrainian equivalents to the following word combinations:

  1. release of harmful environmental contaminants,

  2. human activity

  3. two major forms

  4. was thought to be a problem

  5. awareness of both kinds of pollution

  6. light pollution

  7. noise pollution

3. Answer the questions:

1. What is pollution?

2. What are two major forms of pollution?

3. What kinds of pollution have you learned?

4. What influences the environment?

Lesson 5

1. Read and translate the text:

Engineering Profession. Institute of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Engineering is a science of applying knowledge of properties of matter and natural sources of the energy to practical problems of industry. It deals with different things: design and manufacture of tools and machines, cars and trains, equipment for communication and computing, generation and distribution of electricity, x-ray machines and life-support systems, road and bridges, buildings of houses and all the services we need in our homes, at work and in many other places. This occupation is very ancient. The first tool-maker who managed to do a wheel, the craftsmen who built Egyptian pyramids were the forerunners of modern engineers.

Nowadays such occupations like law, medicine or engineering require specialized advanced education. Many people spend years studying at universities to gain these professions.

The general direction of the scientific activity of the Institute of Civil and Environmental Engineering is the development of energy-resources-saving technologies for creation of effective constructions, items and materials for civil-engineering-and-installation work, and reconstruction of installations and motor roads (highways), taking into account the trends in rational nature management and environmental protection.

The institute has three directions of specialization: Civil Engineering, Water Resources, Fire Safety.

The direction Water Resources is a speciality of ecological profile. With growth of population and development of industry, availability of fresh water has become a problem. Students study water intake and distribution systems, hydraulics, operation of water conduit and sewerage systems.
II. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following word combinations
a science of applying knowledge

natural sources

distribution of electricity

x-ray machines


specialized advanced education

reconstruction of installations

directions of specialization
III. Answer the following questions:

    1. What is the science of engineering about?

    2. What does it deal with?

    3. Is this occupation ancient or not?

    4. How many directions has this institute got?

    5. How is the speciality of ecologic profile called?

Lesson 6-7
1. Read and translate the text:

A disaster (from Greek meaning, "bad star") is a natural or man-made event that negatively affects life.

Disasters manifest as hazards exacerbating vulnerable conditions and exceeding individuals' and communities' means to survive and thrive. The Latin pejorative dis and astro, star (L. aster), creating the Italian disastro, which came in to the English language in the 16th century (OED 1590) through the French desastre.

Natural disasters

A Natural phenomenon can easily turn into a natural disaster. A natural disaster may become more severe because of human actions prior, during or after the disaster itself. Natural disasters are: avalanche, cold, disease, drought, earthquake, famine, fire, flood, hail, heat, hurricane, impact event, limnic eruption, landslide, mudslide, sink hole, solar flare, storm surge, thunderstorm, tornado, tsunami, volcanic eruption, waterspout, winter storm.

Man-made disasters

Disasters having an element of human intent, negligence, error or involving a failure of a system are called man-made disasters. Man-made disasters are arson, CBRNs, civil disorder, power outage, public relations crisis, radiation contamination, telecommunication outage, terrorism, war, surviving a disaster.

2. Find English equivalents to the following word combinations:

Катастрофа/стихійне лихо/катаклізм, оточуюче середовище,

(нещасний) випадок, посилювати, процвітати, викликати, пожежа,

землетрус, зсув, лавина, посуха, голод, повінь, град, ураган, спалахи на

сонці, гроза, торнадо, цунамі, виверження вулкану, злива, недбале

ставлення, аварія.

3. Answer the questions:

1. What does the word “disaster” mean?

2. What two types of disasters do you know?

3. What are natural disasters?

4. What are man-made disasters?

Lesson 8
1. Read and translate the text:


Infrastructure, most generally, is the set of interconnected structural elements that provide the framework for supporting the entire structure. It usually applies only to structures that are artificial. The term is used differently in a variety of fields; perhaps the single most well-known usage is in economics, where it refers to physical infrastructure such as buildings and roads.


Transport or transportation is the movement of people, goods, signals and information from one place to another. The term is derived from the Latin trans ("across") and portare ("to carry").

Aspects of transport

Infrastructure includes the transport networks (roads, railways, airways, canals, pipelines, etc.) that are used, as well as the nodes or terminals (such as airports, railway stations, bus stations and seaports). The vehicles generally ride on the networks, such as automobiles, bicycles, buses, trains, airplanes.

Public utility

A public utility is a company that maintains the infrastructure for a public service. Public utilities often involve natural monopolies, and as a result are often government monopolies, or (if privately owned) treated as specially regulated sectors.

In poorer developing countries, public utilities are often limited to wealthier parts of major cities, as used to be the case in developed countries in the nineteenth century.

Examples of utilities are:

· Electric power transmission and electricity distribution

· Drinking water purification and distribution

· Sewage treatment and disposal

· Other waste disposal

· Natural gas distribution

· District heat generation and distribution

· Public transport by bus, train, etc.

· Cable television and telephone lines.
2. Find English equivalents to the following word combinations:

  1. set of interconnected structural elements

  2. the term is used

  3. physical infrastructure

  4. the movement of people

  5. public service

  6. public utilities

  7. electric power transmission

  8. purification and distribution

  9. gas distribution

3. Answer the questions:
1. What is infrastructure?

2. What is transport?

3. What transport networks do you know?

4. What kinds of vehicles are there?

5. What categories of transport do you know?

6. What does public utility consist of?

Lesson 9

1. Read and translate the text

Electrical energy

Almost any form of energy can be converted into electricity. The most common methods of producing electricity are those used in batteries or generators. Power from batteries is generated by converting chemical energy into electrical energy. Most generators convert heat energy (from burning fuel) into electrical energy. Some generators use such natural resources as sunlight or wind to obtain electrical energy.

Static electricity

Unlike current electricity, static electricity doesn't flow. It is created when an electrically neutral substance loses or gains electrons (negatively charged particles ), making it respectively , positively or negatively charged. You can create static electricity by rubbing a balloon on your clothing . Electrons will move from the clothing to the balloon, making the balloon negatively charged and the clothing positively charged. The resulting static electricity on each will attract small, light objects such as piece of paper.

Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following word combinations:

Be converted

be generated





to obtain

Answer the following questions:

1. Can every form be converted into electricity?

2. What are the most common methods of producing electricity?

3. How is power from batteries generated?

4. Do some generators exploit any natural resources?

5. When does a static electricity create?

6. How can one create static electricity?

7. What makes the electrons move?

8. What is the result static electricity?

Lesson 10


An operating system provides the basic instructions that tell the computer how to handle certain tasks necessary for it to work. The operating system of a large computer can be very complicated, because it has to control so many functions. A microcomputer's operating system is simple by comparison.

Suppose you had a computer with no operating system. (Yes, there are such machines.) You would have to write a program—a very complex program—in order to get the computer to do anything. Among other things, you would have to explain in your program how the computer should interpret the pressing of each key. Such a computer provides good training for a computer scientist, but it is of little value to most ordinary users.

An operating system gets you over that hurdle. It consists of a set of prewritten instructions. The operating system is the program that makes it possible for you to run all other programs that are available or can be written for your computer. The operating-system program may exist just in ROM.


A disk operating system, or DOS (pronounced dahs) is a program that controls the storage of information on disks. DOS also makes it possible for the computer to use various programs that are already stored on disks. Most packaged programs for computers are available on disks, and the DOS is what gets these programs started. Obviously, the system requires a disk drive.

II. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following word combinations:

an operating system

basic instructions

simple by comparison

have to write a program

interpret the pressing of key

a computer scientist

controls the storage of information

III. Answer the following questions

  1. What does an operating system provide?

  2. When an operating system can be very complicated?

  3. Is it nice to have a computer withought an operating system?

  4. How can an operating system help you to handle a computer?

  5. What programs are available on disks?

Lesson 10


Automatic control now appears many 5fields and involves many control instruments and apparatus. Their usage embraces a great variety of machines, plants and processes.

Automatic systems take several forms and are based on several different techniques, but in each the measurement and corection of errors are performed and |

co-ordinated by electronic devices and the human operator does not take an active part in it.

First of all automatic control was widely established in such industries as chemical, petroleum, iron and steel, cement, paper, textile, printing, food | and others. The overall trend now is toward a total automatic control in i with the help of new generations of electronic devices with their rapidity accurateness, reliability , flexibility and compactness .

Our country has many thousands of comprehensively mechanize) and automated enterprises and workshops. The mechanized and automate production lines replace or lighten the work of a tremendous number of workers. AlI the hydropower plants in the county have been completely

automated. The present day stage of automation is based on the revolution in computer

technology, in computerisation of the whole national economy. But still much research work is to be done to perfect the system. It is

essential to improve the quality of automation equipment as well as the progrmmes of the computers. A major problem is to better automate inspection, quality control, information system. For automatic three-

dimentional recognition the system (size, shape and colour) the problem still remains of greatest concern.With the increase of automation the scientist must solve the problem of complex interaction groups of sensors tied together by a single system of computer network.The development of new flexible technologies and sociological problems involves need, of course, a new approach too.

I. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the Predicates in the Passive voice.

1. In general, organic coatings are used for protecting structures and machines. 2 These polymeric materials were used as a wire covering mate-rial for electrical circuits. 3. The new plastics will be mainly used as insulators in electrical and electronic circuits. 4. Polymers are now being used for different purposes and new applications are being constantly developed. 5. For a long time the existing polymers were being used in combination with other materials. 6. Today plastics have been used to replace metals for certain applications. 7. When the engineer returned to the plant a year later new advanced technological processes had been used for producing synthetic leather. 8. More than half a century chemists have been using this method for producing synthetic rubber.

II. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the Predicate in the Passive Voice.

1 .Many operations which were formely performed by skilled workers are now being performed by computers. 2. After these operations had been performed the metal was subjected to mechanical test. 3. The translation from one language into another will soon be performed by the computers. 4. When you return all mathematical calculations will have been performed by means of the electronic computing machine.

Ill.Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the Predicates.

1. The application of these superalloys was often referred to. 2. Radioisotopes used in space vehicles can be relied upon. 3. Special metals, suitable for use in jet (реактивний) engines will be sent for at once. 4. The members of this expedition can be relied on. 5. Elements of greater atomic number than uranium were much experimented upon in the laboratories of our research institute. 6. The parts of this device are acted on by more than two forces. 7. The process of extracting lead from this ore was objected to at the recent conference.

IV. Translate (he following sentences paying attention to the Tense and Voice of the Predicates.

At present a great number of transistors is being produced by our industry. 2. During our experiment the computer was performing mathematical operations. 3. The students will be measuring temperature regularly in the course of the experiment. 4. The process of separating metals from their ores was being used for a long time. 5. The engineers of our plant are working out new measuring devices. 6. For a long time plastic materials were being used for home construction.

V. Use the Future Indefinite Active or Passive

1. Tomorrow K. not (go) to the chemical laboratory in the morning. He (go) first to the library and (stay) there for some hours.

2. Our new physical laboratory (fit up) for conducting scientific experimentsincluding physical and chemical processes. Many experiments and analyses (carry out) there. The application of scientific principles in testing and analyses(be studied) there too.

3 Our new physical laboratory (open) next week. The rooms of the lab (be) light. They (be) ventilated well. There (be) twenty laboratory tables in it. Each table (have) gas, water and electricity connections. It (fit up) for conducting scientific experiments and analyses for industry including physical and chemical processes. Much research work in pure and applied sciences (carry out) in our new laboratory.

VI. Guess the meaning of international words.

Political, administrative, economic, culture, cultural, international, acad­emy, museum, theatre, club, architecture, architectural, monument, congress, factor, model, communist, balance, industry, municipal, as­pect, industrial, instrument, electronics, production, zone, base, plan, section, communal, sports, territory, migration, effective, trolley-bus, comfortable, reconstruct, modern, traditional, complex, form, public, struc­ture, comfort, polycentric, monocentric.

VII. Translate the following international words into Ukrainian.

Flag,gentleman, second (n), distance, mile, historic, million, locomotive, atmosphere, electric, tunnel, method, escalator, maximum, transport, signal, automatic, programme, machine, control, impulse, temperature, platform.

VIII. Render from English into Ukrainian and title.

Salt is one of the most common minerals used in everyday life. Primitive people that lived mainly upon raw meat did not need salt. Meat itself retained natural salts. When people passed on to the agricultural stage and began to raise crops, salt became a necessity. Bread and vegetables were not only improved in taste, but the salt itself was required for the body's well-being. Primitive people believed that good crops depended on the gods' good will. So salt was offered to the gods together with bread and wine.

The fact that salt could preserve food made it the symbol of lasting quality. To offer salt to somebody at one's table was a sign of friendship.

XI. Arrange the following words according to:

  1. similar meaning: enormous, excessively, various, great, erection, different, brilliant, a great deal of, splendid, extremely, building, include, involve, many;

b) opposite meaning: different, simplicity, slowly, the same, military inconvenience, non-military, complexity, rapidly, convenience.

X. Translate the following word-combinations

practical work; experimental plot; basic knowledge; research workers; designated route; chief problem; electronic device; electric current; an assortment of; air humidity; wind speed; thickness of snow; field work; at any speed.
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