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    My Future Profession

    Many young people consider teaching as a career. It’s not surprising – teachers play a very important role in our lives. They serve humanity doing the most vital job of all. The successful solution of the complex tasks of upbringing depends to a great extent on the teacher, his professional skill and cultural background.

    Every job has its pros and cons. The profession of a teacher is not an exception. On the one hand this work is creative and varied. Teaching is a constant stream of decisions and a real challenge to one’s character and abilities; it requires a flexible approach to every lesson and good communication skills. This profession can be rewarded if you like dealing with children because children will love you too. On the other hand most jobs are done within the usual office hours from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m. but not for teachers. They are devoted to their work and their evenings are usually spent in marking exercise books and preparing for the next lesson. Teachers often complain that they are overworked and underpaid.

    To be a teacher is a great responsibility. Everybody knows that it isn’t easy to teach modern children. Teachers don’t only give knowledge in their own subject. They must be a model of competence and know a lot of things in many other subjects.A teacher is a person who is always mastering and learning himself while teaching others because every time you learn something new you become something new. An ignorant teacher teaches ignorance but a good teacher catalyzes in his pupils the burning desire to know. Modern school is aimed to develop individual abilities of children, independent thinking and creativity.

    To be a good teacher you must be deeply interested in what you are doing. You have to be quite creative and well educated yourself. Besides a teacher should have such personal qualities as generosity, tolerance, flexibility and so on. A boring teacher teaches boredom, so a teacher cannot afford being dull or narrow-minded. Only bright personalities are respected by audience. Teachers have to be clever and obtain a set of specific skills to be able to explain difficult points in simple words because they must develop their pupils’ intellect, form their views and characters, their attitude to life and to other people.

    As for me I made my choice long ago – I want to become a teacher. I cannot say that all the necessary qualities can be found in me but I’m keen on this profession and I’ll do my best to match it. It’s not easy, as it may seem at first but I think that love for children combined with the knowledge I’ll get at the University would be quite enough to succeed in my future work.

    5) Позвольте мне сказать несколько слов о тексте, который я прочитал, под называнием: «Моя будущая профессия». Имя автора не упоминается.
    Исходя из названия этот текст о будущей профессии, а конкретно профессии учителя, о том как трудно и важно быть хорошим педагогом.
    Учителя играют важную роль в нашей жизни и поэтому, как заявляет автор, многие молодые люди рассматривают профессию учителя как карьеру. Автор заявляет, что у профессии учителя есть свои трудности, а также плюсы и минусы. Автор объясняет, что профессия учителя творческая и требует гибкого подхода к каждому уроку и хорошего навыка общения. Исходя из текста можно прийти к мысли, что учитель работает постоянно, он не только посвящает свое время ученикам с 9 до 17, но и вечером проверяет тетради и готовится к урокам. Очень важно осознавать, что из-за этого учителя сильно перегружаются. Более того автор заявляет, что современных детей не легко обучать и это создает дополнительные трудности для учителя. Учителя должны быть образцом компетентности. Автор заявляет, что учитель - это человек, который постоянно самосовершенствуется, также автор говорит о том, что современная школа направлена на развитие индивидуальных особенностей детей, самостоятельного мышления и творчества. Если человек хочет быть учителем, он должен быть глубоко заинтересован в том, что он делает. Из текста мы понимаем, что учитель должен быть разносторонней и яркой личностью с большим набором положительных качеств.
    Я склоняюсь к мнению, что главной идеей этого текста является освещение информации, каким учитель должен быть и какие у него есть обязанности.
    Честно говоря, этот текст был сложнее для реферированного перевода, но этот текст является более интересным и наполненным .

    Answer the following questions.

    1. Why do young people consider teaching as a career?

    Teachers play a very important role in our lives.

    1. What are the advantages of this profession?

    The profession of a teacher is creative and varied. . Teaching is a constant stream of decisions and a real challenge to one’s character and abilities; it requires a flexible approach to every lesson and good communication skills.This profession can be rewarded if you like dealing with children because children will love you too.

    1. Teaching is done within the office hours from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m., isn’t it?

    No, it isn’t. They are devoted to their work and their evenings are usually spent in marking exercise books and preparing for the next lesson. Teachers often complain that they are overworked and underpaid.

    1. What must a good teacher know?

    They must be a model of competence and know a lot of things in many other subjects

    1. What kind of person should a good teacher be?

    To be a good teacher you must be deeply interested in what you are doing. You have to be quite creative and well educated yourself. Besides a teacher should have such personal qualities as generosity, tolerance, flexibility and so on

    6. Why is it a great responsibility to be a teacher?

    Teachers don’t only give knowledge in their own subject. They must be a model of competence and know a lot of things in many other subjects. A teacher is a person who is always mastering and learning himself while teaching others because every time you learn something new you become something new

    Ask your neighbour:

    1. what profession he (she) has chosen;

    what profession have you chosen?

    1. what specific skills teaching requires;

    what specific skills does teaching require?

    1. when the profession of a teacher is rewarded;

    when is the profession of a teacher rewarded?

    1. why teachers are always mastering and learning themselves;

    why are teachers always mastering and learning by themselves?

    1. what a good teacher catalyzes in her pupils;

    what does a good teacher catalyze in her pupils?

    1. if modern school is aimed to develop independent thinking and creativity;

    Is modern school aimed to develop independent thinking and creativity?

    1. what a teacher cannot afford himself /herself;

    What can a teacher not afford himself /herself?

    1. what a good teacher is able to explain;

    what can a good teacher explain?

    1. if he / she is keen on this profession.

    is the teacher keen on this profession?

    Самостоятельная/проектная работа:

    Самостоятельное индивидуальное чтение специальной профессионально-ориентированной литературы (не менее 5000 печатных знаков в семестр).

    Составление глоссария по прочитанным текстам (не менее 50 лексических единиц в семестр, перевод). Реферирование прочитанного текста, устный отчет с опорой на письменный текст.

    Повышенный уровень

    1.4.4. Поиск информации в тексте 3; определение основной идеи параграфа; расширение исходного текста, используя дополнительную информацию. Аннотирование текста 3.

    1.4.5. Реферативный перевод текста 3; составление развернутой описательной аннотации к тексту3.

    Text 3.
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