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  • Communications and the Arts

  • 6.20. Work in a small group. Answer the questions and present your

  • 6.21. How would you generally feel, happy or unhappy if your were in

  • Пособие по обучению практике устной и письменной речи (начальный этап) на английском языке Под ред. О. В. Серкиной

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    НазваниеПособие по обучению практике устной и письменной речи (начальный этап) на английском языке Под ред. О. В. Серкиной
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    Within the world of People, if you have more A than B answers, you are more interested in caring for people than in influencing them. You should therefore be looking for a career in the medical, welfare or education fields: for example, doctor, dentist, psychiatrist, health visitor, radiographer, social worker, speech-therapist, teacher, or lecturer. But if you have scored more B than A answers, you are more likely to feel at home in a job involving control, commerce or management: for example, prison officer, security guard, sales representative, marketing manager, property developer, advertising executive, market researcher, in the armed forces, or police.

    Procedures and Systems

    If your original score places you in the world of Procedures and Systems, more A’s than B’s point to a career in administrative, legal or clerical work: for example, civil servant, office manager, Personnel manager, company secretary, solicitor, professional secretary, librarian, archivist, book researcher, or records officer. If you have more B than A answers, the chances are that your interest in Procedures and Systems will be better catered for in finance and data processing. Suitable careers include: accountancy, banking, valuing, economics, computer programming, and systems analysis.

    Communications and the Arts

    In the world of Communications and the Arts, a higher A than B score should point you towards the media, literature, or languages. Occupations include: journalist, radio or television presenter, advertising copy writer, translator or public relations officer.

    A higher B than A score, on the other hand, indicates that you are more suited to the design and visual arts. Suitable careers include graphic designer, cartographer, architect, interior designer, window dresser, theatrical designer, fashion designer, or photographer.

    Science and Engineering

    The main division in this area is between research and practice. More A’s suggest research, more B’s suggest practice. Since most careers in this world have opportunities for both research and applied work, it is not possible to make specific suggestions to individuals on the basis of their A and B responses. Careers may include biologist, physicist, chemist, mechanical, and civil engineer.

    6.20. Work in a small group. Answer the questions and present your

    opinions in class.

    General issues:

    1. At what age do people usually begin to work and retire in Russia? At what age would you like to retire?

    2. How many days a week do you work? How many hours a week do you work?

    3. Do women usually work after they get married in your country?

    4. If you had to choose between a satisfying job and a well-paid one, which would you choose? If money weren't a problem for you, which job would you prefer to have?

    5. Do you think women and men should be paid the same for the same job?

    6. Do you think women are good bosses? Are there women bosses in your country?

    7. What are some common occupations in your country? What are some common jobs for men and women in your country? Are there any jobs that children do?

    8. What kind of volunteer work have you done?

    9. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

    10. What do you hope to spiritually gain from your future job?

    11. Are you self-employed? Have you always been self-employed? Would you rather be self-employed in our future job?

    12. Is it easy to start a business in Russia?

    6.21. How would you generally feel, happy or unhappy if your were in

    the following situations. Use the words in bold to help you decide.

    1. The company you work for is well-known for its job security.

    2. You were suddenly made redundant.

    3. You received a promotion.

    4. You were given an increment.

    5. You worked unsociable hours.

    6. You had a steady job.

    7. You had adverse working conditions.

    8. You suddenly found yourself unemployed.

    9. You took time off work because of repetitive strain injury.

    10. The office where you work has sick building syndrome.

    11. You receive regular perks as part of your job.

    12. Somebody called you a workaholic.

    13. Your company doesn’t give you many incentives.

    14. Your boss announces that there is going to be some downsizing of the workforce.

    15. Your work didn’t offer much job satisfaction.

    16. Your company has a generous incentive scheme.

    17. You receive a commission for the work you have done.

    18. You receive support from a union.

    19. You were forced to resign.

    20. You received a cut in your salary.

    21. Your company gave you sickness benefit.

    22. You found your job very demanding.

    6.22. a) Read the dialogue about organizational structure of US

    companies. What are the major features of this structure?

    Russian specialist: You are one of the leading experts on management. What are the general principles of company organizational structure in the US?

    American expert: Basically, it’s a functional form of organization with departments for marketing, production, finance and so on.

    Russian specialist: If I’m not mistaken, this form is more common for small firms, isn’t it?

    American expert: Yes, it is. As firms become larger and more complex, departmentalization by product, territory or customer may be more effective.

    Russian specialist: I see. Organization structure also includes an idea of relationship between positions and people who hold the positions. What can you say here?

    American expert: The oldest type of organization structure is the line organization.

    Russian specialist: Yes, but as far as I know, the line organization works only for small companies. Large companies need people who are not part of a chain of command.

    American expert: That’s right. Large companies need people like lawyers, financial and pother experts whose jobs are known as staff positions. Large companies use a line and staff organization structure.

    Russian specialist: And what span of management is best?

    American expert: You’ve raised the most difficult question I must say. There is no one to answer it. In general, a broad span of management reduces the total number of managers, but a narrow span makes possible close supervision.

    Russian specialist: What’s the most typical management hierarchy in US companies?

    American specialist: Typically, there are three levels within management. They are supervisory managers, middle managers and top managers.

    Russian specialist: What’s your idea of a well-managed business?

    American expert: I, personally, believe that a business is well managed if everyone has a clear idea of what his or her job is.

    Russian specialist: I can’t agree more with you here.

    b) Work with a partner and make similar dialogues to discuss organization structure of UK companies and Russian companies. Use the charts below.

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