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  • To distribute распределять To share around распределять Annual годовой

  • To enjoy пользоваться Standard of living уровень жизни Necessities of life насущные

  • заголовок Income per head доход на душу населения Population население

  • Middle - income countries

  • Major oil counties страны-поставщики нефти Industrial countries промышленно развитые страны

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    Text A


    Прочтите следующую информацию и запишите на полях основные термины, связанные с тематикой текста.




    Business activity involves satisfying consumers’ needs and wants. Businesses aim to satisfy these wants and needs by producing goods and services. When food is produced or a bus service is provided, resources (land, labour, capital and enterprise) are used up. These resources are scarce relative to needs and wants. In other words, these are not enough resources to satisfy all consumers’ needs and wants. This is known as the BASIC ECONOMIC PROBLEM. This means businesses, individuals and the government must make choices when allocating scarce resources between different uses. For example, a printer may have to choose whether to buy a new printing press to improve quality or some new computer software to improve administrative efficiency.

    Economics is the study of how resources are allocated in situations where they have different uses. The choices faced by decision makers can be placed in order of preference. For example, a business may be considering three investment options but can only afford one. The decision makers might decide that the order is:

    1.     a new computer system;

    2.     a fleet of cars for the sales force;

    3.     a warehouse extension.

    The business will allocate resources to the purchase of the new computer system. The other two options are foregone or given up. The benefit lost from the next best alternative is called the OPPORTUNITY COST of the choice. In this example it would be the benefit lost by not having a fleet of new cars.


    What is an economy? An ECONOMY is a system which attempts to solve the basic economic problem. In the national economy the resources in a country are changed by business activity into goods and services which are bought by individuals. In a household economy the family budget is spent on a range of goods and services.

    Local and international economies also act in the same way, but at different levels. The function of an economy is to allocate scarce resources  amongst unlimited wants. The basic economic problem is often broken down into three questions.

     What should be produced?In developed economies the number of goods and services produced from resources is immense. The economic system must decide which resources will be used to produce which products. For example, what proportion of resources should be used to produce food, housing, cars, cigarettes, cosmetics or computers? Should resources be used for military purposes? Should resources be used  to generate wealth for the future? In less developed countries the decision about what to produce may be simpler. This is because the choices available are limited. For example, a very poor African village might be faced with the decision whether to produce wheat or maize. However, this is still a question about resource allocation and what to produce.

     How should it be produced?The way in which goods and services are produced can vary. Decisions have to be made about such things as where production will take place, the method of production and the materials and labour that will be used.

     For whom should it be produced? An economy has to determine how the final goods and services will be allocated amongst competing groups. For example, how much should go to students, should the unemployed receive a share of output, should Ethiopia receive a proportion of total UK output, should managers get more than workers?

    How the above questions are answered  will depend on the type of  economic system. It is usual to explain how resources are allocated in three types of economy – the free market economy, the planned economy and the mixed economy. The way business activity is organized will be different in each of these systems.


    II. Exercises


    1.Переведите текст А на русский язык, используя словарь в конце урока.

    2.Найдите в тексте ответы на поставленные вопросы и запишите их.


    What is the aim of business activity?

    What is the basic economic problem?

    What does economics study?

    It what order can the choices be placed?

    What is the opportunity cost of the choice?

    What is an economy?

    How does national economy act?

    What is the function of an economy?

    Into what questions is the basic economic problem broken down?

    In what order  must economic system decide in order to solve the first question?

    What decisions are to be made to solve the second question?

    What has to be determined to solve the third question?


    3.К выделенным жирным шрифтом словам в тексте подберите близкие по значению слова из следующего списка:

    quantity, person, application, distribution, portion, option, possibility, aim, main, huge, various, limited, to upgrade, to change, to try.

    4.Подчеркните в тексте A предложения, соответствующие по смыслу данным ниже:

    1) Экономика – это система, которая пытается разрешить основную экономическую проблему.

    2) В слаборазвитых странах вопрос о том, что производить, решается проще.

    3) Надо принять решения о месте производства, о методах производства, а также о том, какой труд и какие материалы использовать.

    4) Чтобы  удовлетворить все потребности и запросы потребителей, ресурсов недостаточно.

    5) Экономическая система должна определить, какие из ресурсов следует направить на производство каких продуктов.

    6) Целью коммерческой деятельности является удовлетворение запросов потребителей.

    7) Предприятие может рассматривать три возможные инвестиции, но может позволить себе только одну.

    8) Предприятие, возможно направит ресурсы на покупку новой компьютерной техники.

    9) Ответ на вышеупомянутые вопросы будет зависеть от типа экономической системы.

    5.Образуйте существительные от данных глаголов при помощи суффиксов  er, -ence, -ion, -ment. Проверьте их по тексту и переведите их.

    to compute, to prefer, to invest, to extend, to work, to print, to manage, to make, to allocate, to govern.

    6.Изложите краткое содержание текста А в письменной форме.

    7.Прочтите список ключевых слов к тексту В[2].

    Income                              доход

    Distribution                      распределение дохода

    To earn                             зарабатывать

    To distribute                    распределять

    To share around              распределять

    Annual                              годовой

    To enjoy                            пользоваться

    Standard of living            уровеньжизни

    Necessities of life                 насущныепотребности

    Recreation                           отдых

    Neighbours                          соседи

    National income                  национальныйдоход

    Sum total                             общаясумма

    World income                       мировой доход

    Share                                     доля

    Individual                             частное лицо

    Heading                                 заголовок

    Income per head                   доход на душу населения

    Population                             население

    Middle-income countries     страны со средним доходом

    Major oil counties                страны-поставщики нефти

    Industrial countries                     промышленно развитые страны



    Poor countries

    Middle-income countries

    Major oil  countries

    Industrial countries

    Soviet block

    Income per head






    Percentage of world population






    Percentage of world income







    8.Прослушайте текст В на кассете 2-3 раза и постарайтесь понять его. Обратите внимание на таблицу 1.

    9.Дайте краткое изложение текста В на русском языке.

    10.Прочтите утверждения и выберите те, которые соответствуют содержанию текста В[3]:


    1) Every individual has an annual income, that is, what he or she earns in a year.

    2) People’s standard of living allows them to enjoy various goods and services.

    3) Your income just covers the necessities of life.

    4) Nations and different countries also have an income.

    5) A national income is the money the government gets.

    6) World income is the total of all the incomes earned by all the people in the world.

    7) People in middle-income countries are more wealthy than those in oil countries.

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