ПРАКТИКУМ ДЛЯ ДНР 2. Практикум по английскому языку для студентов и слушателей заочной и дистанционной формы обучения
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Ex. 4. Определитеправильноезавершениепредложения 1. The word “lawyer” describes a person officially qualified ….. to punish a criminal, b) to act on certain legal matters, c) to make laws 2. Most countries have different groups of lawyers responsible for ……for controlling people, b) detecting crimes, c) doing particular jobs 3. A lawyer’s aim is ………a) to protect a person and property, b) to create laws, c) to govern the state 4. People want to live in a society with ……..a) highly developed economy, b) the civilized relations between a state and citizens, c) the great rate of criminality. 5. A law-governed state needs …….a) honest officials, b) qualified lawyers, c) well educated students. Ex. 5.Отметьтезвездочкой(*) правильныеутверждения 1. The law-governed state needs the highly qualified judges, barristers, investigators etc. ( ). 2. The aim of a lawyer is to check the economic development of the state. ( ). 3. In Ukraine lawyers work in courts, public prosecutor’s officers, the Bars, militia, banks, industrial enterprises, etc. ( ). 4. There are various kinds of legal professions - judges, barristers, investigators, court clerks, etc. ( ). 5. The law student works hard at various job-related subjects – different branches of linguistics, the history of a language, etc. ( ). 6. Law students study many humanitarian subjects such as psychology, professional ethic, foreign languages, etc. as in future they will work with people. ( ). 7. A lawyer’s aim is to protect a person and property. ( ). 8. The profession of a lawyer is not very popular nowadays. ( ). 9. In Great Britain there are barristers and solicitors. ( ). 10. A law is an official practicing medicine. Ex. 6.Ответьтенавопросы 1. What does the word “lawyer” mean? 2. What legal professions are there in Great Britain? 3. What legal profession can a lawyer in Japan choose? 4. Where do lawyers work in Ukraine? 5. What institute do you study? 6. What job-related subjects do the law students study? 7. Why do the law students study humanitarian subjects? 8. What is the aim of a lawyer? 9. What society do the people want to live in? 10. Why does the law-governed state need the highly qualified lawyers? Ex. 7. Дайте краткое изложение текста, предварительно составив план. TEXT B. Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)In 2016, the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL), one of the leading law schools in Russia, singled out its 85th birthday. From 1931 to the present day, an enormous journey was made from the central pre-school educational institutions, which were turned into authoritative educational institutions, ready lawyers - the All-Union Law Institute (VYUZI), to the flagship of the national legal education. Today we have a lot of legal entities. Being a graduate of the University is not only honorable, but also authoritative. MSAL is not just an educational institution, but a real Alma Mater for students. Students receive fundamental theoretical knowledge, practical skills and, equally important, the spirit of the profession. They bring up the moral qualities of real lawyers: dedication, ability to lead a discussion, love for people and their work. This approach allows you to bring up true professionals. Undoubtedly, this is the merit of the faculty of the University, its "golden fund". The university has prepared and graduated over 180,000 specialists with a higher legal education. The university is proud of its graduates, among whom there are many well-known, honored lawyers and outstanding scientists. Today, the University has 14 institutes, 3 branches, 31 departments. The University has more than 20 scientific schools and are available. The teaching staff includes over 890 teachers, including one corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, no less than 180 doctors and 520 candidates of science, 30 honored lawyers of the Russian Federation, 13 honored scientists of the Russian Federation, more than 70 honorary workers of higher professional education of the Russian Federation , The University enrolls at the same time about 13,000 students, enrolled over 400 graduate students and applicants, 350 foreign citizens. The process of teaching students in accordance with the requirements of the present time is in constant development. The development of legal education is on the path of profiling. In this regard, in MSAL there are unique areas (corporate, competitive, sports law), new institutes in which students study (Institute of Business Law, Institute of Modern Applied Law, Institute of Forensic Examinations, etc.), which have no analog ones not only in our country. E X E R C I S E S.Ex. 1. Прочитайте международные слова, определите их значение. Обратите внимание на ударения a΄cademy ΄history accredi΄tation ΄Cabinet ΄institute de΄partment exami΄nation ΄notary ΄faculty ΄structure consti΄tution indi΄vidual Ex. 2. Найдите соответствия английских и русских выражений