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  • ПРАКТИКУМ ДЛЯ ДНР 2. Практикум по английскому языку для студентов и слушателей заочной и дистанционной формы обучения

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    E X E R C I S E S

    Ex. 1. Прочитайте международные слова, определите их значение. Обратите внимание на ударения
    `theory `classical po`litical `system `monarch

    Ęcere`monial `central Ęgeog`raphical `stage de`bate

    of`ficiala `separate `legal `version `total
    Ex. 2. Найдите соответствия английских и русских выражений

    to run the country

    to reflect changes

    to pass laws

    to head

    to obey a law


    a formal vote

    an amendment


    to revise legislation

    an overall majority

    to maintain the judiciary

    to operate in total independence

    legal matters

    формальное голосование

    поддерживать судебную власть

    принудительный, обязательный

    отражать изменения

    абсолютное большинство

    действовать при полной независимости

    принимать законы

    юридические вопросы

    руководить страной

    избирательный округ



    пересматривать законодательство

    подчиняться закону

    Ex. 3. Найдите синонимические пары в группах слов


    to propose, to maintain, to obey, compulsory, to debate, to choose, to operate, to do


    to discuss, to elect, to offer, to make, to act. obligatory, to submit, to support

    Ex. 4. Определитеправильноезавершениепредложения

    1. In classical political theory, there are three ………..

    a) tools of state power b) branches of state power c) classes of state power

    2. The legislature is the elected body ………..

    a) enforcing laws b) forbidding laws c) making laws

    3. The British political system is headed by ……..

    a) the Prime Minister b) the Queen c) the President

    4. The Commons is …………. by the Speaker

    a) headed b) organized c) criticized

    5. The general principles of the Bill are debated by …………

    a) all the ministers of the Cabinet b)all the members of the House c) all member of the royal family

    6. Most British governments have been composed of ……..

    a) members of a single commercial cartel b) members of a single political party

    c) members of a single sport club

    7. The court system is administrated by……

    a) the Prime Minister b) the monarch c) the Ministry for Justice

    Ex. 5. Составьте предложения из частей двух колонок, осуществив предварительно перевод

    1. In classical political theory, there are …

    2. The judges and the courts ensure…

    3. Now the powers of the Queen ………..

    4. Each member in the House of Commons
    5. The main role of the House of Lords is..

    6. All stages of the Bill debating …….
    7. The UK operates ………

    1. скорее церемониальные

    2. называются чтением

    3. три ветви государственной власти

    4. подчинение закону каждым гражданином

    5. три отдельные правовые системы

    6. представляет географический избирательный округ

    7. тщательно контролировать деятельность правительства

    Ex. 6. Отметьте звездочкой (*) правильные утверждения

    1. There are four branches of state power (….). 2. The real ruler of Great Britain is Prime Minister (….). 3. The Commons is chaired by the leader of the political party possessing the majority of seats. (….). 4. Every citizen aged 21 can vote once in the constituency in which he/she lives. (…..). 5. The main role of the House of Lords is to revise legislation (…..). 6. All legislation has to be approved by the monarch (……). 7. the Supreme Court is allowed to operate in total independence from the Government since October 2009 (…..).

    Ex. 7. Ответьтенавопросы

    1. How many branches of the state power are there de to the classical political theory? 2. What is the executive responsible for? 3. What is the sphere of activity of the legislative? 3. What does the judiciary do? 4. Who is a real ruler in Great Britain? 5. Where is British Parliament situated in? 6. How many stages does a new legislation have to go through? 7. What age can young people in Great Britain participate in voting? 8. What body administrates the sphere economic and cultural development of a society? 9. What is a law-making activity delivered by? 10. Where are criminal and civil cases examined in?
    TEXT B. US Constitution

    The Preamble Note of the US constitution starts with such words: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America”.

    The American political system is clearly defined by the following basic documents. The Declaration of Independence of 1776 and the Constitution of 1789 form the foundations of the United States federal government. The Declaration of Independence establishes the United States as an independent political entity, while the Constitution creates the basic structure of the federal government.

    The United States Constitution is the shortest written constitution in the world with just seven articles and 27 amendments. The first 10 amendments are collectively known as the Bill of Rights.

    At the heart of the US Constitution is the principle known as 'separation of powers', a term coined by the French political, enlightenment thinker Montesquieu. This means that power is spread between three institutions of the state - the executive (President & Cabinet), the legislature (House of Representatives & Senate) and the judiciary (Supreme Court & federal circuits) - and no one institution has too much power and no individual can be a member of more than one institution. This principle is also known as 'checks and balances', since each of the three branches of the state has some authority to act on its own, some authority to regulate the other two branches, and has some of its own authority, in turn, regulated by the other branches.
    Ex. 1. Отработайте произношение слов

    preamble [pribl], welfare [`welfĚ], Tranquility [trĒĊ`kwiliti], justice [`ĄĀstis], authority [ĉ`ĐĈriti], enlightenment [in`laitmānt], entity [`entiti], power [`pġ], circuit [`sĂkit], right [rait], executive [ik`zekjutiv], legislature [`leĄisleiďā], judiciary [ĄĖ`diĎeri]
    Ex. 2. найдите русские и английские соответствия

    1. to establish justice

    2. to promote welfare

    3. federal government

    4. separation of powers

    5. checks and balances

    6. to have authority

    7. federal circuit

    1. иметь полномочия

    2. федеральный судебный округ

    3. разделение властей

    4. проверяй и уравновешивай

    5. установить справедливость

    6. обеспечить благосостояние

    7. федеральное правительство

    Ex. 3. Заполните таблицу, образуя указанные части речи

    A NOUN

    A VERB



    to govern



    to separate

    Ex. 4. Определитеправильноезавершениепредложения

    1. The American political system is clearly defined by ……..

    a) the documents on Independence and Legislation b) the documents on crime investigation c) the documents on economic development

    2. The Declaration of Independence establishes the United States as………

    a) a sovereign state b) a highly developed state c) a Middle Age state

    3. US Constitution creates the basic structure of …….

    a) national economy b) national culture c) national managing

    4. At the heart of the US Constitution is the principle known as ……..

    a) creation of powers' b) division powers c) criticism of powers

    5. The power is spread between ……….

    a) institutions of higher education b)institutions of Academy of sciences c) institutions of the state

    Ex. 5. Составьте предложения, осуществив предварительно перевод

    1. Преамбула Конституции США начинается ……..

    2. Политическая система США определена четко ………

    3. Американская Конституция является...

    4. Первые десять поправок известны …
    5. Базовым принципом Конституции США является ………….

    1. principle of powers separation
    2. the shortest one in the world
    3. as the Bill of Rights
    4. with the words defining the aims of the state creation

    5. by two documents – the Declaration of Independence and Constitution

    Ex. 6. Переведите вопросы и ответьте на них

    1. Что определяет политическую систему США? 2. Кода была принята Конституция США? 3. Какова структура американской Конституции? 4. Как называются первые десять поправок? 5. Что является основным принципом американского общества? 6. Кем был
    Topical vocabulary

    approve одобрить






    Legislatureзаконодательная власть

    peer пэр


    constituencyизбирательный округ



    bill законопроект


    member член

    scrutinizeтщательно исследовать


    judiciaryсудебное право


    vote голосовать


    The system of law enforcement and judicial bodies includes a public prosecutor’s office, a court, customs house, police force and state security bodies. They are aimed to enforce a law, to protect a person and property and to maintain order in a society.

    TEXT A. The Prosecutor’s Office.

    Prosecutor is an official initiated criminal proceedings on behalf of the state. The word itself originates from Latin procurare meaning “to care of”. The prosecutor’s office is vested with the powers to undertake the prosecution, to hold a charge, to present the state interests in the court. Although responsibilities vary from one jurisprudence to another, many prosecutors are in charge of all phases of a criminal proceeding, from investigation through trial and beyond to all levels of appeal.

    In Donetsk Public Republic the composition, arrangement and responsibilities of the prosecutor’s office are confirmed in the 6th Chapter of the Constitution. It states the functions and responsibilities entrusted with

    − prosecuting in court on behalf of the State;

    − representing the interests of a citizen and the State in court in cases determined by law;

    − supervising the observance of laws by bodies conducting detective and search activity, inquiry and pre-trial investigation;

    − supervising the observance of laws in the execution of judicial decisions in criminal cases and in the application of other coercive measures related to the restrain of personal liberty of citizens.

    The Prosecutor General appointed to office with the consent of the Supreme Soviet heads the Prosecutor’s Office of DPR for the four years term.

    In Great Britain the body responsible for public prosecution is the Crown Prosecution Service headed by the Director. He is accountable to Attorney General holding Parliamentary responsibility for the Service. This Service started operating in 1986 when the special law was adopted. Before it those functions were vested to the local police forces responsible for deciding whether to prosecute particular cases. In the USA the prosecutors are elected to office. They present evidence at a hearing before a grand jury, which may or may not return an indictment for trial. The status of the prosecutor’s office varies from country to country. For example’ in the USA, France, Austria, Japan, Poland it is a part of the Department of Justice. There are countries where the prosecutor’s office is a part of a court or structurally separated from it.
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