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Тема: Татьянин День.

Цели урока: перенос лексико-грамматического материала модуля в ситуации речевого общения на материале о родной стране; развитие умений представлять родную страну и культуру в ситуациях межкультурного общения (традиции, праздники).

Оборудование: Spotlight on Russia 1 с. 3.

Ход урока

1. Greeting and aim.

2. Check on homework –

3. Warming up

4. Вводная беседа

Ознакомьте учащихся с общей структурой подборки материалов о России, представленной (как и в учебниках для 5–8 классов) в формате журнала для подростков. Прочитайте и обсудите редакционное обращение. Используйте его для обсуждения понимания учащимися роли владения английским языком в современном мире, для мотивации учащихся на межкультурное взаимодействие при помощи английского языка (создание материалов о своей жизни, родном крае) для решения обозначенной коммуникативной задачи: помочь английским школьникам и другим зарубежным сверстникам как можно больше узнать о России. Вспомните материалы учебников для 5–8 классов: какие темы и задания о России учащимся особенно запомнились?

Учащиеся просматривают содержание (Contents): какие темы кажутся особенно привлекательными?

Организуйте беседу о традиционных праздниках в России, опираясь на освоенный лексико-грамматический материал модуля.

Работа над текстом урока может быть в соответствии с условиями класса организована в разных вариантах:

– фронтальное чтение текста вслух;

самостоятельная работа с чтением текста про себя;

– работа в парах/малых группах.

Организуйте беседу по прочитанному, включая высказывания учащихся по фотографиям, иллюстрирующим текст. Стимулируйте обсуждение вопросами, обращёнными к личному опыту учащихся: как этот день празднуется в вашей школе? Какие предложения вы могли бы внести в организацию этого дня в школе в этом году? (How is this day celebrated in our school? Now that you know more about other schools traditions and experiences, what could you suggest about organizing this day in your school next year?)

Предложите учащимся выполнить задания и ответить на вопросы. Выслушайте разные варианты ответов, организуйте обсуждение. Поощряйте развёрнутые ответы с использованием изученной в новом модуле лексики и грамматических структур.

Выйдите на самостоятельное написание учащимися заметки об одном из традиционных праздников в России, включая его историю.

Предполагаемый ответ:

Cosmonautics Day

Cosmonautics Day is a holiday celebrated (mainly in Russia) every April 12 to commemorate the first manned earth orbit. It was established in the Soviet Union on April 9, 1962. It is celebrated in honour of the first manned space flight made on April 12, 1961 by the 27-year-old Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, who made one complete orbit around the Earth (lasting 1 hour 48 minutes) aboard the spacecraft Vostok 1.

It was an instant and overwhelming success for the Soviet space programme, and resonated loudly all over the globe. Gagarin immediately became not just a national hero of the Soviet Union, but a global hero too. Major newspapers all around the globe published his biography and details of his flight. Gagarin was awarded the highest Soviet honour, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. He is one of the greatest people of the 20th century.

On Cosmonautics Day, the commemoration ceremony starts in the city of Korolyov, near Gagarin’s statue. There are some celebrations in the Cosmonauts Alley in Moscow, near the Monument to the Conquerors of Space and in other places all over Russia. In schools various activities are organized for students to learn more about past and future of space exploration in Russia and all over the world.

Medoviy Spas

Medoviy Spas – “Honey Day“ is celebrated on the 14th of August. This is the first of three days marking the harvest of crops that have been planted and prepared over summer, and ready for winter. This day marks the end of the bees gathering nectar, and is a signal that the people can begin to collect honey. The traditional custom was to bring honey to the church for blessing. But it is marked not only as a religious holiday. There were also many honey exhibitions opening in cities and towns on this day that display a lot of pleasant tasting sorts of honey which is an extremely healthy popular food product in Russia.

A: What’s your favourite celebration?

B: My favourite celebration is Maslenitsa. Have you heard of it?

A: No, I haven’t. When do you celebrate it?

B: We celebrate it one week before Lent and it lasts for seven days.

A: Wow! That’s a long celebration. What are you celebrating?

B: We’re celebrating the end of the cold winter and the coming of Lent.

A: What events take place during Maslenitsa?

B: Many things happen during this week. People dress up in bright and colourful costumes and go to masquerades. We sing songs, go to parades, watch fireworks, and ride on carousals and horsedrawn sleds. The most popular food is pancakes, or blini, that you can eat with butter, sour cream, mushrooms or caviar.

My favourite celebration is Maslenitsa. For me, this is one of the most joyful and happiest celebrations of the year because it means spring is coming and winter is ending. It takes place one week before Lent and lasts for 7 days. Maslenitsa is also called a pancake week because we are celebrating the sun by eating symbolic hot pancakes called blini. We eat them with butter, sour cream, caviar, mushrooms, sturgeon — or whatever you like. I like to put lots of butter on my blini. This is also the only week we can dress up in funny costumes, sing songs and slide down big ice slopes. Some other fun things we do are ride on carousals and horse-drawn sleds. At the end of the celebration we burn a scarecrow which symbolises the end of winter.



Урок № 13 (Progress Check) Класс 9 Дата урока

Тема: Праздники. Тематический контроль. Домашнее чтение. Б.Шоу «Пигмалион» с.4-9 (Эпизод № 1).

Цели урока: организация самоконтроля и рефлексии учебных достижений учащихся по завершении работы над модулем.

Оборудование: SB p. 24.

Ход урока

1. Greeting and aim.

2. Check on homework –

3. Warming up

4. Тематический контроль.

Test 1

I. Fill in: parade, pull, display, change, life, throwing, final, raise, won, place.

1. I love to ___________________ crackers at Christmas.

2. Who ______________________ the competition?

3. The festival included a noisy street ________________________.

4. Lots of festivals have a fireworks __________________________.

5. Remembrance Day takes _____________________ on 11th November.

6. The people were waving and ______________________ streamers.

7. They worked hard and managed to __________________ money for the charity.

II. Complete the sentences with the correct present tense forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. What ______________________________ (you/do) so far for the party?

2. Kate is tired. She ________________________________ (work) since morning.

3. Helen ______________________________ (not/believe) in ghosts.

4. The kids ____________________________ (watch) TV at the moment.

5. Petra __________________ (look) upset because she ____________________ (lose) her lucky charm.

6. ___________________ (you/look) forward to your birthday party next week?

7. Owen ______________________ (not/see) a fireworks display before.

III. Fill in the gaps with past/present participles formed from the words in bold.

1. It was a really ____________________ (bore) party. No one liked it.

2. I always feel _____________________ (surprise) at how fast Christmas comes around each year.

3. The party was a success. Everyone was ______________________ (thrill).

4. Imagine how ______________________ (excite) it would be to visit the Rio Carnival.

5. It’s so ___________________________ (annoy) when people talk on their mobile phones when they drive.

IV. Complete the sentences with the correct relative.

1. Moscow, _______________ Maslenitsa is held every year, is a huge city.

2. November 5th, ________________ Bonfire Night takes place, is my birthday.

3. Maria, _________________ favourite food is cake, really loves birthday parties.

4. We like festivals _________________ celebrate a cultural tradition.

5. Jane, __________________ lives in that flat above, is a dancer.

V. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1. I know a few people who believe ___________ superstitions.

2. I am interested ____________ learning about other cultures.

3. My sister is afraid _____________ spiders.

4. The streets were crowded _____________ people.

5. We can’t wait _____________ Christmas to come.


1 1 parade; 2 place; 3 display; 4 raise; 5 change; 6 pull; 7 throwing; 8 final; 9 won; 10 life;

2 1 have you done; 2 does not believe; 3 starts; 4 looks, has lost; 5 smells; 6 are watching; 7 Are you looking; 8 hasn’t seen; 9 has been working; 10 has been working;

3 1 exciting; 2 boring; 3 annoying; 4 thrilled; 5 surprised;

4 1 which; 2 who; 3 where; 4 whose; 5 when;

5 1 in; 2 with; 3 in; 4 of; 5 for;

6 1 d; 2 a; 3 b; 4 e; 5 c.

5. Ключи к «Пигмалион» Before you start

The Author

1.1 He was born in Dublin, Ireland. 2 He went to the Dublin English Scientific and Commercial Day School. 3 He wanted to become a writer. 4 He worked as a music and drama critic. 5 He wrote over fifty plays. 6 Two from: Widower’s Houses, Mrs Warren’s Profession, You Never Can Tell. 7 He laughed so hard that he broke his chair. 8 He won an Oscar and the Nobel Prize for literature. 9 He died in 1950. 10 Pygmalion

Background Information.

2.1 a flower girl/his friend; 2 fails to teach/succeeds in teaching; 3 correct/incorrect 4 1914/1913; 5 Vienna, London; 6 not very successful/extremely popular; 7 musical/play

The Plot

3. Professor Higgins has a bet with his friend, Colonel Pickering, that he can turn Eliza Doolittle into a lady. Eliza is a flower girl in London, and speaks with a Cockney accent. She goes along with the idea because it is her dream to become a real lady.

The Characters

4.1 Freddy Eynsford-Hill; 2 Professor Higgins and Colonel Pickering; 3 Eliza Doolittle; 4 Mrs Pearce; 5 Mrs Higgins; 6 Alfred Doolittle; 7 Clara Eynsford-Hill; 8 Colonel Pickering; 9 Professor Higgins

Episode 1

Before Reading

1. (Suggested Answers)

The first picture shows a rainy street scene where a flower seller has dropped her flowers and a young man with an umbrella seems about to help her pick them up. People in the background appear to be taking shelter outside a building. The second picture shows the flower girl under shelter, accepting some money from a lady.

2. (Suggested Answers)

The way the two women are dressed shows that they are upper class. Their clothes and posture contrast with the flower girl’s appearance.

While Reading

3.1 C; 2 F; 3 M; 4 M; 5 G; 6 C; 7 M; 8 C

After Reading

4. (Suggested Answers)

1 I don’t think Clara was kind, because she made Freddy go out in the rain, even though he told her there weren’t any cabs. Also, she didn’t want Eliza to have any money, even though she was poor.

2 She must have felt upset and worried, even desperate, because she needed to sell the flowers and wouldn’t have wanted them to be ruined.

3 Clara thought that because the flowers only cost a penny a bunch. Apart from that, Clara appears to be too snobbish.

4 Judging from the way the girl spoke, she was obviously lower class. She had a strong accent and used words incorrectly. Besides, her job itself was typical of lower class people at that time. Therefore, she can’t have had a privileged upbringing.

Think! (Suggested Answers)

I think Clara was too hard on the flower girl. If I were in her position, I would be more sensitive and understanding and not look down on the girl.


Test №1 Form 9

Name: _________________________________________Class: ________

Date: ________________________________________________________

I. Fill in: parade, pull, display, change, life, throwing, final, raise, won, place.

1. I love to ___________________ crackers at Christmas.

2. Who ______________________ the competition?

3. The festival included a noisy street ________________________.

4. Lots of festivals have a fireworks __________________________.

5. Remembrance Day takes _____________________ on 11th November.

6. The people were waving and ______________________ streamers.

7. They worked hard and managed to __________________ money for the charity.
II. Complete the sentences with the correct present tense forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. What ______________________________ (you/do) so far for the party?

2. Kate is tired. She ________________________________ (work) since morning.

3. Helen ______________________________ (not/believe) in ghosts.

4. The kids ____________________________ (watch) TV at the moment.

5. Petra __________________ (look) upset because she ____________________ (lose) her lucky charm.

6. ___________________ (you/look) forward to your birthday party next week?

7. Owen ______________________ (not/see) a fireworks display before.
III. Fill in the gaps with past/present participles formed from the words in bold.

1. It was a really ____________________ (bore) party. No one liked it.
Test №1 Form 9

Name: _________________________________________Class: _______

Date: ________________________________________________________

I. Fill in: parade, pull, display, change, life, throwing, final, raise, won, place.

1. I love to ___________________ crackers at Christmas.

2. Who ______________________ the competition?

3. The festival included a noisy street ________________________.

4. Lots of festivals have a fireworks __________________________.

5. Remembrance Day takes _____________________ on 11th November.

6. The people were waving and ______________________ streamers.

7. They worked hard and managed to __________________ money for the charity.
II. Complete the sentences with the correct present tense forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. What ______________________________ (you/do) so far for the party?

2. Kate is tired. She ________________________________ (work) since morning.

3. Helen ______________________________ (not/believe) in ghosts.

4. The kids ____________________________ (watch) TV at the moment.

5. Petra __________________ (look) upset because she ____________________ (lose) her lucky charm.

6. ___________________ (you/look) forward to your birthday party next week?

7. Owen ______________________ (not/see) a fireworks display before.
III. Fill in the gaps with past/present participles formed from the words in bold.

1. It was a really ____________________ (bore) party. No one liked it.

2. I always feel _____________________ (surprise) at how fast Christmas comes around each year.

3. The party was a success. Everyone was ______________________ (thrill).

4. Imagine how ______________________ (excite) it would be to visit the Rio Carnival.

5. It’s so ___________________________ (annoy) when people talk on their mobile phones when they drive.
IV. Complete the sentences with the correct relative.

1. Moscow, _______________ Maslenitsa is held every year, is a huge city.

2. November 5th, ________________ Bonfire Night takes place, is my birthday.

3. Maria, _________________ favourite food is cake, really loves birthday parties.

4. We like festivals _________________ celebrate a cultural tradition.

5. Jane, __________________ lives in that flat above, is a dancer.
V. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1. I know a few people who believe ___________ superstitions.

2. I am interested ____________ learning about other cultures.

3. My sister is afraid _____________ spiders.

4. The streets were crowded _____________ people.

5. We can’t wait _____________ Christmas to come.

2. I always feel _____________________ (surprise) at how fast Christmas comes around each year.

3. The party was a success. Everyone was ______________________ (thrill).

4. Imagine how ______________________ (excite) it would be to visit the Rio Carnival.

5. It’s so ___________________________ (annoy) when people talk on their mobile phones when they drive.
IV. Complete the sentences with the correct relative.

1. Moscow, _______________ Maslenitsa is held every year, is a huge city.

2. November 5th, ________________ Bonfire Night takes place, is my birthday.

3. Maria, _________________ favourite food is cake, really loves birthday parties.

4. We like festivals _________________ celebrate a cultural tradition.

5. Jane, __________________ lives in that flat above, is a dancer.
V. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1. I know a few people who believe ___________ superstitions.

2. I am interested ____________ learning about other cultures.

3. My sister is afraid _____________ spiders.

4. The streets were crowded _____________ people.

5. We can’t wait _____________ Christmas to come.

Урок № 14 (2а) Класс 9 Дата урока

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