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  • В . Speak about


  • Упражнение 3. Заполните пропуски следующими словами

  • B. Speak about

  • Согласование времен Дополнение

  • Упражнение 3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках согласно правилу согласования времен.

  • Учебник английского языка для технических университетов и вузов Издание шестое, стереотипное

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    Упражнение 7. Составьте, переведите и запомните словосочетания глагола become со следующими словами:

    popular, universal, international, possible, important, better, worse, polluted, worried, interested in.

    Упражнение 8. А. Назовите 10-15 ключевых слов и словосочетаний на тему: «Electricity as a source of energy».

    В. Speak about:

    The main types of fuel or processes used to generate energy in our country.


    Упражнение 1. Повторите времена группы Indefinite (Simple), Continuous, Perfect Active, Passive. Определите время глагола-сказуемого и переведите предложения.

    1. What course are you taking here? Business English? — No, I am not doing Business English yet. I am trying to improve my general English, especially conversation. 2. I liked the lecturer better after I had heard him the second time. 3. My friend will take the course in English next semester. 4. Who has finished the test? 5. We looked at him while he was dancing. 6. How many books of Shaw have you read? 7. Why have not you told them about it? 8. I shall still be studying English in two years’ time. 9. The books were taken from the library. 10. You can find the books taken from the library on the table. 11. The exams are held in June. 12.1 have been in the laboratory since 8 o’clock. 13. There were many people coming back from their work. 14. Australia is one of the five continents, but it is much smaller than the other four. 15. The light in that room is poor. Please light the candles (свечи). 16. People speak the language of their country. 17. Every country needs good specialists for its further progress of science and technology. 18. By the year 2030 human labour in industry will have been replaced by robots. Families will have robots to do the housework.

    Упражнение 2. Ответьте на вопросы.

    What devices and machines using electricity

    1. have become a part of our everyday life?

    2. have made electricity most widely used in all fields of science, technology and industry?

    3. are based on its specific properties?

    Упражнение 3. Заполните пропуски следующими словами:

    radar battery generator appliances dynamo transformer

    1.... is a machine that generates electricity, steam, gas, etc. 2. A device giving information about position, movement, etc. is named .... 3. A machine for changing water and steam power into electrical energy is known as .... 4. Food mixers, toasters, modem dish-washers and a number of the most recent home devices are household ....

    1. An apparatus to increase or decrease the voltage of an electric power supply — ... — was invented at the end of the 19th century.

    2. It is known that a portable cell for supplying electricity is called...

    Упражнение 4. А. Прочитайте и переведите текст, обращая внимание на проработанную грамматику уроков 1—3.

    Save the Planet

    Today’s global economy has been formed by market, not by the principles of ecology. This has created an economy that is destroying its natural support system (система естественной поддержки). It is eco-economy that we need today to save the planet. An eco-economy is one that satisfies our needs without affecting the prospects of future generations to meet their needs. Therefore, it is necessary to turn our economy into in eco-economy. To build an eco-economy means to restore carbon balance, to stabilize population and water use, and to conserve forests, soils and variety of plant and animal life in the world.

    Such an eco-economy will affect every side of our lives. It will change how we light our homes, what we eat, where we live, how we use our free time, and how many children we have. It will give us a world where we are a part of nature.

    Building a new economy means eliminating and replacing old industries, restructuring existing ones, and creating new ones. The generation of electricity from wind is one such industry. Soon millions of turbines will be turning wind into electricity. In many countries, wind will provide both electricity and hydrogen. Together, electricity and hydrogen can meet all the energy needs of a modem society.

    Another industry that will play an important part in the new economy is management of available water supply most efficiently. Irrigation technology will become more efficient. The recycling of urban waste water wUl become common. At present, water flows into and out of cities, carrying waste with it. In the future, water will be used again and again, never discharged (спускать, выливать). As water does not lose its quality from use, there is no limit to how long it can be used, as long as (пока) it is cleaned before reuse.

    One can easily see eco-economy changes in some countries. It is known that Denmark is the eco-economy leader. It has stabilised its population, banned (запрещать) the construction of coal power plants, banned the use of non-refillable drink containers, and is now getting 15 per cent of its electricity from wind. Besides, it has restructured its urban transport networks; now 32 per cent of all trips in Copenhagen are on bicycles. Denmark is still not close (near) to balancing carbon emission, but it is moving in that direction.

    B. Speak about:

    Your idea of the economy of the future.

    LESSON 4

    Согласование времен Дополнение

    Дополнительные придаточные предложения Суффикс -ible/-able Префикс dis-

    Текст 4А. Television Текст 4В. Telegraph Текст 4С. Telephone Текст 4D. Talking via Space


    Упражнение 1. Повторите времена групп Indefinite (Simple), Continuous, Perfect. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужном времени и форме.

    At the time I first (meet) Mr. Alien in 1990, he (consider) the possibility of studying foreign languages again. He (forget) everything that he (learn) about Latin and French at school. The languages that he (want) (learn) at that time (be) Spanish and Portuguese. He (to be going) to study those languages in the Department of General Education at New York University. Therefore, he (enrol) that school in 1991.

    After my friend (finish) studying at New York University he ecide) (go) to South America for a year. Because he (be, never) there before, he (enjoy) visiting the famous cities of Brazil and Argentina. He liked Sao Paulo so much that he (consider) staying there much longer. Before that time he (hope, always) to find a place with an ideal climate. Therefore, Sao Paulo (seem) to be a real paradise (рай). However, he (spend) all his money and (to be forced) to return.

    Now my friend Mr. Alien (plan) (visit) France next year. He (leave) for Paris on March 15. Mr. Alien (visit) also Germany on the same trip. He realizes that he must (learn) French and German before he (go) to Europe. At present he (take) a course in French in preparation for the trip. He (think) that French (be) quite easy. Of course he (be, never) in France before, so he (have) little opportunity to hear French. He (work) very hard at his French every day. He (study) German at New York University next semester. I am sure that he (have) no language problem in the other countries when he (get) there. Many people in those countries (understand) English or French.

    Упражнение 2. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на правило согласования времен.

    1. We knew that his family lived in Orel. 2. He said that the students of that group were studying in the library. 3. She thought that she might finish her work by two o’clock. 4.1 didn’t think he could come there in time. 5. She said that her name was Lena. 6. The students were told that they had three lectures every day. 7. The dean said that he was busy. 8. We found that he had studied mathematics at the University. 9. The newspapers reported that the Trade Union Congress had finished its work. 10. Students were informed that they would have industrial training in the third year. 11. The weather-man reported over the radio that it would be cold the following weekend.

    Упражнение 3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках согласно правилу согласования времен.

    1. 1. Не says that he (want) to be an engineer. 2. He thinks that he (see) a new device already. 3. He knows that he (lose) his watch yesterday. 4. He says that he (help) with work next week. 5. He said that he (know) him. 6. He understood that the speaker (be) in London recently. 7. He said that he (think) about it later. 8. He asked what they (want) to do. 9. They asked when we (come) to see him. 10. He asked if I (can) stay with them. 11. The teacher wanted to know whether I (be) good at maths. 12. The professor wanted to know whether I (take) part in our conference the week before. 13. My friend wanted to know whether I (go) to the library next Saturday. 14. He asked which book she (read) at that moment.

    2. 1. The engineer was told that he (may) test the device in the afternoon. 2. It was known that the head of our laboratory (be) a graduate of Moscow University. 3. They thought that she (graduate) from a technical institute. 4. Our professor informed us that he (give) the following lecture on quantum mechanics on Monday. 5. At the meeting it was said that our lecturer (work) at a new programme of laboratory work. 6. The teacher told us that the term «engineering» (have) many Russian equivalents. 7. The chief engineer believed that we (work) at that problem for a month the following summer.
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