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  • Упражнение 11. Просмотрите текст 4А и ответьте на вопросы.

  • Упражнение 14. Прочитайте и укажите способы присоединения придаточных дополнительных предложений к главному.

  • Упражнение 16. Выберите правильный перевод следующих слов

  • Упражнение 17. Назовите основу, от которой образованы следующие слова

  • Упражнение 18. Выпишите сначала синонимы, а затем антонимы.

  • Упражнение 19. Расположите слова в алфавитном порядке.

  • Упражнение 20. Назовите в следующих парах первое по алфавиту слово.

  • Упражнение 21. Напишите исходную форму, по которой нужно искать слово в словаре.

  • Учебник английского языка для технических университетов и вузов Издание шестое, стереотипное

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    a lot of много;

    to be able to мочь, быть в состоянии

    Text 4A

    Прочитайте текст и найдите абзацы, содержащие информацию о развитии различных видов телевизионных систем в хронологической последовательности. Переведите.


    The television set is evidently the most important and popular electronic product of all time. All homes in developed countries have one or more TV sets and in many countries there are considerably more TV sets than telephones.

    But in 1939 at the World’s Fair in New York a tiny nine-by- twelve inch box was the centre of attention for hundreds of people. They were the first to see a television set in action. Compared to today’s TV shows of underwater and outer-space research, those first black-white pictures were not very good. The pictures were only transmitted from one side of the Fair territory to the other. But in 1939 they were of historical importance.

    Within a few days the news of television spread throughout the world. A lot of people wanted to have a look1 at the new invention. Everyone was interested in it. But only few people owned television sets in the next few years. When World War II broke out2 electronic factories that began the TV production stopped making them and started making war materials instead. When the war was over, TV sets began coming off factory assembly lines. By 1958 there were millions of them.

    In a surprisingly short time people watched fewer films and turned from newspapers and magazines to TV. In its short history television has had great influence on people’s life and way of thinking. Rocket-launching, concerts and football and tennis matches can be seen direct as they occur. The boundaries of time and space have disappeared.

    At present TV communication is provided with the help of a system of artificial earth satellites so that people living in different parts of the country and all over the world and in different time zones are able to watch the central TV programs at the most convenient hours.

    Nowadays many countries also have cable TV, a system using wires for the transmission of television programs (like telephone calls). Cable television first appeared in 1949 as a means of transmitting TV signals to rural and mountain areas far from big cities. Cable television’s next big step forward was made by the mid — 1980s. Scientists announced that many technical problems had been solved and in the future it would be possible via satellite and cable TV to use more channels on a TV set at every home in the world.

    Then we saw how a new technical invention, colour television, was rapidly replacing black-and-white television. Recently it was reported that the first pocket-size4 colour television set had been developed. It was stated that a liquid-crystal display5 was used similar to those on calculators and watches and that it weighed less than a pound.

    A few years ago it became evident that the next major advance for TV would be digital television. In a digital system the usual continuous signal is replaced by a digital code containing detailed information on brightness, colour, etc. A digital TV set hangs on the wall like a picture. Essentially, it is a minicomputer with a visual display. Once a week6 you put the programs you like into the memory, and the TV set will automatically switch on the desired channel at the right time. You can watch several programs simultaneously on miniscreens and then produce one of them in full format. Also, the TV set can automatically video-record the programs when you are absent or occupied.

    By the end of 1980s television has moved to a new and the most important stage in its development since the appearance of colour television. Technically it is called high-definition television (HDTV)7 or Hi-Vision. This is the much higher resolution television7 of the 21st century. This revolution was started by Japanese manufacturers when they developed a new video system with a picture resembling a wide-screen film more than traditional television. The new system increases the screen’s width-to-height ratio8 (16:9). The result is a picture several times sharper than in the existing TV sets. Besides, recent developments in plasma display panel technology9 make HDTV commercially practicable. The plasma display makes it possible to produce a large, bright, colour, flat TV screen so thin and light that it can also be hung on a wall like a framed picture. The engineering problem that has existed almost since the first days of television may be solved now.

    Notes to the Text

    1. to have a look — взглянуть, посмотреть

    2. to break out — начаться, разразиться

    3. pocket-size — карманный

    4. liquid-crystal displayустройство изображения на жидких кристаллах

    5. once a week — раз в неделю

    6. high-deflnition television (HDTV) — телевидение высокой четкости

    7. high resolution televisionтелевидение с большим разрешением

    8. width-to-height ratioотношение ширины к высоте

    9. plasma display panel technology — производство плазменных панелей


    Упражнение 11. Просмотрите текст 4А и ответьте на вопросы.

    1. When did the first TV set appear? 2.Were people interested in the new invention? 3. Why was the TV production stopped in 1940? 4. What is cable television? 5. What is digital television? 6. What is high-definition television?

    Упражнение 12. Укажите, какие из следующих утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста 4А.

    1. A lot of people owned television sets in the first years after its invention. 2. First television black-and-white pictures were excellent. 3. Only few people owned television sets in the next few years after their appearance. 4. Black-and-white television was rapidly replacing colour television. 5. First television black-and-white pictures were not very good. 6. Only a few years ago colour television was rapidly replacing black-and-white television. 7. When the war was over, TV sets stopped coming off factory assembly lines. 8. After World War II TV sets began coming off factory assembly lines.

    Упражнение 13. Найдите в тексте 4А предложения, в которых использовано правило согласования времен, и переведите их.

    Упражнение 14. Прочитайте и укажите способы присоединения придаточных дополнительных предложений к главному.

    1. Russian newspapers informed that about 2,000 satellites had been launched into the orbit. 8. We did not know whether the development of television had continued during the war. 9. We know he works at the problem of space communication.

    Упражнение 15. Прочитайте и найдите предложения, где использовано правило согласования времен.

    1. Some years ago India began its Satellite Instructional Television Experiment. This experiment showed (that) satellite television programs had been a success with schoolchildren, their knowledge level had increased considerably. It was found that children could remember and speak about programs which they had seen several week^back. 2. Many experts could not decide whether so much TV was harmful to the individual’s health and mental activity or not. 3. Specialists did not know if it was possible to continue modernizing the electronic equipment of this kind — the costs were too high. 4. There appeared some reports that we had technical means to use much more channels on a TV set and we should be able to see many sports and news programs from all parts of the world soon. 5. At first it was not clear whether new telephone and teletype communication with ships via six satellites was economical and reliable or not. 6. It was announced that the cryogenic cable had been invented in Russia. 7. We read that for the first time electricity had been applied for industrial use in silver workshops in Paris. 8. We know different transmitters are used in a television system — one for the sound channel and the other for the picture channel. 9. We learnt from the lecture that electricity was still considered the main source for new technological developments.


    Упражнение 16. Выберите правильный перевод следующих слов:

    attention — внимательно, внимательный, внимание;

    surprisingly — удивительный, удивление, удивительно;

    recorder — записывающее устройство, запись, записывать;

    convenient — удобство, удобный, созывать;

    numerous — бесчисленный, количество, многочисленный.

    Упражнение 17. Назовите основу, от которой образованы следующие слова:

    development, conveniently, communication, production, continuous, beginning, transmitter, action, recorder, electronic, simultaneously, different, usable, central, calculator, possibility, disconnect.

    Упражнение 18. Выпишите сначала синонимы, а затем антонимы.

    tiny small; to disappear — to appear; a lot of — many; different — various; next — following; short — long; to watch — to see; program — show; commonly — usually; less — more; possible — impossible; true — untrue; small — large; nowadays — at present, now; large — tremendous; advance — progress; to start — to begin; major — main; to report — to announce; to occur — to take place; convenient — suitable.

    Упражнение 19. Расположите слова в алфавитном порядке.

    true, picture, telephone, communication; world, research, assembly, invention; own, beginning, telegraph, central; satellite, first, artificial, convenient; turn, videotape, transmit, size.

    Упражнение 20. Назовите в следующих парах первое по алфавиту слово.

    concept/concert; complete/compare; invention/invasion; available/availability; commonly/commonless; commune/commit; compulsory/compunction .

    Упражнение 21. Напишите исходную форму, по которой нужно искать слово в словаре.

    boxes, matches, beginning, tinier, owned, boundaries, possibly, replacing, less.

    Упражнение 22. Найдите в словаре подходящее значение для выделен- ных слов или словосочетаний.

    1. The Japanese companies developed the first pocket-size colour television set. 2. Man first set foot on the Moon in July, 1969.

    1. Special telephone sets are used at plants in tropical sea climate.

    2. A great Russian scientist A.N. Krylov took an active part in the work of the first Atomic Commission set up at the Optical Institute. 5. It was Popov who constructed the first radio set. 6. One of the global tasks nowadays is to set up solar power plants on high orbits. 7. Ships are equipped with radar sets helping them to orient at sea.
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