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УМК англ для 1 курсов медиков. УМК англ 1 курс. Учебнометодическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов первого курса

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Глава 2.

2.1. Рекомендации по выполнению контрольной работы.

2.1.1. Что потребуется для выполнения контрольной работы по английскому языку?

Во-первых, знания. Во-вторых, сам текст контрольной работы. В - третьих, учебник и методичка, конспект, по которым вас обучают. В- четвертых, словарь. Все равно, в каком виде – бумажном или электронном – но это должен быть достаточно современный англо-русский и русско-английский словарь объемом не менее 20 000 слов.

2.1.2. С чего начать выполнение контрольной работы?

Прочитайте методичку! Честное слово, это очень полезно. Половина проблем с выполнением заданий отпадет сама собой, поскольку в методичках обычно и нужные слова с переводом имеются, и практически готовые ответы на вопросы вашей контрольной. И поэтому, если вы ни разу не заглянули в свою методичку в течение семестра, то почитайте ее хотя бы сейчас.

2.1.3. С чего начать выполнение задания?

Внимательно прочитайте задание и постарайтесь понять, чего же от вас хотят. И если в задании написано « Read the text and answer the questions » («Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы»), то не надо делать письменный перевод этого текста. Во-первых, вряд ли вы сделаете настолько идеальный перевод, что ваш преподаватель это оценит на «отлично», так зачем же давать возможность найти в своей работе лишние ошибки? Во-вторых, обычно и без того занятые преподаватели обычно раздражаются, когда им приходится делать лишнюю работу, то есть проверять напрасно выполненное вами задание. А в-третьих – и в самых главных! – сделав то, чего не просили, вы даете преподавателю повод усомниться в том, что способны правильно прочитать и понять задание. А зачем вам это нужно? Поэтому еще раз призываю: внимательно прочтите задание и сделайте только то, что в нем требуют.

Для облегчения вашей работы мы приводим список заданий, наиболее часто встречающихся в контрольных по английскому языку :

Read the text - Прочитайтетекст

Translate the text – Переведитетекст

Translate into English / Russian – Переведите на английский / русский язык

Answer the (following) questions – Ответьте на ( следующие ) вопросы .

Put the following sentences into indirect speech – Поставьте следующие предложения в косвенную речь

Put articles into the gaps – Заполните пропуски артиклями

Write a short story about… – Напишите краткий рассказ о …

Make the following sentences negative – Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную форму

Find the correct answer in each case – Найдите правильные ответы в каждом случае

For questions 1-10 choose the correct answer – Выберите правильные ответы для вопросов с 1 по 10.

Completethesentence.- Закончитьпредложение

2.1.4. Что делать, если не удается понять текст задания контрольной работы?

Если вы затрудняетесь четко ответить самому себе на вопрос, что же хотят преподаватели увидеть в выполненном вами задании, то следует поступить следующим образом:

• Внимательно прочитать текст задания еще раз.

• Перевести при помощи словаря все слова, значение которых вам не известно, или вы сомневаетесь, правильно ли вы их помните.

• Еще раз прочитать текст задания, сверяясь со списком только что переведенных слов.

2.1.5. Как выполнять задания по английскому языку?

Не торопитесь. Внимательно прочитайте все задания и попробуйте начать с самых легких. Однако имейте в виду, что часто в контрольных работах по английскому языку каждое последующее задание является продолжением предыдущего и поэтому не стоит начинать с ответов на вопросы к тексту, если сам текст вы не читали.

Если выполнение вашей контрольной работы подразумевает не только нахождение правильных ответов в тестах, но и самостоятельное написание английских слов и предложений, обязательно вооружитесь словарем. Включите «проверку орфографии», если вы выполняете задания при помощи компьютера. Не надо давать преподавателю лишний повод придраться к вам из-за того, что какое-то из английских слов в вашей контрольной работе написано неверно.

Отвечая на вопросы или сочиняя собственный текст на английском языке, пишите короткими предложениями. Лучше разбить одно длинное предложение на 2 или 3 не больших, но грамматически верных, чем запутаться в согласовании времен в сложной конструкции.

Имейте в виду, что если вопросы следуют за текстом, то все ответы на эти вопросы уже содержатся в этом тексте. Вам в большинстве случаев будет достаточно лишь найти в тексте предложение, содержащее ответ на вопрос, и переписать его. Не надо стараться переформулировать фразы и изобретать велосипеды.

  1. 2. Контрольная работа №1

«Местоимение. Существительное. Артикль. Сравнение прилагательных и наречий. Глагол have»

  1. Дополните предложения, используя прилагательные в скобках в сравнительной или превосходной степени. Запишите и письменно переведите предложения.

I have no one (near) than you.

In the (far) end of the exhibition hall there is a group of young people.

What is the (late) news?

David is (talented) than his brother.

The first edition of the book is (good), the new one is still (good).

We had a great holiday. It was one of the ...holidays we've ever had. (enjoyable)

The United States is very large but Canada is ...(large)

What's ...river in the world? (long)

It was an awful day. It was ...day of my life. (bad)

What is ...sport in your country? (popular)

  1. Вставьте артикль a/an или the там, где необходимо.

`Is there ... bank near here?' `Yes, at ...end of ...street.'

... sky is very clear tonight. I can see all ...stars.

`Where are ... children?' `They're in ...garden.'

After ... dinner we watched ... television.

Julia is ...doctor. Her husband is ...art teacher.

...tennis is my favourite sport. I play once or twice ...week, but I'm not ...very good player.

I won't be home for dinner this evening. I'm meeting some friends after ...work and we're going to ...cinema.

...unemployment is very high at the moment and it's very difficult for ...people to find ...work.

Carol is ...economist. She used to work in ...investment department of ...Lloyds Bank. Now she works for ...American bank in ... United States.

I don't really like staying at ...hotels, but last summer we spent a few days at ...very nice hotel by ...sea.

  1. Употребите верно личные местоимения в косвенном падеже (me/us/him/her/ them/it).

I don't know Sarah's parents. Do you know ...?

Where is Ann? I want to talk to ....

I want that book. Please, give it to ....

We're going to the conference. Are you going with ...?

Steve is gloomy today. What is the matter with ...?

  1. Употребитевернопритяжательныеместоимения(my/ our/ your/ his/ her/ their/ its).

`Is that ...car?' `No, I haven't got a car.'

I'm going to wash ...hair before I go to the concert.

`What are the children doing?' `They are doing ...homework.'

It's very cold today. Put on ...coat when you go out.

Oxford is famous for ...University.

  1. Заполните пропуски притяжательными местоимениями, соответствующими личным местоимениям, данным в скобках.

(Не) ... composition is very interesting.

(We) . . . son goes to school.

(You) . . . sister is young.

(They) . . . knowledge of the subject is very poor.

(She) . . . friends often visit her.

  1. Выберите нужную форму личных местоимений.

I often see (they, them) in the bus.

(We, us) always walk to school together.

I always speak to (he, him) in English.

He explains the lesson to (we, us) each morning.

I know (she, her) and her sister very well.

  1. Употребите местоимения much, many, a lot of там, где это необходимо.

Jim loves films. He goes to the cinema ..........

Linda thinks TV is boring. She doesn't watch TV .....

This road is very dangerous. There are ...accidents.

Quick! We must hurry. We haven't got ...time.

Do you drink ...coffee?

  1. Употребите глагол have got /has got в нужной форме (утверждение, отрицание, вопрос).

Julia wants to go to the concert, but she ...a ticket.

He can't open the door. He ...a key.

Most cars ...six wheels.

...you ...a passport?

What kind of car...Julia ...?

Why are you holding your face like that? ...you ...a toothache?

...a bicycle when you were a child?

When you did the exam, ...you ...time to answer all the questions?

I need a stamp for this letter. ...you ...one?

'It started to rain while I was walking home.' 'Did it? ...you ...an umbrella?'

  1. Поставьте следующие существительные во множественное число (не забудьте, что перед множественным числом неопределенный артикль нужно опустить):

A table, a plate, a fox, a room, a lady, a knife, a chair, a bus, a Negro, a match, a way, a house, a family, a flag, a town, a wolf, a country, a lion, a park, a play.

A star, a mountain, a tree, a shilling, a king, the waiter, the queen, a man, the man, a woman, the woman, an eye, a shelf, a box, the city, a boy, a goose, the watch, a mouse, a dress, a toy, the sheep, a tooth, a child, the ox, a deer, the life, a tomato.

    1. Контрольная работа №2 «Времена английского глагола»

Упражнение 1

Read the text. Choose one of the variants given.

One morning last week I (1) … that my bike (2) … from my garden. I (3) … the police and two officers (4) … to my house the next day. I (5) … if I (6) … or (7) … anything. I (8) … them everything.

1. 1) was realizing; 2) realized; 3) has realized; 4) had realized.

2. 1) is stolen; 2) was stolen; 3) had been stolen; 4) has stolen.

3. 1) phone; 2) have phoned; 3) was phoned; 4) phoned.

4. 1) come; 2) have been come; 3) came; 4) had come.

5. 1) ask; 2) asked; 3) has been asked; 4) was asked.

6. 1) was seen; 2) saw; 3) have seen; 4) had seen.

7. 1) have been hearing; 2) had heard; 3) have heard; 4) was heard.

8. 1) have told; 2) told; 3) had told; 4) had been told.


Open the brackets paying your attention of the verbs.

Where is Tom? – He (to write) a composition. He (to write) it since morning.

Listen, how well she (to sing).

How long you (to stay) in Kiev last year? – I (to stay) there a month.

When Sarah arrived at the Party, Paul (to go) already home.

I (to walk) along the road when I saw Dave.

If you (to call) him at 7 o’clock, he (to watch) TV.

He said his mother (to arrive) in London next month.

My parents decided that we (to celebrate) my birthday next Sunday.

The day before yesterday we (to invite) to the disco by Tom.

If he (not pass) his entrance exams he (to go) to work.

We (to walk) along a forest road for two hours, when we saw a house.

He (to take part ) in the competition this year.
Упражнение 3.

Дополните предложения глаголами из списка, употребив их в утвердительной, отрицательной или вопросительной форме Present Simple.

make come take play rise eat translate flow cause

Bees ...honey.

Where ...(Marian) from? - She is Scottish.

It ...me an hour to get to work. How long ...(it) take you?

I ...the piano but I ...(not) very well.

The earth ...round the sun.

The sun ...in the east.

Vegetarians ...meat.

An interpreter ...from one language to another.

The River Amazon ...into the Atlantic Ocean.

Bad driving ...many accidents.
Упражнение 4.

Дополните предложения глаголами в скобках, употребив их в форме Past Simple.

I knew Sarah was very busy, so I ...her. (disturb)

I was very tired, so I ...to bed early, (go)

The bed was very uncomfortable. I ...very well, (sleep)

Sue wasn't hungry, so she ...anything, (eat)

We went to Kate's house but she. ...at home, (be)

It was a funny situation but nobody ... (laugh)

The window was open and a bird ...into the room, (fly)

The hotel wasn't very expensive. It ...very much, (cost)

I was in a hurry, so I ...time to phone you. (have)

It was hard work carrying the bags. They...very heavy, (be)

Упражнение 5.

Дополните предложения глаголами из списка, употребив их в утвердительной, отрицательной или вопросительной форме Future Simple.

be get like look meet do

You must meet George sometime. I think you ...him.

It's raining. Don't go out. You ...wet.

They've invited me to their house. They ...offended if I don't go.

Goodbye. I expect we ...again before long.

I wonder what I ...20 years from now.


Open the brackets to complete the text.

Mr. John Green is 70 years old. He (1. be) a real collector of coins. He (2. have) a very good collection and he (3. be) proud of it. He (4. specialize) in coins of English – speaking countries. Mr. Green (5. begin) (6. collect) stamps when he (7. be) sixteen years old. His parents (8. take) their interest in his hobby. Little John (9. like) (10. show) them his collection.


Open the brackets using the right form.

  1. There (are/is) no information in the text.

  2. There (are/is) money on the table.

  3. What (a/-) wonderful weather!

  4. Have you read the text (already/yet)?

  5. Why are your eyes so red? (Have/Had) you been crying?

  6. The doctor said he (would/will) prescribe me medicine.

  7. Tom doesn’t let his sister (to touch/touch) his disks.

  8. Danny smiled at his father (cheerful/ cheerfully)

  9. The park (is/is being) reconstructed at the moment.

  10. What is the (vocabulary/ dictionary) of an average four-year-old child?

  11. What (an/-) interesting books you have got!

  12. Have you (ever/never) been to London?

  13. He told his father he (has/had) already made a paper ship.

  14. The book (will be/were) published next month.

  15. (A/The) man standing over there is my uncle.

  16. Children like sweets and my sister likes them too.

  17. Ann has no brothers, (has/ hasn’t) she?

  18. The letters (will/ will be) sent in 5 days.

  19. He never expected me (to memorize/ memorize) his address.

  20. You look (wonderful/ wonderfully) today

Упражнение 8.

Open the brackets using the correct tense of the verb.

1.) Listen! Pat (to play) the piano.
2.) Margaret (not/to go) to work yesterday.
3.) Next year he (to be) 25.
4.) Do you want the newspaper? No, thanks I already (to read) it.
5.) William Shakespeare (to die) in 1616.
6.) I am a teacher, I (to teach) Maths to young people.
7.) The concert last night (to start) at 7.30 and (to finish) at 10 p.m.
8.) Look! Somebody (to swim) in the river.
9.) It's Kate's birthday tomorrow and I (not to buy) her a present yet.
10.) Mozart (to live) from 1756 to 1791.
11.) She is very clever. She (to speak) four languages.
12.) Don't drink coffee before you go to bed. You (not to sleep).
13.) I can't open the door. I (to lose) a key.
14.) When I was a child I (to want) to be a doctor.
15.) The City Museum (to close) at 5 o'clock every evening.
16.) I can't talk to you at the moment. I (to work).
17.) I (to clean) my teeth three times yesterday.
18.) Are they still having dinner? No, they (to finish).
19.) When ... you (to go) to London.
20.) Where are the children? They (to play) in the garden.
21.) Peter (to wash) his hair twice a week.
22.) George (not/to be) at work last week because he (to be) ill.
23.) I can't find my umbrella. Somebody (to take) it.
24.) Phone me tomorrow. 1 (to be) at home.
25.) How often ... you (to watch) TV?
26.) Don't go out now. It (to rain).
27.) I think Diana (to pass) the exam next week.
28.) Today the weather is nice but yesterday it (to rain).
29.) I often (to go) to the theatre.
30.) He draws very well. He (to go) to be an artist.
31.) Put the old bread in the garden. The birds (to eat) it.
32.) Look! The Browns, already (to repair) their car.
33.) Hello! Can I speak to Ann, please? Sorry, she (to sleep) at the moment.
34.) I just (to speak) to my teacher.
35.) How much ... it (to cost) to send a letter to Canada?
Упражнение 9

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present или Past Simple.

1. His sister (to study) English every day. 2. She (to study) English two years ago. 3. You (to come) home at six o'clock yesterday? - No, I ... . Yesterday I (to come) home from school at half past eight. I (to be) very tired. I (to have) dinner with my family. After dinner I (to be) very thirsty. I (to drink) two cups of tea. Then I (to rest). 4. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock every day. 5. I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock yesterday. 6. My brother (to wash) his face every morning. 7. Yesterday he (to wash) his face at a quarter past seven. 8. I (not to have) history lessons every day. 9. We (not to rest) yesterday. 10. My brother (not to drink) coffee yesterday.


Раскройтескобки, употребляяглаголыв Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.

1. Mother (to cook) a very tasty dinner yesterday. 2. Tomorrow Nick (not to go) to school. 3. Look! My friends (to play) football. 4, Kate (not to write) letters every day. 5. You (to see) your friend yesterday? 6, Your father (to go) on a business trip last month? 7. What Nick (to do) yester-1 day? 8. When Nick (to get) up every morning? 9, Where your mother (to go) tomorrow? 10. I (to invite) my friends to come to my place tomorrow. 11. He (not to play) the piano tomorrow. 12. We (to see) a very good film last Sunday. 13. Your [mother (to cook) every day? 14. We (to make) a [fire last summer. 15. I (to spend) last summer at the sea-side. 16. Where you (to spend) last summer? 17. Where he (to spend) next summer? ! 18. What mother (to do) now? — She (to cook) dinner. 19. I (not to play) computer games yesterday. 20. Last Sunday we (to go) to the theatre. 21. I (to (meet) my friend yesterday. 22. I (to write) a letter [to my cousin yesterday. 23, You (to write) a dicta­tion tomorrow? 24. I (not to write) a report now.

Раскройтескобки, употребляяв Present Continuous или Past Continuous.

1. I (to write) an English exercise now. 2. I (to write) an English exercise at this time yesterday. 3. My little sister (to sleep) now. 4. My little sister (to sleep) at this time yesterday. 5. My friends (not to do) their homework now. They (to play) volleyball. 6. My friends (not to do) their homework at seven o’clock yesterday. They (to play) volleyball. 7. She (to read) the whole evening yesterday. 8. She (not to read) now. 9. Now she (to go) to school. 10. What you (to do) now? – I (to drink) tea.

Упражнение 12

Обратите внимание на следующие предложения:

When mother came home, I was reading.

came — однократное действие (пришла) PastSimple

wasreading — действиевпроцессе(читал) Past Continuous

When mother was reading, I came home.

wasreading — действие в процессе (читала) PastContinuous

came — однократное действие (пришел)PastSimple
Раскройтескобки, употребляявPastSimpleилиPastContinuous.

1. I (to go) to the cinema yesterday. 2. I (to go) to the cinema at four o’clock yesterday. 3. I (to go) to the cinema when you met me. 4. I (to do) my homework the whole evening yesterday. 5. I (to do) my homework when mother came home. 6. I (to do) my homework yesterday. 7. I (to do) my homework from five till eight yesterday. 8. I (to do) my homework at six o’clock yesterday. 9. I (not to play) the piano yesterday. 10. I (not to play) the piano at four o’clock yesterday. I (to read) a book.

Упражнение 13

Переведитенаанглийскийязык, употребляяглаголыв Present Perfect или Present Continuous.

1. Она все еще печатает свою статью. 2. Мы ее давно не видели. 3. Бабушка с дедушкой уже навестили своих внуков. 4. Сейчас они сидят в гостиной и разговаривают о своей поездке. 5. Ты когда-нибудь был в Африке? 6. Он все сделал для нее. Теперь он еще собирается купить ей дом. 7. Концерт еще не начался, и мы сидим в зале и обсуждаем свои проблемы. 8. Подожди меня! Я не взяла деньги. 9. Я только что позавтракал. 10. Он уже позавтракал.

Упражнение 14

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.

  1. Helen speaks French so well because she (to live) in France. 2. She (to live) there last year. 3. The rain (to stop) and the sun is shining in the sky again. 4. The rain (to stop) half an hour ago. 5. Mary (to buy) a new hat. 6. I (to buy) a pair of gloves yesterday. 7. The wind (to blow) off the man's hat, and he cannot catch it. 8. The weather (to change), and we can go for a walk. 9. The wind (to change) in the morning. 10. We (to travel) around Europe last year.

Упражнение 15.

Сравните употреблениевсех изученных времен:

Present, Past, Future Simple;

Present, Past Continuous

Раскройтескобки, употребляяглаголыводномизследующихвремен: Present, Past, Future Simple; Present, Past Continuous.

1. Look at these children: they (to skate) very well. 2. You (to skate) last Sunday? — Yes, we (to skate) the whole day last Sunday. We (to skate) again next Sunday. 3. My brother can skate very well. He (to skate) every Sunday. 4. What you (to do) now? — I (to wash) the dishes. 5. What you (to do) at three o'clock yesterday? — I (to have) din­ner. 6. You (to have) dinner now? 7. Where your brother (to work)? — He (to work) at an institute. 8. Your grandmother (to sleep) when you (to come) home yesterday? 9. What your brother (to do) to­morrow? 10. I (not to go) to the shop yesterday. I (to go) to the shop tomorrow. 11. Where Kate (to go) when you (to meet) her yesterday? 12. Every day the boss (to enter) the office at nine o'clock. 13. Yesterday the boss (to enter) the office at half past nine. 14. When the secretary (to come) tomor­row? 15. At six o'clock yesterday we (to listen) to a very interesting lecture. 16. When I (to enter) the office, the secretary (to type) some letters. 17. My friend (to ring) me up at eight o'clock yesterday.
2.4. Контрольная работа №3 «Числительные»

Упражнение 1. Запишите словами следующие количественные числительные.

  1. 3; 13; 30; 4;14;40;5;15;50;2;12;20;8;18;80.

  2. 21;82;35;44;33;55;96;67;79;41;53;22.

  3. 143; 258; 414; 331; 972; 205» 101; 557; 999; 313.

  4. 1, 582; 7,111; 3, 013; 5, 612; 2, 003; 9, 444; 4,040.

  5. 15, 500; 57, 837; 45, 971; 92, 017; 65,331; 11, 443.

  6. 235, 142; 978, 218; 106, 008; 321,105; 627, 344; 552, 331.

  7. 1, 352, 846; 4, 125, 963; 35, 756, 394; 257, 382,761.

Упражнение 2. Запишите словами следующие порядковые числительные.

  1. 7, 4, 8, 9, 13, 5, 12, 3, 2, 1, 15, 11,10.

  2. 20, 21, 30, 32, 40, 43, 50, 54, 60, 75, 80, 98.

  3. 100, 120, 125, 200, 230, 231, 300,450, 563, 892,654.

Упражнение 3.Запишите словами следующие даты.

6.06.1799; 5.07.1914; 22.06.1941; 9.05.1945; 23.11.1928; 12. 04.1961; 27. 10. 1977; 30.11.2000; 19.08. 2012; 20.02.2020;7.07.2007.

Упражнение 4. Прочитайте и запишите словами следующие простые и десятичные дроби.

  1. 1,7; 1/6; 1/9; 1/12; 3/8; 2/5; 4/7; 9/23; 3/4; 5/9; 1 ¾; 2 5/7; 5 1/3; 4 1/6.

  2. 3.5; 2.34; 12.3; 52.51; 0.1; 0.25; 0.302;132.054; 5.37; 6.4.

    1. . Контрольная работа №4

«Работа с технической литературой»

Вариант 1

1. Translate the text. Переведитетекст:

The Electric Current

When a conductor joins two points of different potential, electricity flows from one to the other along the conductors until the potentials are equal. This process is very rapid, and with good conductors is completed in a fraction of a second. While it lasts, an electric current is said to flow from one point to the other. By convention, the direction of the current is said to be that from the higher to the lower potential, i.e. the direction in which positive charges would travel, but actually, owing to their much greater mobility, it is the negative electrons which move, and it is their motion which constitutes the current.

2. Translate. Переведите на русский язык:

Conductor, potential, rapid, direction, positive, charge, mobility, motion, negative, current.

3. Translate the sentences. . Переведитепредложения:

1) Electricity flows from one potential to the other until the potentials are equal.

2) An electric current flows from one point to the other.

3) The motion of the negative electrons constitutes the electric current.

4. Find the correct answer in each caseВыбратьправильныйвариантслова:

When a conductor joins two points of different potential... flows from one to the other.

a) process b) electricity c) motion

5. Find the correct answer. Выбратьправильныйвариант:

This process is very ... and is completed in a fraction of a second.

a)large b)slow c) rapid

6. Find the correct answer. Выбратьправильныйвариант:

The direction of the ... is that from the higher to the lower potential

a) current b) electricity c) charge

7. Complete the sentence. Закончитьпредложение:

The electric current passing through a wire ....

a) will cool that wire b) will heat that wire

8. Complete the sentence. Закончитьпредложение

By connecting wires to the top and bottom discs Volta ....

a) was able to get electric current

b) was able to heat a conductor

9.Complete the sentence. Закончитьпредложение

When an electric current flows along a conductor, ....

a) the latter becomes strong

b) the latter becomes heated

10. Makethesentence. Составить предложение:

from, to, along, flows, potential, the, conductor, electricity, one, other, the.

11. Translate. Перевести на английский язык.

1) Направление тока осуществляется от высшего к низшему потенциалу.

2) Электричество течет от одного потенциала к другому, пока потенциалы равны.

3) Именно движение отрицательных электронов образует электрический ток.

Вариант 2

1. Translate. Переведитетекст:

Faraday's Experiment

Faraday knew from his long study of electricity that magnetism should be able to produce a current, as well as vice versa. In spite of his various failures, the idea of producing a current directly by magnetic action remained firm in his thoughts. One of his friends said later how at this period of his long life Faraday used to carry about with him in his pocket a small rough model of electro-magnetic apparatus. This consisted simply of an inch-long straight iron core with some turns of copper wire wound round it. The basic idea he had in mind was this: if an electric current in a wire can produce a magnetic effect, why should not a magnet near a conducting wire produce an electric current?

2. Translate. Перевести на русский язык:

electricity, magnetism, various, directly, magnetic, action, really, successful, immediately, reaction.

3. 2. Translate. Перевести на русский язык:

1) Faraday knew that magnetism should be able to produce a current.

2) He had produced electricity through magnetism which had never been done before.

3) Faraday used to carry about with him a model of electromagnetic apparatus.

4. Find the correct answer. Выбратьправильныйвариант: In spite of his various.... Faraday was sure that magnetism should be able to produce a current.

a) failures b) purposes c) magnets

5. Find the correct answer. Выбратьправильныйвариант:

Anyone who has a coil of wire, a.... magnet and a sensitive current indicator may repeat Faraday's experiment.

a. ) big b) bar c) copper

6. Find the correct answer. Выбратьправильныйвариант:

Amplifying the current, the scientist.... the necessary results

a) deflected b) got c) switched on

7. Complete the sentence. Закончитьпредложение

Faraday's basic idea was that a magnet near a conducting wire should be.....

a) on opposite sides of the ring b) able to produce an electric current

8. Complete the sentence. Закончитьпредложение

Faraday separated each turn.....

a) by string for insulation purposes b) fed from the battery

9. Complete the sentence. Закончитьпредложение

Faraday wound long coils of thin copper wire....,

a) he was disappointed b) on opposite sides of the ring

10. Makethesentence. Составить предложение:

by, produce, wanted, electricity, Faraday, to, electromagnetism.

11. Translate. Перевести на английский язык:

1) Идея получения тока непосредственно действием магнита не оставляла его мыслей,

2) Обычно Фарадей носил в кармане маленькую модель электромагнитного прибора.

12. Answer the questions. Ответитьнавопросы:

1) What was Faraday famous for?

2) What was his idea?

3) What can you say about a small model of electro-magnetic apparatus,
Вариант 3

1. Translate. Переведитетекст:

The Discovery of Magnetic Induction.

The discovery in 1820 that there was a close connection between electricity and magnetism was very exciting -until then, the two subjects had been considered as quite independent. The first discovery was that currents in wires make magnetic fields; then in the same year, it was found that wires carrying current in a magnetic field have forces on them. In 1840 Faraday discovered - electric effects exist only when there is something changing. If one of a pair of wires has a carrying current, a current is induced in the other, or if a magnet is moved near an electric circuit, there is a current. We say that currents are induced.

2. TranslateПереведитесловаисловосочетания:

Discovery, magnetic induction, wires, magnetic fields, current, electric effects, induced, an electric circuit, connection, electricity and magnetism.

3. Translate. Переведитепредложения:

1) Electricity and magnetism subjects had been considered as quite independent subjects.

2) If currents make magnetic fields, people suggested that magnets might also make electric fields.

4. FindthecorrectanswerВыбратьправильныйвариант:

For the atom to be electrically neutral, the number of protons must be....... to that of electrons.

a) more b) equal c) less

5. Find the correct answerВыбратьправильныйвариант:

We know Isaac Newton to express the connection between........ and motion in the form of several laws.

a) electricity b) current c) force

6. Find the correct answerВыбратьправильныйвариант:

Before Faraday's discovery the only usable source of........ was the galvanic battery.

a) electricity b) magnetism c) conduction

7. Complete the sentence. Закончитьпредложение:

Artificial magnets may be made by placing.........

a) a magnet to be magnetised into a battery

b) a piece of iron or steel to be magnetised into a coil

8. 7. Complete the sentence. Закончитьпредложение:

Faraday wanted to produce electricity by.........

a) Electromagnetism b) electric circuit

9. Make the sentence. Составитьпредложение:

Was, carrying, a, have, them, discovery, that, current, magnetic, forces, the, wires, in, field, on.

10. . Makethesentence Составить предложение:

A, electricity, and, had, as, was, between, magnetism, subjects, considered, independent, there, connection, and, these, been, quite.

Вариант 4

1. Translate. Переведитетекст:

Generating an Electric Current

Alessandro Volta, a professor of physics, established the true source of the electric current. He demonstrated that it could be produced by the action of dissimilar metals. In 1800 he developed the first electric battery, a device known as a voltaic pile. Although he tried a number of different materials he found that the best results were obtained when he used silver and zinc as the two metals. The pile consisted of a series of small disks of these and of cardboard, the latter having been soaked in a salt solution.

2. Translate. Переведите слова и словосочетания:

source, dissimilar, device, a voltaic pile, silver, zinc, cardboard, soaked, salt solution, series.

3. Translate. Переведите слова и словосочетания:

1) The electric current could be produced by the action of dissimilar metals.

2) A voltaic pile consisted of a series of small disks and of cardboard.

4. Find the correct answerВыбратьправильныйвариант:

Alessandro Volta established the true... of the electric current.

a) material b) source c) field

5. Find the correct answerВыбратьправильныйвариант:

During his experiments Volta developed the first electric...

  1. battery b) source c) device

6. FindthecorrectanswerВыбрать правильный вариант:

By connecting... to the top and bottom discs Volta got electric current

a) discs b) wires c) bars

7. Complete the sentence. Закончитьпредложение:

An electric current is a flow of electrons along...

a) the particles were electrons

b) a metal wire or a conductor

8. Complete the sentence. Закончитьпредложение:

There are many measuring devices e. g....

a) galvanometers, voltmeters and others

b) slight changes every day

9. Complete the sentence. Закончитьпредложение:

The method of producing electricity directly from heat attracts...

  1. problem of life

b) attention of scientists

10. Makethesentence. Составить предложение:

that, current, produced, action, metals, demonstrated, the, could, by, of, Volta, electric, be, the, dissimilar

Вариант 5


Текст 1

а) Прочтите вслух следующие слова и словосочетания, б) Определите значения этих слов по сходству их корней с соответствующими русскими словами:

electronics, progress, television, computer, technology, automation, national economy, electronic systems, electronic robots, radio-electronic systems, radio communication

  1. Переведите следующие словосочетания с предлогом of:

a powerful means of progress, the ideas of electronics, means of automation, to control the work of plants and power stations, phenomena of nature, applications of electronics, the field of communication, the invention of radio, the principles of wireless communication

  1. Прочтите текст и определите, в каких областях науки и техники электроника нашла широкое применение. Выпишите из текста все упомянутые направления использования электроники.


Electronics is a rather young science. It belongs to the twentieth century. Within a short period it has become a powerful means of progress.

Electronics surrounds us everywhere. Television, radio-receiving, tape- recording — are all based on electronics. The ideas of electronics are embodied in computer technology and means of automation, biology and ge­netics which have advanced biotechnology as a new branch of the national economy.

Electronic computers are widely used in scientific research, in planning and controlling our national economy.1 Very complicated electronic sys­tems control the work of huge plants and power stations; even whole industries are controlled by electronic robots. Planes and rockets are also electronically controlled.

Electronics has sharpened our vision and given us chance to see the micro world more clearly. It helps us discover new and puzzling phenomena of nature.

Due to electronics the first man-made sputnik was launched into space, and now man has already set his foot on the Moon, sends probes to distant planets. Radio electronic systems ensure reliable communication with space probes at distances of millions of kilometers, relay telephotos of distant planets. The greatest application of electronics is in the field of communications.

The range of radio communication in space is extending more and more. There is every reason to believe2 that radio links may be set over distances of 100 million kilometers or even more.

Now we cannot imagine our life without electronics.

But it all began with the invention of radio. It was our Russian scientist A.S. Popov who discovered the principles of wireless communication that finally led to the development of electronic tubes for use in various communication devices.


    1. in planning and controlling our national economy —для

планирования и управления народным хозяйством

    1. There is every reason to believe — Естьвсеоснованияполагать

      1. Переведите следующие словосочетания:

Vacuum tube, transmission line, short-wave transmission, relay station, relay centre, medium-wave transmission, high gain, plate resistance, tube gain

      1. Образуйте существительные, обозначающие приборы, с помощью суффикса -ег/-ог; переведите их:

to transmit, to receive, to modulate, to tune, to reflect, to oscillate

1   ...   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   ...   25

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