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  • 3.12.4. Ask your friend

  • 3.12.5. Translate the following into Engli s h

  • 3.13. СоединенныеШтатыАмерики . The United States of America (The USA) 3.13.1 Read and translate the text.

  • 3.13.2. Pronounce the following words and geographic names

  • 3.13.3. Answer the questions upon the text

  • 3.13.4. Complete the sentences

  • 3.13.5. Choose the correct verb for each blank, varies, is headed, consists, lies, cross, are divided, is washed, is exercised

  • 3.13.6. Read the beginning of the sentence and find its end in the text.

  • 3.13.7 Put in the missing words according to the text.

  • 3.14. Вашингтон . Washington D. C.

  • Post -Text Exercises 3.14.1. Pronounce the following words and proper names

  • 3.14.2. Answer the questions

  • 3.14.3. Match the two parts of the sentences.

  • 3.14.4. Put in the missing words according to the text.

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    Dialogue 2.

      • I suppose you’ve been to Covent Garden?

      • Covent Garden? I’m afraid not. I have only been to Green Park, Regent’s Park and Kensington Gardens.

      • Dear me! Don’t you know what Covent Garden is?

      • I certainly do. It’s the Royal Opera House. I was just pulling your leg. (дурачить, разыгрывать).

    Dialogue 3.

        • While seeing the Tower of London, have you noticed several ravens in the courtyard?

        • Oh, yes, I have, there were some.

        • There’s a belief that the British Empire will come to an end when those ravens leave the Tower.

        • Well, but as far as I know the British Empire does not exist anymore, though the ravens are still there.

        • That’s right. Their wings are clipped. (to clip – подрезать).

    Dialogue 4.

          • Why, it’s No 10 Downing Street!

          • Exactly so. Here the Prime Minester of Britain lives.

          • And where’s the residence of the Queen?

          • The London residence of the British Kings is Buckingham Palace. When the Queen is in residence the Royal Standard is flown at the mast-head. (флагшток)

    Dialogue 5:

            • Which are the most notable picture galleries in London?

            • Well, the National Gallery, to begin with, then comes the National Portrait Gallery, then the Tate Gallery.

            • Yes, but what about the British Museum? I’ve heard a lot of it.

            • Oh surely, you ought to go there, but the British Museum is not a museum of Fine Arts. In the first place it’s a museum of history, achaelogy and ethnography. It’s also one of the largest libraries in the world.

    3.12.4. Ask your friend:

    1. кем был основан Лондон

    2. на какие части делится Лондон

    3. чем знаменит Сити

    4. что представляет собой Вест Энд

    5. чем примечателен Тауэр

    6. кто построил аббатство и дворец в Вестмистере.

    7. где заседает парламент

    8. что находится в Ист Энде

    9. какие самые известные музеи в Лондона

    3.12.5. Translate the following into English:

    1. Лондон – экономический, политический и культурный центр, расположенный на обоих берегах Темзы.

    2. Город, основанный римлянами, первоначально был маленьким и обнесен забором.

    3. Лондон традиционно делится на три части: Сити, Ист Энд, Вест Энд. Эти части различаются между собой.

    4. Сити – это район, где сосредоточена большая часть офисов и банков.

    5. Вест Энд – это символ роскоши и богатства.

    6. Лондон – очень привлекателен для туристов. Интересно увидеть Трафальгарскую площадь, Пикадили, Букингемский дворец, Собор Святого Павла.

    7. Вестминстерское Аббатство располагается на левом берегу Темзы и является политическим центром Лондона.

    8. В Тауэре Лондона хранится королевская корона, которая охраняется Йoменскими стражниками – йоменами.

    9. Собор Святого Павла – это шедевр сэра Кристофера Рена. Строительство началось в 1675г. и было закончено в 1709. Великолепное сооружение увенчано куполом.

    10. Рядом с Аббатством Эдуард-Исповедник построил Вестминстерский Дворец, который был королевской резиденцией.

    3.13. СоединенныеШтатыАмерики.

    The United States of America (The USA)

    3.13.1 Read and translate the text.

    The United States of America

    The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world (after Russia, Canada and China). The USA lies in the central part of North America. The total area of the country is about nine and a half million square kilometres. Its western coast is washed by the Pacific Ocean. Its eastern coast is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. The USA borders on Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south. It has a sea-boarder with Russia.

    The climate of the country varies greatly from arctic in Alaska through continental in the central part to subtropical in the south.

    The USA is a federal republic. It consists of fifty states and the District of Columbia. The capital of the country is Washington D. C. The population of the USA is about 250 million people. Each state has its own government. The seat of the federal government is Washington D. C. According to the US Constitution the powers of the government are divided into 3 branches. They are the executive, the legislative and the judicial. The executive is headed by the President and his Administration. The legislative is exercised by the US Congress. The judicial is headed by the US Supreme Court.

    The Congress consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. There are two main political parties in the USA, the Republican and the Democratic.

    The flag of the USA is called "Stars and Stripes." There are three colours on the flag of the USA.

    They are red, white and blue. As there are fifty states in the USA, there are fifty stars on the American flag: one star for each state. The American flag has thirteen stripes. The stripes are red and white. The flag has seven red stripes and six white stripes. There is one stripe for each of the first thirteen colonies which in 1776 became independent of England.

    The eagle became the official national symbol of the country in 1782. It holds an olive branch (a symbol of peace) and arrows (symbols of strength) in its paws.

    The USA has an official song. It is called The Star Spangled Banner.

    The USA is one of the greatest industrial and leading agricultural nations in the world. The USA produces around 25% of the world's industrial products, agricultural goods and services.

    The USA is rich in coal, iron and oil. Many rivers cross the country. The most important are the Mississippi, the Missouri, the Colorado, the Sacramento. The main lakes are the Great Lakes in the north.

    The largest cities are New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, San Francisco, Washington and others. The highest mountains are the Rocky Mountains, the Cordillera and the Sierra Nevada.

    The USA is one of the most powerful and highly developed countries in the world. It is the leader of the western world.

    3.13.2. Pronounce the following words and geographic names:

    the United States of America (the USA) - СоединенныеШтатыАмерики

    China - Китай

    the Pacific Ocean - Тихийокеан

    the Atlantic Ocean - Атлантическийокеан

    the Gulf of Mexico - Мексиканскийзалив

    Washington D. C. - г. Вашингтон

    the US Congress - КонгрессСоединенныхШтатовАмерики

    the US Supreme Court - ВерховныйСуд

    the Senate - Сенат

    the House of Representatives - Палатапредставителей

    the Republican party - Республиканскаяпартия

    the Democratic party - Демократическаяпартия

    the Star Spangled Banner - официальныйгимнСША

    the Mississippi - Миссисипи

    the Missouri - Миссури

    the Colorado - Колорадо

    the Sacramento - Сакраменто

    New York - Нью-Йорк

    Los Angeles - Лос-Анджелес

    Chicago - Чикаго

    Philadelphia - Филадельфия

    Detroit - Детройт

    San Francisco - СанФранциско

    the Rocky Mountains - Скалистыегоры

    the Cordillera - Кордильеры

    the Sierra Nevada - СьерраНевада

    total - весь, целый

    to wash - омывать

    coast - морской берег

    to border on — граничитьс

    government - правительство

    to divide - разделять

    branch - отрасль, ветвь

    executive - исполнительный

    legislative - законодательный

    judicial - судебный

    to head - возглавлять

    to exercise - осуществлять

    to consist of состоятьиз

    stripe - полоса

    independent - независимый

    eagle - орел

    symbol — символ

    olive - оливковый

    arrow - стрела

    strength - сила

    powerful - сильный, могучий

    to develop - развивать(ся)

    leader - лидер

    to vary - изменять(ся)

    to produce - выпускать

    agricultural - сельскохозяйственный

    goods - товар

    service - обслуживание, сервис

    coal - каменный уголь

    iron - железо

    oil - масло, нефть

    tocross - пересекать

    3.13.3. Answer the questions upon the text:

    1) What countries are larger than the USA?

    2) Where does the USA lie?

    3) What is the total area of the USA?

    4) What oceans wash the western and eastern coasts of the USA?

    5) What countries border on the USA?

    6) How does the climate of the USA vary?

    7) How many states are there in the USA?

    8) What is the capital of the USA?

    9) What is the population of the USA?

    10) Where is the seat of the federal government?

    11) How many branches are the powers of the government divided into? What are they?

    12) Who is the executive of the USA headed by?

    13) The legislative is exercised by the US Congress, isn't it? What does the Congress consist of?

    14) Who is the judicial headed by?

    15) What are the main parties in the USA?

    16) What is the flag of the USA called?

    17) How many colours are there on the flag of the USA? What are they?

    18) Why are there fifty stars on the flag of the USA?

    19) How many stripes are there on the flag of the USA? Why? What colour are they?

    20) What is the official national symbol of the USA? What do the arrows mean? What does the olive branch mean?

    21) What is the official song of the USA called?

    22) Why is the USA one of the most developed countries in the world? What does the USA produce?

    23) What is the USA rich in?

    24) What are the main rivers and lakes of the USA?

    25) What are the largest cities in the USA? What are the highest mountains in the USA?

    3.13.4. Complete the sentences:

    1. The USA borders ... ...

    2. There are …… states in the USA

    3. The…….. became the official national symbol of the country in 1782.

    4. Many rivers cross the country. The most important are ...

    5. The USA is one of the greatest ...

    6. The climate of the country varies

    7. The population of the USA is ... ...

    8. The total area of the country is ...

    9. There is one stripe for ... ...

    10. The capital of the country is ...

    3.13.5. Choose the correct verb for each blank,

    varies, is headed, consists, lies, cross, are divided, is washed, is exercised:

    1. The judicial ... by the US Supreme Court.

    2. Its western coast ... by the Pacific Ocean.

    3. The Congress ... of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

    4. According to the US Constitution the powers of the government... into three


    5. The climate of the country ... greatly from arctic in Alaska through contitental

    in the central part to subtropical in the south.

    6. Many rivers ... the country.

    7. The legislative ... by the US Congress.

    8. The USA ... in the central part of North America.

    3.13.6. Read the beginning of the sentence and find its end in the text.

    1. The USA has an official song. It is called ...

    2. The Congress consists of ...

    3. The USA lies in the ...

    4. Its eastern coast is washed by ...

    5. According to the US Constitution ...

    6. The largest cities are ...

    7. The USA produces around ...

    8. There are two main political ...

    3.13.7 Put in the missing words according to the text.

    1. The USA has ... with Russia.

    2. The American flag has thirteen ... .

    3. The USA is one of the most ... and highly ... countries in the world.

    4. The USA is rich in ..., ... and ... .

    5. Each state has its own ... .

    6. The USA produces around 25 per cent of the world's industrial ... goods and ...

    7. The flag of the USA is called ... .
    3.14. Вашингтон.

    Washington D. C.

    Washington is the capital of the United States of America. It is situated on the Potomac River in the District of Columbia. The population of the city is 900,000 people. Washington was named after the first US president George Washington. He selected the place for the capital. It was founded in 1790. Since 1800 Washington D. C. has been the federal capital. The French engineer, Pierre L'Enfant, designed the city. Washington D. С isn't like other cities of the USA. It has long wide avenues, 26 gardens, beautiful parks and no skyscrapers at all, because no other building must be taller then the Capitol.

    The Capitol is the seat of the American Congress. The 535 members of the Congress meet here to discuss the nation's affairs. It is situated in the centre of the city. The Capitol has a big white dome standing on a circle of pillars. It is a huge building, full of paintings and statues.

    The White House is the official residence of the US President. It was built in 1799. The US President works and lives there.

    Washington is a large scientific and cultural centre. There are many museums, theatres, research institutes, five universities, the National Academy of Science and the Library of Congress there. The Library of Congress is situated not far from the Capitol. It is the largest library in the States. It contains more than 13 million books, more than 19 million manuscripts, including the personal papers of the US presidents.

    There is one more well-known building in Washington — Pentagon. It is the residence of the US Military department. It is situated in the suburbs to the south of the Potomac.

    There are many monuments in the city. The most impressive and the best-known ones are the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument and the Jefferson Memorial. Thousands of tourists visit Washington every day. Washington D. С is the city where you think about the glorious history of the USA.

    Post -Text Exercises

    3.14.1. Pronounce the following words and proper names:

    Potomac - p. Потомак

    District of Columbia - округКолумбия

    Washington D. С. - Вашингтон

    Pierre L'enfant - ПьерЛанфан

    the Capitol - Капитолий

    the Congress - Конгресс

    the Library of Congress - Библиотекаконгресса

    the Lincoln Memorial - памятникЛинкольну

    the Washington Monument - памятникВашингтону

    the Jefferson Memorial — памятникДжеферсону

    to name - называть

    to select - выбирать

    to found - основывать

    to design - проектировать, создавать

    avenue - проспект

    skyscraper - небоскреб

    affair - дело

    dome - купол

    circle - круг

    pillar - столб, колонна

    huge - огромный

    research - исследовательский

    to contain - содержать

    manuscript - рукопись

    suburb - пригород

    impressive - производящий

    glorious - славный, знаменитый
    3.14.2. Answer the questions

    1. What is the capital of the USA?

    2. Where is Washington situated?

    3. What is the population of the city?

    4. Who was Washington named after?

    5. Who selected the place for the capital?

    6. When was the city founded?

    7. Who designed the city? Since what time has Washington D. С been the federal capital?

    8. Why isn't Washington D. C. like other cities of the USA?

    9. Where is the seat of the American Congress? Where is this building situated?

    10. Can you describe the Capitol?

    11. Where is the official residence of the US President? When was it built?

    12. What is Washington D. C. famous for?

    13. What is the largest library in the states? Where is it situated?

    14. How many books and manuscripts does the Library of Congress contain?

    15. What building is the residence of the US Military department? Where is it situated?

    16. What monuments do you know in Washington D. C?

    17. Do you want to visit Washington D. C? Why?

    3.14.3. Match the two parts of the sentences.

    1. The White House is ... the residence of the US Military department.

    2. The Library of Congress ... 1790.

    contains ... the official residence of the US President.

    3. Since 1800 Washington D. С ... a big white dome standing on a circle of pillars.

    has been ... more than 13 million books, more than 19

    4. Washington was named after million manuscripts, including the personal papers

    5. The Capitol has of the US presidents.

    6. Pentagon is ... long wide avenues, gardens, beautiful parks and

    7. Washington D. С has no skyscrapers at all.

    8. Washington D. С was ... the first US president George Washington.

    founded in ... the Federal capital.

    3.14.4. Put in the missing words according to the text.

    1. The 535 members of the Congress meet here to discuss the nation's ...

    2. Pentagon is situated in the ... to the south of the Potomac.

    3. There are many museums, theatres, ..., five universities, the National

    Academy of Science and the Library of Congress there.

    4. The Capitol is ... building, full of ... and statues.

    5. Washington D. C. has long wide ... gardens, beautiful parks and no ... at all.

    6. Washington is situated on ... in the District of Columbia.

    7. The Library of Congress contains more than 13 million books, more than 19

    million .... including the personal... of the US presidents.

    8. The Capitol has a big white ... standing on a circle of ... .
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