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  • Для описания внешности женщины используем слова

  • Для описания внешности мужчин мы используем слова

  • Описаник внешности лица человека. Тип лица человека.

  • Опишем улыбку у человека Люди бывают с улыбкой

  • Глаза (eyes [aiz] ) у человека бывают

  • Примеры описания внешности человека

  • 3.1.2. В английском языке существует около 4,5 тысяч слов, обозначающих черты личности человека Слова, которые помогут описать личность и характер человека

  • Write the text about yourself.

  • Describe your friend. «Межличностныеотношения» 3.2.1. Words

  • Другие отношения Other Related Words

  • 3.2.2. My family. Read the text, do the tasks.

  • Read, translate and reproduce the dialogues

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    Глава 3.

      1. Описание людей. Внешность.

    Слова, которые Вам понадобятся при описании внешность человека на английском языке.

    body build - телосложение.

    При описании внешности человека для корректности мы иногда используем разные прилагательные.

    Для описания внешности женщины используем слова:

    A Figure - ['fɪgə] - Фигура

    slim [slim] - стройная

    neat - изящная

    petite - миниатюрная

    little, small - [lɪtl], [smo:l] - маленькая

    thin, skinny [θɪn], ['skɪnɪ] - худая
    Для описания внешности мужчин мы используем слова:

    slender ['slendə] ['слэнда] -стройный.

    lean - худощавый

    lathy - долговязый

    short - низкого роста

    plump [plʌmp] / overweight - полный.

    fat [fæt]/ stout - тучный, толстый, упитанный тоже можно использовать, менее корректнo

    large, big [lɑːʤ], [big] - большая

    muscular ['mʌskjulə] - мускулистая

    round [raund] - округлая

    stooping ['stuːpɪŋ] - сутулая

    stout [staut] - толстая

    obese [ou'biːs] тучная

    hair - волосы

    Рассказывая о голове, мы описываем волосы (hair) и лицо (face).

    auburn - золотисто-каштановые,

    chesthut ['ʧesnʌt] - рыжевато-каштановые

    dark [da:k] тёмные

    black [blæk] - черные

    red [red] рыжие

    grey - седые.

    blond(e) блондин

    blond [blond] - светлые

    fair [fɛə] - белокурые

    brown hair - шатен

    brunette - брюнет .

    hair length - длинаволос,

    long - длинные,

    short [ʃɔːt] короткие,

    shoulder-lenght - доплечей,

    waist-length - допояса.

    bald [bo:ld] - лысый, с лысиной
    так же опишем какие волосы у человека

    straight [streɪt] - прямые,

    волнистые wavy ['weɪvɪ]

    curly ['kɜːlɪ] кудрявые, вьющиеся.

    kinky ['kɪŋkɪ] - курчавые

    plaited [plætid] - уложенные в косу—

    красивые — beautiful ['bjuːtəful] [бьютэфул]

    красивые, густые волосы — rich hair [rɪʧ hɛə] [рич хэа]

    редкие — thin [θɪn] [сын]

    густые — thick [θɪk] [сык]

    Описаник внешности лица человека.

    Тип лица человека.

    oval ['əuvəl] - овальное,

    round [raund] - круглое

    квадратными (square)

    На лице человека могут быть

    freckles - веснушки.

    wrinkles - морщины.

    beautiful ['bjuːtəful] — красивое (о женщине)

    handsome ['hænsəm] - красивое (о мужчине)

    ruddy ['rʌdɪ]— румяное

    pale [peil] - бледное

    gloomy ['glu:mi] - мрачное

    pretty, nice ['prɪtɪ], [nais] - приятное, симпатичное

    plain [pleɪn] - некрасивое

    ugly ['ʌglɪ] - уродливое

    horrible ['hɔrəbl] [] - ужасное

    thin [θɪn] [сын] худое

    Опишем улыбку у человека

    Люди бывают с улыбкой:

    искренней (sincere),

    очаровательной (charming)

    обаятельной (engaging)

    неискренняя (artificial)

    наигранная (forced)

    хитрая (cunning).

    Опишем нос (nose) у человека:

    прямой (straight),

    курносый (snub),

    орлиный (aquiline),

    мясистый (fleshy) или

    приплюснутый (flat).
    Губы (lips) человека можно описать словами

    тонкими (thin)

    сжатыми (compressed),

    толстые (thick)

    выступающиевперед (protruding).
    Глаза (eyes [aiz] ) у человека бывают:

    узкими (narrow),

    навыкате (bulging),

    близко, глубоко или широко посаженными (close- / deep- / wide-set).

    большие — big [big]

    весёлые — jolly ['ʤɔlɪ]

    радостные — cheerful ['ʧɪəful]

    выразительные — expressive [ik'spresiv]

    задумчивые — thoughtful [θɔːtful]

    заплаканные — tear-stained ['tɪəsteɪnd]

    сверкающие — sparkling ['spɑːklɪŋ]

    серьёзные — serious ['sɪərɪəs]

    хитрые — cunning, sly ['kʌnɪŋ], [slaɪ]

    ясные — clear [klɪə]
    Описывая цвет глаз, мы используем такие оттенки:

    brown [braun] - карие ,

    green [gri:n]- зеленые,

    grey - серые ,

    blue [blu:] [блю] - голубые,

    dark - черные.

    светлые — light [lait]

    тёмные — dark [da:k]

    Типы подбородка (chin)

    dimpled - с ямочкой (подбородок),

    flat - плоский ,

    pointed - острый,

    square - квадратный,

    protruded - выступающий.
    Описание лба (forehead)

    high - высокий ,

    open - открытый ,

    narrow - узкий ,

    low - низкий ,

    broad - широкий,

    выпуклый -doomed)

    покатый (retreating).

    Примеры описания внешности человека:
    Iamtall. - Явысокий.

    You are short. - Ты невысокого роста.

    She is fat. - Онаполная.

    We are old. - Мыпожилые.

    You are young. - Вымолодые.

    They are dark-haired. - Онибрюнеты.

    They are blond. - Ониблондинки.

    Am I fat? - Яполный?

    Are you thin? - Тыхудой?

    Is he tall? - Онвысокий?

    Is she ugly? - Она некрасивая?

    Are we young? - Мымолодые?

    Are you blond? - Выблондины?

    Are they short? - Они невысокого роста?

    I am not fat. - Янеполный.

    You are not thin. - Тынехудой.

    He is not tall. - Онневысокий.

    You are not blond. - Вынеблондины.

    They are not thin. - Онинехудые.

    3.1.2. В английском языке существует около 4,5 тысяч слов, обозначающих черты личности человека

    Слова, которые помогут описать личность и характер человека:
    straightforward - честный, прямой, открытый

    dedicated - преданный

    respectful - с уважением к другим

    good looking - симпатичная, привлекательная

    handsome - симпатичный (только по отношению к мужчине!)

    funny - весёлый, с чувством юмора

    fun-loving - весёлый, шутник, юморист

    exciting - заводной

    adventurous - смелый, любитель приключений

    open-minded - без предубеждений, объективный

    easy-going - общительный, лёгкий в общении

    quarrelsome - сварливый

    unattached - самостоятельный

    sociable общительная

    cheerful весёлая, жизнерадостная

    loyal верная

    straightforward честная, прямая, открытая

    reliable надёжная

    honest порядочная, честная

    dedicated преданная

    faithful верная, преданная

    calm спокойная

    spontanious спонтанная, лёгкая на подъём

    kind добрая

    respectful относящаяся с уважением к другим

    shy застенчивая

    cruel / unkind злой

    open, candid открытая, откровенная

    romantic романтичная

    sentimental сентиментальная

    tender ласковая

    generous великодушная, щедрая

    caring заботливая

    attentive, caring внимательная

    affectionate нежная

    considerate внимательная к другим, чуткая

    tolerant терпимая

    compassionate умеющая сострадать, сочувствовать

    patient терпеливая

    sincere, frank искренняя

    modest скромная

    warm добрая, сердечная

    creative творческая

    curious любопытная, любознательная

    sensual чувственнная

    passionate страстная, пылкая

    nice милая, хорошая

    good looking симпатичная, привлекательная

    attractive привлекательная

    pretty хорошенькая, симпатичная

    friendly дружелюбная

    glamorous прелестная, очаровательная

    witty остроумная funny весёлая, с чувством юмора

    serious серьёзная

    fun-loving весёлый, шутник, юморист

    exciting заводной

    adventurous смелый, любитель приключений

    reasonable благоразумная

    hardworking трудолюбивая, много работающая

    gentle мягкая

    well educated хорошо образованная

    understanding понимающая

    open-minded без предубеждений, объективная

    energetic энергичная

    easy-going общительная, лёгкая в общении

    unattached самостоятельная

    enthusiastic полная энтузиазма

    eager целеустремлённая

    confident in myself увереннаявсебе

    even-tempered уравновешенный

    impolite невежливый

    rude грубый

    reliable - надежный

    trustworthy заслуживающийдоверия

    jealous ревнивый

    envious завистливый

    kind добрый

    generous щедрый

    mean жадный

    amiable любезный

    considerate внимательный

    shy застенчивый

    haughty надменный

        1. Write the text about yourself.

    My name is ... I am seventeen (sixteen, eighteen). I live in Kumertau. My address is ... My telephone number is...

    I am tall (not very tall, short, of middle height). I am thin (not very thin, rather plump). My face is round (square, oval). I have a fair (dark) complexion. My forehead is narrow (broad) and low (high). I have a straight (upturned, crooked, aquiline) nose and a protruding (round) chin. My eyebrows are bushy (penciled), my eyelashes are thick (thin) and long (short). I have large (small) blue (hazel, black, grey) eyes. My hair is black (fair, dark, blond, chestnut), straight (curly) and long (short, not very long).

    I study at the Aviation Technical College. I like my future profession and I am going to do my best to become a good specialist.

    I live with my family. It is large (small, not very large) and very good. We love each other very much and always try to help each other and to spend as much time together as we can. I have a lot of friends too.

    I am fond of reading and playing computer games. My favourite sport is football (swimming, tennis, and hockey). My friends and I often get together to play different games, go for a walk or to the disco or simply talk.

        1. Describe your friend.


    3.2.1. Words

    члены семьи Families

    тетя; тетка aunt

    старшийбрат brother elder / older brother

    двоюродный брат, двоюродная сестра; кузен, кузина cousin

    дочь daughter

    отец father

    внук; внучка grandchild

    внучка granddaughter

    внук grandson

    дедушка grandfather, grandpapa

    дедушка (ласкательное) grandpa

    бабушка grandmother, grandmamma

    бабушка (ласкательное) grandma

    дед и бабка grandparent (s)

    правнук; правнучка great-grandchild

    муж husband

    бывший муж ex-husband

    родители жены/мужа in-laws

    свекор, тесть father-in-law

    свекровь, теща mother-in-law

    зять (муждочери) son-in-law

    мать mother

    племянница niece

    племянник nephew

    родители parents

    сестра sister

    сын son

    отчим step-father

    падчерица step-daughter

    приемныйсын step-son

    близнецы twin

    брат-близнец twin-brother

    сестра-близнец twin-sister

    дядя uncle

    вдова widow (woman)

    вдовец widower (man)

    жена wife

    бывшаяжена ex-wife

    Брак Marital Relationships

    равзведенный divorced

    помолвленный engaged

    женатый / не женатый married / unmarried

    разведенный separated

    холостой single

    вдовый widowed

    Другие отношения Other Related Words

    знакомый; знакомая acquaintance

    шеф boss

    коллега colleague

    служащий employee

    работодатель employer

    жених fiancé

    невеста fiancée

    друг friend

    лучшийдруг best friend

    сосед neighbor

    партнер partner

    3.2.2. My family. Read the text, do the tasks.

    Every family where everyone is responsible for its comfort, success in work, health and good spirits must be a strong unit. We are all members of society and family is the most important thing for each of us. The children whose parents take proper care of them are very grateful to them either now or afterwards when they become grown-ups.

    Now I want to tell you a few words about my family. I have got a mother, a father, a sister and a brother. There are 5 of us in the family.

    First of all I’ll tell you some words about my parents. My mother is a teacher of biology. She likes her profession very much. She is a good-looking woman with fair hair. She is forty-five but she looks much younger. She is not tall but slim. By character my mother is energetic and talkative, while my father is a quiet and strong-willed man. He is very experienced. My father is a broad –shouldered tall man with short black hair and grey eyes. He is forty-six. My father often sings and when we are at home and have free time I play the guitar and we sing together.

    My parents have been married for twenty-six years. They have much in common, but they have different views on music, books, films and sports. For example, my father likes horror films and my mother likes «soup operas». She is so sensitive and tender. My father is fond of sports. But my parents have the same opinion about our education and upbringing.

    My parents are hard-working people. My mother keeps house and takes care of us. She is very good at cooking and she is clever with her hands. She is very practical. We try to help her with the housework; for example we wash the dishes, go shopping.

    My sister Helen is twenty-five. She is married and has a family of her own. She works as an accountant for a joint venture company. Her husband is a scientist. They have got twins: a daughter and a son. They go to a nursery-school.

    My brother Boris is eleven. Boris takes after his father in appearance and character. His face is long and thin. His features are regular. People find him sociable and a bit easy-going. He wants to be a pilot but he is not sure yet.

    We have a lot of relatives. Our grandparents are retired. My aunts, uncles, cousins live in different parts of Russia. On holidays they often come to our place. We have a very good time together.

    Our family is very united. We like to spend time together. Sometimes we stay at home and watch TV or just talk, and on weekends we go out of town. But we are always happy to be together and we wish one another only the best out of the best.
    British families.

    British families are usually quite small. An average family consists of a mother, a father and two or three children. No one is really sure how it is possible to have four children. It is quite rare in Britain for grandparents, aunts and uncles to share the house with the family. However, families often share the house with dogs, cats, goldfish and even rabbits which they keep, not to eat, but as pets.
    Read, translate and reproduce the dialogues:

    Dialogue 1.

    Mr. Allen and Mr. Burrows are going to Mrs. Jones. They talk on the way.

    Mr. A: Well we are nearly at the Jones’ house. I shall be able to introduce you to Mrs. Jones and her children.

    Mr. B: They have five children, haven’t they?

    Mr. A: Yes, three boys and two girls.

    Mr. B: How old are they?

    Mr. A: The eldest, John will be fifteen this year. Then comes Willy, aged twelve, Marry who is eight, is the third; next comes Betty, aged four, and the youngest is James, who is only two. He is the baby of the family.

    Mr. B: What a large family! I suppose the elder children go to school?

    Mr. A: Yes, John goes to a boarding-school. He has just come home for the holidays. The others go to day-schools. Willy is, I know, away with his grandparents.

    Mr. B: By the way, is your brother Jack back in England?

    Mr. A: No, he is in the States, but his wife and child came back to England last week. I was very pleased to see my nephew. He will remain in England for his education.

    Mr. B: How old is your nephew?

    Mr. A: He is ten years old. He is a fine boy, but being an only child is rather spoilt. School will do him good.

    Mr. B: Does he get on well with your sister’s children?

    Mr. A: Oh, yes! He plays all sorts of games with his cousins, and they never quarrel.

    Mr. B: Have you any other brothers or sisters?

    Mr. A: One sister. She is unmarried and spends all her time travelling Here we are. Let’s go in.

    Dialogue 2.

    Annie: Granny?

    Granny: Yes, my dear?

    A: How many brothers and sisters did you have?

    G: There was me, Alice, James, Henry. Then Robert and Emily, the twins – so that makes two sisters and three brothers.

    A: What were they all like? Did they look like you?

    G: Well, some did and some didn’t. My sister Alice and I were similar. People used to think we were the twins, but she was two years older than me. We both had fair hair, but I was the pretty one-my sister Alice always looked miserable.

    A: Who were you closest to?

    G: Ah, my brother James. He was such a kind boy, always smiling and so gentle. We went everywhere together.

    A: Who did he look like?

    G: Well, people said James had my mother’s features: same nose, same mouth, while Henry, who was older, was more like father. Henry had thick, dark hair, but James had fair hair like me. Henry was quite a plump boy, not fat, but he was always well-built, like Father.

    A: What about the twins?

    G: They were very plain. They both had long faces with high foreheads. Robert was very severe and serious – I was quite afraid of him. Robert looked middle – aged before he was twenty.

    A: What about your Mummy and Daddy?

    G: Ah, Mother was a darling. She had smiling eyes and a heart of gold. Father was a very quiet man. He always looked distant and reserved.
    Dialogue 3.

    • Your name is George Scott, isn’t it?

    • Yes, it is. I am an electronic engineer. I live and work in New York. And what’s your name?

    • My name is Peter Brook. I am an editor. I live and work in San Francisco.

    • You are married, aren’t you?

    • Oh, yes. I am married and I’ve got two daughters.

    • What a coincidence! I’ve got two daughters, too: Helen and Mary.

    • What are your daughters’ names?

    • They are Susan and Jane. Susan is ten years old and Jane is eight. They both go to a private school. Do your daughters go to school?

    • Not yet. Helen is five years old and Mary is three.

    • They are at home, aren’t they?

    • Sure. My wife Joan doesn’t work now. She runs the house and looks after the children. Emily is the name of my wife. She is a designer. She likes her trade and dreams of going to her office again. But she can’t for the time being.

    • It’s only natural. Nowadays very few women are satisfied with being housewives. My wife whose name is Nancy is a teacher of Russian. She works at a college.

    • Do you have any brothers or sisters?

    • Unfortunately, not. I am the only child in the family. I’ve got a cousin who lives in Chicago. We are on friendly terms.

    • I have got a sister. She is much younger than I am. She lives with our parents in Los Angeles.

    • Los Angeles is a beautiful city. My aunt lives there and I visit her from time to time.

    • It’s a long time since I went to Los Angeles.

    • Too bad!

    Ask your friend:

    1. есть ли у него семья; сколько в ней человек; есть ли у него братья и сестры.

    1. кто его родители, где они работают.

    2. много ли у них общего.

    3. что ему больше всего нравится в характере отца (матери).

    4. на кого он больше всего похож по характеру.

    5. может ли он описать свою мать (отца).

    6. ссорятся ли его родители, если да, то почему.

    7. любит ли он проводить свободное время с семьей, если да, то как они его проводят.

    8. есть ли у него родственники, часто ли он их навещает.

    10.есть ли в семье домашнее животное, как его зовут.
    Act out the situations:

    1. Господин Блэк ваш старый приятель. Вы узнали, что он собирается жениться. Выясните, как выглядит его будущая жена, сколько ей лет, кто она по профессии, где они будут жить.

    1. Вы приходите к другу и видите в его семейном альбоме фотографию родственников. Расспросите его, в каких отношениях он находится с людьми на фотографии.

    2. У вас есть свободное время вечером, и вы хотите поговорить со своей бабушкой о ее детских годах. Спросите, сколько братьев и сестер у нее было, с кем из них она была наиболее близка и почему. Пусть она опишет их внешность. Затем расспросите ее о родителях, какими людьми они были.

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