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Учебнометодическое пособие по английскому языкудля студентов I курса лечебного и педиатрического факультетов медицинского вуза (Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов специальности Лечебное дело, Педиатрия)

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НазваниеУчебнометодическое пособие по английскому языкудля студентов I курса лечебного и педиатрического факультетов медицинского вуза (Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов специальности Лечебное дело, Педиатрия)
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ТипУчебно-методическое пособие
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1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10

Упр. 37.

  1. Was your mother at home yesterday?

  2. Are your parents well today?

  3. Is your job interesting?

  4. Will the shops be open to-morrow?

  5. Were you interested in sports at school?

  6. Is the post office near here?

  7. Were your children at school last Friday?

  8. Is that woman in the picture your sister?

Упр. 38.

  1. How are your parents? 4. What is your favourite sport?

  2. Where is the bus stop? 5. Who is the man in this photograph?

  3. How old are your children? 6. Where are you from?

Упр. 39.

  1. What is your name?

  2. Are you married or single?

  3. Are you American?

  4. How old are you?

  5. Are you a doctor?

  6. Where is your friend from?

  7. What is her name?

  8. How old is she?

Упр. 40.

  1. Is Sonia your girlfriend? 6. Is Hans your brother?

  2. Are you Roberto’s father? 7. Are Victoria and your sister friends?

  3. Are you Manuela’s husband? 8. Is Maria your boss?

  4. Are Carlos and Gustav colleagues? 9. Are they Peter’s parents?

  5. Is Mandy Robert’s wife? 10. Is Lidia his professor?


NOUNS (30)

name nature hat passion jazz cork town family Math languages discos sense penfriend height History Chemistry parents surfing world humour music summer subject culture science beach teachers Zealand barbecues eyes


communicate find call intend comes wear speak


fascinating same black French outside short tall Australian small bored brown typical interested interesting built curly quiet blue new fast dark

Упр. 42. Personal Profile


My name is Samantha Mary Dunsford or Sam for short. I am 17 years old, tall and have black hair and brown eyes.

I don’t know if I’m a typical Australian or not. I go surfing but I don’t wear a cork hat.

I’m quiet by nature but my friends say I have a sense of humour. I enjoy going to discos and we have beach barbecues in the summer. I’ve always been interested in music but my passion is jazz.

My family live in a bungalow outside town. My parents are teachers. I have two sisters. The most interesting school subjects for me is History. I can speak French. I am not good at Maths.

I intend to visit the USA as I find its culture fascinating. I’m looking forward to studying at one of the foreign universities.

1 – b; 2 – e; 3 – d; 4 – c; 5 – a

My full name is Samantha Mary Dunsford or best Sam for short. I am 17 years old, quite tall and have straight black hair and dark brown eyes.

I don’t know if I’m a rather typical Australian or not. I go surfing but I don’t usually wear a cork hat.

I’m very quiet by nature but my friends say I have the greatest sense of humour. I enjoy going to large discos and we always have beach barbecues in the summer. I’ve always been interested just in older music but my passion is jazz.

Unfortunately my family live in a bungalow outside town. My parents are teachers. I have two sisters. The most interesting subject for me is History. I can speak French quite well. I am really not good at Maths.

I intend to visit the USA as I find its culture fascinating. I’m looking forward to studying at one of the foreign universities.
Упр. 44.

  1. interested in ashamed of proud of good at

embarrassed by keen on bored with

  1. for short, by nature, to discos,in summer, outside town, at the university

Упр. 45.

hair size eyes

curly stocky round

wavy of medium build brown

black short green

brown slim blue

short well-built black

Упр. 46.

a) My name is Daniel Bradford but I’m sometimes called Dan for short. I am …21… years old, … well-built …. and have ……black, wavy….. hair and …round, green…… eyes.

I’m …quiet…….. by nature but all my friends say that I have great sense of humour. I enjoy …playing tennis and basketball……… with friends because I like sports. I’ve always been ……interested……….. in sports but my real passion is ……medicine…….. .

I don’t know whether I’m typical American or not. I like fast food but never say “Hi, man!”, as people think Americans do.

I intend to go to study to Australia one day. I find ……Australian universities……………… fascinating. I’m looking forward to having new friends there.

I live with my mother and two brothers in small town. My mother works in office. The most interesting subject for me to study is ……Biology…………….. . I can speak Spanish but ……History…………… is subject I am not very …good……at…………… .
b) My name is Daniel Bradford but I’m sometimes called Dan for short. I am …21… years old, … well-built …. and have ……black, wavy….. hair and …round, green…… eyes.

I’m …quiet…….. by nature but all my friends say that I have a great sense of humour. I enjoy …playing tennis and basketball……… with friends because I like sports. I’ve always been ……interested……….. in sports but my real passion is ……medicine…….. .

I don’t know whether I’m a typical American or not. I like fast food but never say “Hi, man!”, as people think Americans do.

I intend to go to study to Australia one day. I find ……Australian universities……………… fascinating. I’m looking forward to having new friends there.

I live with my mother and two brothers in a small town. My mother works in an office. The most interesting subject for me to study is ……Biology…………….. . I can speak Spanish but ……History…………… is a subject I am not very …good……at…………… .
Упр. 47.

enjoy going to discos

любить ходить на дискотеки

be proud of


is interested in


be bored with

быть утомленным



be good at

быть способным к

outside a town




be not good at

быть неспособным к


приземистый, коренастый, толстый

to intend




вызываяющий интерес, замечательный

of medium build

среднего телосложения

to look forward

ждать с нетерпением


невысокого роста






вполне, совсем






крепкого телосложения



future plans

планы на будущее


Упр. 50. a.

Pr. S.- introduce, is, am, say, bring me up, shower, turn to, finish, go off, plunge, are, think, am sure, need to communicate, believe, think, are rather ambitious, helps, have

Pst. S.- entered, hoped to start

F.S.- will be, will depend on, will work, will try to promote, will do my best, will try to become

Упр. 51.

1-will start; 2-read; 3-teaches; 4-costs; 5-will have; 6-spoke; 7-turn to; 8-thought; 9-will promote; 10-believes

Упр. 52.

1-doesn’t learn; 2-didn’t go; 3-won’t open; 4-didn’t work; 5-didn’t stay; 6-won’t happen; 7-don’t go; 8-don’t use; 9-don’t know; 10-don’t believe; 11-won’t spend.

Упр. 53.

1. Denis arrived early yesterday.

2. Students often read in bed.

3. Margaret will work hard before exams./Margaret works hard before exams.

4. Natasha wore a beautiful dress last Sunday.

5. I will work as a common pediatrician in 2 months.

6. Parents showered me with love in childhood.

7. Music helps people in making friends.

8. We communicated with colleagues abroad last year.

Упр. 54.

    1. Where do your parents live? 5. What will depend on my abilities in future?

    2. Will students get up early tomorrow? 6. Did you do your best to help him 2 days ago?

    3. How often do you turn for advice? 7. Will she communicate with her friends in 10 years?

    4. Did your friend enter university last year? 8. Does your brother finish homework quickly?

Упр. 55.

  1. do; 2- did; 3- do; 4- did; 5- does.

Упр. 56.

My name is Kate. I am a student and I study at a prestigious medical academy and as most students I live on campus. My classes start sometimes rather early in the morning and finish late in the afternoon. So, frankly speaking, I feel quite tired when I have much to do. But I am eager to become a reliable doctor and know that my success depends on my efforts and abilities.

As a doctor I will have many children patients and their parents will turn to me for all kinds of help. I’m keen on Medicine so I will never give up it.

Упр. 63.

1. on; 2. with, O; 3. as quickly as, off, O; 4. In, of, as; 5. of, of, with; 6. of; 7. to, from, at; 8. of, O, of,

Упр. 66. Make up sentences using the words in brackets

1. I’m going to get education and full training from a university in the USA.

2. When I go to some other places, I try to use the mobile or my laptop.

3. My mates say I am very academic and rather ambitious and have a sense of responsibility.

4. I tried to teach her, but she found it impossible, so I gave it up.

5. I enjoy drawing people’s faces and find watching people rather fascinating.

Exercise 69.

1. the; 2--; 3. the, the; 4. -, the, -; 5. -, -, -; -; 6. -, the, -; 7. an, the, -; 8. the

Exercise 70.

A. of, from, of, of, in, on, on,; of; against.

B. 1. On, in; 2. of, by, of. 3. of, in, to; 4. of, to, on; 5. in, of; 6. with; 7. of; 8. in, on, of; 9. to; 10. of, in, of, to, of;

Exercise 70.

1.of, at, with; 2. at; 3. to, of; 4. during, of; 5. for, with;
Exercise 76.

1. My friend will soon graduate from the Medical University and will become a common pediatrician.

2. An English professor delivered a lecture in Histology last Tuesday.

3. He is going to attend post-graduate courses because he is eager to become a doctor.

Контрольно-обобщающий Тематический тест 1. PersonalProfile (U.1-U.2)

(127 marks=100%)

1. Give Russian and English equivalents to the following word combinations (27 marks)

I'm interested in music

для меня


я неуверен

call me


sense of humour

среднего роста

look forward

люблю общаться с друзьями

outdoor life

самый интересный предмет

typical Australian


foreign language

общительный человек

are not sure


is good at Spanish


go surfing

кудрявые волосы

the same


by nature

настоящая страсть

wear a cork hat

Appearance and character

2. Put the letters in order to make words for people.(5 marks)

1. A person who likes studying is d m c a e i c a......................

2. A person who is interested in talking with other people is c o i s a l b e.........................

3. If a person likes something very much he has a n p a s i o s for that..............................

4. If a person is very happy and pleased because of something you have done, something you own, someone you know he is r p d o u . ….................

5. A person whose actions may result in something bad or unpleasant is y r i k s .............

3.Write the words in the correct order to complete the conversation.(10 marks)
Joseph: Hello, Catia!

Catia: Hi, Joseph! Hello, Peter! is/ Karima/ colleague/ work/ This/ my/ from


Joseph: to / Nice/ meet/ you/


Peter: Hello. Sorry, your/ what/ name/ is/ ?


Karima: Karima.

Peter: you/ how/ are/ Karima/ ?


Karima: and/ you/ fine/ you/ thank/?


Peter: too/ thanks/ fine/ am/ I/


Joseph: you/ Catia/ are/ coleagues/ and/

…………….............................................................................................., Karima?

Catia: Arabic course/ no/ we/ students/ are/ on/ an/


Peter: we/ sorry/ are/ have/ we/ go/ to


Karima: later/ see/ you/ OK

4.Fill in the gaps with prepositions where necessary (8 marks)

  1. All my family is interested …... music.

  2. My close friend is good …... making friends.

  3. My name is very long and unusual so call me Lei …. short.

  4. My parents are …. abroad and I miss …. them.

  5. This new subject is very fascinating ….. me.

  6. Children always look forward … surprises.

  7. I enjoy communicating with people quiet …. nature.

  8. Our new colleague is too self-confident and has no sense … humour.

5.Circle the correct words. (12 marks)

This is/am/were about my friend Halima and I call her Hal for short. She is/are Egyptian and she am/is/are about 30 years old. We was/are very good friends. We work as teachers in a school in Luxor, and Halima lives in Cairo. We was/ were/ will be at school together seven years ago. Later we are/ was/ were/ is at the same university, but were/ weren't at the same faculty. I was/ am/ were an art student, and she was/will be/ were in the maths department. Now I is/ will be/ am an art teacher, and she am/ is/ was a maths teacher. We are/ is still good friends after 20 years. Next week we will go to the seaside together

6.Write the sentences, using the correct word order and capital letters, when necessary. (9 marks)

1. in, erik, a, is, in, doctor, сopenhagen, a, big, hospital?


2. his, will be, birthday, the, on, middle of, in, winter, december 18th?


3. the, capital, of, australia, is, canberra, sydney, not, the, most, city, famous.


4. (thirsty, the footballers, after the game, were)


5. (brother, afraid, is, of the dogs, my, little)


6. (canada, his, are, friends, from)


7. (at home, I, in the evening, will be)


8. (in, cold, very, it, winter, was)


9. (interesting, are, the museums, in London)


7. Write questions to the sentences from ex. 6 (6 points ):

When __________________________________________________________?

Who ___________________________________________________ _________?

Where ___________________________________________________________?

Why _____________________________________________________________?

What ____________________________________________________________?
8. Read the following personal profile, find mistakes or missing words (12) in it, and correct the text.

Personal profile (12 marks)

My complete name is Alexander Brown but my family and friends call me Alex as short. I have 16 years, of medium height and have black hairs and blue eyes. Its strange because my brothers eyes are brown. I live in new zealand but in small town, not on sheep farm. I'm sociable person by nature and I enjoy an outdoor life. Theres much to do I live so I never get bored. My parents are both teachers but not in the same school that I go to. I'm good in languages but not so clever when it comes to science. I intend to travel in abroad one day to see the rest of the world.


8. Read the text and answer the questions. (A-5 + B-3 = 8 marks)

My best friend’s name is Andrew. He is very nice, and he’s really funny. He’s 20, and he’s a student at Medical university. He’s not married, but he has a beautiful girlfriend who is a bank manager. Her name is Valentine, and she is Greek. ____ Andy’s parents have a flat in Vologda. _____ His father’s a taxi driver. And his mother has a part-time job in a hospital. ___ He has two sisters. Their names are Alison and Kate. They’re both at school. Andrew has a lot of CDs. His favourite music is rock’ n’ roll, and his real passion is a popular group Mood. He is also a fan of Manchester United. When we’re together, we have a good time.

  1. 1. What is Andrew’s job?......................................................................................................................

2. What is Andrew like?........................................................................................................................

3. What is his family?............................................................................................................................

4. What are his interests?.....................................................................................................................

5. Where is his home?..........................................................................................................................

  1. Fill in the gaps in the text with the sentences appropriate. Mind that there are two extra sentences.

  1. In summer, they live in a small farm.

  2. Her job is well paid but boring.

  3. People at work love her.

  4. It’s not difficult for her.

  5. It’s near the centre.


  1. Write 10 sentences about your friend. (10 marks)











V. AUDING (English Unlimited A1 Nice to meet you) (20 marks)

1. Watch the video and write where they are from (3 marks):

  • Wai Kee …………………………………………………..

  • Katie ………………………………………………………..

  • Paula ……………………………………………………….

2. Who says these things? (5 marks)

1. Thank you. ………………………………………….

2. How are you. ………………………………………

3. Fine, thanks. ……………………………………….

4. This is Paula. ……………………………………….

5. What’s your name. ……………………………..

3. Watch and listen to Wai Kee again. Complete the sentences. (2 marks)

1. I study …………………………………………………

2. I’m from ………………………………………………

4. Watch and listen to Paula again. Circle the correct answers. (5 marks)

1. I’m from Ireland/Manchester.

2. We live in Ireland/Manchester.

3. I’m married/not married.

4. I have no children/two children.

5. We live in a small flat/ house near the university.

5. Watch Katie again. Complete the sentences. Use expressions from the box. (2 marks)

on campus near London a small town with the other students

1. Hatfield is ………………………………………………………………… .

2. I live ………………………………………………………………………… .
6. Watch the last part again. Complete the sentences. (3 marks)

Katie: OK, well, ………………………………………., Paula.

Paula: Yes, …………………………….………………………… .

Wai Kee: … .………………….……………….…………, Katie.



Контрольно-обобщающий Тематический тест 2. My Visit Card (U.3)

(122 marks=100%)

I. AUDING (New Headway Starter Home.Video) (37 marks)

1. Watch section one and complete the sentences: (4 marks)

    1. David and Helen are

  1. in the bedroom b) in the living room c) in the kitchen

    1. It is

  1. breakfast time b) lunch time c) evening

    1. Jane wants

  1. to take a photograph b) to make a video film c) to have breakfast

    1. David wants

  1. to be in the film b) to read the newspaper c) to go to work

2. Read the conversation. Watch and try to complete it with the sentences (6 marks)

Helen: What’s this?

Jane: ………………………….. about my new house and a) Is it OK?

………………………………………… . It’s for my sister. b) Introduce yourself.

Helen: Oh, right. c) It’s a video film.

Jane: ……………………………………………. d) my new housemates

Helen: Yes, sure. e) It’s half past seven in the morning.

Jane: OK, Ali. ………………………………… f) This is the kitchen.

And who is this? Say something.

David: Say what? …………………………………………………….

Jane: Talk to my sister……………………………………………..

3.Watch the interview with David and complete 4. Watch Helen’s interview and write about her(12 m)

the information about him: (9 marks) Home town: ……………………………………………………..

Home town:……………………………… Place of work: …………………………………………………..

Place of work:…………………………… Job: …………………………………………………………………..

Job:………………………………………….. Goes to work: ……………………………………………………

Starts work at: ………………………… Gets home: ………………………………………………………

Likes/Dislikes: Likes/Dislikes:

job video cameras noise job

a quiet breakfast good food gym

football cigarettes travel films


    1. Watch the section about Mat and complete the information about him: (6 marks)

Home town:………………………………


Place of work:……………………………

Likes: …………………………………………………………………….

Gets up: ……………………………………

Starts work on Wednesday at ………………………………

II. LEXICS. (37 marks)

6. Match the English words with their meanings in Russian: (15 marks)

      1. besides a. внимание

      2. as quickly as possible b. успешный

      3. knowledge and skills c. за рубежом

      4. to promote d. кроме того

      5. to do my best e. коллеги

      6. advice f. вопросы, проблемы

      7. to hope g. как можно скорее

      8. urgent h. совет

      9. colleagues i. надеяться

      10. quick-minded j. надежный

      11. reliable k. продвинуться

      12. issues l. сообразительный

      13. successful m. сделать все возможное

      14. attention n. экстренный, неотложный

      15. abroad o. знания и навыки

7. Fill in the gaps with prepositions: (8 marks)

1. Usually people call such subjects as Mathematics – Maths ……. short.

2. Yesterday I turned ……. my English teacher ……. help with my Grammar.

3. Computers, I think, will be very necessary ……. our futre profession.

4. Psychologists say that it is necessary your plans ……. future to be rather ambitious.

5. Speaking …….. our hobbies we mention our passion ……. different things.

6. When you start studying any subject you should know that your success will depend ……. your hard work.

7. Parents should do their best to bring their children ……. as responsible and reliable persons.

8. Never shower your children ……. too many presents.

8. Fill in the gaps using the words in the box: (14 marks)

1.abilities 2.successful 3.career 4.nothing 5.urgent 6.closely 7.promote 8.abroad 9.communicate 10.sure 11.success 12.sphere 13.risky 14.foreign

Moreover, I am ………. that a ...... professional …… in the …… of medicine is …… connected with …… languages, as to …… professionally I need to …… with colleagues …… visiting conferences and discussing …… issues on-line. Besides, I believe that my …… will depend on my …… . I’m an extrovert and a …… person, and I think …… can stop me.

III. GRAMMAR (28 marks)

9. Put the words from the brackets in the correct order to make sentances: (5 marks)

1. (ambitious/ my/ for/ plans/ are/ rather/ future.)


2. (professional/hope/my/after/I/career/my/at a modern/graduation/hospital/to start/for children.)


3. (prestigious/will/my/best/a top/I/manager/do/at one of the/to become/clinics.)


4. (responsible/interests/reliable/my/have/and/are/the same/and/friends.)


5. (with/helps/you see/friends/age/music/me/in making/people/of different.)


10. Circle the correct form of the verb in the Present Simple: ( 4 marks)

I have\has breakfast at 9 o’clock in my office.

We yesterday got\gets to my office by bus.

His father drive\drives to his work as it is far from his house.

Sheila will drink\will drinks coffee at her working place in an hour.
11. Make the sentences from ex.6 negative: (4 marks)




12. Write questions to the sentences from ex. 6: (4 marks)



13. Make statements, negatives and questions: (6 marks):




James cooked the dinner yesterday.

We didn’t give a present to Ann.

Where did you go last summer?

14. Translate the sentences from Russian into English (5 marks):

1. Я уверен, что воспитаю своих детей с вниманием и любовью.


2. У вашего сына в школе были способности к биологии?


3. Его профессиональная карьера не связана тесно с иностранными языками.


4. Кто помогал вам продвигаться профессионально?


5. Какие знания и навыки будут тебе необходимы для новой престижной работы?

III. READING (10 marks)
15. Read the text and choose the right phrase to complete the sentence. There are three extra phrases you don’t need: (7 marks)

I finished school in June. I want to become a doctor _____. The course of study is going to be very hard ____. The academy is quite big _____. I can’t live at home with my parents ____. At first I will live in a student hostel and ____. I plan to work at the weekends _____. I’m going to join students’ scientific society ____.

A and it’s in the centre of London.

B but it’s a long journey.

C so I’m going to the academy to study.

D because I don’t have much money.

E because the academy is far away.

F and I really enjoy it.

G but enjoyable as well.

H so I like taking care of people.

I then I will rent an apartment.

J and study different organs and their functions.
16. Read the text and answer the questions: (3 marks)
Welcome to the University of Alcot. We hope you will highly enjoy the time here, but we must say it is not always easy for students from other countries to live in the hostels on campus. Each Hall contains twelve rooms. The kitchen and bathrooms are communal. In the interest of hygiene and respect for others, we would ask you to keep these rooms as clean as possible.

Student Union is responsible of the students’ social life. It organizes meetings, parties and has a student newspaper. The Head of the Department takes care of any academic problems or questions you may have.

Further information about the medical centre, sports centre, library and art centre can be found in the Guide, which also contains useful phone numbers.

  1. Why do they ask students to keep the rooms clean?

  1. It’s difficult to clean the rooms, the kitchen and bathrooms;

  2. There is nobody to clean the rooms;

  3. To respect all the students living on campus.

  1. Who takes care of the student social life on campus?

  1. The head of the Department;

  2. The Student Union;

  3. The Rector.

  1. How can you know about social life on the compus?

  1. From the Guide;

  2. From the other students;

  3. From the Head of the Department.

IV. WRITING. (10 marks)

17. Read the part of an email from you to your friend Sam. Write the rest of the email, telling him about your new boy/girlfriend. Give information about his/her appearance and personality. Please write 50-70 words. (10 marks)
Hi Sam,

Do you know something exciting? I have met a girl/boy and I am very much fond of my new friend. Can you believe it? But it’s true! We have much in common!


TOTAL _________

Контрольно-обобщающий Тематический тест 3.

We are the students of Medical University (U.4)

(122 marks=100%)

I. AUDING (Harvard University (the USA).Video) ( 15 marks)
A. Watch the fragment and write T (true) or F (false): (5 marks)

1. Harvard is the youngest institution of higher education in the United States. T / F

2. Professors and scientists working at Harvard University come only from different states of the USA. T / F

3. Harvard students are continuously learning and constantly busy. T / F
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10

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