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Учебнометодическое пособие по английскому языкудля студентов I курса лечебного и педиатрического факультетов медицинского вуза (Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов специальности Лечебное дело, Педиатрия)

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НазваниеУчебнометодическое пособие по английскому языкудля студентов I курса лечебного и педиатрического факультетов медицинского вуза (Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов специальности Лечебное дело, Педиатрия)
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ТипУчебно-методическое пособие
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We are students of Medical University

Last summer when I left my school, I got a General Certificate of Secondary Education or GCSE for short and made up my mind to enter some university. I followed my parent’s advice and began working hard for my entrance examinations. Soon I passed my entrance examinations and was admitted to Medical University.

Now there are fifteen students in my group. We attend our classes regularly and try never miss the lectures. Students who live at the University hostel as well as those who live with the parents can always have their dinner at our University canteen. The food is cheap and rather good so we don’t spend much money on it. Most students do not pay for their education and study free of charge. If a student is rather academic, works hard and is responsible, he gets a stipend monthly. Frankly speaking, most of us get stipends this year.

The first-year curriculum includes many subjects. Anatomy and Latin are the most important subjects in the first year. Our timetable includes six periods of Anatomy weekly. I am greatly interested in Latin, Anatomy and Histology and pay great attention to these subjects. During our practical classes in some other subjects, we often carry on experiments in laboratories. Sometimes we receive very interesting findings. We also have to take notes on lectures delivered by professors of medicine.

Some of my group mates and fellow students and belong to different scientific societies. They spend much time on research work, and cope with it well. It will help future doctors to better understand the character of diseases and it will teach them to be more observant. Those who are eager to become not ordinary doctors must be interested in modern medical articles not only in the Russian but in foreign languages as well. Most of the members of these societies are senior students who are going to attend post-graduate courses.

At the university, all of us have an opportunity to take an active part in the University social life. As I am sociable and friendly with my fellow students, I spend all my spare time together with them. We attend discussions, go to the theatre and cinema and arrange all kinds of parties. I intend to go home for my winter vocation as I miss my parents and all my schoolmates.

Exercise 67. Questions for comprehension

1. When did the author enter the university?

2. How old is the author?

3. What document did he get after school?

4. Why did he enter the Medical University?

5. Where do the students live?

6. Where can the students have dinner?

7. Is education free of charge at his Medical University?

8. What subjects does the first year curriculum include?

9. What subjects does the author pay great attention to? Why?

10. What do the students do during their practical studies?

11. What do the students do at the lectures?

12. Who delivers lectures at the University?

13. What do the students do in scientific societies?

14. What are the senior students carrying out research work in scientific societies going to do in future?

15. How do the students spend their spare time?
Exercise 68. Find English equivalents in the text of the following word combinations:
1. справляться с научной работой хорошо; 2. ставить опыты на животных; 3. программа первого года обучения включает много предметов; 4. мне очень хочется рассказать вам; 5. лекции, которые читают профессора; 6. знания по медицине; 7. интересные данные опытов; 8. студенты конспектируют лекции; 9. напряженно готовиться к вступительным экзаменам; 10. обращать огромное внимание на; 11. заниматься в аспирантуре; 12. некоторые из моих сокурсников; 13. принимать активное участие в общественной жизни университета; 14. посещать лекции по истории
Exercise 69. Put in articles where necessary.
1. … first year curriculum of our institute includes such subjects as … Biology, … Physics and so on. 2. My fellow student knows … Anatomy well because he works hard at it. 3. … subjects, which … second-year students study, are not difficult. 4. In … May we will take … examination in … Anatomy. I hope to cope with … exam well. 5. … medical students carry on … experiments on … animals in … different laboratories. 6. My sister graduated from … University … last year. 7. We arranged … evening party on … 8th of … March to greet our girls. 8. He always copes with … work he carries on.

Exercise 70. Fill in the gaps with prepositions and adverbs where necessary:
A. 1. I have a friend of mine. Last year he graduated … the Medical University and joined … the great army … doctors. Besides practical medicine my friend is greatly interested … research work and carries … different experiments …animals. Some findings … his works will help him to fight … all diseases.
B. 1. We carry …interesting experiments … the Institute laboratories which have all the necessary equipment. 2. All the students … our group attend lectures delivered … professors … medicine. 3. My sister is greatly interested … Anatomy and pays great attention … this subject. 4. Some … my fellow students belong … our scientific societies where they carry … interesting experiments. 5. Our professor is interested … findings … my experiments. 6. I hope my brother will cope … studies. 7. Yesterday we studied the plan … your research work. 8. Everybody took part … the discussion … some findings … this experiment. 9. This experiment is rather difficult. Please pay more attention … it. 10. All the students of our group take an active part … the University social life.
Fill in the gaps with prepositions and adverbs where necessary:
1. Most … us live … the Institute hostel, only my fellow student lives … his parents. 2. I usually have my dinner … our University canteen. 3. Our rector pays great attention … the system … education … University. 4. … our practical studies we receive much knowledge … medicine. 5. Last year my doctor treated me … the grippe … penicillin.
Exercise 71. Make the following sentences negative.
1. Olga graduated from the Institute a year ago. 2. I will study in the second year next year. 3. My group mate copes with his task well. 4. My friend is eager to be admitted to this Academy. 5. Professor Gromov will deliver lecture in Chemistry every morning. 6. My elder brother carried on experiments in the physics laboratory every day.
Make the following sentences negative.
1. These students study in the second year. 2. That senior student arranged all his affairs in time. 3. Yesterday the students of our group took notes of the lecture in Biology. 4. My fellow student is interested in Physics.

Exercise 72. Fill in the gaps with the proper form of the personal pronoun in the Objective case.

1. Do you know my fellow student? I mam friendly with … as we are interested in the same subjects. 2. Some days ago I got some interesting laboratory findings of my experiments. Did you pay attention to …? 3. I went home for my winter vocation. Let … tell … how I spent … . 4. The lectures are very interesting and students never miss … . 5. His father is a scientist and devotes all his life to … .
Fill in the gaps with the proper form of the personal pronoun in the Objective case.

1. They know … and my sister well. 2. My grope mates like to attend music concerts. There are many music lovers among … . 3. I’ve got an interesting book on Biology and I am going to read … . 4. Last term we worked hard for our exams. This work was useful for … and we passed … successfully. 5. My fried has just returned from England and I am eager to see … .
Exercise 73. Make up special questions on the words in bold type:
1. Anatomy is a very important subject for medical students. 2. My friend’s brother entered this Medical Institute last year. 3. He attends post-graduate courses because he is eager to be a scientist. 4. All our students take notes of the lectures delivered by Professor Yanovich. 5. This doctor treated my father for the grippe two weeks ago.

1. Next week we are going to attend a very interesting lecture in Biology. 2. I decided to work hard on Latin because I am greatly interested in this subject. 3. The findings of our experiments are very important. 4. All the students of our group cope with their English.
Exercise 74. Change the tense of the given sentences from Present Simple into the Past and Future Simple and make all other necessary changes:
1. All the students of our group cope with their task. 2. Most freshmen take an active part in the Institute social life. 3. My younger brother arranges his affairs for admission to the University. 4. My fellow students are eager to do home for winter vacation in January.

    1. We hand in a GCSE, my results of Unified state exam, and an application for admission to the Medical University.

    2. The students carry on experiments on animals during their practical studies.

    3. We get our GCSE after leaving school.

    4. The doctor treats this little girl for grippe at her home.

Exercise 75. Make up your own situations on the following topics using the given words:
1. My fellow students …

to study in the first year; to belong to a scientific society; to live at a hostel; a member of Students Committee, to take an active part in; to be friendly with

2. How I spend my spare time…

after classes; to rest; to attend concerts, students clubs; to arrange discussions; to go to the theatre; a holiday; an Institute canteen; to go in for sports

3.Our teachers and professors…

to give classes in; to carry on research work; to learn many interesting things from smb; to deliver lectures in; to ask many questions
Make up your own situations on the following topics using the given words:

My university studies …

to be free of charge; a curriculum; to include; to take notes of a lecture; to attend practical classes; to miss a lecture; to carry on experiments; to pay great attention to; to be interested in; knowledge of medicine
Exercise 76. Translate the following sentences into English using the active vocabulary of the lesson:
1. Он упорно работал, потому что очень хотел сдать вступительные экзамены. 2. Вчера мы проводили в лаборатории трудный, но интересный опыт на животных. 3. Моя старшая сестра очень хотела стать врачом, поэтому она после окончания школы поступила в медицинский университет. 4. Мой брат работает в медицинском институте и ведет там большую исследовательскую работу. 5. Вы записываете лекции? – Да, конечно. Мы получаем много знаний на лекциях. 6. Завтра я буду работать над гистологией, т.к. этот предмет труден для меня. 7. Студенты второго курса принимают активное участие в общественной жизни университета. Они устраивают вечера и посещают различные дискуссии.
Translate the following sentences into English using the active vocabulary of the lesson:

1. Студенты первокурсники очень интересуются лекциями по биологии.

2. Многие из моих однокурсников являются членами научных студенческих обществ.

3. Скоро мы узнаем результаты второго опыта.

4. Давай пообедаем в университетской столовой после занятий.

5. Через шесть лет мы будем сдавать государственный экзамен и станем врачами.
Exercise 76. Make up correct sentences of the words in brackets:
1. (graduate, will, friend, soon, will, from, the Medical, my, University, and, a common,become pediatrician.)


2. (last, Histology, delivered, an English, lecture, in, professor, Tuesday, an interesting.)


3. (post-graduate, is, to attend, he, courses, going, because, scientist, is, he, to be a, eager.)

Exercise 77. Answer the following questions to make up a story about your studies at the University
1. When did you finish a secondary school? 2. Were you eager to enter this Medical University? 3. Why were you eager to enter this University? 4. What documents did you bring to the University before entering it? 5. Did you take your entrance exams? 6. What subjects does your first-year curriculum include? 7. How many hours a day do you work at your English and other subjects? 8. Do you carry on any research work? 9. Why don’t you carry on any research work? 10. What scientific society do you belong to? 11. What do you do at the lectures? 12. Why do you take notes of the lectures? 13. What do you usually do after classes? 14. Where and when do you have dinner? 15. Where do you live? 16. When will you graduate from the University? 17. What subjects do you pay great attention to? 18. Do you pay attention to your English studies? Why? 19. Do all the students of your group cope with the tasks in all subjects? Why not? 20. Is education free of charge for all students in your group?

Exercise 69.

1. the; 2--; 3. the, the; 4. -, the, -; 5. -, -, -; -; 6. -, the, -; 7. an, the, -; 8. the

Exercise 70.

A. of, from, of, of, in, on, on,; of; against.

B. 1. On, in; 2. of, by, of. 3. of, in, to; 4. of, to, on; 5. in, of; 6. with; 7. of; 8. in, on, of; 9. to; 10. of, in, of, to, of;

Exercise 70.

1.of, at, with; 2. at; 3. to, of; 4. during, of; 5. for, with;
Exercise 76.

1. My friend will soon graduate from the Medical University and will become a common pediatrician.

2. An English professor delivered a lecture in Histology last Tuesday.

3. He is going to attend post-graduate courses because he is eager to become a doctor.


Глаголы to be, to have

Используйте формы глагола to be: am, is, are после подлежащего (в случае отсутствия глагола в

русском предложении) следующим образом

Present Simple

Past Simple

Future Simple

to-day, every day, always, usually, sometimes, often

yesterday, last week/year/month,


to-morrow, in,

next week/month/year, soon

I am have

He is has

She is has

We are have

You are have

They are have

I was had

He was had

She was had
We were had

You were had

They were had

I shall be / have

He will be / have

She will be / have
We shall be / have

You will be / have

They will be / have

для того, чтобы говорить о

1. О людях

I am Nina. I am not Nina. Am I Nina?

You are friends. You are not friends. Are you friends?

She is 18. She is not 18. Is she 18?

This is Kate. This is not Kate. Is this Kate?

I was her friend. I was not her friend Was I her friend?

She was 18. She was not 18. Was she 18?

You were friends. You were not friends Were you friends?

I will be Sedova. I will not be Sedova. Will I be Sedova?

You will be friends. You will not be friends. Will you be friends?

She will be 18. She will not be 18. Will she be 18?

2. О местоположении 3. О странах и городах

They are at the institute I am from Manchester.

A cash machine is not in the bank. Hong Kong is in China.

Is my brother at home? They are from Ireland.

The medical students are in the hospital.

4. О профессиях 5.О времени

You are students. It is 2.30.

I am an English teacher. Today is Tuesday.

She is a doctor. It is autumn.

6. О предметах 7. О состоянии и признаках

This is our classroom. The book is new.

That is an English textbook. The sky is blue.

These are computers. I am fine.

Глагол to have

I have a mobile I have no mobile Have I a mobile?

We have a mobile We have no mobile. Have we a mobile?

You have a mobile. You have no mobile. Have you a mobile?

She has a mobile. She has no mobile. Has she a mobile?

He has a mobile. He has no mobile. Has he a mobile?

I had a mobile. I had no mobile. Had I a mobile?

You had a mobile. You had no mobile. Had you a mobile?

She had a mobile. She had no mobile. Had she a mobile?

I will have a mobile. I will have no mobile. Will I have a mobile?

You will have a mobile. You will have no mobile Will you have a mobile?

She will have a mobile. She will have no mobile. Will she have a mobile?
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