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  • Упражнение 41. Fill in the table. Putt the words from Phonetic Drills into three columns Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives

  • Упражнение 43. Adjectives and adverbs

  • Упражнение 44.

  • Упражнение 45. Words describing appearance

  • Упражнение 46. Indefinite articles.

  • Упражнение 47. Match the English words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents.

  • UNIT 3. My Visit Card PHONETIC DRILLS [ ɜ:] fir

  • GRAMMAR Упражнение 50. Read the text My Visit Card

  • Учебнометодическое пособие по английскому языкудля студентов I курса лечебного и педиатрического факультетов медицинского вуза (Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов специальности Лечебное дело, Педиатрия)

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    НазваниеУчебнометодическое пособие по английскому языкудля студентов I курса лечебного и педиатрического факультетов медицинского вуза (Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов специальности Лечебное дело, Педиатрия)
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    Имя файлаUchebnoe_posobie_po_angliyskomu_yazyku_dlya_1_kursa_Bocharova_N_.rtf
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    [ei] communicate name nature fascinating same

    [ж] black hat passion jazz family Maths languages

    [e] sense French penfriend

    [ai] my I eyes outside find height find

    [ͻ: ] for short tall Australian cork forward call small bored abroad

    [aʊ] brown town

    [i] typical interested intend discos interesting History Chemistry built

    [ ɜ:] surfing world curly

    [ju:] humour music blue new

    [ʌ ] summer but subject culture comes much

    [eə] wear parents

    [aiə] quiet science

    [i:] beach teachers speak Zealand

    [a:] barbecues fast dark

    Упражнение 41. Fill in the table. Putt the words from Phonetic Drills into three columns Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives and find Russian equivalents for them:

    NOUNS (30) VERBS (7) ADJECTIVES (21)

    Упражнение 42. Here is a personal profile of Sam. There are five paragraphs in this profile, but no punctuation.

    1. Add the correct punctuation;

    2. Match the five paragraphs in Sam’s profile with these headings.

    1. Future plans

    2. Physical description

    3. Home and education

    4. Character and interests

    5. Nationality

    Personal Profile

    (1) my name is Samantha mary dunsford or sam for short I am 17 years old tall and have black hair and brown eyes

    (2) i don’t know if im a typical Australian or not I go surfing but I don’t wear a cork hat

    (3) i’m quiet by nature but my friends say I have a sense of humour I enjoy going to discos and we have beach barbecues in the summer I’ve always been interested in music but my passion is jazz

    (4) my family live in a bungalow outside town my parents are teachers I have two sisters the most interesting school subjects for me is history I can speak French i am not good at maths

    (5) I intend to visit the usa as I find its culture fascinating I’m looking forward to studying at one of the foreign universities
    Упражнение__45._Words_describing_appearance'>Упражнение__44.'>Упражнение 43. Adjectives and adverbs

    Make Sam’s profile more interesting and informative. Put these adverbs and adjectives in a suitable place in her profile. Use the following adverbs and adjectives in the order they are given.
    full * quite * straight * dark * rather * best * usually * very * the greatest * large * always * just * older * unfortunately * quite well * really
    Упражнение 44. Adjectives and prepositions.Mach these adjectives and nouns to the prepositions

    1. b)

    interested on in short

    embarrassed in outside nature

    ashamed of by discos

    keen with to summer

    proud by at town

    bored at for the university


    Write four sentences about what you or your friends are interested, embarrassed, ashamed, keen, proud or bored.
    Упражнение 45. Words describing appearance
    curly * stocky * wavy * of medium build * black * round * brown * short * fair * slim * well-built * green * blue

    1. which of these adjectives can describe

    hair size eyes

    ……………………… ………………………….. ………………………..

    …………………….. …………………………….. ………………………

    …………………….. …………………………….. ………………………

    …………………….. …………………………….. ………………………

    …………………….. ……………………………. …………………….

    1. use some of the words to write four sentences describing your appearance




    Упражнение 46. Indefinite articles.
    a) Look at Dan’s personal profile. He has left out some personal information. Imagine what the information might be and complete the gaps.
    My name is Daniel Bradford but I’m sometimes called Dan for short. I am …… years old, …….and have ……….. hair and ……… eyes.

    I’m ……….. by nature but all my friends say that I have great sense of humour. I enjoy …………

    with friends because I like sports. I’ve always been …………….. in sports but my real passion is ………….. .

    I don’t know whether I’m typical American or not. I like fast food but never say “Hi, man!”, as people think Americans do.

    I intend to go to study to Australia one day. I find …………………… fascinating. I’m looking forward to having new friends there.

    I live with my mother and two brothers in small town. My mother works in office. The most interesting subject for me to study is ………………….. . I can speak Spanish but ………………… is subject I am not very …………………… .
    b) Dan also left out all the indefinite articles. Correct Dan’s profile using indefinite articles where necessary.

    c) Dan used the order of the paragraphs in his personal profile differently. Change Dan’s profile using Sam’s order of the paragraphs.
    Упражнение 47. Match the English words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents.

    1.enjoy going to discos

    a. вызываяющий интерес, замечательный

    13.be proud of

    m. невысокого роста

    2.is interested in

    b. достижения

    14.be bored



    n.крепкого телосложения


    c. ждать с нетерпением

    15.be good at

    o. светлый

    4.outside a town

    d. интересуется


    p. стройный

    5.be not good at



    q. гордиться

    6.to intend

    f. прямой


    r. планы на будущее


    g. любить ходить на дискотеки

    19.of medium build

    s. быть способным к

    8.to look forward

    h. страсть


    t. волнистый


    i. намериваться


    u.среднего телосложения


    j.вполне, совсем


    v. кудрявый


    k. быть неспособным к


    w. быть утомленным


    l. загородом

    24.future plans

    x.приземистый, коренастый, толстый

    Упражнение 48. Write your personal profile, making notes about these things:

    • personal details

    • character

    • activities you find interesting/boring

    • achievements you are quite proud of

    • school subjects you are good or not good at

    • future plans

    UNIT 3. My Visit Card


    [ ɜ:] firstly, first-year, turn, person, work, extrovert

    [ju:] introduce, student, education, usually, computer, future, graduation, universities,

    [ʌ ] plunge, studying, successful, result, success, discuss

    [a:] department, start

    [ai] my, myself, advice, besides, reliable, quick-minded, kind

    [ei] name, graduation, making, ages, tastes, communicate

    [ͻ: ] for, short, or, important, always, all, abroad

    [e] freshman, help, them, very, connected, depend, best, profession, enter, medical

    [ж] frankly, passion, languages, plans, management, manager, academy

    [iə] career, sphere, year

    [əʊ] closely promote hope

    [i] abilities, quick, risky, children, different, visiting

    [i:] believe, speaking, colleagues

    [ɒ] common, possible, stop, top, hospitals, responsible, conferences

    [ʃ ] pediatriсion, ambitious

    [ʒ ] prestigious

    Упражнение 49. Read the following words in transcription

    [k’ləʊsli] [‘pжʃn] [‘pɜ:sən] [,gredju’eiʃn] [‘eiʤiz] [ri’laiəbl] [jiə] [plʌnʤ] [pres’tiʒəs] [edju’keiʃən]




    to go off

    уходить, сбегать


    кроме того

    let me

    позвольте мне


    к тому же

    to plunge into

    окунаться, погружаться


    таким образом

    to introduce myself


    frankly speaking

    откровенно говоря

    to bring up

    растить, воспитывать

    first of all

    прежде всего

    to believe


    as quickly as possible

    как можно скорее

    to depend on

    зависеть от

    for short


    to shower smb with

    осыпать, завалить

    you see

    видишь ли; дело в том что

    to turn to them for

    обращаться к ним за

    knowledge and skill

    знания и навык

    to try to promote

    стараться продвинуться

    passion to

    страсть /любовь к

    to do my best

    сделать все возможное



    to hope to start

    надеяться начать

    a first-year student a freshman


    to enter the academy

    поступить в академию



    to discuss


    a common pediatriсion

    обычный педиатр

    to mention



    управление, руководство

    to communicate





    экстренный, неотложный





    an extrovert

    дружелюбный, общительный человек




    вопросы, проблемы








    окончание вуза


    грандиозный, серьезный

    professional career

    профессиональная карьера


    авторитетный, прославленный

    foreign languages

    иностранные языки

    of different ages and tastes

    различного возраста и вкусов

    a good education

    хорошее образование

    closely connected

    тесно связанный

    in the sphere

    в сфере


    усердный, хорошо успевающий

    in making friends

    в приобретении друзей


    за рубежом


    Упражнение 50. Read the text My Visit Card and

    1. write out the verbs in Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple in three columns

    Present Simple

    Past Simple

    Future Simple

    1. make the sentences with the verbs found negative

    2. make the sentences with the verbs found interrogative.

    Упражнение 51. Complete the sentences. Use these verbs in a proper form:

    cost think have speak teach read turn to believe promote start

    1. We ……… our professional career in seven years.

    2. When I was a child I ….. many books from my parents’ library.

    3. Tina is a teacher at our university. She ….. anatomy to medical students.

    4. Food is expensive in the cafй. It ….. a lot of money.

    5. The freshmen ….. many new subjects next year.

    6. Our professor ….. English and German with foreign students yesterday.

    7. My friends often ….. me for help and advice.

    8. I ….. a lot about my future profession before entering the university.

    9. Peter is a good specialist. I hope he ….. professionally very soon.

    10. Our colleague …. that modern medicine is closely connected with IT technologies and foreign languages.
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