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Учебнометодическое пособие по английскому языкудля студентов I курса лечебного и педиатрического факультетов медицинского вуза (Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов специальности Лечебное дело, Педиатрия)

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НазваниеУчебнометодическое пособие по английскому языкудля студентов I курса лечебного и педиатрического факультетов медицинского вуза (Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов специальности Лечебное дело, Педиатрия)
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В английском языке существуют четыре типа вопросов:

  1. общий, на который можно ответить yes или no,

и который начинается со вспомогательного глагола
Подлежащее Дополнение Обстоятельство?


Biology and Chemistry your favourite subjects at university?

  1. специальный, который задается для выяснения Who кто

какого-либо факта или обстоятельства и относится What что, какой

к одному из членов предложения; поэтому он Where где, куда

начинается с вопросительного слова, которое ставится When когда

перед вспомогательным глаголом, a из предложения Why почему

уходят слова, которые отвечают на вопрос How как

W Подлежащее Дополнение Обстоятельство ?

What your favourite subjects at university?

  1. альтернативный, который предлагает выбор одного из двух

возможных вариантов,

Подлежащее orДополнение Обстоятельство ?


Biology or Chemistry your favourite subject at university?
причем выбор, следующий после союза or (или), может быть пре-

доставлен любому члену предложения.

  1. разделительный, который уточняет тот или иной факт или

обстоятельство и требует краткого ответа.
Подлежащее Сказуемое Дополнение Обстоятельство, (not) Местоимение?

Biology and Chemistry are your favourite subjects at university, not they?






to study

to speak


You study Medicine.

We speak English.


He studies Medicine.

She speaks English.


regular - to study - studied

irregular - to speak - spoke



We studied Medicine.

They spoke English.




to study

to speak

will to study

will to speak



We will study Medicine.

They will speak English.





You do not study Medicine.

We do not speak English.


He does not studies Medicine.

She does not speaks English.




We did not study Medicine.

They did not speak English.






We will not study Medicine.

They will not speak English.





you study Medicine?

Do we speak English?


he study Medicine?

Does she speak English?




we study Medicine?

Did they speak English?






we study Medicine.

Will they speak English.




В английском языке для построения вопросительного и отрицательного предложений необходимо воспользоваться вспомогательным глаголом . Каждое из времен имеет свой отдельный вспомогательный глагол, место положения которого строго определено:

- в отрицательном предложении вспомогательный глагол добавляет после себя частицу not и встает непосредственно перед сказуемым

……. do not go ……..

……. does not go ……..

…… did not read …….. П not Ск…

…… will not make ……..

- в вопросительном предложении вспомогательный глагол всегда стоит на первом месте, если это общий вопрос:

Do you study Medicine?

Does he read books?

Did they listen to the music? П Ск Д Об ?

Will you go to the lecture?

-или альтернативный, который предлагает выбор одного из двух возможных вариантов, причем выбор, следующий после союза or (или), может быть предоставлен любому члену предложения.

Do you study Medicine or music?

Will you or we go to the lecture? П or … Д Об ?

Но может уступить свое первое место вопросительному слову в специальном вопросе:

Where do you study Medicine?

What does he read?

When did they listen to the music? W П Ск Д Об ?

Why will you go to the lecture?

- в разделительном вопросе, который уточняет тот или иной факт или обстоятельство и требует краткого ответа, вспомогательный глагол стоит в конце предложения
You studied Medicine, did not you?

They read books, do not they?

He will go to the lecture, will not he?

She sings well, does not she? П Ск Д Об , (not) М?

В английском языке будущее действие можно выразить, используя перед глаголом вспомогательный глагол will. Но следует знать, что выражение begoingtoV является эквивалентном вспомогательного глагола will, и может описывать действия в будущем. Например,

I will become a reliable doctor. = I am going to become a reliable doctor.

He will live on campus. = He is going to live on campus.

Many young people will enter universities. = Many young people are going to enter universities.

Will you have much to do tomorrow? = Are you going to have much to do tomorrow?

He will not live on campus. = He is not going to live on campus


Ответы :

Упр.3. [i:] – heal, fear, treat, meat, teach, Zealand, read

[e] - death, spread, bread, dead, breath, head, feather, read, breakfast

Упр. 4.

b); d); с).

Упр. 5.

won, sometimes, lovely, otherwise, tongue, none, brother, stomach, come, love, wonder, cover, Monday

Упр. 6.

1- is; 2- are; 3- are; 4- are; 5- am; 6- are; 7- am; 8- is; 9- are; 10- is

Упр. 7.

1- was; 2- had; 3- was; 4- were; 5- wasn’t; 6- were


Hippocrates was born in 460 B.C. on the island of Cos. He was the son of a doctor. Hippocrates studied medicine and then he practiced the art of medicine. It is known that he drove out the plague from Athens by lighting fires in the streets of the city.

Hippocrates was an excellent doctor and a teacher of medicine. His medicine had a basis of experience. He taught that every disease was a natural process and it had natural causes.

One of Hippocrates theories was that the body had four fluids: blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile. Only two thousand years later, this theory was proved incorrect. Medicine for Hippocrates was an art, a science and a profession.

Hippocrates is the most famous of all Greek doctors. He is often called “the Father of Medicine” and some his ideas are still important. The Hippocratic Oath is a collection of promises, and its basis is the medical code of honour. This Oath has many of his thoughts and principles. All people connected with medicine will be Hippocrates’s followers.


Good morning and welcome to the Faculty of Medicine. I am the Dean of the Faculty and I have a great pleasure to see so many of you, who will be the Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery. The career as a doctor you will have will be both rewarding and demanding. At the institute, my training also was from exploring the structure of cells to learning about medical codes of conduct.

The word medicine was from Latin – to heal –, which was the core of the medicine. There were not so many branches of medicine at that time, but all had something in common.

The core subjects you will have in your first year are different subjects, and you will have pre-clinical and clinical studies, as other universities have.

The human anatomy is about the structure of the body. It will be helpful to understand physiology – the way the healthy body functions. Pharmacology will be about how drugs interact with living organisms. In biochemistry, you will have analysis of the structure and function of the chemical compounds. Finally, you will learn about specific diseases in pathology, what the causes of those diseases were, and how to cure them. These are the core subjects that you will study, and there will be others.

When a student I had my special interest, and that was human anatomy. At first, there were no two sub-divisions in human anatomy, as we have them nowadays: gross anatomy and microscopic anatomy. In gross anatomy, you have studies of those structures that you can see with the naked eye. In microscopic anatomy, you will have microscopes to study structures at a much more detailed level. As part of this, you will have an introduction to histology and cytology. You will also have an opportunity to gain an introduction to histopathology that is the study of disease in cells. Pharmacology is another area that may be new to you. This is the study of drugs, what they are, how they work and what they do.

Thus, the purpose of today’s lecture is to look at some major landmarks in the development of your studies at the Faculty of Medicine.

Упр. 10.

1 – с; 2 – a; 3 – c.

Упр. 11.

I am Betty Smith. My full name is Elizabeth Louise Smith. I am twenty-two. I am a college graduate. I am a journalist, just a beginner, you know. I have a lot of friends. Most of them are my former school-mates. My best companions are two girl-friends. Unfortunately, they were not very academic and good at many subjects, but they were very kind and jolly. Now they both work at a local cafe.

My elder sister Helen is married to Henry Sanford, so he is my brother-in-law. He is a member of our family. Soon Henry will be a doctor. Helen was a nurse at a hospital, but in three months she will be a mother, they will have a child. I hope my nephew will not be naughty.

I am really fond of writing and making reports, and I am eager to become a professional specialist in the sphere of journalism. But my mother says I had some talent before, I will have no peace because of my job.

Упр. 12.

1f; 2c; 3g; 4b; 5h; 6a; 7e; 8d

Упр. 14.

1-are; 2- was; 3- are; 4- are; 5- aren’t


1. were, was; 2. was, were; 3. weren’t, were; 4. were, was; 5. was, wasn’t

Упр. 18.

1. I have a brother, he is responsible for students’ practice. 2. His friends are interested in medicine. 3. Do you know him? 4. Our parents live in Toronto. 5. We love and miss them. 6. The parents have a large house with a garden in Toronto, so we often come to help them. 7. My flat is in London. 8. My mother is a good cook, and I enjoy eating her food. 9. When we are not at home, we often send her e-mails.

Упр. 19.

1.their; 2.her; 3. your; 4.our; 5.their; 6.our; 7.her; 8.my; 9.your; 10.her; 11.their; 12.its; 13.his, his.

Упр. 20.

1.her; 2.them; 3.him; 4.them; 5.it; 6.us; 7.her; 8.them.

Упр. 21.

1. his; 2. our; 3. your; 4. her; 5. my; 6. their.

Упр. 22.

My, she, her, our, her, they, our, our, its, me, your, our.
Упр. 23.

1-her; 2- their; 3- my; 4-her; 5- his; 6- our


Упр. 24.

  1. My mother is at home.

  2. They have a restaurant in Madrid.

  3. My friend is from France, and he is twenty.

  4. They have two children – a son and a daughter.

  5. Lucy is married and her husband’s name is David.

  6. My parents have two houses- one is in the mountains and the other is in the city.

  7. It is a hard work, but it is interesting.

  8. Tom has a winter sports shop there.

  9. In winter, the days are short, and the nights are long.

  10. We have a large flat in London, but my hometown is Glasgow, and we have a house there.

Упр. 27.

1-an; 2-a; 3-a; 4-an; 5- an; 6- a; 7-a; 8- an; 9- a; 10-

Упр. 28.

1). -, -, -, -; 6). -, the, the; 11). -, a, -; 16). the, -, -, -;

2). -, -; 7). -; 12). a, -, -; 17). the, -, -;

3). -, -; 8). -, -; 13). -, -; 18). -;

4). -, a; 9). the, the; 14). the; 19). a, the, the;

5). the, -; 10). a, -; 15). -, -, -, -; 20). a, a, the, the, the, -.

Упр. 29.

1.- the; 2.- a; 3.- a; 4.- _, the; 5.- an, _; 6.-the; 7.- a, a; 8.- a, a, _, a, the, the; 9.- a, a; 10.- a, a, the, the, a.

Упр. 30

1-the light; 2- a postcard; 3- the name; 4- a big country; 5- the colour of the walls; 6- a headache; 7- an old house near the station; 8- the name of the professor, a lecture; 9- the second; 10- the time; 11- o; 12- the same; 13- in the country; 14- an interesting city.
Упр. 31.

  1. a; the; 6. a; a.

  2. a; the; 0; 7. the; the.

  3. the; the; the; 0; 8. the

  4. the; 0. a. a. 9. a; an; the; the.

  5. a; 0. the; a; 0. 0.

Упр. 32.

names, yeas, hair, eyes, friends, senses, passions, food, men, persons/people, days, mothers, towns, offices, subjects, hats, beaches, barbecues, discos, teachers, families, cultures, sheep, farms, parents, languages, sciences, worlds.

Упр. 33.

Faces, feet, dresses, flies, watches, clocks, women, countries, buses, bushes, parties, ray, thieves, companies, leaves, wolves, glass/glasses, keys, teeth, foxes, children, halves, lives, cities, roof, months, opportunities, mice, journeys, shelves, men.

Упр. 34.

1. Put the boxes on the shelves. 2. I have hurt my feet and hands. 3. These are English dictionaries. 4. Where are the knives? 5. The last leaves fell from the trees. 6. These stories are very long. 7. He left the keys on the table. 8. I like these new plays. 9. The roofs of the houses were covered with snow. 10. The wives of the patients came to the ward. 11. Copies of the experiment reports were sent to the professors.

Упр. 35.

1. A woman and a child came to the new clinic. 2. The key to the door was lost. 3. This wolf was shot. 4. The mouse was caught. 5. This factory produces furniture for hospitals. 6. We will send a copy of this document to the institute. 7. The champion got the prize. 8. The student went to the class.

Упр. 36.

  1. OK; 2. …need new jeans; 3. … with a lot of beautiful trees; 4. … with two men; 5. OK; 6. … three children; 7. … my friends are students; 8. … people; 9. … your trousers; Where did you get them? 10. … full of tourists; 11. OK; 12. These scissors aren’t …
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10

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