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  • Упражнение 53. Write sentences from these words. Put the verb in the right form.

  • Упражнение 54. Write questions. Use words in bracket (…) + do/does/did/will

  • Упражнение 55. Circle do

  • Упражнение 56. Read the text and complete it with the phrases from the box

  • Kate’s mother is very interested in her daughter’s life and studies. Use the information from the text above to complete questions that Kate’s mother asks her.


  • Упражнение 58. MY VISIT CARD

  • Упражнение 59. Comprehension questions and points for discussion

  • VOCABULARY DRILLS Упражнение 60. Read these words quickly and give their Russian equivalents

  • Упражнение 61. Read these words quickly and give their English equivalents

  • Упражнение 62. Translate the following fast orally

  • Упражнение 63. Fill in the gaps with prepositions if necessary

  • GRAMMAR Упражнение . 64. Write questions with be going to V

  • READING Упражнение 65. Read the text and ask 10 questions.

  • Упражнение 66. Make up sentences using the words in brackets 1. (

  • UNIT 4. We are students of Medical University Active Vocabulary

  • Учебнометодическое пособие по английскому языкудля студентов I курса лечебного и педиатрического факультетов медицинского вуза (Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов специальности Лечебное дело, Педиатрия)

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    НазваниеУчебнометодическое пособие по английскому языкудля студентов I курса лечебного и педиатрического факультетов медицинского вуза (Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов специальности Лечебное дело, Педиатрия)
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    Упражнение 52. Complete the sentences. All of them are negative. Use don’t/doesn’t/didn’t/won’t + one

    of the following verbs.

    believe work spend learn open happen go use know stay go

    1. Toni learns French but she ……………………. German and English.

    2. The student went to lecture but they ……………………. to the clinic.

    3. It will be cold in this class room and we ……………………. the windows

    4. They worked in the laboratory on Monday but they …………………… there on Tuesday.

    5. The party was not very good, so we ……………………. there long.

    6. I’m sorry I’m late. It ……………………. again.

    7. When I feel not very well, I ……………………. to the university.

    8. I often turn to my friend for advice but sometimes I ……………………. It.

    9. I ……………………. much about computers. I’m not interested in them.

    10. It’s not true. I ……………………. it!

    11. The university hostel isn’t very expensive. I ……………………. much money to live there.

    Упражнение 53. Write sentences from these words. Put the verb in the right form.
    1. (yesterday/ early/ Denis/ arrive)………………………………………………………………………………

    2. (in bed/ students/ read/often)…………………………………………………………………………………

    3. (work/ Margaret/ hard/ before/ exams)………………………………………………………………………

    4. (Natasha/ last Sunday/wear/a beautiful dress)………………………………………………………………

    5. (a common/ I /pediatrician/ in 2 months/ work/ as)…………………………………………………………

    6. (shower/parents/with/ me/in childhood/ love)………………………………………………………………

    7. (people/music/making/help/in/friends)………………………………………………………………………

    8. (we/colleagues/communicate/with/abroad/last year)…………………………………………………………

    Упражнение 54. Write questions. Use words in bracket (…) + do/does/did/will
    1. (where/live/your/parents?)……………………………………………………………………………………

    2. (students/early/get up/tomorrow?)……………………………………………………………………………

    3. (how often/turn/you/for advice?)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………

    4. (last year/enter/your friend/university?)..........................................................................................................

    5. (in future/what/my abilities/depend on?)……………………………………………………………………

    6. (do your best/you/to help/him/two days ago?)………………………………………………………………

    7. (she/with her friends/communicate/in 10 years?)……………………………………………………………

    8. (finish/your brother/homework/quickly?)……………………………………………………………………

    Упражнение 55. Circle do, does or did to complete the questions.

    1……. you want to go to the theatre tonight? (do, does, did)

    2. What ….. Joe want for his birthday last year? (do, does, did)

    3. ……. the hotels in this town have swimming pools? (do, does, did)

    4. Where …….. the students leave their clothes a year ago? (do, does, did)

    5. …… your friend live with you? (do, does, did)

    Упражнение 56. Read the text and complete it with the phrases from the box:

    early am academy start late frankly prestigious feel have become reliable study depends will abilities have help turn am campus will give is

    My name ….. Kate. I ….. a student and I ………. at a …………….. medical …………… and as most students I live on …………… . My classes ……………….. sometimes rather …………… in the morning and finish …………. in the afternoon. So, …………… speaking, I ….. quite tired when I …………… much to do. But I …… eager to …………… a ……………… doctor and know that my success ……………… on my efforts and ……………….. .

    As a doctor I will ………… many children patients and their parents ………. ……….. to me for all kinds of ……… . I’m keen on Medicine so I ………. never ………. up it.

    Kate’s mother is very interested in her daughter’s life and studies. Use the information from the text above to complete questions that Kate’s mother asks her.

        1. What ………….……………………………………………………………………………?

        2. Where ……………………………………………………………………………………..?

        3. What time ……………………………………………………………………………….?

        4. When ………………………………………………………………………………………?

        5. Are …………………………………………………………………………………………..?

        6. How many ………………………………………………………………………………..?

        7. Will …………………………………………………………………………………………..?



    1. Describe yourself in five words.

    2. Say some words about your family.

    3. What is your ideal family?

    4. What age, do you think, is perfect for choosing profession?

    5. What is necessary to become a reliable doctor?

    Упражнение 58.


    Firstly, let me introduce myself. My name is Denis, Den for short. I am a first-year student or a freshman as students say.

    My parents bring me up and shower me with love and attention, and I am a centre of the universe for them. Thus, I always turn to them for help and advice. In our family, a good education is very important. Frankly speaking, I am not very academic, but I am quick-minded, so I usually finish my homework as quickly as possible and go off or plunge into computer studying. You see, computers are my passion, and I think this knowledge and skill will be very necessary in my future profession. Moreover, I am sure a successful professional career in the sphere of medicine is closely connected with foreign languages as to promote professionally I need to communicate with the colleagues abroad when visiting conferences or sometimes on-line discussing all kinds of urgent issues. Besides, I believe that my success will depend on my abilities. I am an extrovert and a risky person, and, I think, nothing can stop me.

    My plans for future are rather ambitious: first of all, I will work as a common pediatrician, then will try to promote in the sphere of management, and as a result, I will do my best and try to become a top manager. Therefore, last year I entered the department of Pediatrics at one of the prestigious universities – Medical University, and after my graduation, I hoped to start my professional career at one of the modern hospitals for children.

    Speaking about my hobbies, I would like to mention my passion to music. You see, music helps me in making friends. My friends are of different ages and tastes but we have common interests and all of them are responsible and reliable.

    Упражнение__62._Translate_the_following_fast_orally'>Упражнение 59.Comprehension questions and points for discussion

    1. Why do many young people turn to their parents?

    2. What does Denis say about his relations with his parents?

    3. How often do you ask your parents for help? Is it good to depend on parents?

    4. Is it good to shower children with much love and attention?

    5. What are Dan’s ambitions?

    6. What may be necessary for his future profession?

    7. How do you see yourself in 10 years' period?

    8. Say some words about your family.

    9. Why do young people choose medicine?

    10. What age, do you think, is perfect for choosing profession?

    11. What is necessary to become a reliable doctor?

    Упражнение__60._Read_these_words_quickly_and_give_their_Russian_equivalents'>VOCABULARY DRILLS

    Упражнение 60. Read these words quickly and give their Russian equivalents

    a freshman, rather ambitious, helps me in making friends, brought me up, as students say, one of the prestigious universities, nothing can stop me, friends are of different ages and tastes, a successful professional career, computers are my passion, the sphere of management, as quickly as possible, work as a common pediatrician, medicine is closely connected, all of them, to start my professional career, entered the department of Pediatrics, frankly speaking, urgent issues, I'll do my best, always turn to them for help, foreign languages, plunge into studying, responsible and reliable, quick-minded, try to promote, I'd like to mention, knowledge and skill.

    Упражнение 61. Read these words quickly and give their English equivalents

    музыка — моя страсть, более того, все они надежны, ничто не сможет меня остановить, в сфере профессиональной карьеры, люди различные по вкусам и возрасту, сообразительный, погружаться в сферу медицины, ответственные студенты, помогает найти друзей, прежде всего, успешная карьера, достаточно серьезный, иностранные языки, воспитывать детей, как можно быстрее, поступить в престижную академию, сделаю все, что могу, знания и навык, как говорят студенты, неотложные вопросы, дружелюбный человек.

    Упражнение 62. Translate the following fast orally

    a freshman – важный - a good education – серьезный – attention - иностранные языки - responsible

    - знания и навык - a common pediatrician - в приобретении друзей - to try to promote – тесно связaный -as quickly as possible - профессиональная карьера – management – сообразительный - of different ages and tastes - за рубежом - to mention - сделать все возможное - urgent issues - поступить в академию – attention - погружаться в - the sphere of – ответственные – nothing – связанный – colleagues – поступить

    Упражнение 63. Fill in the gaps with prepositions if necessary

    1. When you choose a profession, mind that your success will depend ….. your abilities. 2. Nowadays highly professional specialists need to communicate ….. the colleagues ….. abroad. 3. My brother usually finishes his homework ….. quickly ….. possible and goes ….. to play ….. computer games. 4. All the senior students are going to promote ….. the sphere ….. management, and ….. a result to get a prestigious post. 5. Modern standards ….. professionalism state that the sphere ….. medicine is closely connected ….. foreign languages. 6. My friends are ….. different specialties and education but we have common interests. 7. I had a great passion ….. medicine ….. the fifth form ….. school. 8. Many ….. our friends entered ….. the departments ….. Pediatrics ….. different prestigious universities. 9. ….. their graduation, many students hope to start their professional career ….. one of the modern hospitals and join ….. the Postgraduate Course. 10. The freshmen hope that the university professors will shower them ….. attention and help, and forget that the centre ….. the universe ….. students should be knowledge and hard work.


    Упражнение. 64. Write questions with be going to V:

    1. what/ you/ buy/for Paul’s birthday?...............................................................................................................?

    2. he/have/a party?.............................................................................................................................................?

    3. you/ buy/a new computer?.............................................................................................................................?

    4. what/ Sarah/do/after university?....................................................................................................................?

    5. how long/ she/ be away?................................................................................................................................?

    6. where/they/live?.............................................................................................................................................?


    Упражнение 65. Read the text and ask 10 questions.

    I’m from Glasgow, a nice city in Scotland, and I’m 17. I come from a Spanish family. My complete name is Salvatore Merinos or Sal for short. I’m not married yet but I’ve got a lovely family: my mum and two elder sisters who are married. They all shower me with all kinds of presents even if I don’t turn to them for all that. Moreover, I never donated anything to my family. Apart from that, I feel I need to keep in touch with them. When I go to some other places I try to use the mobile or my laptop, but my mum is not eager to use modern communications. I tried to teach her, but she found it impossible, so I gave it up.

    My mates say I’m very academic and rather ambitious and have a sense of responsibility. I intend to travel abroad and to see the rest of the world. In 8-10 years, I will go to doctoring as an International Health Care staff. Therefore, I’m going to get education and full training from a university in the USA, and turn to working in a children hospital somewhere in Cambodia. It’s a beautiful country and it needs medical assistance, I really look forward to working there.

    I love arts and draw in my spare time. I enjoy drawing people’s faces and find watching people rather fascinating.

    Упражнение 66. Make up sentences using the words in brackets

    1. (from/ full/ in the/going/education/to get/and training/a university/ I’m /USA.)


    2. (the mobile/ to/ I /some/ go/try /I /to use /when /other places/ or /my laptop.)


    3. (am/ my/mates/ambitious/ I/ and/rather/an/very/have/academic/a sense of /say/responsibility.)


    4. (teach/I/ her/tried to/ but/ found/ it /she /impossible/ it/ I /so /up/ gave.)


    5. (enjoy I people’s drawing faces and watching find people fascinating rather.)


    UNIT 4. We are students of Medical University

    Active Vocabulary

    to be eager to do

    cтремиться сделать

    to be interested in


    to graduate from

    окончить вуз

    to pay great attention to

    уделять большое внимание

    to admit to

    принимать в

    to carry on

    выполнять, заниматься




    результаты, выводы

    medical certificate

    медицинская справка

    to take notes of

    записывать, конспектировать

    General certificate of secondary education (GCSE)

    аттестат о среднем образовании

    to deliver a lecture

    читать лекцию

    higher school

    старшие классы средней школы

    a lecture in/on

    лекция по

    to follow

    придерживаться, следовать

    to listen to


    entrance exams

    вступительные экзамены

    to belong to

    принадлежать? относиться,

    быть членом

    to attend


    scientific society

    научное общество

    to take an active part in

    принимать активное участие в

    to spend smth on

    тратить на



    research work

    исследовательская работа



    to cope with smth/smb

    справляться с

    to be free of charge

    быть бесплатным

    to treat smb for disease

    to treat with medicine

    лечить к-л от болезни

    лечить лекарством



    to fight against smth

    бороться с


    учебный план,

    программа образования

    knowledge of


    to include


    an experiment on

    эксперимент над
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