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  • Text A. American teenagers and their free time

  • Text B. Leisure-time activities

  • Английский для бакалавров (ЧАСТЬ 1). Учебное пособие Часть i тула 1999 предислови е настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для студентов, продолжающих изучение английского языка в неязыковом вузе на этапе общебакалаврской подготовки

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    НазваниеУчебное пособие Часть i тула 1999 предислови е настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для студентов, продолжающих изучение английского языка в неязыковом вузе на этапе общебакалаврской подготовки
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    not so…as – не такой…как.

    1. Mike is…tall…Pete. 2. Kate is not…nice…Ann. 3. My room is…light…this one. 4. This book is not…thin…that one. 5. Sergei is…old…Michael. 6. She is…young…Tom’s brother. 7. This woman is…good…that one. 8. Nick’s English is not…good…his friend’s. 9. I am not…tall…Pete. 10. This woman is…young…that one. 11. I am…thin…you. 12. Kate is…lazy…her brother. 13. This child is not…small…that one.

    XXV. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

    1. What is your height? You are taller than me. 2. She felt as strong as her brother. 3. We started earlier than you. 4. He was more careful than I. 5. This student is the most attentive in our group. 6. I need a warmer coat. 7. He is as tired as you. 8. He was one of the most experienced workers at the factory. 9. Better late than never. 10. She was not so attractive as her mother. 11. His work is not so difficult as mine. 12. He was the eldest in the family. 13. It is easier to swim in the sea than in the river. 14. This is the smallest room in our flat.

    XXVI. Вставьте as…as, so…as или than:

    1. Our house is not…big…yours.
    2. The new cinema in our district is much bigger…the old one.
    3. We are…proud of our district…you are of yours.
    4. The house I live in is…old…the one my sister lives in.
    5. Exercise № 2 is easier…Exercise № 3.
    6. Nevsky Prospect is more beautiful…our street.

            7. My composition is not…long…yours.

    XXVII. Раскройте скобки, употребляя нужную форму прилагательного:

    1. This man is (tall) than that one. 2. Asia is (large) than Australia. 3. The Volga is (short) than the Mississippi. 4. Which building is the (high) in Moscow? 5. Mary is a (good) student than Lucy. 6. The Alps are (high) than the Urals. 7. This garden is the (beautiful) in our town. 8. She speaks Italian (good) than English. 9. Is the word “newspaper” (long) than the word “book”? 10. The Thames is (short) than the Volga. 11. The Arctic Ocean is (cold) than the Indian Ocean. 12. Chinese is (difficult) than English. 13. Spanish is (easy) than German. 14. She is not so (busy) as I am. 15. It is as (cold) today as it was yesterday. 16. She is not so (fond) of sports as my brother is. 17. Today the weather is (cold) than it was yesterday. 18. This book is (interesting) of all I have read this year. 19. January is the (cold) month of the year. 20. My sister speaks English (bad) than I do. 21. Which is the (hot) month of the year? 22. Which is the (beautiful) place in this part of the country? 23. This nice-looking girl is the (good) student in our group.

    XXVIII. Скажите по-английски:

    1. Я знаю интересную историю.

    Он знает более интересную историю.
    Она знает самую интересную историю.

    2. Это длинный путь.

    Это более длинный путь.
    Это самый длинный путь.

    3. Её работа очень важна.

    Его работа важнее.
    Моя работа самая важная.

    4. Это плохая песня.

    Это ещё более плохая песня.
    Это самая плохая песня.

    5. Он хороший инженер.

    Он более хороший инженер.
    Он самый лучший инженер.

    6. Он принёс ей красивый цветок.

    Он принёс ей более красивый цветок.
    Он принёс ей самый красивый цветок.

    XXIX. Закончите предложения. Употребите прилагательные в превосходной степени.

    1. This building is very old. It’s _____ in the town.

    2. It was a very happy day. It was _______ of my life.

    3. It’s a very good film. It’s ________I’ve ever seen.

    4. She’s a very popular singer. She’s _______ in our country.

    5. It’s a very bad mistake. It was _______ I’ve ever made.

    6. It’s a very cold day. It was _______ of the year.

    7. He’s a very interesting person. He’s ______ I’ve ever met.

    XXX. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

    Which profession (hobby, sports) do you think is:

    1. the most dangerous? 2. the most difficult? 3. the easiest? 4. the most exciting? 5. the most boring? 6. the most expensive? 7. the cheapest? 8. the most interesting?

    XXXI. Посмотрите на оценки и скажите, что у Боба получается лучше (хуже), чем у Мэри:




























    XXXII. Образуйте порядковые числительные:



    one hundred



    nine hundred and nine



    two thousand




    XXXIII. Прочитайте по-английски:

    1. numbers: 6; 73; 38; 17; 13; 12; 0; 101; 152; 1,045; 6,671; 9,854; 87,432; 80,400; 329,645; 110,536; 13,614,200;

    2. dates: June 1, 1905; May 9, 1945; July 2, 1800; March 30, 2000; 300 AD; 45 BC;

    3. time: 3:10; 4:15; 5:45; 12:00; 1:30; 7:40; 2:05; 8:15; 4:00;

    4. titles: Henry VII, Elizabeth II, James I, Charles V, Louis XII, Edward VII, Peter I, Catherine II;

    5. telephone numbers: 213-66-01; 421-57-83; 221-00-74; 971-24-50; 426-11-44; 157-18-20; 322-35-04;

    6. phrases: exercise 5, page 312, bus 102, room 203, text 6, tram 17, lecture room 9, chapter 12, line 13, box 481.

    XXXIV. Прочитайте даты и назовите соответствующий век:

    Образец: 1147 – the twelfth century;

    56 BC, 844 AD, 1066, 1156, 1342, 1560, 1748, 1812, 1917, 2015.

    XXXV. Переведите:

    1. В этой школе 700 учеников. 2. В спортивных соревнованиях приняли участие сотни учащихся. 3. Тысячи людей пришли на митинг. 4. На этом предприятии работает 2000 рабочих. 5. Эту программу смотрели миллионы телезрителей. 6. Население Москвы – более десяти миллионов человек. 7. Георг V был двоюродным братом Николая II. 8. Ты можешь позвонить мне о телефону 246-00-17 с десяти до пяти. 9. Платье стоит 245 рублей. 10. Дом был построен в XIX веке.

    XXXVI. Познакомьтесь с некоторыми интересными фактами. Прочитайте их вслух своему товарищу:

    Here are some interesting facts about the world’s

    highest mountains


    Height above sea level



    Goodwin Austen 




    biggest continents


    Area (in square kilometers)





    North America


    largest islands


    Area (in square kilometers)



    New Guinea




    largest lakes



    Area (in square km)

    Caspian Sea



    Lake Superior

    North America


    Lake Victoria



    longest rivers



    Length (in km)





    South America









    North America



    The hottest place on earth is Azizia, a town in a hilly farming area of Libya. The world’s record temperature was recorded there in 1922 – 57.7 0C (135.83 0F). But several other places have a higher average temperature, including Death Valley in California, and of Western Australia. The coldest place in Antarctica, where a temperature of –88.3 0C (-126.94 0F) has been recorded. The wettest place is on Kauai Island, Hawaii, which has more than 330 rainy days a year. Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean had the heaviest downpour ever recorded – 1.870 mm in 24 hours. The driest place is part of the Atacama Desert in Chile where little rain falls.


    Text A. American teenagers and their free time

    American teenagers spend their free time doing a lot of different things. They love to watch television or rent videos. Often young people meet at a friend’s house to watch videos together. They might call out for a pizza or make popcorn at home and eat in front of the television.

    Young Americans also enjoy going to the movie theatre, both to watch movies but also to “hang out” and flirt with people of the opposite sex. Before going out teenagers usually spend a long time getting ready. They try to wear their most fashionable clothes and they make sure their hair looks perfect.

    In America, it is against the law for people under 21 years of age to drink alcohol, so often they can’t go to the local concerts at bars, but they do go to the large concerts wherever their favourite band or pop singer comes to town.

    Teenage girls like to read fashion magazines and magazines about handsome, famous actors and singers. They also like to go shopping. They might not buy anything but some girls might spend hours trying on clothes, jewelry and shoes.

    Teenage boys like to play sports, baseball, basketball, football or soccer. Many boys read magazines about rock groups or cars and trucks. It is often the dream of many teenage boys to own their own car. If they do, they spend most of their free time and extra money making their cars look beautiful and run perfectly.

    Stereotypically young Americans don’t like to spend time alone. They don’t read books unless it is absolutely necessary. And when they do read, or do their homework, they do it in front of the television or with the stereo on.

    Like lost Americans, young Americans like to work because they like to have money. It’s difficult to find free entertainment in America. Young people spend a lot of money. In general, they spend a great portion of their free time buying things to make themselves look better than their friends or to have better music, clothes, etc. than their friends.


    teenager, n

    call out (for), v

    enjoy, v

    ‘hang out’, v

    try on, v

    jewelry, n

    soccer, n

    extra, adj

    free (of charge), adj

    entertainment, n






    ювелирные изделия


    дополнительный, излишний




    1. Read the text ‘American teenagers and their free time. Find the English equivalents to the following word combinations:
      проводить много времени; в доме друга; смотреть видеофильмы вместе; заказать пиццу; приготовить кукурузные хлопья; “слоняться”; флиртовать с людьми противоположного пола; выглядеть безупречно; противозаконно; популярный певец; журналы мод; ходить в магазины; примерять; ювелирные изделия; иметь свою собственную машину; в одиночестве; несмотря на; с включённым стереомагнитофоном; бесплатное развлечение.

    2. Write 10 questions on the text. Let your fellow students answer them.

    3. Retell the text ‘American teenagers and their free time.

    4. Speak about your free time.

    5. Get ready for the discussion “Problems of Youth”. The following questions will help you:

    1. At what age can a young person take the responsibilities of adulthood?

    2. What kinds of difficulties do some young people have in their relationship with parents?

    3. Can the young people always discuss their physical, social or emotional problems with their parents?

    4. What role does the mass-media (newspapers, television, magazines, etc.) play in the development of the values of the teenagers?

    5. Do they read much? How long do they watch TV a day? What are their favourite TV programs?

    6. What can be the ideals of the young people? What ideals do you follow?

    7. Why do the young people often need idols?

    8. Who do they usually choose their idols among? What are their favourite sportsmen or sports teams? What fan-clubs do you know in your country and abroad?

    9. What do young people do in search for self-identity? What kind of clothes do they wear? What colours do they prefer? How do they do their hair? Why do they speak slang?

    10. What economical problems do some young people face? What can you tell about unemployment, shortage of money and accommodation among the young?

    11. Which of these problems may lead the young to use alcohol or drugs or even to crime? Does it often happen nowadays?

    12. Where can the young earn the pocket money? What do they usually spend it on?

    13. What can you tell about student activities such as sports, drama clubs, debate teams, student newspapers, dancing groups and bands?

    14. Are the young people interested in politics?

    15. Why is St. Tatiana’s day the favourite holiday for all the students in Russia?

    VI. Discuss the problems of youth in your group.

    Text B. Leisure-time activities

    Schools provide American students with much more than academic education. Students learn about the world through various school-related activities. More than 80 per cent of all students participate in student activities, such as sports, student newspapers, drama clubs, debate teams, choral groups and bands.

    What are the favourite sports of American young people? According to the survey “The Mood of American Youth”, they prefer football, basketball, baseball, wrestling, tennis, soccer, boxing, hockey, track and golf.

    During their leisure time, students spend much time watching television. They also listen to music on the radio and tape players. The average American teenager listens to music on the radio about three hours every day. Without a doubt, rock-and-roll music is the favourite of teenagers in the United States. American young people are mostly hardworking. Many have after-school jobs. One poll indicated that nine out of 10 teenagers either had a job or would like one.

    Child labor laws set restrictions on the types of work that youths under 16 years old can do. Many youths work part-time on weekends or after school at fast-food restaurants, babysit for neighbour, hold delivery jobs or work in stores.

    Many youths are involved in community service organizations. Some are active in church and religious-groups as Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. About three million girls aged six to 17 years old belong to Girl Scouts, for example. They learn about citizenship, crafts, arts, camping and other outdoor activities.

    Thousands of people volunteer to help take care of the elderly, the handicapped and hospital patients. Many help clean up the natural environment.


    provide (with), v

    participate, v

    survey, n

    leisure, n

    average, adj

    law, n

    restriction, n

    delivery, n

    involve, v

    church, n

    обеспечивать, предоставлять


    обзор, исследование








    1. Study the words. Make sure you can translate them both: from English into Russian and from Russian into English.

    2. Read the text ’Leisure–time activities’. Answer the following questions:

    1. How do the students learn about the world?

    2. What sports do Americans prefer?

    3. Are American young people hard-working?

    4. What do Child labor laws restrict?

    5. What organizations are many young people involved in?

    C O N V E R S A T I O N

    My working day


    get up (got), v

    alarm-clock, n

    wake up (woke, woken), v

    jump out, v

    leave (left), v

    bury, v

    pretend, v

    get ready for smth.

    make one’s bed

    hear (heard), v

    have a shower (a bath)

    brush teeth

    turn on (off), v

    get to, v

    feel (felt) tired, v

    go for a walk

    go to bed

    go on foot

    go by bus/tram…

    it takes me 10 minutes

    to keep late hours

    a lark (an owl) by nature

    вставать (с постели)


    будить, просыпаться

    выпрыгивать, вскакивать

    покидать, оставлять, уезжать, уходить

    зарывать (ся)


    быть готовым к чему-либо

    заправлять кровать


    принимать душ (ванну)

    чистить зубы

    включать (выключать)

    добираться до

    чувствовать усталость

    пойти погулять

    ложиться спать

    идти пешком

    ехать автобусом/трамваем…

    мне требуется 10 минут

    засиживаться допоздна

    жаворонок (сова) по характеру

    My working day

    On week-days the alarm-clock wakes me up and my working day begins. It is seven o’clock. If it is spring or summer I jump out of bed, run to the window and open it wide to let the fresh morning air in. In winter I am not so quick to leave my bed, and I bury my head under the pillows pretending not to hear the alarm-clock. But all the same, it is time to get up and I start getting ready for my work.

    I make my bed and go to the bathroom where I brush my teeth and have a shower. While I am having breakfast, I turn on my tape-recorder and listen to pop-music. Breakfast, as my parents say, must be the most substantial meal of the day. But usually neither my mother nor me have any time to cook it, so I just have a cup of tea or coffee and some sandwiches. I leave my house at ten minutes past 7, and, as I live quite near the bus stop, I am there in five minutes. It takes me about twenty minutes to get to the University. Our classes start at a quarter to eight. We usually have 3 or even 4 classes a day. They last six or eight hours. It is not easy to study at the University.

    My working day is not over even when the classes come to an end, because I have a lot of work to do at home. It usually takes me about three hours to get ready for the next working day. But when at last my working day is over I feel both tired and satisfied.

    Sometimes in the evening my friends come to my place and we talk or play; sometimes we go for a walk, but not very often. I go to bed at about eleven o’clock.

    1. Fill in the blanks with the following words and word combinations: to start, to feel tired, to get, to do, to make, to get up, substantial, to brush, as a rule, a shower, to go for a walk.
      1. I usually…at 7 o’clock. 2. Before going to bed I usually…. 3. Our classes…at 8. 4. In the morning I…my teeth and have…. 5. …I take a cup of tea and some sandwiches for breakfast. 6. I…both…and satisfied. 7. It takes me 15 minutes…to the University. 8. I have a lot of work…at home. 9. In the morning you must…your bed. 10. Breakfast must be the most…meal of the day.

    2. Answer the questions. Use the model.

    Model: Who knows English well in your group?
                  Nick does (I do).
    1. Who wakes you up? 2. Who makes your bed? 3. Who does the flat in your family? 4. Who cleans the floor in your flat? 5. Who cooks dinner for you? 6. Who does shopping in your family?

    III. Disagree with the following.
    Model: You live in England.  Oh no, I don’t. I live in Russia.
    1. On week days you get up at 12. 2. You have breakfast at 11. 3. You usually have dinner in the canteen. 4. It takes you 5 minutes to get to the University. 5. Your mother has a bath in the morning. 6. You often miss classes. 7. You go to bed at 9. 8. Your mother has little work to do at home.

    IV. Replace the underlined words with the following:
    to be fond of, to prepare, to switch on, to go on foot, to brush, morning exercises.
    1. I get up and turn on the radio. 2. In the morning I do my gymnastics. 3. As I live near the University I walk there. 4. He likes music and often goes to the opera. 5. I clean my teeth with a tooth-brush and tooth paste. 6. He usually does hishomework at home.
    V. Complete the sentences:
    1. I wash and clean my teeth…. 2. As I live far from the University…. 3. During the break we may have…. 4. It takes me 20 minutes…. 5. When I need some books…. 6. In the evening when I have time…. 7. Our classes last…. 8. As a rule my brother takes a cup of tea and some…. 9. I was tired but….

    VI. a) Make up as many sentences as you can. Use the table.

    It takes

    It took

    It will take







    my friend

    my mother


    an hour

    an hour and half

    half an hour

    a quarter of an hour

    10 minutes

    two hours

    to do the homework

    to learn the new words

    to clean the flat

    to cook dinner

    to wash up

    to get to the University

    to water flowers

    to write a letter

    to go shopping

    to have breakfast

    to make a report

    b) Make up questions. Let your fellow-students answer them.


    How long

    How much time

    does it take

    did it take

    will it take







    your friend

    your mother

    your father


    to make your bed?

    to take a bath?

    to brush teeth?

    to have dinner?

    to brush hair?

    to shave?

    to put the room in order?

    to do morning exercises?

    to get to the University?

    to translate a one-page text?


    VII. Make up sentences.

    Мои родители


    Моя сестра

    Моя мама


    Мой племянник

    to get up at







    Мой рабочий день

    Наши лекции

    Урок английского языка

    Рабочий день моего папы

    Собрание студентов

    Фильм “Титаник”

    to last

    8 часов

    6 или 8 часов

    1,5 часа

    7 часов

    0,5 часа

    3,5 часа

    VIII. Translate from Russian into English. Use the following word combinations:


    to be

    fond of


    satisfied with




    able to

    1. Моя сестра любит популярную музыку. 2. Наши занятия заканчиваются в 15:30. 3. Преподаватель был доволен моей работой. 4. Я буду готов через 5 минут. 5. Он уверен, что закончит эту работу. 6. Я очень устал вчера. 7. Мы можем выполнить это упражнение.


    to go

    on foot


    to the University

    by bus (tram)

    for a walk

    to bed

    1. Я люблю ходить пешком. 2. Через 2 часа мы пойдём домой. 3. Я обычно ложусь спать в 11. 4. Вечером мы не пойдём гулять. 5. Он иногда ездит трамваем. 6. Его брат ездит в университет на автобусе.

    IX. Fill in the blanks with prepositions.

    1. My elder brother usually gets up…7.15.
    2. K. E. Tsiolkovsky was born…September, 5th.
    3. As a rule he goes to the Institute…foot.
    4. My sister is fond…reading, she always reads before going…bed.
    5. It will take us 3 hours to go…Moscow…train.
    6. On week-days the alarm-clock wakes me….
    7. Turn…the tape-recorder. I’m not going to listen…pop-music.
    8. It takes me about 3 hours to get ready…the next working day.

    X. Ask your friend if…
    …he/she gets up at 8;
    …his/her father gets up at 8;
    …his/her sister feels sleepy in the morning;
    …he/she cleans teeth at night;
    …the alarm-clock wakes his/her parents up;
    …he/she switches on the electric light in the morning;
    …he/she washes his/her face with cold water;
    …he/she airs the room when he/she gets up;
    …he/she does his/her morning exercises;
    …he/she makes his/her bed before or after his/her morning exercises;
    …he/she has breakfast before or after he/she gets dressed;
    …he/she has dinner at home.

    XI. Answer the following questions:
    1. When do you usually get up? 2. Who (what) wakes you up? 3. Do you do your morning exercises? 4. Where do you wash, brush your teeth and have a shower? 5. Do you feel sleepy in the morning or at night? 6. What are you by nature, a lark or an owl? Do you like to keep late hours? 7. Do you wash your face and neck with cold or hot water? 8. What do you put on in the morning: a dressing gown or your pyjamas? 9. What do you usually have for breakfast? 10. What time do you usually leave home? 11. How long does it take you to get to the University? 12. How do you get there: by bus, by tram or on foot? 13. When and where do you have dinner? 14. How many lessons do you have a day? When is the last lesson over? 15. You often go to the library, don’t you? 16. What do you do in the evening? 17. Do you have supper alone? 18. When do you go to bed?

    XII. Speak about
    1. Your mother’s morning;
    2. Your father’s (mother’s) working day;
    3. Your plans for the next week-end;
    4. Your last evening.

    D i a l o g u e s

    a) Read the dialogues in pairs:


    A. Hi! How are you?
    B. Fine. Thank you. How are things with you?
    A. Not bad. I was thinking of going to the cinema this evening. Would you like to come?
    B. That’d be lovely! But I am busy tonight. Perhaps some other time.
    A. What about tomorrow? I’ll try to buy tickets and give you a ring.
    B. That’s a good idea.
    A. Settled then. Bye-bye.
    B. Bye.


    A. You look so tired. You don’t feel well, do you?
    B. It’s not that. I am really tired. I need a rest.
    A. Take a holiday.
    A. I can’t do it now. We’ve got a lot of work to do.


    A. Excuse my curiosity, what do you usually do at your office?
    B. As soon as I come to my office I have to answer telephone calls, sign documents, participate in the talks, send letters and telegrams and do many other things.
    A. When do you start work in your office?
    B. We start at 9.00 a.m. We have two 15-minute coffee breaks.
    A. I see. I suppose, you’ve got a break for lunch.
    B. Sure. At 1 p.m. we’ve got a break for lunch which lasts for an hour.

    1. Learn the dialogues by heart.

    c) Helen and Peter are friends. They often spend their free time together. Now they are discussing their plans for the next week. Make up a dialogue. Mind Helen’s diary for next week.


    9 a.m. – 2 p.m. – classes

    7 p.m. – aerobics


    9 a.m. – 3 p.m. – classes


    9 a.m. – 3 p.m. – classes

    5 p.m. – English speaking club


    9 a.m. – 3 p.m. – classes

    7 p.m. – aerobics


    9 a.m. – 2 p.m. – classes



    9 a.m. – 2 p.m. – classes




    1. Read the jokes. Learn the funniest of them by heart.


    Prof.: “Wake up that fellow next to you.”
    Stud.: “You do it, prof, you put him to sleep.”
    Prof.: “You can’t sleep in my class.”
    Stud.: “If you didn’t talk so loud I could.”
    Prof.: “A fool can ask more questions than a wise man can answer.”
    Stud.: “No wonder so many of us flunk in our exams!”

    1. Read and translate.

    The more we study, the more we know.
    The more we know, the more we forget.
    The more we forget, the less we know.
    The less we know, the less we forget.
    The less we forget, the more we know.
    So why study?
    1   ...   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   ...   23

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