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  • Exercise 2. Match the English words on the left with their Russian equivalents on the right. Learn the words by heart.

  • READING Exercise 3. Read and translate the text about

  • Exercise 4. Consult the text and find English equivalents to the word combinations.

  • Exercise 5. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

  • Exercise 6. Answer the following questions .

  • Exercise 7. Give a short summary of the text. Exercise 8. Now read and translate the text about the main film-festivals and awards . Use the dictionary when necessary.

  • Exercise 9 . Match each definition with the correct word. Translate the words into Russian and learn them by heart.

  • Exercise 10 .

  • COMPREHENSION Exercise 11 . Fill in the gaps using the words given below, and translate the sentences into Russian.

  • Exercise 12. a) Match the verbs on the left with the nouns on the right.

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    Unit 10.


    Warm up

    Exercise 1. Read and translate the following words and word combinations. Learn them by heart.

    A motion picture; an entertaining film; a comedian; a special effect; to go to the cinema; а script; to photograph; а film-maker; а studio; a set designer.
    Exercise 2. Match the English words on the left with their Russian equivalents on the right. Learn the words by heart.

    1. a social issue

    a) смотреть комедию

    2. а plot of the picture

    b) успех у критиков

    3. to require the skills

    c) сюжет кинофильма (картины)

    4. to guide

    d) простой трюк

    5. a hard working person

    e) руководить

    6. а critical success

    f) социальный вопрос

    7. to approve

    g) утверждать, одобрять

    8. a cast

    h) требовать навык (опыт)

    9. to watch a comedy

    i) распределение ролей

    10. a simple trick

    j) усердный (трудолюбивый) человек


    Exercise 3. Read and translate the text about film-making process. Use the dictionary when necessary.


    Motion picture (cinema) is one of the most popular forms of art in the world. Actually motion pictures are the main source of information. Movies can introduce some ideas, they can take us to the history, they can also help us to solve problems, they can help us to recreate events of great importance – that is why films are very powerful and popular. And of course movies can also help to explore the social issues. Everyone knows that films help us to relax, they help us to escape from cares and from boring everyday routine. While watching an entertaining film you can find yourself in a different and exciting world. If you want to be in a good mood you should watch a comedy and laugh at a popular comedian. During watching a film you are able to visit such places which you could never afford to visit in your real life. That is the reasons why motion pictures have become a powerful money-making industry.

    Many films cost millions of dollars, directors and producers try to make their films more popular and exciting by hiring great actors and actresses.

    What makes a film more exciting and popular? Of course, special effects, actors and the plot of the picture. The first special effect was created in 1895 by Alfred Clark in The Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots. It was a simple trick: the camera was stopped and the actress replaced with a doll. In Europe special effects were developed by a French film-maker Georges Melies, a professional magician by trade. Between 1896 - 1913 he produced, directed and acted in more than 500 films!

    To choose a good actor (maybe a star) is a very important turn to make a good film. Everyone wants to see a star in a film. Many of people go to the cinema to see the film with their favourite actor. A famous star could make any film a certain success. So the studios went to great lengths to make their actors into stars. And the third thing which makes a film a success is a good scenario or script. To write a good scenario is a very hard work, you should be talented and a hard working person to do this job. And if these three factors are well made the film would be great. Hundreds and even millions of people will visit cinema to see it. Many CDs will be bought.

    As everyone knows making a film requires the skills of people in hundreds of different occupations. The most important of these occupations are: the producer, the director, the writer, the actors and actresses, set designer, editor, composer. The director guides the performance of the actors and the actresses. He also decides how each scene should be photographed. The director retains a responsibility for the quality of the whole picture.

    It is a well-known fact that some films are built around a star. Sometimes the critical of financial success depends on the actors. If the cast isn’t good the movie may be ruined even if the script and the director are good. That is why all producers of the world try to hire a good cast to be a success then. Filming begins after the script has been approved, the casting completed, the costumes are designed and the location selected. And if all the factors are well made the film would be a success and all the members of its staff will earn a lot of money.
    Exercise 4. Consult the text and find English equivalents to the word combinations.

    1. сбежать от забот; 2. быть в хорошем настроении; 3. прибыльное (выгодное) предприятие; 4. нанимать известных актеров и актрис; 5. играть в фильме; 6. добиться успеха; 7. идти на всё, не останавливаться ни перед чем; 8. нести ответственность; 9. заработать много денег; 10. делать эскизы костюмов.
    Exercise 5. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

    1. The director is responsible for the quality of the whole picture. 2. If the script and the director are good so the movie will be successful. 3. The critical of financial success always depends on the director. 4. To make a movie requires many people of different occupations. 5. If you want to be in a good mood you should watch a popular-science film.
    Exercise 6. Answer the following questions.

    1. When would the film be great? 2. Why are films powerful and popular? 3. How do directors and producers make their films more popular? 4. When was the first special effect created? 5. Who developed special effects in Europe? 6. What personality traits should one have to write a good script? 7. What occupation are the most important for film-making? 8. When does film-making begin? 9. Who is responsible for the quality of the whole picture? 10. Who was Georges Melies? How is this name connected with motion picture?
    Exercise 7. Give a short summary of the text.
    Exercise 8. Now read and translate the text about the main film-festivals and awards. Use the dictionary when necessary.


    There are a lot of groups, organizations and festivals that recognize achievements in cinema, usually by awarding various prizes. The awards sometimes also have popular unofficial names (such as the Oscar for Hollywood’s Academy Awards), which are mentioned if applicable. Many awards are simply identified by the name of the group presenting the award.

    Awards have been divided into three major categories: critics’ awards, voted on (usually annually) by a group of critics; festival awards, awards presented to the best film shown in a particular film festival; and industry awards, which are selected by professionals working in some branch of the movie industry.

    The Oscar is the most prestigious honor in film industry. Awarded annually to those involved with the best productions of the previous calendar year, the Oscars is one of the most widely watched award ceremonies in the world. The American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences organizes the show and the banquet and red-carpet event preceding the ceremony. The first Oscar Awards were given out on May 16, 1929. There is no fixed date for the Oscars, which are awarded at the end of February or during March. The ceremony features top musicians and actors.

    The British Academy Film Awards are presented in an annual award show hosted by the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA). It is often considered to be the British counterpart of the Academy Awards. As of 2008, it has taken place in Central London at the Royal Opera House, the latter having taken over from the flagship Odeon cinema on Leicester Square. The ceremony used to take place in April or May, but from 2002 onwards it takes place in February in order to precede the Oscars. The awards are mostly open to all nationalities, though there is an award for Outstanding British Film and Outstanding Debut by a British Writer, Producer or Director. The Awards ceremony is broadcast on a slight delay on British television the same evening, and across the world.

    The Nika Award is the main annual national film award in Russia, held by the Russian Academy of Cinema Arts and Sciences which was established in 1987 in Moscow by Yuli Gusman. At first the awards were judged by all the members of the Union of Filmmakers. The Nika Awards ceremony is broadcast annually and attracts huge publicity across Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

    Cannes International Film Festival is an annual film festival held in Cannes, France, which previews new films of all genres, including documentaries, from around the world. Founded in 1946, it is one of the most prestigious and publicised film festivals in the world. The 2013 Cannes Film Festival took place between 15 May – 26 May 2013. The President of the Jury was American film director Steven Spielberg. The festival has become an important showcase for European films. Additionally, given massive media exposure, the non-public festival is attended by many movie stars and is a popular venue for film producers to launch their new films and attempt to sell their works to the distributors who come from all over the globe.

    The Golden Globe Award is an American accolade bestowed by the 93 members of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA) recognizing excellence in film and television, both domestic and foreign. The annual formal ceremony and dinner at which the awards are presented is a major part of the film industry’s awards season, which culminates each year with the Academy Awards. The 1st Golden Globe Awards were held in January 1944 at the 20th Century-Fox studios in Los Angeles. The broadcast of the Golden Globe Awards, telecast to 167 countries worldwide, generally ranks as the third most-watched awards show each year, behind only the Oscars Awards.
    Exercise 9.Match each definition with the correct word. Translate the words into Russian and learn them by heart.

    1. a member

    a) a formal act or set of acts performed as prescribed by ritual or custom

    2. previous

    b) something that has been accomplished, especially by hard work, ability, or heroism

    3. to launch

    c) to go or be before (someone or something) in time, place, rank, etc.

    4. a ceremony

    d) existing or coming before something else in time or position; prior

    5. to judge

    e) to transmit a radio or television program for public or general use.

    6. foreign

    f) to pass sentence on; condemn

    7. to precede

    g) one that belongs to a group or an organization

    8. exposure

    h) appearance in public or in the mass media

    9. to broadcast

    i) conducted or involved with other nations or governments; not domestic

    10. an achievement

    j) to introduce to the public or to a market

    Exercise 10.Choose the right answer.

    1. When does the Oscars take place?

    a) in April or May; b) on May 16;

    c) There is no fixed date; d) between 15 May – 26 May.

    2. Where is the British Academy Film Awards show broadcast?

    a) across the world; b) in the UK; c) in the USA; d) in Europe.

    3. When were the 1st Golden Globe Awards held?

    a) on 26 May 2013; b) in 1946; c) in 1987; d) in January 1944.

    4. How many major categories do awards fall into?

    a) eight; b) twenty one; c) three; d) five.

    5. What awards ceremony precedes the Oscar?

    a) the Golden Globe Award; b) the Cannes International Film Festival;

    c) the British Academy Film Awards; d) the Nika Award.

    6. What is BAFTA?

    a) British Annual Festival for Television Arts;

    b) British Academy of Film and Television Arts;

    c) Big Academy Film and Television Association;

    d) Broadcast Association For Training of Actors.

    7. When was the first Oscar Award given?

    a) in 1929; b) 2002; c) in 2008; d) 1987.

    8. What annual Film Award is the main in Russia?

    a) the Cannes International Film Festival; b) the Golden Globe Award;

    c) the British Academy Film Awards; d) the Nika Award.

    9. How are the Film Awards named?

    a) after the name of the group presenting the award;

    b) after the name of the person presenting the award;

    c) after the name of the place where the award takes place;

    d) it’s random choice.

    10. Who established the Russian Academy of Cinema Arts and Sciences?

    a) Steven Spielberg; b) Yuli Gusman;

    c) British Writer; d) Odeon cinema.

    Exercise 11. Fill in the gaps using the words given below, and translate the sentences into Russian.

    judge ceremony filmmakers special effects

    actor launched previous occupation

    script broadcast exposure money-making

    1. The Japanese tea … was seemed to me strange but very beautiful. 2. You are so artistic. You could be an actress in … life! 3. Ais one capable of making rational, dispassionate, and wise decisions. 4. He is an actor with much recent … in television. 5. This organization … the new perfume with prime-time commercials on the major networks 6. The Oscar Award Ceremony is widely … . 7. The motion-pictures, as a part of show business, have become a powerful … industry. 8. Many people visit the cinema just to see their favourite … . 9. Where does he work now? What is his … ? 10. Steven Spielberg is one of the most successful … of today. 11. The film used many … to attract more spectators. 12. It’s not so easy to write a good … .
    Exercise 12. a) Match the verbs on the left with the nouns on the right.

    1. to broadcast

    a) cinemas

    2. to use

    b) a star

    3. to watch

    c) with a slight delay

    4. to visit

    d) the award ceremony

    5. to see

    e) the location

    6. to introduce

    f) the actress into star

    7. to require

    g) lots of special effects

    8. to do

    h) some new ideas

    9. to make

    i) this job

    10. to select

    j) skills

    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10

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