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  • Exercise 2. Match the English words on the left with their Russian equivalents on the right. Learn the words by heart.

  • READING Exercise 3. Read and translate the text on British Television. Use the dictionary when necessary. BRITISH TELEVISION

  • Exercise 4. Consult the text and find English equivalents to the word combinations.

  • Exercise 5 . Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

  • Exercise 6. Answer the following questions .

  • Exercise 7. Give a short summary of the text. Exercise 8. Now read and translate the text on Russian television. Use the dictionary when necessary. RUSSIAN TELEVISION

  • Exercise 9 . Match each definition with the correct word. Translate the words into Russian and learn them by heart.

  • Exercise 10 .

  • COMPREHENSION Exercise 11 . Fill in the gaps using the words given below, and translate the sentences into Russian.

  • Exercise 12. Match the verbs on the left with the nouns on the right. Make up sentences with the phrases you’ve got.

  • Exercise 13. Choose the most suitable word in each sentence.

  • WRITING AND COMMUNICATION Exercise 14. Write an essay on the given topics and retell it.

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    Unit 9.


    Warm up

    Exercise 1. Read and translate the following words and word combinations. Learn them by heart.

    Award; leisure pastime; documentary; to advert; recent; circumstance; soap opera; give an opportunity; cable/ satellite TV; BBC.
    Exercise 2. Match the English words on the left with their Russian equivalents on the right. Learn the words by heart.

    1. relatively

    2. to depict

    3. ordinary

    4. to allow

    5. fee-paying

    6. to be worried about

    7. violence

    8. to broadcast

    9. reflection

    10. foremost

    a) передовой, превосходящий других;

    b) отражение;

    c) передавать по радио или телевидению, вещать;

    d) жестокость, насилие;

    e) быть обеспокоенным чем-либо;

    f) платный, за определенную плату;

    g) позволять;

    h) обычный, простой;

    i) описывать, изображать;

    j) относительно, сравнительно


    Exercise 3. Read and translate the text on British Television. Use the dictionary when necessary.


    It goes without saying that television plays a very important part in people’s life. It is a reflection of the modern world. It gives you an opportunity to travel all over the world, to see different people and learn about their customs and traditions. Television keeps you informed about the rest of the world. And of course, it helps to escape from everyday problems.

    Television viewing is one of the most popular leisure pastimes. In Britain over 99 per cent of households have a colour television set. The British also call it “watching the box” or “the telly”. The average viewing time per person is over 26 hours a week.

    Britain is one of the world’s foremost exporters of TV productions, which continue to win large numbers of international awards, especially for documentaries, nature programmes and drama serials.

    There are four TV channels in Britain: BBCl, BBC2, ITV and Channel 4. BBCI and BBC2, the two state channels, do not show adverts. ITV and Channel 4, the two independent channels, do show adverts. They get most of their money from advertising. Advertisements are shown every 15-30 minutes.

    BBC 1 and ITV tend to broadcast popular programmes. They specialize in general interest programmes, sports programmes, recent films, current affairs, game shows, children’s programmes and soaps. Soaps are broadcast either three or four times a week and each episode lasts about half an hour. The most popular soaps are Coronation Street, which is set in a working-class area near Manchester, and East Enders, which is set in a working-class area of London. They depict ordinary lives in relatively ordinary circumstances. So the viewers can see themselves and other people they know in the characters and in the things that happen to these characters.

    The two Australian soaps, Neighbours and Home and Away, are shown five days a week and children watch them when they come in from school. They are the favourite programmes of both 12- and 15-year-olds.

    BBC2 and Channel 4 show programmes that usually attract much smaller audiences: TV plays, classical concerts, foreign films, travel and educational programmes. BBC2 is used by the Open University to broadcast educational programmes. These programmes are shown early in the morning or late at night and they allow many thousands of students to study at home.

    These are the channels, which all viewers in the country receive. British people can also connect to cable or satellite TV. These channels are fee-paying, and so only about a fifth of households receive satellite and/or cable TV.

    In general, British people think that the programmes shown on British TV are of a very high standard. However, many people are worried about the amount of violence on TV, and the effect this may have on young people.
    Exercise 4. Consult the text and find English equivalents to the word combinations.

    1. обычай; 2. привлекать; 3. герой; 4. средний; 5. позволять учиться дома; 6. подключить кабельное ТВ; 7. держать кого-либо в курсе; 8. отключаться, уходить от реальности; 9. международный; 10. серия.
    Exercise 5. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

    1. The average viewing time per family is over 26 hours a week. 2. There are two state channels: BBC1 and BBC2. 3. Advertisements are shown on all channels every 15-30 minutes. 4. British people can connect to free cable or satellite TV. 5. The programmes shown on British TV are of a very high standard.
    Exercise 6. Answer the following questions.

    1. How many channels are there in Britain? What are they? 2. What is the average viewing time per person in Great Britain? 3. What kinds of programmes do the British channels offer? 4. What do BBC1 and ITV tend to broadcast? 5. Do the British channels show adverts? 6. Do the British watch soaps? 7. What are the most popular soaps in Britain? 8. Can British people connect to cable or satellite TV? 9. What do the British think about their TV? 10. How do the British also call a television set?
    Exercise 7. Give a short summary of the text.
    Exercise 8. Now read and translate the text on Russian television. Use the dictionary when necessary.


    In the last quarter of the 20th century TV became probably the most important media for the Russian people, combining news, entertainment, and sometimes education. People learn the news from TV, watch movies, music concerts, and shows. TV viewers away from big cities see things on TV that they cannot see anywhere else. That means TV becomes both a friend and a companion to them and a window into the world.

    Russian television has over 10 channels which show all kinds of programmes: news and sports programmes, talk shows and quizzes, documentaries and feature films, soaps and police series, comedies and concerts. The main channels on Russian television are Pervyi (The First), Rossia (Russia), TVCentre and NTV. They offer TV viewers a variety of programmes; news and current affairs programmes, documentaries and feature films, soap operas and police series, game and talk shows, sports and children’s programmes. There’s also an official channel of Moscow government and a very nice government channel called “Kultura” – “Culture” that is intended to promote education and culture into masses.

    The most popular entertainment channels are STS, TNT and RenTV. STS is a mixture of cartoons and children’s programmes, serials and feature films. TNT and RenTV also combine cartoons, soaps and feature films, but they show a lot of comedy shows and sports programmes too. There are two specialized channels: MuzTV, which specializes in music, and 7TV, which appeals to the interests of sport-lovers.

    Thanks to satellites, TV viewers in Russia can increase their options and watch TV from different countries. Conventional television has to struggle to retain its audience, as people switch over to cable viewing, satellite TV or renting DVDs.

    Unfortunately, in contrast to British television, all channels in Russia show adverts. Advertising messages are usually included into films and serials, and people don’t like them very much because they find ads silly and boring. More than that, they find it very annoying when a film stops at the most interesting moment. That is because television companies get most of their money from advertising.

    Some people say that television is a terrible waste of time. Of course, there are TV addicts who watch TV for hours without choosing programmes. They spend time in front of television which they could spend talking to their friends and family. If you watch TV too much, your brain slips into the passive state and you forget about your duties. On the contrary, if you watch TV for an hour a day, to find out what is happening in the world or to relax, then television is really useful.

    Although Russian radio and television services are more serious than in the West, Russian television has changed along with the rest of the world; and many viewers, especially those of the older generation, complain that there is too much violence on TV. Before the 1990s most programmes were educational, but nowadays Russian TV has got many different soap operas and police series. But people want more than entertainment. They want up-to-date and accurate information, and TV is quick to accept the challenge.
    Exercise 9.Match each definition with the correct word. Translate the words into Russian and learn them by heart.

    1. an entertainment

    a) to contend, battle or fight;

    2. a quiz

    b) following the accepted customs and proprieties, especially in a way that lacks originality;

    3. a cartoon

    c) causing irritation or displeasure;

    4. to intend

    d) lacking in good sense, absurd;

    5. to offer

    e) the act or art of providing amusement for a person or audience;

    6. an addict

    f) an amusement in which the general or specific knowledge of the players is tested by a series of questions, especially as a radio or TV programme;

    7. to struggle

    g) a sequence of drawings in a newspaper, magazine, etc., relating a comic or adventurous situation;

    8. annoying

    h) to design or destine (for a certain purpose, person, etc.);

    9. conventional

    i) to present, to provide or make accessible;

    10. silly

    j) a person who becomes dependent.

    Exercise 10.Choose the right answer.

    1. Russian conventional television has:

    a) over 10 channels; b) over 100 channels;

    c) over 20 channels; d) over 200 channels.

    2. A government channel “Culture” promotes:

    a) entertainment; b) police series, sports and talk shows;

    c) education; d) thrillers.

    3) Conventional television has to struggle:

    a) for adverts; b) for viewers;

    c) for information; d) for channels.

    4) Television companies get most of their money:

    a) from audience; b) from other TV companies;

    c) from children; d) from advertising.

    5) Television is really useful if:

    a) you watch TV for 1 hour a month; b) you watch TV for 7 hours a week;

    c) you watch TV for 1 hour a week; d) you watch TV for 7 hours a month.

    6. Many viewers think that adverts are:

    a) boring and stupid; b) interesting and funny;

    c) amusing and silly; d) stupid and funny.

    7. TV addicts are those who:

    a) watch TV as others;

    b) don’t watch TV at all;

    c) watch TV too much without choosing programmes;

    d) don’t watch TV much.

    8. What are the main channels on Russian television?

    a) Pervyi, NTV, MuzTV, RenTV; b) Pervyi, Rossia, RenTV, STS;

    c) Pervyi, Rossia, TNT, STS; d) Pervyi, Rossia, NTV, TVCentre.

    9. What are the most popular entertainment channels?

    a) STS, NTV, 7TV; b) STS, “Kultura”, NTV;

    c) STS, TNT, RenTV; d) STS, 7TV, Pervyi.

    10. What does TV become to viewers away from big cities?

    a) an enemy and a door into the world; b) a friend and a window into the world;

    c) an enemy and a window into the world; d) a friend and a door into the world.

    Exercise 11. Fill in the gaps using the words given below, and translate the sentences into Russian.

    is (not) allowed depict households paying

    include entertainment to broadcast attracts

    features advertisers soap opera recent
    1. High-powered radio-frequency transmitters are used … the television signal to individual TV receivers. 2. The BBC always … the lion’s share of the audience. 3. In … years Internet television has seen the rise of television available by means of the Internet. 4. A variant version of reality shows … celebrities doing activities such as going about their everyday life or doing manual labor. 5. Television genres … a broad range of programming types that entertain, inform, and educate viewers. 6. The most expensive … genres to produce are usually drama and dramatic miniseries. 7. Talk shows … interviews with film, television and music celebrities and public figures. 8. Many television networks and stations sell blocks of broadcast time to … in order to fund their programming. 9. There are some other variants of the drama genre, such as medical dramas and daytime . 10. The BBC, being strictly non-commercial … to show advertisements on television in the UK. 11. Only the … subscribers have access to the decryption codes to watch pay television or specialty channels. 12. The BBC carries no television advertising on its UK channels and is funded by an annual television license paid by all … owning a television.
    Exercise 12. Match the verbs on the left with the nouns on the right. Make up sentences with the phrases you’ve got.

    1. to give

    2. to specialize

    3. to depict

    4. to promote

    5. to appeal

    6. to increase

    7. to slip

    8. to find

    9. to complain

    10. to accept

      1. the challenge;

      2. of much violence;

      3. adverts silly and boring;

      4. into the passive state;

      5. someone’s options;

      6. to the interests of viewers;

      7. education and culture;

      8. ordinary lives;

      9. in general programmes;

      10. an opportunity.

    Exercise 13. Choose the most suitable word in each sentence.

    1. Her paintings depict/describe the lives of ordinary people in the last century. 2. Readers of the magazine said they wanted more stories about ordinary/normal people and fewer stories about the rich and famous. 3. Advertising companies are always having to think up new ways to promote/buy products. 4. Do you think Dad will allow/suggest you to go to Jamie’s party? 5. Fish struggle/fight for survival when the water level drops in the lake. 6. Incidents of armed robbery have grown up/increased over the last few years. 7. It’s really boring/annoying when a train is late and there’s no explanation. 8. This is one of the country’s worst/foremost arts centres. 9. She organizes her financial affairs/work very efficiently. 10. It’s a programme designed to address/appeal mainly to 16 to 25 year-olds.

    Exercise 14. Write an essay on the given topics and retell it.

    1. British television.

    2. Russian television.

    3. Advantages and disadvantages of watching TV.
    Exercise 15. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

    1. Она проиграла битву за сохранение контроля над компанией. 2. Цена включает в себя завтрак, обед и ужин. 3. Зрители считают рекламу глупой и скучной. 4. Его роман – это точное отражение жизни в послевоенной Испании. 5. В России много телезависимых людей, которые часами смотрят телевизор. 6. Жизнь обычных людей изображена в различных сериалах. 7. Два государственных канала привлекают аудиторию разного возраста. 8. Взрослых беспокоит большое количество насилия на телевидении. 9. Кабельное и спутниковое телевидение платные, поэтому не все подключают эти каналы. 10. Канал «Культура» продвигает образование и культуру в массы.

    Once television was the main source of entertainment. It has become less popular recently. Do you watch TV? What is your favourite program?

    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10

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