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  • «УЛЬЯНОВСКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ» институт международных отношений

  • Егорова Э.В., Крашенинникова

  • Ульяновск 2019

  • Рецензент: доктор филологических наук, профессор Борисова С.А. Егорова Э.В.

  • © Ульяновский государственный университет, 2019 © Егорова Э.В., Крашенинникова Н.А., 2019

  • Warm up

  • READING Exercise 3. Read and translate the text about Nicholas II. Use the dictionary when necessary. NICHOLAS II

  • Exercise 4. Consult the text and find English equivalents to the words combination.

  • Exercise 5. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

  • Exercise 6. Answer the following questions .

  • Exercise 7. Give a short summary of the text. Exercise 8. Now read and translate the text about Margaret Thatcher. Use the dictionary when necessary. MARGARET THATCHER

  • Exercise 9 . Match each definition with the correct word. Translate the words into Russian and learn them by heart.

  • Exercise 10 .

  • COMPREHENSION Exercise 11 . Fill in the gaps using the words given below, and translate the sentences into Russian.

  • Exercise 12. a) Match the verbs on the left with the nouns on the right.

  • Exercise 13. Choose the most suitable word in each sentence.

  • WRITING AND COMMUNICATION Exercise 14. Write an essay on the given topics and retell it.

  • Учебное пособие для бакалавриата и специалитета Ульяновск 2019 ббк 81. 432. 19я73 удк 811. 111(075. 8) Е30

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    федеральное Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования


    институт международных отношений

    кафедра английского языка для профессиональной деятельности
    Егорова Э.В., Крашенинникова Н.А.
    General English:

    общий курс английского языка

    (Часть I)
    Учебное пособие для бакалавриата и специалитета



    ББК 81.432.1-9я73

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    Печатается по решению

    Ученого совета Института международных отношений

    Ульяновского государственного университета

    доктор филологических наук, профессор Борисова С.А.

    Егорова Э.В.

    Е-30 General English: общий курс английского языка для студентов вузов (Часть I) / Э.В. Егорова, Н.А. Крашенинникова. – Ульяновск: УлГУ, 2019. – 88 c.
    Учебное пособие содержит методически организованные аутентичные англоязычные тексты и упражнения по развитию соответствующих компетенций. Пособие носит обучающий, развивающий и познавательный характер. Пособие предназначено для студентов 1 и 2 курсов очной и очно-заочной форм обучения неязыковых факультетов вузов. Может также быть использовано для самостоятельной работы при подготовке к экзаменам по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»
    ББК 81.432.1-9я73

    УДК 811.111(075.8)

    © Ульяновский государственный университет, 2019

    © Егорова Э.В., Крашенинникова Н.А., 2019


    При подготовке данного пособия авторы-составители руководствовались требованиями, предъявляемыми к формированию коммуникативных умений на иностранном языке в Российских вузах в рамках первой ступени высшего образования (бакалавриат, специалитет).

    Учебное пособие содержит методически организованные аутентичные англоязычные тексты и упражнения по развитию соответствующих компетенций. Пособие носит обучающий, развивающий и познавательный характер и предназначено для студентов 1-го и 2-го курсов очной и очно-заочной форм обучения неязыковых факультетов вузов. Учебное пособие может быть также использовано для самостоятельной работы студентов при подготовке к экзаменам по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

    Целью данного учебного пособия является совершенствование языковых компетенций, а также овладение учащимися навыками речи, включая перевод текста. Учебное пособие состоит из двух частей. Каждая часть включает 10 уроков (Units), содержащих по 2 аутентичных текста, а также ряд упражнений лексического и грамматического характера, способствующих выработке у студентов практических умений и навыков работы с текстом. Темы, представленные в учебном пособии, затрагивают достаточно широкий круг проблем. Каждый урок заканчивается Project Work (Проект), целью которого является организация самостоятельной работы студентов неязыковых факультетов.

    Учебное пособие соответствует сетке учебного плана по иностранному языку на неязыковых факультетах вуза. Авторы полагают, что данное учебное пособие будет интересно и полезно студентам, проявляющим интерес к английскому языку.

    Unit 1.


    Warm up

    Exercise 1. Read and translate the following words and word combinations. Learn them by heart.

    To be born; to be engaged; to be tutored; to introduce; an heir; to die; to give birth; a couple; a gift; to be shot dead.
    Exercise 2. Match the English words on the left with their Russian equivalents on the right. Learn the words by heart.

    1. childhood

    a) поражение;

    2. a discussion

    b) спорить;

    3. a servant

    c) обсуждение;

    4. a defeat

    d) казнить;

    5. a disaster

    e) правление;

    6. to reign

    f) происходить;

    7. to execute

    g) решение;

    8. to argue

    h) катастрофа;

    9. a decision

    i) детство;

    10. to occur

    j) прислуга.


    Exercise 3. Read and translate the text about Nicholas II. Use the dictionary when necessary.


    Nicholas II (1868–1918) from the Romanovs dynasty was the last Russian Emperor, also known as Bloody Nicholas. Nikolay Aleksandrovich Romanov was born in Tsarskoe Selo, St. Petersburg on May 6, 1868. He was the eldest son of Emperor Alexander III and Maria Fyodorovna, daughter of the King of Denmark.

    In childhood Nikolay was tutored by an English teacher and learned to speak English fluently. Later he showed gift for languages by speaking German, French and Danish. Outstanding professors, political and military figures were among his teachers, yet the young heir appeared to have little interest in studies. The future Emperor was much more inclined to military service (he was an officer), which he liked and appreciated. The father wanted to introduce him to State business by taking the young man to State Council sessions from May 1889, yet political discussions just made Nicholas bored.

    In October 1890 Nikolay undertook an overseas journey to the Far East via Greece, Egypt, India, China and Japan. When visiting a Japanese temple the heir to Russian throne was nearly killed by a religious fanatic who felt outrage by seeing foreign infidels in that holy place. The event left Nicholas with a scar on his forehead and a strong dislike for Japan, later bringing him to willingly support the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905.

    In April 1894 Nicholas was engaged to Princess Alix of Hesse-Darmstadt, granddaughter of Queen Victoria of Great Britain. After conversion to Orthodoxy the bride was named Alexandra Fyodorovna. Alexander III unexpectedly died of kidney disease in October 1894, aged 49. The coronation ceremony held on May 14, 1896 was clouded by a somewhat absurd tragedy: almost a half million crowd of spectators was gathered at a small area of Khodynskoe Field and in the crush and rush after refreshments about a thousand of people perished or were hurt.

    Nicholas II and Alexandra loved each other; between 1885 and 1901 they had four daughters. In the hope of giving birth to a son, i.e. an heir to the throne, the royal couple took to religion. Finally in July 1904 son Alexei was born, unfortunately, afflicted with the incurable hereditary disease of hemophilia.

    In home policy the government of Nicholas II consistently suppressed any manifestations of free-thinking and social activity. At the same time they hoped that “a small victorious war” with Japan, which attacked Russia in a dispute over far eastern territories, would help solve the domestic problems. Yet, everything turned the other way round, since the disastrous defeats at Port Arthur and Tsushima, where about 400,000 Russian soldiers were killed, wounded or captured, aggravated people’s resentment and precipitated the revolution in Russia. In addition to that, Bloody Sunday occurred in January, 1905 when Tsarist troops fired on peaceful demonstrators who were petitioning Nicholas II for a redress of perceived grievances.

    World War I played fatal role in the train of failures and disasters that fell on the reign of Nicholas II. The lesson of the military defeat by Japan prompted that another war could bring about another revolution. When Russia joined the Alliance against Germany attacking in World War I, the Emperor assumed the Supreme Commander-in-Chief post trying to elevate the army’s competitive spirit.

    Meanwhile devastation and social crisis were swelling at the home front of the Russian Empire. When the February Revolution broke down in Petrograd (Saint Petersburg) Nicholas was at the headquarters in Moghilyov. He decided to dragoon the rebels. Next morning (on February 27, 1917) he started off for Tsarskoe Selo, where his wife and children were staying. Yet, the troops did not obey his orders and his train was not let to the rebellious capital. Commanders of the fronts and the Baltic navy wired to Nicholas the advice to abdicate the throne in favour of his son Alexei with the regency of Nicholas’ brother. Finally he had to sign a manifesto naming his brother, Grand Duke Michael, as the next Emperor of Russia. On March 7 the Provisional Government formed by the Parliament (Duma) issued an order to arrest Nikolay Romanov and his wife. In the early August 1917 the former Emperor with his family and servants was exiled to Tobolsk. In May 1918 Tsar’s family was taken to Yekaterinburg and put under home arrest.

    The Civil War made Bolshevik leaders throw aside their initial plan for legal process on the tsar’s case. When the counter-revolutionary White Army legions were approaching Ekaterinburg it was decided to execute Nicholas and his family. Historians still argue about whose decision it was and what was the exact order. On the night of July 4, 1918 the former Emperor, all his family members and their servants were shot dead in a small room on the ground floor of Ipatiev House.
    Exercise 4. Consult the text and find English equivalents to the words combination.

    1. бегло разговаривать на английском; 2. тяготеть к военной службе; 3. умереть от почечной недостаточности; 4. королевская чета; 5. решать проблемы; 6. череда неудач и катастроф; 7. развивать дух соревнования; 8. отречься от престола в пользу сына; 9. быть изгнанным; 10. брать частные уроки.
    Exercise 5. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

    1. Nikolay Romanov was inclined to studying languages. 2. Nikolay and his wife took to religion because of the train of failures and disasters. 3. Nikolay’s father was executed. 4. Nicholas had four daughters and a son. 5. In the war with Japan for far eastern territories a lot of Russian soldiers were killed, wounded and captured.
    Exercise 6. Answer the following questions.

    1. When and where was Nikolay Romanov born? 2. What was he interested in? 3. What event made Nikolay dislike Japan? 4. What happened on May14, 1896? 5. What events gave Nikolay a nickname “Bloody”? 6. What disease did Nikolay suffer? 7. What was the reason for the war with Japan? 8. Why is Sunday (January, 1905) called Bloody? 9. Why did Nikolay abdicate the throne? 10. When and how was Nikolay and his family killed?
    Exercise 7. Give a short summary of the text.
    Exercise 8. Now read and translate the text about Margaret Thatcher. Use the dictionary when necessary.


    Margaret Thatcher was born on October 13th 1925 in Grantham to Alfred Roberts, who was a grocer, lay preacher and local mayor. She developed an early interest in politics and, when studying chemistry at Oxford, became president of the Oxford Conservative Association. She graduated in 1946 and worked for four years as a research chemist, but she studied law when not in work and became a barrister in 1954. In 1951 she married Denis Thatcher, having two twin children by him.

    Thatcher first stood for Parliament in 1950, but won her first election campaign in 1959, winning the “seat” of Finchley in London, which she held until she retired in 1992. She rose within the ranks of the Conservative Party, holding a variety of positions, and entered the Shadow Cabinet in 1967. In 1970 she became the Minister for Education, advocating an increase in spending on education and the creation of more comprehensive schools, but she rose to public prominence after cancelling a programme providing free milk to primary school children which led to the nickname “Thatcher the Milk Snatcher”.

    After the Conservative Party lost both general elections in 1974, she defeated Edward Heath for the leadership of the party. She was elected Prime Minister in May 1979 and served for eleven and a half years, longer than any other British Prime Minister in the 20th Century. During her tenure, she cut taxes, privatized state-industries and state-housing, reformed the education, health and welfare systems, was tough on crime and espoused traditional values. Her time in office was eventful, having to contend with an economic recession, inner-city riots and a miners’ strike. Her first great triumph in office was the Falklands War in 1982, when she sent British troops to reclaim British possessions off the coast of South America that had been invaded and occupied by Argentina. The British won that war and it showed the world that Britain was once again a power to be reckoned with. Her time in office saw unprecedented economic prosperity.

    Forging a close relationship with US President Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher expressed a strong anti-communism and portrayed the USSR as an evil which should be opposed. A 1976 speech, in which she roundly condemned communism, earned her the nickname “The Iron Lady” in the Soviet media, and the West soon adopted it.

    It was she who persuaded President George Bush to send troops to Saudi Arabia right after Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990.

    The Poll Tax and her refusal to endorse a common currency for Europe led the Conservative party to force her out of office in a bloody internal coup. She was forced to resign as Prime Minister in November 1990. Since she left office, she was introduced to the House of Lords in 1992 as Baroness Thatcher.

    Following several years of poor health, Thatcher died on the morning of 8 April 2013 at The Ritz Hotel in London after suffering a stroke. She had been staying at a suite in the hotel since December 2012 after having difficulty with stairs at her Chester Square home.

    Reactions to the news of Thatcher’s death were mixed, ranging from tributes lauding her as Britain’s greatest-ever peacetime Prime Minister to public celebrations and expressions of personalised vitriol. Details of her funeral were agreed with her in advance. In line with her wishes she received a ceremonial funeral, including full military honours, with a church service at St Paul’s Cathedral on 17 April 2013. Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip attended the funeral, the second time in the Queen’s reign that she had attended the funeral of a former prime minister.
    Exercise 9.Match each definition with the correct word. Translate the words into Russian and learn them by heart.

    1. to graduate

    a) to give someone something that they need;

    2. election

    b) ability to control people and events;

    3. to retire

    c) to complete a first university degree successfully;

    4. power

    d) an occasion when you show your admiration of someone or something;

    5. prosperity

    e) a time when people vote in order to choose someone for a political or official job;

    6. a relationship

    f) the situation of being successful and having a lot of money;

    7. a celebration

    g) a (usually religious) ceremony of burying or burning the body of a dead person;

    8. a funeral

    h) the way in which two things or people are connected;

    9. to provide

    i) something that happens, especially something that involves several people;

    10. an event

    j) to leave your job or stop working because of old age or ill health.

    Exercise 10.Choose the right answer.

    1. When was Margaret Thatcher born?

    a) in 1925; b) in 1954;

    c) in 1946; d) in 1951.

    2. What did Margaret Thatcher work as after graduation?

    a) a barrister; b) a research chemist;

    c) a lawyer; d) the president of the Oxford Conservative association.

    3. When did she win her first election company?

    a) in 1967; b) in 1970;

    c) in 1950; d) in 1959.

    4. What position did she hold in 1970?

    a) Minister of Education; b) President of the Oxford Conservative Association;

    c) Prime Minister; d) Conservative Party member.

    5. What was the most memorable decree of Thatcher as a Minister of Education?

    a) creation of more comprehensive schools;

    b) an increase in spending on education;

    c) cancelling a programme providing free milk to primary school children;

    d) reforms of the education system.

    6. When did Margaret become a Prime Minister?

    a) in 1970; b) in 1974;

    c) in 1979; d) in 1982.

    7. What event showed that Britain had a power?

    a) the victory in the Falklands war;

    b) a speech in which Margaret condemned communism;

    c) the Poll tax and Margaret’s refusal to endorse a common currency for Europe;

    d) reforms in the education, health and welfare system.

    8. Why was Margaret forced out of office?

    a) she had close relationship with US president;

    b) she persuaded George Bush to send troops to Saudi Arabia;

    c) she expressed a strong anti-communism;

    d) she refused to endorse a common currency for Europe.

    9. Why was she called “The Iron Lady”?

    a) because of a speech in which Margaret condemned communism;

    b) she cut taxes and reformed the education and health system;

    c) she cancelled a programme providing free milk to primary school children;

    d) she persuaded George Bush to send troops to Saudi Arabia.

    10. When did Margaret Thatcher die?

    a) in 2012; b) in 2013;

    c) in 1990; d) in 1992.

    Exercise 11. Fill in the gaps using the words given below, and translate the sentences into Russian.

    power argue introduce relationship

    retire defeated won discussion

    decisions prosperity engaged funerals

    1. I would like to … you to my friend Michael. 2. Russian army was … in the war with Japan. 3. He is planning to … from politics next year. 4. Her … isn’t good with her father, but she is very close to her mother. 5. In many countries it is a convention to wear black at …. 6. Sometimes managers need to make … quickly. 7. A countries future … depends on the quality of education of its people. 8. They used to … all the time and now they’ve practically stopped talking to each other. 9. She told me she’d been … three times, but had never actually married. 10. There was some lively … at the meeting. 11. Most modern kings and queens rule only in a formal way without real … . 12. They … the war, although it cost them millions of lives.
    Exercise 12. a) Match the verbs on the left with the nouns on the right.

    1. to die

    2. to speak

    3. to be inclined

    4. to retire

    5. to give birth

    6. to be introduced

    7. to solve

    8. to make

    9. to hold

    10. to abdicate

    a) English fluently;

    b) the problem;

    c) to twins;

    d) elections;

    e) of a serious disease;

    f) the throne;

    g) from the company;

    h) to the guests;

    i) a decision;

    j) to foreign languages.

    b) In the sentences below replace the Russian expressions with the phrases you have got. Use these expressions in the necessary form.

    1. Nikolay’s father (умер от серьезной болезни). 2. I’ve been trying (решить проблему) all week, but I haven’t cracked it yet. 3. The authorities (приняли решение) to move UN troops in to try and stop the fighting. 4. Nikolay II (отрекся от трона) in favour of his brother. 5. At university my sister learned (бегло разговаривать на английском). 6. My sister (родила близнецов). 7. Most students of our group (склонны к изучению иностранных языков). 8. When I arrived at the party I (был представлен гостям). 9. Is it really necessary (проводить выборы) every three years. 10. My father had to (уволиться из компании) because of poor working conditions.
    Exercise 13. Choose the most suitable word in each sentence.

    1. Should the government do more to help young couples/pairs buy their own homes. 2. He has a present/gift for languages. 3. Children are routinely studied/tutored for hours after school. 4. Lorna graduated/finished from the University of London. 5. The town’s centennial event/celebration will begin with a parade. 6. This booklet supplies/provides useful information about local services. 7. She is depressed by her continued failure/disaster to find a job. 8. I’d like to speak English fluently/easily. 9. With the election/choice of a new leader, the country became relatively stable. 10. An accident involving over ten vehicles appeared/occurred in the east-bound lane.

    Exercise 14. Write an essay on the given topics and retell it.

    1. My biography.

    2. The biography of a famous Russian person.

    3. The biography of a famous British person.
    Exercise 15. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

    1. Ученые до сих пор пытаются решить проблемы загрязнения окружающей среды. 2. Я принял решение уйти на пенсию рано, а затем жить за границей. 3. У президента больше полномочий (власти), чем у премьер-министра. 4. Их первая попытка решить проблему потерпела неудачу. 5. Отель предоставляет игровую комнату для детей. 6. Процветание страны зависит от того, кто победит на выборах. 7. На прошлой неделе произошло грандиозное событие. Я и мой парень обручились. 8. Перед поступлением в университет я брала частные уроки по биологии. 9. Мы продали наш дом пожилой паре. 10. Судья спросил свидетеля, какие отношения связывали его с жертвой. 11. На вечеринке меня познакомили с владельцем ресторана. 12. После окончания университета я могла бегло разговаривать на английском. 13. Наполеон был сражен в битве при Ватерлоо. 14. На свадьбу пришли более двухсот человек.

    Many Russian people are famous all over the world. Choose the person you admire and make a presentation about him/her. Pay attention to the most interesting facts in his life, biography and achievements.

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