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Учебное пособие Кривцова, Кочетова. Учебное пособие для обучающихся по техническим и экономическим направлениям подготовки бакалавров

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The Climate of the British Isles

Like the scenery, the climate is not remarkable for great extremes. The winters are mild and the summers are not particularly warm, judged by Continental standards. A joker once said that the English climate was the best in the world, but the weather was terrible. The weather is certainly rather unpredictable, and yet in a way this gives it a charm of its own - which you may not appreciate if you are caught in a shower of rain without a waterproof, or find yourself driving in a thick fog.

Why is the climate so mild, even though the British Isles are situated as far north as, for example, Labrador? One reason is the Gulf Stream, and the prevailing westerly winds (or south-westerly) from the Atlantic, and another is the fact that Britain is an island.

The result is that on practically every day of the year, in every season, English people have always been able to spend part of the time out of doors. And perhaps it explains why the English are so fond of games and have invented so many different ways of amusing themselves in the open air. Snow and frost are not the permanent feature of the winter scene to most Englishmen, nor is it ever so warm in summer that people have to take a siesta, as they do, for instance, in Italy and Spain.

Take a look at the map of the British Isles. You will also see that, running rather like a spine or backbone down from the Scottish Border to somewhere in the middle of England, we have a line of hills known as the Pennines. As a rule the land to the west has a much higher rainfall than the land to the east of this line of hills.

Choose the correct variant:

1. What is the climate of the British Isles?

a) The climate is remarkable for great extremes.

b) The climate is temperate and humid.

c) The climate is not remarkable for great extremes.

d) The climate of GB is varied.
2. What are the summers?

a) The summers are hot.

b) The summers are not warm.

c) The summers are short and wet.

d) The summers are windy.
3. What is the weather on the isles?

a) The weather is always nice.

b) The weather is stable.

c) It is constantly raining.

d) The weather is certainly rather unpredictable.
4. Why is the climate so mild?

a) Because of the warm currents.

b) Because of Labrador.

c) Because of the Gulf Stream.

d) Because of the Atlantic Ocean.
5. When do Englishmen have to take a siesta?

a) At the dinner time.

b) In Summer.

c) In the middle of the day.

d) They don’t have to.
Decide if the statements are True or False:

6. A joker once said that the English climate was the best in the world, but the weather was terrible.

7. English people have always been able to spend part of the time drinking tea.

8. The English are fond of indoor games.

9. The Scottish Border is a line of hills known as the Pennines.

10. The winters are mild and the summers are not particularly warm.






Time expressions

Present Perfect может употребляться с обстоятельственными словами, обозначающими период времени, который еще не закончился:


this week (month, year) на этой неделе, в этом месяце, в этом году.

Часто употребляется с наречиями неопределенного времени и частотности: never   никогда

ever   когда-либо

often   часто

seldom  редко

already   уже

just только что

lately в последнее время, недавно

by now уже, к настоящему времени

up to now до настоящего момента

yet еще (в вопросах и отрицаниях)

Past Perfect обозначает действие, завершившееся до определенного момента в прошлом.

By (к), by that time (к тому времени)

ever   когда-либо

often   часто

seldom  редко

already   уже

just только что

lately в последнее время, недавно

by now уже, к настоящему времени

up to now до настоящего момента

yet еще (в вопросах и отрицаниях)

Обычно время, до которого завершится будущее действие, обозначено в предложении при помощи выражений by (к), by then (к тому времени, тогда), by the time (к тому времени), before (до) и пр. Союзы until / till используются только в отрицательных предложениях.



You have spoiled everything. Ты все испортил. (все испорчено сейчас)


By six o’clock on Sunday I had already learned all the words. (К шести часам в воскресенье я уже выучил все слова.)

She had just made coffee when I arrived


We will have finished the report by the evening. (Мы закончим подготовку доклада к вечеру)



I haven’t seen Peter today. (Я не видел Петра сегодня)


I hadn’t read the book by Saturday. (Я еще не прочитал эту книгу к субботе.)


I won’t have read the book until next month. (Я не дочитаю книгу до следующего месяца.)



Have you already done your homework? Ты уже сделал домашнюю работу?


Had you known about it before I left? (Ты уже знал об этом до того как я ушел?)


Will we have built our new house by the beginning of the next year? (Мы достроим наш новый дом к началу следующего года?)

7. Insert have/has + one of the following verbs in the 3d form.

Break, buy, finish, do, go, go, lose, paint, read, take

“Are they still having dinner?” “No, they have finished.”

I _____________ some new shoes. Do you want to see them?

“Is Tom here?” “No, he _____________ to work.”

“__________ you __________ the shopping” “No, I’m going to do it later.”

“Where’s your key?” “I don’t know. I _____________ it.”

Look! Somebody _____________ that window.

Your house looks different. __________ you __________ it?

I can’t find my umbrella. Somebody _____________ it.

I’m looking for Sarah. Where __________ she __________?

“Do you want the newspaper?” “No, thanks. I _____________ it.”

8. Make up questions using Have you ever …?

  1. (to be / to Paris?) Have you ever been to Paris?

  2. (play / golf?) Have you ever played golf?

  3. (to be / to Australia?) _______________?

  4. (lose / your passport?) _______________?

  5. (sleep / in the park?) _______________?

  6. (eat / Chinese food?) _______________?

  7. (to be / to New York?) _______________?

  8. (win / a lot of money?) _______________?

  9. (break / your leg?) _______________?

  10. (run / a marathon?) _______________?

  11. (speak / to famous people?) _______________?

  12. (live / in another town) _______________?

9. Make these sentences negative and interrogative.

1. Jack has washed the dog.

2. Father has already cleaned his car.

3. Mr Snowdon has made a speech at the conference.

4. Granny has bought me some cakes.

5. They have paintedtheir old house.

6. Liz has bought some flowers.

7. My sister has just cooked breakfast for the family.

8. The cat has already eaten fish.

9. Mrs Gracy have gone to London.

10. I have never been to India.

10. Use Past Perfect Tense of the verbs and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Joe began to work on his own project after the company … (to fire) him.

2. … (to hear) the news on the radio before you saw the program on TV?

3. Jacob didn’t want to read the book because he … (to see) already the movie.

4. The match … (to begin) already when we … (to enter) the stadium.

5. Until Susan … (to meet) Jeremy, she never … (to fall) in love.

6. Mr. Smith … (to smoke) for year before he … (to decide) to give up this bad habit.

7. … (to drive) Kate ever on the highway by herself before that accident?

8. How many butterflies … (to catch) the boys by the time it started raining?

9. Parents … (to forbid) them to go to the forest, hadn’t they?

11. Open the brackets using Past Perfect. Mind! In some sentences Past Simple should be used!
1. When he (to come) home, his mother already (to cook) dinner.

2. When we (to come) to my friend’s house, he just (to leave).

3. When her husband (to enter) her office, she already (to finish) her work for that day.

4. Jennifer (to send) him an email after he (to call).

5. Andy (to ask) his friend before he (to propose) him his help.

6. We (to eat) a cake which I (to bring) an hour before.

7. My sister (to take) my dress which I (to buy) in Morocco.

8. I (to work) on the computer yesterday which I (to buy) a week ago.

9. I (to know) that my friend (not yet to complete) the test in the university.

10. Nick and his wife (to come) home from the theatre at five o’clock.
12. Open the brackets using Future Perfect.

1. We (to come) home by the evening tomorrow.

2. We (to finish) his project by the end of the next week?

3. She (to do) my homework by five o’clock tomorrow.

4. When I come home tomorrow, my family (to have) lunch.

5. When they (to come) to the party tomorrow, I (to cook) dinner. I (to finish) it by 5 pm.

6. If the weather is fine, we (to go) to the picnic.

7. You (to complete) the project by the end of the week?

8. What you (to do) by the end of the year?

9. What you (to make) by five o’clock tomorrow?

10. You (to finish playing) tennis by 7 pm?

11. You (to do) this project by next Friday?
13. Open the brackets using Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect.

1. By the time you _eceive this letter I (finish) my final exams.

2. He (write) 3 reports on an accident when his mother called.

3.I don’t think I (do) these exercises by 3 o’clock.

4. He was looking forward to a good meal at home, but Jill (go) out.

5. Your house looks nice. You (paint) it?

6. After we (discuss) all details on the phone I wrote a letter about it.

7. Before my 18th birthday I (not/be) out of England.

8. It is the easiest job I (ever/have).

9. I fell better after I (take) the medicine.

10. I (not/be) there for ages.

11. She (tidy up) the flat before he comes.

12. I was late. The teacher already (give) a quiz when I came into the classroom.

13. The workers (ship) the goods before the telegram arrives.

14. I am here for an hour. Where you (be)?

15. When I got to the station, the 9 o’clock train (already/leave).





Great Seal

1. Answer the following questions:

How many stars are there in the American flag?

What do they mean?

What bird is depicted in the Great Seal?


2. Read and memorize the active vocabulary to the text “The United States of America”.

1. Residents – жители

2. increase – повышаться

3. tourist attraction – достопримечательность

4. industry – промышленность

5. gas extraction – добыча газа

6. subsequent – последовательный

7. representative – представитель

8. destination – пункт назначения

9. elections – выборы

10. entertainment - развлечение


3. Read the text and underline or mark the main ideas of this text.

The United States of America

The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world after Russia, Canada and China. It is situated in North America and is bordered on Canada and Mexico. The history of the country dates back to the 17th century when the first English settlement was established in 1602. It was the beginning of New England colonies consisting of 4 states only.

The USA consists of 50 states and the District of Columbia which is home to the capital of the country – Washington D.C. Two states – Alaska and Hawaii – are separated from the mainland. The total area of the USA is around 9 mln square kilometers. More than 250 million people live in this country. Their national language is English, although a large part of current American residents are immigrants who speak their native languages.

Due to the fact, that the territory of the USA spreads from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean, the climate of the country varies greatly depending on the geographical position. Moreover, winter temperatures in northern states may reach 40 degrees below zero. At the same time summer temperatures in southern states may increase up to 49 degrees above zero.

The territory of the USA is crossed by the Mississippi river which is the longest in the world. 5 Great lakes in the north of the country on the border with Canada are a popular tourist attraction. Western part of the country is bound by the Rocky Mountains or the Rockies. Central states are situated on the Great Plains.

A wide variety of landscape and climatic zones has determined the country’s industry and agriculture. In the USA farming is devoted to raising such plants as corn, sunflowers, tomatoes and many others. The major industrial fields are automobiles, oil and gas extraction and sustainable energy.

The United States of America is a democratic country with two ruling parties – the Democrats and the Republicans. Both parties propose a candidate for presidency. A president is elected once in four years and can serve no more than two subsequent terms. The highest legislative body of the country is the Congress which consists of two chambers – the House of Representatives and the Senate.

The judicial branch of the federal government consists of the Supreme Court and the system of federal courts.

The executive power is concentrated in the hands of the President, Vice-President and the President’s Cabinet. The President is elected for four years of service. The present day President of the USA is Baraq Obama, the representative of the Democratic Party.

If you travel to the USA it’s worth considering the following destinations: Washington D.C., Boston, New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Los Angeles. These cities present a wide range of attractions and entertainment, such as Hollywood, the Wall Street, the Statue of Liberty, the Library of Congress, the White House and many others.


4. Answer the questions:

1. How large is America? 2. Where is it situated? 3. What countries does it border on? 4. How many states were there in 1602? 5. What is the climate of the country? 6. What is the main river of the USA? 7. What oceans wash the shores of the USA? 8. How many states are in the USA? 9. What is the national language? 10. What do you know about the political system of the country?
5. Prepare a report about any city of the USA (not less then 50 words). Use additional sources of information.
6. Make up the plan of the text and retell it according to the plan (not less then 100 words).

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