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  • Parent-Teacher Meetings”

  • Why Parent-Teacher Meetings Are Important

  • Reading Comprehension I.

  • Ask and answer questions about your child’s life

  • Questions to ask if your child is having trouble in sch

  • Unit 13 Topic “Are Parents Good Teachers of Their Children”

  • Are Parents Good Teachers of Their Children

  • Parenting: the Most Important Job on the Planet

  • Учебное_пособие_КП_профессиональный. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов педагогического колледжа по специальности Коррекционная педагогика в начальном образовании

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    Reading Comprehension

    I. Give the Russian equivalents to the corresponding English ones.

    School-family partnerships, to raise one’s academic achievement, the great diversity, home environment, increased motivation for learning, positive attitude, parental involvement, relevant information, two-way communication, homework hotlines, the needs of particular families and their schedules.

    II. Give the back translation.

    Стратегии общения, вечерние программы обучения, дни открытых дверей, делиться соответствующей информацией, единый способ общения, разнообразные стратегии, личный контакт, помогать и поддерживать своих детей, положительный настрой, поведение.

    III. Write down the pairs of synonyms.

    1) involvement

    a) to take into account

    2) to affect

    b) gain

    3) interaction

    c) to trust

    4) to consider

    d) success

    5) benefit

    e) important

    6) essential

    f) participation

    7) accomplishment

    g) to influence

    8) to rely

    h) cooperation

    IV. Continue the sentences.

    1. Successful communication is essential for ____________.

    2. Parents can help with their children’s school problems ____________.

    3. Parents can be involved in their children’s education by ____________.

    4. Parental involvement can free teachers to focus on the task ____________.

    5. The more parents and teachers share relevant information with each other about a student, ____________.

    6. Opportunities for effective two-way communication include ____________.

    7. Personal contact, including conferences, home visits, telephone calls, and curriculum nights or open houses, is the most effective form ____________.

    V. Answer the questions.

    1. What is essential for building school-family partnerships?

    2. What can benefit parents?

    3. Positive communication and interaction with parents affects their involvement with their children’s learning, doesn’t it?

    4. What are three categories of teachers’ remarks in communicating with parents?

    5. How can parents’ involvement benefit students?

    6. What are advantages for children when parents become involved?

    7. How can parental involvement benefit teachers?

    8. What can opportunities for good two-way communication include?

    9. What are the most effective and familiar forms of parent-teacher communication?

    Parent-Teacher Meetings”
    Warm-up Task: Answer some of the questions on the topic.

    1. Is it important to hold parent-teacher meetings at primary school regularly?

    2. Why do you think so?

    3. How often is it necessary to hold the meetings in your opinion?

    4. Parent-teacher meetings are something all kids are scared of, aren’t they? What are the reasons?

    5. Have you ever been at the parent-teacher meetings at school?

    6. Have you ever hold the parent-teacher meetings at primary school?

    Why Parent-Teacher Meetings Are Important?

    Parent-teacher meetings play a significant role in enhancing a child’s education. It is an effective way for both; parents as well as teachers to discuss how the child has been doing in school. This includes how he/she is learning, actively participating in activities, his/her physical, mental and emotional development.

    Parent-teacher meetings are something all kids are scared of. But often these meetings can be used as a mode of motivating kids to do better. This can be done by appreciating the children in front of their parents when they come to the meeting. This will lead to children understanding that their good behaviour in school does not go unnoticed, that everything they do is being observed. This serves a dual purpose; children will be motivated to put on their best behaviour and will think twice before engaging in mischievous activities.

    Parent-teacher meeting works as a connecting link between parents and teachers as the parents know how the child behaves and is doing at home while the teachers would know about their behaviour at school. The union of the teacher’s feedback and parent’s concern can immensely help a child’s educational journey. Based on the feedback received from the teacher, parents can coax children in doing activities that are beneficial for them, help them come out of cocoon if they are shy at school and help in their overall development.

    These meetings can also be a great way of bridging the communication gap between parents and teachers. The parents can express their concerns to the teachers regarding where in what areas do they feel their child’s growth and development hampered.

    A few things parents should keep in mind when attending a parent-teacher meeting:

    1. For starters, make sure you don’t miss the meeting due to your work schedules. Work is a priority, we understand. But so is your child’s education. The responsibility of attending the parent-teacher meeting is not just on one parent, but both.

    2. Always be on time. Take into consideration the fact that your child’s teacher has to meet the parents of all her class students. He/she would have a brief window of time for each student’s parents. It is, after all, a teacher’s duty to treat all children as equals.

    3. When your child’s teacher is giving feedback, take it into serious consideration. Remember, the child’s education is a partnership between the parents and his/her teacher.

    4. Take a notepad with you and take notes wherever you feel the need to.

    5. Share a few things about your child with the teacher — interests, strengths, favourite hobbies to help the teacher know your child better.

    6. Ask the teacher all the questions you have and then ask how you can be a part of your child’s progress?

    7. Make the most of this time by focusing on your child’s learning.

    8. Lastly, don’t forget to thank the teacher for his/her time and the work they do.

    1. to enhance (v) – [ɪn´hɑːns] – усиливать, повышать, увеличивать

    2. to appreciate (v) – [ə´priːʃieɪt] – ценить, оценивать

    3. unnoticed (adj) – [ʌn´nəʊtɪst] – незамеченный

    4. feedback (n) – [ˈfiːdbæk] – обратная связь, ответная реакция

    5. immensely (adv) – [ɪ´mensli] – безмерно, очень, чрезвычайно

    6. to coax (v) – [kəʊks] – уговаривать, задобрить, упрашивать

    7. beneficial (adj) – [ˏbenɪ´fɪʃəl] – полезный, выгодный, благотворный

    8. cocoon (n) – [kə´kuːn] – кокон

    9. consideration (n) – [kənˏsɪdə´reɪʃn] – рассмотрение, внимание, соображение

    10. to focus on (v) – [´fəʊkəs] – сосредоточится на
    Reading Comprehension

    I. Read the keywords and make sure you do understand their meanings.

    Meeting due, child behaves, meeting works, effective way, parents, good behaviour, work schedules, significant role, favourite hobbies, communication gap, educational journey, mental and emotional development, serious consideration, mischievous activities.

    II. Give the back translation.

    Для начала, активное участие, двойная цель, короткий промежуток времени, связующее звено, которого следует бояться, забота родителей, образовательная траектория ребенка, ответственность, партнерство, выйти из кокона, поделиться несколькими вещами, относиться ко всем детям как к равным.

    III. Discuss with your group mates.

    1. What should be discussed in a parent teacher meeting?

    2. What is the purpose of parent teacher meetings?

    3. What should a parent ask at a primary school parent teacher meeting?

    4. Are parent teacher meetings necessary? Prove your ideas.

    IV. Questions to Ask at a Parent-Teacher Conference

    Building a healthy partnership with your child’s teacher can make all the difference in his school experience, so you’ll want to make sure you’re asking the right questions when you meet.

    12 questions to ask during a parent-teacher conference

    Ask and answer questions about your child’s life

    1. May I tell you about my child?

    2. May I tell you about what’s going on at home?

    3. How is my child doing socially?

    4. How is my child doing emotionally?

    Ask about your child’s academic performance

    5. What are my child’s academic strengths and weaknesses?

    6. Is my child performing on grade level?

    7. What do academic performance assessments mean?

    8. Does my child need extra help in any areas?

    Questions to ask if your child is having trouble in school

    9. May I share a concern?

    10. Can you fill me in on a particular situation?

    11. How can I help at home to support what you’re doing in the classroom?

    12. What’s the best way to communicate with you?

    Unit 13

    Topic Are Parents Good Teachers of Their Children?
    Warming up activities: Oral speech on the topic

    Warm-up Task: Answer some of the questions on the topic suggested.

    1. Who was the first teacher in your life?

    2. Why parents are the first teachers?

    3. Why do you think so?

    4. What things do parents teach us from childhood?

    5. What is the most important lesson your parents have taught you?

    6. Do you copy the parents’ habits and traits in your opinion? What are they? Give the example.

    Reading for detail

     Read the article and make sure that you understand the meaning of the words given below.

    Are Parents Good Teachers of Their Children?
    Some people claim that parents are the best teachers ever, whereas others say that parents love their children too much to be good teachers.

    I think that parents are the best teachers for their children. First, they know their children well. Obviously, the first teachers we have in our lives in most cases are our parents. They teach us from childhood how to talk, how to walk, good manners and many other things. Later they give us advice about our own children. Children often copy their parents’ habits and traits because children are sure that parents do only right things. Often children’s first wish is to be like their mother or father.

    Some say that because of their great affection towards their own children, parents can’t teach properly. Sometimes a teacher has to be strict with his student and it’s hard for loving parents. In my opinion love doesn’t mean letting you do whatever you want. It means justice and fairness, something that a lot of parents understand.

    However in order to succeed in today’s world children need more than just to know good manners and be able to read and write. They need real teachers who would teach them logic, mathematics, literature, foreign language, management etc. Moreover, they need to communicate with the children of the same age.

    Another important aspect of this is that parents are the first people who must warn their children about the danger of drugs and cigarettes and how to avoid and say “No” when they need to. In the modern world parents must talk with their children about everything because it can save their life and make them happier. So, the role of parents is really important because it gives the strength and understanding the real world.

    So in general I think that parents are very good teachers. They teach by their own example and since they know their children best of all they can offer knowledge in a way that can be understood. I’ve seen a lot of examples when parents were the perfect teachers for their kids because they give their knowledge that cannot be taken from books when it needs to be known by children.

    1. to claim (v) – [kleɪm] – заявлять, объявить, провозглашать; утверждать

    2. whereas (prep.) – [ˏweər´æz]– тогда как, в то время как, принимая во внимание

    3. obviously (adv.) – [´ɒbviəsli] – очевидно, явно, видно

    4. towards (prep.) – [tə´wɔːdz] – по отношению к …

    5. be able to (v) – быть способным

    6. fairness (n) – [´feənɪs] –справедливость, честность, добросовестность

    7. moreover – [mɔːr´əʊvə(r)] – более того

    8. to warn (v) – [wɔ:n] – предупреждать, предостерегать

    9. to avoid (v) – [ə´vɔɪd] – избегать, избежать, предотвратить, не допускать
    Reading Comprehension

    I. Read the following words and phrases in phonetic script and translate them.

    [´pɜːfɪkt ´tiːʧəz] [´lɪt(ə)rəʧə]

    [gʊd ´mænəz] [´nɒlɪʤ]

    [´lɒʤɪk] [´ʤʌstɪs]

    [streŋθ] [´ʧaɪldhʊd]

    [sək´siːd] [ɪm´pɔːtənt]

    [ɪn ´ʤenərəl] [fɜːst wɪʃ]

    [´fɔrɪn ´læŋgwɪʤ] [´lʌvɪŋ ´pe(ə)rənts]

    II. Read the keywords and give the Russian equivalents.

    Justice and fairness, great affection towards their own children, from childhood, give us advice, in order to succeed, to communicate with children, let you do whatever you want, copy their parents’ habits and traits, the best teachers ever, offer knowledge in a way that can be understood.

    III. Give the back translation of the following.

    На мой взгляд, учить на собственном примере, опасность наркотиков и сигарет, быть строгим, в большинстве случаев, не учить должным образом, говорить «Нет», это сложно, спасти свою жизнь, любовь не означает, много примеров.

    IV. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

    1. Whether parents are our best teachers or not’ is a never-ending debate and people are divided both in favour and against this argument.

    2. Parents are the best teachers.

    3. The things that we learn from our parents are far more important than what we learn from our teachers.

    4. We learn to survive, talk, and distinguish well from bad, values of life, morality and such important other things from our parents.

    5. We are the true reflection of our parents and our characters are shaped by their personality and behaviour.

    6. Teachers help us to enhance our knowledge, horizon and our view of life but the very foundation and ground are made by our parents.

    Parenting: the Most Important Job on the Planet
    A person’s upbringing and education starts in his or her family. The family is responsible for an individual’s physical and moral development and it is in the family that values, norms and ideas are communicated from generation to generation. Parents ought to love, protect and guide their child. They should show affection and sympathy, understand their children’s feelings and help them solve their problems.

    A child’s upbringing is not a chaotic and uncontrollable process. It is a great responsibility that demands certain knowledge, skills and experience. First parents should choose the right parenting style. There are four types of them: permissive, authoritarian, authoritative and neglectful. But as a rule parents usually combine these styles depending on the situation.

    A lot of parents choose a permissive parenting style which is also called indulgent. There are no strict demands as sometimes parents fear to lose their children’s love if they set limits. Children are usually given unrestricted freedom and they are allowed to behave as they want and to do what they wish. Permissive parents don’t usually punish their children. Specialists disapprove of such way of upbringing and say that it is not beneficial for children who may become disobedient, aggressive, and irresponsible.

    Those parents who choose to adhere to an authoritarian parenting style are strict and demanding. Some specialists characterize this style as restrictive. Authoritarian parents force their sons and daughters to obey a set of rules and punish them for a slight disobedience. They value submission and obedience and discourage independence and individuality. As a result children may fear their parents, feel rejected and lack self-confidence, curiosity and independence. If parents want their children to be happy and to develop successfully, it is essential to maintain harmony and the atmosphere of love, mutual respect, and understanding, and open communication in their family.

    1. permissive (adj.) – [pəˊmɪsɪv] – либеральный

    2. authoritarian (adj.) – [ˏɔːθɒrɪˈteəriən] авторитарный

    3. authoritative (adj.) – [ɔːˊθɒrɪtətɪv] – авторитетный

    4. neglectful (adj.) – [nɪˊɡlektfəl] – пренебрежительный

    5. indulgent (adj.) – [ɪnˊdʌldʒənt] – снисходительный, потакающий

    6. unrestricted (adj.) – [ˏʌn·rɪˊstrɪk·təd] – неограниченный

    7. disobedience (n) – [ˏdɪsəˊbiːdiəns] – непослушание
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