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  • What Makes a Good Teacher” What Do Experts Say on the Point

  • Vocabulary notes I.

  • Some Traits of Character Which a Good Teacher Should Obtain

  • Vocabulary exercises I.

  • Comprehension exercises I.

  • Comprehension check I.

  • 10 Questions to Ask Kids about Their Day at School

  • Учебное_пособие_КП_профессиональный. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов педагогического колледжа по специальности Коррекционная педагогика в начальном образовании

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    What Teachers Do You Consider to Be Ideal / Good?
    The focus point of teaching process is a teacher himself. After our parents a teacher may be the most important person in our lives. That’s why it was extremely interesting and important for us to evaluate teacher’s job and have a look at a teacher as a person. Let’s define some traits of character which a perfect teacher must obtain. And on the other hand there are some negative features a teacher should get rid of.

    I. Complete these sentences.

    - I like to go to class when a teacher…

    - I dislike going to class when a teacher…

    - I guess a teacher is a person who…

    II. Key elements of a good teacher

    Here is a list of positive characteristics a good teacher should possess.

    industrious alert

    responsible punctual

    polite patient

    positive sociable

    kind communicative

    strict creative

    highly educated highly knowledgeable

    a. Name the five most important features. You choose!

    b. Continue the list of teachers’ qualities.

    III. Negative features a teacher should get rid of

    Here is a list of negative features.

    “soft and fluffy” envious

    lazy untruthful

    angry selfish

    rude careless

    impatient a lack of personal discipline

    violent a lack of will

    arrogant indifferent

    a. Choose five features which teachers should get rid of.

    b. Define three personal qualities which you dislike most of all. Perhaps you’ll add some to the list suggested. You choose!

    c. Compare your list with the rest of your group. Share your opinions.

    IV. Discussion

    So, there are many attempts to analyze what constitutes a “good teacher”. In fact there are no ideal teachers, but a good teacher should possess the following personal qualities, in our opinion.

    - In conclusion, I think the following personal qualities make a good teacher…

    - To sum up, I guess a good teacher should possess…

    - In my opinion/to my mind a good teacher is a person who…

    - I could hardly believe in an ideal teacher but…

    What Makes a Good Teacher?” What Do Experts Say on the Point?
    Sometimes the simplest questions in our life are the hardest to answer! Well, let us define “what makes a good teacher?” It’s over time to find out what experts say on the point.

     Teachers with highest qualifications are not automatically the “best” teachers in the classroom.

     Professor Patricia [pəˈtrɪʃə] Broadfoot, a vice-chancellor of the University of Gloucestershire, states that “the highest quality teaching and learning comes when we have the greatest autonomy for the teacher and the learner.” So, for Professor Broadfool, the key ingredients of good teaching includes: creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and fairness in the classroom, providing opportunities for “active learning” and humour to encourage students’ engagement, making learning interesting, and explaining things clearly.

     Professor Mary James from the Institute of Education says, “If learners are not involved in their learning, they do not learn.”

     The third expert Professor Debra Mayhill from Exeter University argues that while good subject knowledge and intellectual ability are both important, they are not “sufficient” to be a good teacher. She states that a good teacher should go in for “creative subversion.”

    1. to define (v) – [dɪ´faɪn] – определять, устанавливать, обозначать

    2. automatically (adv.) – [ˏɔːtə´mætɪkəli] – автоматически

    3. vice-chancellor (n) – [´vaɪs´ʧɑːnsələ] – вице-канцлер

    4. Gloucestershire – [´glɒstəʃər] – Глостершир

    5. ingredient (n) – [ɪn´ɡriːdiənt] – ингредиент

    6. mutual (adj.) – [´mjuːtʃuəl] – взаимный, общий, обоюдный

    7. to encourage – [ɪn´kʌrɪdʒ] – поощрять

    8. to argue (v) – [´aːɡjuː] – спорить

    9. sufficient (adj.) – [sə´fɪʃnt] – достаточный
    Vocabulary notes

    I. Give the Russian equivalents to the corresponding words and phrases.

    Creative subversion, “active learning”, mutual respect and fairness, provide opportunities, to encourage students’ engagement, intellectual ability, the highest quality teaching, the simplest questions in the life, to be not involved in learning.

    II. Find the equivalents to the corresponding words and phrases in the text.

    Самое время, ключевые ингредиенты, высочайшее качество преподавания и обучения, автономия, создание атмосферы, уважение и справедливость, четкое объяснение, хорошее знание предмета, квалификация, эксперт.

    III. Read the following words and phrases in phonetic script and give their Russian equivalents.

    [kri´eɪtiŋ] [ɡʊd səb´dʒekt ´nɒlɪdʒ] [´ɪnstɪtjuːt]

    [ˏɪntəl´ektjuəl] [kri´eɪtɪv səb´vɜːʃən] [´lɜːnə]

    [´ætməsfɪə(r)] [´haɪəst ˏkwɒlɪfɪ´keɪʃən] [ɪn´ɡeɪdʒmənt]

    Read the text to find out what main traits of character a good teacher should possess.

    Some Traits of Character Which a Good Teacher Should Obtain
    Being a teacher is a noble and complicated job that demands a lot of inner and outer efforts from a person. It stands to reason that not every man who wishes to be a teacher can become it. The point is a real teacher must combine a great number of qualities. These qualities can be divided into some groups: inner qualities, qualities of mind, volition powers and qualities related to other people.

    Let’s start with inner qualities. A real teacher cannot be without cheerful character because each lesson should be started with a teacher’s smile. Teacher’s calm and neat appearance helps children tune up to a working mood. If you are inert or bore, there is no road for you to the teaching profession. Moreover, a teacher must be self-denying and self-critical.

    It goes without saying that a good teacher cannot be without broad mind. He must acquire bright and clever head; he must be well-read, intelligent and deep in his subject. Students or pupils cannot accept teachers who are ordinary or shallow.

    Teacher’s job requires a lot of volitional powers. Children are not creatures who are easy to get along with. Children are different with various trends of character, facilities and abilities. That is why only firm and strong-willed teacher can succeed in the relationship with pupils. If you feel that you are unable to control your emotions or you are hesitant and weak-willed, just drop the idea of being a teacher.

    Together with all above-mentioned qualities a real teacher must acquire communicable and amiable character. He should be considerate and flexible. A teacher always comes across with so-called “a pain in the neck” students, with real troublemakers whose language is awful, who talk back, resent any advice, can tell lies and seem to have lost interest in school. While working with such students a teacher must try to analyze the feelings and to find an explanation for this behaviour. It is difficult indeed: it requires a lot of power and tolerance.

    We, future teachers, should remember that pupils need our presence and love. One of the greatest people on the Earth said, “A good teacher can govern the state”. So the point is being a perfect teacher equals to being a real person.

    1. to obtain (v) – [əb´teɪn] – получать, приобретать, добиваться

    2. to demand (v) – [dɪ´mɑːnd] – требовать

    3. quality (n) – [´kwɒləti] – качество

    4. mind (n) – [maɪnd] – ум, разум

    5. to accept (v) – [ək´sept] – принимать, признавать

    6. volition (n) – [və´lɪʃən] – воля, волевой акт, хотение

    volitional (adj.) – [vəʊ´lɪʃnəl] – волевой

    7. to require (v) – [rɪ´kwaɪə(r)] – требовать

    8. shallow (adj.) – [´ʃæləʊ] – поверхностный

    9. to acquire (v) – [ə´kwaɪə(r)] – приобретать

    10. character (n) – [´kærəktə(r)] – характер

    11. to drop (v) – бросить

    12. behaviour (n) – [bɪ´heɪvjə(r)] – поведение

    13. amiable (adj.) – [´eɪmiəbl̩] – дружелюбный

    14. troublemaker (n) – [´trʌbl̩ˏmeɪkər] – нарушитель спокойствия, смутьян, нарушитель порядка

    15. to resent (v) – [rɪ´zent] – отвергать

    16. to be hesitant (v) – [´hezɪtənt] – колебаться

    17. considerate (adj.) – [kən´sɪdərət] – внимательный

    18. to require (v) – [rɪ´kwaɪə(r)] – требовать, нуждаться

    19. tolerance (n) – [´tɒlərəns] – толерантность, терпимость
    Vocabulary exercises

    I. Pronounce correctly.

    Inert or bore, qualities, amiable, volitional, require, behaviour, creatures, tolerance, equal, awful, abilities, weak-willed, be well-read, explanation, govern.

    II. Give the Russian equivalents to the corresponding words and phrases.

    Various trends of character, all above-mentioned qualities, a noble and complicated job, tell lies, “a pain in the neck” student, firm and strong-willed teacher, to succeed in the relationship, facilities and abilities, creatures who are easy to get along with, “A good teacher can govern the state”.

    III. Find the equivalents to the corresponding words and phrases in the text.

    Колеблющийся и безвольный; действительно сложно; спокойная и аккуратная внешность учителя; внутренние качества; душевные качества; волевые силы, настроиться на рабочий лад; столкнуться с; общительный и приветливый характер.
    Comprehension exercises

    I. Answer the following questions.

    1. They say that not every man can become a teacher. Is it true?

    2. What groups of qualities must a perfect teacher possess?

    3. What are inner qualities of a teacher?

    4. What can you say about the qualities of teacher’s mind?

    5. How do you understand the statement, “Teacher’s job requires a lot of volitional qualities?

    6. Why is it so important for a teacher to be sociable and communicable?

    7. Do you agree with the idea, “A good teacher can govern the state”.

    II. There are many antonyms expressing good and bad qualities of one’s character. Write them down in two columns.

    Unit 9

    Topic “The School’s Role in Influencing Child Development”
    Warming up activities: Discussion on the topic

    I. Think it over and answer the questions below.

    • Which subjects do you think are going to be useful for your future?

    • What motivates young people to learn and develop their skills?

    • What do you think are the key skills you will need in the future?

    • Which subject(s) should be taught at school but they aren’t? Why do you think so?

    II. Read the text to find out how school influences children’s development.

    The School’s Role in Influencing Child Development
    School is the most important part of our child’s life. It gives valuable lessons to the child in terms of knowledge, growth, and development. The school provides knowledge for being social and interactive with different people. It also teaches students on how to become responsible as a citizen.

    Academic Potential

    Ideally, the school’s role is to bring each student to his or her individual, maximum academic potential. But it’s not enough to teach the ABCs and 123s. A significant amount of schoolwork throughout the grades is dedicated to helping children become expert problem solvers and solution-seekers. Therefore, in addition to an academic skill, problem solving is an essential life skill. It’s the ability to analyze a situation, propose a solution.

    Social Skills

    The school plays an important role in helping children learn to interact positively with their peers and teachers. They learn about healthy relationship skills and develop them further through interactions, both in the classroom and on the playground. The emotional and social maturity of a child provides the important underpinnings for child development in all other areas. When educators ignore children’s emotional and social development, this can often lead to adults who are very academically gifted but who struggle in their daily lives due to lack of self-esteem and/or social skills. Children spend a large portion of their day at school, and it’s vital that a school’s curriculum is designed to help its students form solid social relationships or to connect with other children and adults in a caring and empathetic manner.

    Character Building and Self Concept

    Character building is not an alternative to academic achievement, but rather an essential adjunct of it. Just as the school provides lessons on reading, writing and arithmetic, from the very beginning it also focuses on helping kids learn about compassion, respect, empathy and integrity. At first it begins with basic lessons like “raise your hand to speak” and “keep your hands to yourself.” Later, it develops into argumentative debates about moral and social issues. By the time a child graduates high school, he should have views on his own beliefs, values and how he views himself.

    1. to be dedicated to (v) – [´dedɪkeɪtɪd] – быть посвященным

    2. essential (adj.) – [ɪ´senʃl] – существенный, основной, необходимый

    3. to propose (v) – [prə´pəʊz] – предложить

    4. peer (n) – [pɪər] – сверстник

    5. further – [´fɜːðə(r)] – далее, дальше

    6. maturity (n) – [mə´tjʊərɪti] – зрелость, совершеннолетие

    7. underpinning (n) – [ʌndə´pɪnɪŋ] – подкрепление, основа

    8. to struggle (v) – [´strʌɡl] – бороться

    9. self-esteem (n) – [ˏselfɪ´stiːm] – самооценка

    10. vital – [´vaɪtl] – жизненно важный, жизненный, существенный

    11. solid (adj.) – [´sɒlɪd] – твердый, прочный

    12. alternative (n) – [ɔːl´tɜːnətɪv] – альтернатива

    13. adjunct (n) – [´ædʒʌŋkt] – дополнение

    14. compassion (n) – [kəm´pæʃən] – сострадание, сочувствие, жалость

    15. empathy (n) – [´empəθi] – сочувствие, сопереживание

    16. integrity (n) – [ɪn´teɡrəti] – честность
    Comprehension check

    I. Give the Russian equivalents to the corresponding words and phrases.

    To become responsible; to teach the ABCs and 123s; expert problem solvers and solution-seekers; character building; an essential life skill; healthy relationship skills; the emotional and social maturity of a child; academically gifted; lack of self-esteem; a caring and empathetic manner; to graduate high school.

    II. Find the equivalents to the corresponding words and phrases in the text.

    Значительное количество школьных заданий: академические навыки: сверстники и учителя: прочные социальные отношения: моральные и социальные проблемы: социальные и интерактивные; игнорировать; позитивно взаимодействовать; развитие ребенка; анализировать ситуацию; успеваемость; роль школы; просматривать.

    III. Read the following words and phrases in phonetic script and give their Russian equivalents.

    [ˏɑːɡjʊ´mentətɪv dɪ´beɪt] [ɪ´senʃl laɪf skɪl]

    [bɪ´liːfs ənd ´væljuːz] [ə skuːl kə´rɪkjʊləm]

    [ɪ´məʊʃənl ənd ´səʊʃl mə´tjʊərɪti] [ɪm´pɔːtnt ʌndə´pɪnɪŋ]

    [sə´luːʃn ´siːkər] [´tʃɪldrənz ənd ´ædʌlts]

    [´sɒlɪd ´səʊʃl rɪ´leɪʃənʃɪp] [´empəθi ənd ɪn´teɡrəti]

    [læk əv ˏselfɪ´stiːm] [kəm´pæʃən ənd rɪ´spekt]

    IV. Answer the following questions.

    1. School is the most important part of our child’s life, isn’t it?

    2. What does it give to a child?

    3. Does school bring each student to his or her individual academic potential?

    4. What essential life skill does school bring to a child?

    5. What social skills do you know?

    6. What does emotional and social maturity of a child provide?

    7. Is character building an essential adjunct of academic achievement?

    8. What does school focus on except giving academic knowledge and developing social skills?

    V. Sum up the idea that school plays a tremendous role in a child’s development. Please, begin with:

    • We’ve come to the conclusion that school plays a tremendous role in a child’s development as …

    • School plays an important role in role in a child’s life because …, etc.

    10 Questions to Ask Kids about Their Day at School
    ∙ The trick is to ask about things that are specific, but still open-ended. Move beyond “fine” and “nothing” by asking your kids to describe her world. It’s also great to start the conversation with an anecdote from your own day. Try one of these conversation-starters:

    1. Tell me about the best part of your day.

    2. What was the hardest thing you had to do today?

    3. Did any of your classmates do anything funny?

    4. Tell me about what you read in class.

    5. Who did you play with today? What did you play?

    6. Do you think math [or any subject] is too easy or too hard?

    7. What’s the biggest difference between this year and last year?

    8. What rules are different at school than our rules at home? Do you think they're fair?

    9. Who did you sit with at lunch?

    10. Can you show me something you learned (or did) today?
    Find out more about what your child’s everyday school life is like with our guides to each grade. You can also start important conversations with books that inspire kids to be themselves, and books that inspire confidence in kids.

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