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  • Unit 4 Topic “ American Educational System ” I.

  • School Education in the USA

  • Comprehension check I.

  • Education in the United States

  • How much have you understood I.

  • Учебное_пособие_КП_профессиональный. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов педагогического колледжа по специальности Коррекционная педагогика в начальном образовании

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    II. Read and say whether the following statements are true or false:

    a. Anyone can register at Eton.

    b. Eton is a boarding school.

    c. Eton is a mixed school.

    d. Some old Etonians are famous people.

    III. Answer these questions:

    a. How is school life organized at Eton College?

    b. What makes Eton the most famous school in Britain?

    IV. Add the proper preposition to the following expressions:

     with  up  of  by  for 

    a. to provide someone (…) something

    b. to be in connection (…)

    c. to be the reserve (…)

    d. to take (…) their university careers

    e. the house is run (…) someone

    f. to be the substitute (…) someone

    V. Match the words having a certain relationship in meaning:

    1) wear a) boy

    2) school b) times

    3) recent c) uniform

    4) senior d) public

    Oxford University
     Question: What are some things that you know about Oxford University?

     Read the article below and then answer the questions.
    You probably already know some things about Oxford University, but there is probably a lot you don’t know. It’s called ‘Oxford University’ because it is located in the town of Oxford, England (about ninety kilometers outside of London). Classes first began there in 1096, almost a thousand years ago, and it is one of the best universities in the world. Most colleges and universities are located on just one main campus, but this university is special. It’s located in many different places around the town of Oxford. For example, near South Parks Road, you can find the Science Area, while just behind Broad Street you can listen to music at the Sheldonian Theater. Do you like to read? If ‘yes’, there are millions of books at the university’s Bodleian Libraries. In addition, the university has a large number of parks – there is the Botanic Garden, for example, on High Street. It has more than 8,000 different kinds of plants. Of course, the students are the most important part of Oxford University – there are more than 21,000 of them from many countries around the world. Over the past several hundred years, many famous people have studied there, people such as William Penn (the founder of the American state of Pennsylvania), the astronomer Edmund Halley and J.R.R. Tolkien (the author of ‘The Hobbit’ and ‘The Lord of the Rings’). Finally, if you’re thinking of visiting (or studying at) Oxford, there is a gift shop at 106 High Street where you can buy souvenirs to remember your time at this world-class university.
    Reading Comprehension

    1. The university is called ‘Oxford’ because it is located in England.

    (a) TRUE

    (b) FALSE

    (c) It doesn’t say.

    2. How old is Oxford University?

    (a) about ninety years old

    (b) about a thousand years old

    (c) It doesn’t say.

    3. Where is the Sheldonian Theater located?

    (a) behind Broad Street

    (b) near South Parks Road

    (c) in many different places in the town of Oxford

    4. How many books are there at the Bodleian Libraries?

    (a) 21,000

    (b) 8,000

    (c) millions

    5. What does the word ‘It’ refer to?

    (a) Oxford University

    (b) High Street

    (c) the Botanic Garden

    6. What is most important about Oxford University?

    (a) its students

    (b) the famous people

    (c) its books

    7. What does the word ‘them’ refer to?

    (a) students

    (b) countries

    (c) parks

    8. Where did Edmund Halley study?

    (a) America

    (b) England

    (c) Pennsylvania

    9. Why was J.R.R. Tolkien famous?

    (a) he was a writer

    (b) he studied at Oxford University

    (c) he visited Oxford University

    10. What can you find at 106 High Street?

    (a) a book store

    (b) a restaurant

    (c) a gift shop
    Oxford University


     Complete the paragraph by circling the correct words.

    You probably already know some things about Oxford University, but there is probably a lot you (1) _____ know. It’s called ‘Oxford University’ because it is located in the town of Oxford, England (about ninety kilometers outside of London). Classes first (2) _____ there in 1096, almost a thousand years ago, and it is one of (3) _____ universities in the world. Most colleges and universities (4) _____ located on just one main campus, but this university is special. It’s (5) _____ in many different places around the town of Oxford. For example, near South Parks Road, you can find the Science Area, while just behind Broad Street you can listen to music at the Sheldonian Theater. Do you like (6) _____? If ‘yes’, there are millions of books at the university’s Bodleian Libraries. In addition, the university (7) _____ a large number of parks – there is the Botanic Garden, for example, on High Street. It has more than 8,000 different kinds (8) _____ plants. Of course, the students are the most important part of Oxford University – there (9) _____ more than 21,000 of them from many countries around the world. Over the past several hundred years, many famous people have studied (10) _____, people such as William Penn (the founder of the American state of Pennsylvania), the astronomer Edmund Halley and J.R.R. Tolkien (the author of ‘The Hobbit’ and ‘The Lord of the Rings’). Finally, if you’re (11) _____ of visiting (or studying at) Oxford, there is a gift shop at 106 High Street (12) _____ you can buy souvenirs to remember your time at this world-class university.


    1. no

    2. aren’t

    3. not

    4. don’t


    1. began

    2. begin

    3. begins

    4. beginning


    1. better

    2. good

    3. best

    4. the best


    1. did

    2. are

    3. is

    4. was


    1. locates

    2. locating

    3. located

    4. locate


    1. to read

    2. reads

    3. read

    4. reading


    1. has

    2. had

    3. have

    4. having


    1. a

    2. of

    3. at

    4. have


    1. have

    2. are

    3. is

    4. has


    1. that

    2. they’re

    3. there

    4. their


    1. think

    2. thinks

    3. thought

    4. thinking


    1. where

    2. when

    3. how

    4. what

    Writing Practice: Descriptive Writing

     Write a paragraph to describe the place where you study.
    Unit 4

    Topic American Educational System
    I. Warming up activities: TOPICS DISCUSSION

    T: Have you got an idea what American educational system look like? If you have what can you say on the topic?

    1. When is the education in the USA compulsory? Give your suppositions.

    2. Is there a uniform school system in the USA?

    3. Is there a uniform curriculum in the country?

    4. Are there any public schools in America?

    5. Have you ever heard about famous American Universities? What are they?

    6. Don’t you think American educational system differs greatly from Russian one?

    Read the article below and then do the comprehension tasks.
    School Education in the USA
    The federal government pays little attention to school education in the USA. There is neither a uniform school system in the USA, nor a uniform curriculum. Each state has its own system of schools. But there are some common features in the organization of school education in the country.

    Schools in the USA can be divided into state, or public schools, and private schools. State schools are free, and private schools are fee-paying.

    Elementary and secondary schools consist of twelve grades. Classes meet for about ten months a year, five days a week and five hours a day. At elementary school English, mathematics, science, social studies, music sports and other subjects are taught.

    Elementary education begins at the age of six, when a child goes to the first grade. Secondary education is offered at high schools. At the age of 14 pupils go to junior high school. At the age of sixteen children leave junior high school and may continue their education at the upper grades of high school.

    Besides giving general education some high schools teach some other subjects. Students choose these subjects if they want to enter colleges or universities or hope to find jobs in industry or agriculture. Many schools include classes teaching basic computer skills.

    A growing number of young people go to colleges or universities. Nevertheless, many students of high school don’t finish it. One per cent of American citizens from the age of 14 can neither read nor write.

    1. to pay little attention to smth. (phr.) – уделять мало внимания чему-либо

    2. a uniform school system (phr.) – единая система школ

    3. a uniform curriculum (phr.) – унифицированная программа

    4. a common feature (phr.) – общая черта

    5. a state school (phr.) – государственная школа

    6. a public school (phr.) – государственная школа

    7. a private school (phr.) – частная школа

    8. fee-paying (adj.) – платный

    9. a grade (n) – класс

    10. elementary school (phr.) – начальная школа

    11. secondary education (phr.) – среднее образование

    12. junior high school (phr.) – первые классы средней школы, или средние классы школы

    13. to continue one’s education at smth. (phr.) – продолжить образование в (каком-либо учебном заведении)

    14. the upper grades of high school (phr.) – старшие классы средней школы

    15. to enter a college or a university (phr.) – поступать в колледж или университет

    16. to find a job in industry or agriculture (phr.) – найти работу в промышленности или сельском хозяйстве

    17. to teach basic computer skills (phr.) – обучать элементарным навыкам работы на компьютере
    Comprehension check

    I. Answer the questions.

    1. How can you characterize the organization of school education in the United States of America?

    2. What groups can schools in the United States of America be divided into?

    3. What subjects are taught at elementary school?

    4. At what age do children study at a high school?

    5. What kind of education do high schools give?

    II. Translate into English:

    1. В США нет единой системы школ и единой программы.

    2. Школы в США подразделяются на бесплатные государственные и платные частные.

    3. Начальное образование начинается в шесть лет и включает обучение математике, естественным наукам, общественным наукам, музыке, спорту и другим предметам.

    4. Средняя школа включает средние и старшие классы.

    5. Дети, продолжающие образование в старших классах средней школы, получают (receive) общее образование.

    6. Кроме того (besides), им преподают предметы, необходимые для поступления в колледжи и университеты или для получения работы.

    Education in the United States
    There is no federal educational standard in the USA. Schooling and educational programmes are the responsibility of each state; this is why one can find great differences in education from state to state. No uniform demands exist on education in schools or universities throughout the nation. In most states attending school is obligatory for children between six and seventeen. Secondary education institutions include elementary schools and high schools.

    Higher education in the USA is not nation-wide. Colleges differ a lot from each other in scale and level of education as well as in the “quality” of diplomas given. There are private and state universities. Private education is considered more prestigious. The most famous private university is Harvard. Higher education is rather expensive in the USA.

    A typical American university has two levels of education: two years of undergraduate classes and two more years of graduate classes. The undergraduate years are called the freshman and the sophomore year. During the first and the second year the students take subjects of general education: Science, Humanities, Arts. The specialization begins at the third and the fourth years, named the junior and the senior year respectively. After the fourth year at college, students get a Bachelor’s degree. Graduates may specialize further and do research. They get a Master’s Degree.
    Comprehension check

    I. Give the English equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

    федеральный стандарт образования; учебные и образовательные программы; универсальные требования; начальная школа; средняя школа; считается более престижным; самый известный; довольно дорогое; первый курс; второй курс; третий курс; четвертый курс; общеобразовательные предметы; специализация; степень бакалавра; степень магистра.

    II. Agree or disagree:

    1. The system of education in the USA works according to the national standard.

    2. Admission to elementary and high schools is free.

    3. State universities are more prestigious than private ones.

    4. The course in a typical American university lasts five or six years.

    5. Sophomore is the second year in a university.

    6. The specialization begins at the first year of studies in a university.

    III. Make up ten questions on the text.

    IV. Compare education in the United States and in Russia.

    V. Speak about education in the United States.
    Student A

    Going to College
    Going to college usually means leaving home for the first time. Most college students live on campus, which is the place where all the college buildings are. Some students have rooms in buildings called dormitories. Others may live in “fraternity” or “sorority” houses. These are clubs for men or women students. They choose their members carefully. Some students prefer to live off campus. They try to find rooms or apartments near the campus.

    A college diploma is called a degree. There are three degrees that students can take. The first four years of college gives an undergraduate degree. Students in undergraduate school study lots of subjects. They do not choose their most important subjects until the end of undergraduate school. They earn credits for the classes they complete. They must a certain number of credits in their most important subjects and some credits in other subjects, too. Then they get a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree.

    With a BA degree, college students can go on to graduate school. After two or three years, they can get a Master of Arts (MA) degree. They take only subjects that lead to the MA. These are subjects that will be important for their later work. Graduate school can prepare students to become teachers or lawyers, for example. With a Master of Science degree (MSc), they can become scientists. They can prepare work in business with a Master of Business Administration degree (MBA). Students can go on in graduate school to get a Doctor of Philosophy degree (PhD). That is the highest degree university students can get. Most university teachers must have PhD.

    In the USA many students stay on at college to get a master’s degree because a bachelor’s degree is often not enough to get the job they want. It can take a long time and a lot of money. It takes at least ten years to become a doctor, seven years to become a lawyer, and five or six years to become a teacher. Many students are in their mid or late twenties when they finally start working.
    How much have you understood?

    I. Are these statements true or false?

    a. Going to college usually means leaving home for the first time.

    b. Most college students live on campus.

    c. There is only one degree that students can take.

    d. A bachelor’s degree is enough to get a good job.

    e. Many students are in their early twenties when they finally start working.

    II. Can you answer the questions?

    a. Where do most college students live?

    b. What clubs of men and women students do you know?

    c. What is a college diploma called?

    d. How many degrees can American student take? What are they?

    e. When do students get a Bachelor of Arts (BA), a Master of Arts (MA), a Master of Science (MSc), and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree?

    f. What is the highest degree university students can get?
    Student B

    Choosing a College
    If you meet a group of twelfth grade students, they are all talking about one thing: what are they going to do next year. Some students don't want to continue their education. Other ones are thinking about colleges. They are each writing letters to three or four different colleges and sending in forms.

    Colleges accept only those students who have done well in high school. They want to meet these students before they decide to accept them. Colleges want to know why students have chosen them, and how they will pay for their college education.

    Students choose from about 2,000 colleges in the USA. Every school has its own special flavour. Top students may choose famous “Ivy League” schools like Princeton, Harvard or Yale. They are the oldest colleges in the country - excellent but very expensive. Other students choose large universities because they teach lots of different subjects. Some choose small religious colleges.

    There are differences between colleges and the type of study programmes they have. For example, many four-year “Liberal Arts” colleges are small and teach only the most important subjects for a general education. State universities are large. They teach many subjects and have some programmes that last longer than four years. State universities are paid for by money from the state. Students from that state pay less to study there. Colleges are paid for privately, so students usually pay more to go there.

    Whether a student chooses a small college or a large university, the cost of higher education in the United States is raising every year .Many parents find it too expensive.

    Colleges and universities often have money for students who cannot pay, but it is not enough for everyone. Some have part-time jobs while they are at college. Studying and working at the same lime can be very hard. But these students think it's worth all the hard work to get the college education they want.
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