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  • Comprehension check I.

  • Conversation and Discussion I.

  • Учебное_пособие_КП_профессиональный. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов педагогического колледжа по специальности Коррекционная педагогика в начальном образовании

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    НазваниеУчебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов педагогического колледжа по специальности Коррекционная педагогика в начальном образовании
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    1. contribution (n) – [ˏkɒntrɪˊbjuːʃn] – вклад

    2. to outstrip (v) – опережать

    3. to be implemented (v) – [ˊɪmpl.mentid] – осуществиться

    4. historical value (phr.) – [hɪˊstɒrɪkl ˊvæljuː] – историческая ценность

    5. pedagogue (n) – [ˊpedəɡɒɡ] – педагог

    6. well-to-do landowner (phr.) – зажиточный землевладелец

    7. to graduate with high honors (phr.) – [haɪ ˊɒnərz] – закончить ВУЗ с отличием

    8. jurisprudence (n) – [ˏdʒʊərɪsˊpruːdəns] – юриспруденция

    9. Demidov Lyceum in Yaroslavl (phr.) – [laɪˊsɪəm] – Демидовский лицей

    10. Smolny Institute (phr.) – Смольный институт

    11. theories of pedagogy and psychology (phr.) – [ˊθɪəriz əv ˊpedəɡɒdʒi ənd saɪˊkɒlədʒi] – теория педагогики и психологии

    12. inculcation (n) – [ˊɪŋkʌlkeɪt] – внедрение

    13. St. Petersburg Pedagogical Society (phr.) – [səˊsaɪəti] – Петербургское педагогическое общество
    Comprehension check

    I. Answer the questions.

    1. Where and when was the Great Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky born?

    2. When was he enrolled in Moscow University?

    3. Where was he appointed Professor of Jurisprudence?

    4. Why did Ushinsky’s name become popularly known throughout Russia?

    5. What is the basic principle of his pedagogical system?

    6. What should education devote itself to according to Ushinsky?

    7. What did he devote his energies to after coming back to Russia from abroad?

    8. What he would introduce in modern educational system?

    9. What subjects he is mainly interested in?

    10. What changes in the curriculum he would suggest?

    11. What he would recommend to his fellow-students and teachers?

    II. Combine the following words into sentences.

    Approaches, modern, to, problem, different, this, scientists, have.

    Is, method, observation, important, an, scientific.

    Last, attracted, his, much, book, attention.

    Interested, systems, in, Ushinsky, foreign, was, educational.

    Should, character, the, devote, of, education, formation, primarily, itself, to.

    Was, Jurisprudence, at, Lyceum, appointed, Yaroslavl, in, Ushinsky, the, Demidov, professor, of.

    III. Paraphrase the sentences using your active vocabulary.

    1. K.D. Ushinsky was the beginner of the Russian primary school and pedagogical training for teachers.

    2. Ushinsky’s pedagogical views outstripped his time in many ways.

    3. Ushinsky was admitted in Moscow University at the age of 16.

    4. Ushinsky believed that learning should devote itself primarily to the building of character.

    5. He analysed advantages and disadvantages of foreign educational systems.

    6. Complete the sentences with the correct words.

    7. K.D. Ushinsky was in the fullest sense of the word ... of the Russian primary school.

    8. Ushinsky’s pedagogical ideas were ... only in socialist society.

    9. It was then that Ushinsky started criticizing the present ... system in Russia.

    10. His basic concept was that “... must be based on patriotism”.

    11. Ushinsky underlined the personal ... of the teacher as an educational force.

    IV. Translate into English.

    1. К.Д. Ушинский в полном смысле слова является основателем начального образования в России.

    2. Педагогические идеи Ушинского во многом опережали время.

    3. К.Д. Ушинский родился в 1834 году в Черниговской губернии в семье зажиточного помещика.

    4. После окончания Московского университета с отличием Ушинский был назначен профессором юриспруденции в Ярославском Демидовском лицее.

    5. Его лекции имели необычайный успех, так как основывались на его значительной эрудиции.

    6. В 1860 К.Д Ушинский стал редактором журнала Министерства просвещения.

    7. Основной принцип его педагогической деятельности – воспитание чувства патриотизма в молодых людях.

    8. Ушинский считал, что образование должно быть направлено прежде всего на формирование характера.

    9. К.Д Ушинский анализировал преимущества и недостатки иностранных образовательных систем.

    10. Литературные работы Ушинского представляют собой историческую ценность.
    Conversation and Discussion

    I. Speak about your own approach to the educational methods.

    II. Act out a talk conversation with your foreign guests about outstanding pedagogues of their country.

    III. Make up and act out the dialogues with fellow-teachers about their educational outlook.

    IV. Put the sentences into chronological order according to the text.

    1. Ushinsky was appointed professor of Jurisprudence at the Demidov Lyceum in Yaroslavl.

    2. He analyzed merits and defects of foreign educational systems comparing them with actual conditions in Russia.

    3. Ushinsky became editor of the Journal of the Ministry of Education and in two years completely changed its character.

    4. He learned very early to study independently and, after making a fine record in the gymnasium, Ushinsky enrolled in Moscow University.

    5. It was then that Ushinsky started criticizing the present educational system in Russia and was forbidden by the Ministry of Education to teach even in elementary school.

    6. He made trips to Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy and Belgium to observe school organization there.

    7. After coming back to Russia from abroad Ushinsky devoted his energies to St. Petersburg Pedagogical Society.

    8. In his early articles he expressed this view and never changed his basic concept that “education must be based on patriotism”.

    9. Ushinsky underlined the personal influence of the teacher as an educational force.

    10. Ushinsky was born in Chernigov gubernia in the family of a well-to-do landowner

    V. Translate into English to make a story.

    1. Вклад К.Д. Ушинского в российское образование является бесценным для многих поколений россиян.

    2. К.Д. Ушинский в полном смысле слова является основателем начального образования в России.

    3. Даже сейчас работы Ушинского представляют собой историческую и литературную ценность.

    4. К.Д. Ушинский родился в 1834 году в Черниговской губернии в семье зажиточного помещика.

    5. Ушинский в возрасте 16 лет, после успешного обучения в гимназии, был зачислен в Московский государственный университет.

    6. Он окончил Московский государственный университет с отличием, когда ему было 20 лет.

    7. Два года спустя, несмотря на его молодость, Ушинский был назначен профессором юриспруденции в Ярославском Демидовском лицее.

    8. Именно тогда он начал критиковать современную систему образования в России.

    9. В 1859 году был назначен ректором в Смольном институте в Санкт-Петербурге.

    10. Ушинский сосредоточил свое внимание вокруг насущных проблем обучения, теории педагогики и психологии и критики современной педагогической литературы.

    Helen Keller
    ∙ You are going to read about a remarkable woman. Her name is Helen Adams Keller and she is an American author and educator who was blind and deaf. Her education and training represent an extraordinary accomplishment in the education of persons with these disabilities.
    Life is not always easy. Sometimes it presents us serious problems that make us sad and even depressed. When it comes to this, you may remember the example of Helen Keller, born in a small American town in 1880. The illness struck Helen Keller when she was a baby and left her deaf and blind before she learned to speak. As a child Helen was wild and disobedient. She seemed not to understand what was going on in the world around her. In spite of Helen’s illness her parents decided that she should have some education and started looking for a teacher.

    Helen Keller’s new life began on a March day in 1887 when she was seven years old. On that day Anne Mansfield Sullivan, a 20-year-old graduate of the Perkins School, came to the town to be her teacher. From that day, the two of them – teacher and pupil – were inseparable.

    Miss Sullivan began her first lesson by handing a Helen doll and pressing “d-o-l-l” into the child’s hand. In this way she hoped to teach Helen to connect objects with letters. Helen quickly learned to form the letters correctly and in the correct order. In the days that followed, she learned to spell lots of different words. Helen Keller was a talented pupil and quickly learnt how to read and write. She enjoyed reading books written for blind children. In 1890, when she was just 10, she decided to learn to speak. Somehow she had found out that a little deaf-blind girl in Norway managed to do it.

    At first Helen had difficulty with speaking, but with the time and help from Anne she developed a clear voice. Later, she was able to speak in public for large crowds which came to her whenever she gave her lectures. There was usually a storm of applause after her every lecture.

    After school Helen went to college and graduated it with honours. She got a Bachelor of Arts degree. Throughout those years and until her own death in 1936, Anne Sullivan was always by Helen’s side. She pressed book after book and lecture after lecture into her pupil’s hand.

    One of Helen’s professors was so deeply impressed by her essays in English that he suggested the girl writing the story of her life. Helen followed the advice and wrote the book while still at college. It was a cheerful account of how a young girl was able to live a happy life in spite of her terrible misfortunes. Later she wrote several books more. In her books and lectures Helen did everything possible to help and encourage those who were blind. For the rest of her life, Helen Keller worked for improving education for the blind and deaf.

    Helen Keller lived in many different places – Alabama; Cambridge and Wrentham, Massachusetts; Forest Hills, New York, but perhaps her favorite residence was the house in Easton, which she called “Arcan Ridge”. She moved to that white house in 1936, after her beloved teacher's death. And it was “Arcan Ridge” she called home for the rest of her life. She died in 1968.
    Comprehension check

    I. Give the English equivalents from the text.

    1) серьёзные проблемы –

    2) закончила его (колледж) с отличием –

    3) глухая и слепая –

    4) связывать предметы с буквами –

    5) дикая и непослушная –

    6) писать много различных слов –

    7) имела проблемы с речью –

    8) книги, написанные для слепых детей –

    9) всегда поддерживала Хелен – w

    10) был так глубоко впечатлён –

    11) буря аплодисментов –

    12) последовала совету –

    13) для улучшения образования для слепых и глухих –

    II. Read the text again and choose between “True”, “False”, оr “Not stated”.

    1. Helen Keller was born deaf and blind.

    1) True

    2) False

    3) Not stated

    2. Helen’s parents found a young teacher for their daughter.

    1) True

    2) False

    3) Not stated

    3. First Miss Sullivan taught Helen to count.

    1) True

    2) False

    3) Not stated

    4. Helen’s lectures were popular.

    1) True

    2) False

    3) Not stated

    5. Helen’s favourite books were about animals and nature.

    1) True

    2) False

    3) Not stated

    6. Helen Keller finished college successfully.

    1) True

    2) False

    3) Not stated

    7. Helen never left her home town.

    1) True

    2) False

    3) Not stated

    8. Helen’s book about her life was translated in many languages.

    1) True

    2) False

    3) Not stated
    Unit 6

    Topic “Choosing a Profession”
    10 Questions to Ask Yourself When Choosing a Career

    ∙ Your career has a big impact on your future. It can affect your identity, personal fulfillment, lifestyle, income, family and retirement.

    Before you decide what career to pursue ([pə´sjuː] заниматься), carefully consider your options and ask yourself the following 10 questions:
    1. What are my interests?

    To figure out your interests, ask yourself:

    • What hobbies do I enjoy?

    • Do I prefer spending time indoors or outdoors?

    • Do I enjoy working with people, animals, data or books?

    • What activities would I miss the most if I could no longer do them?

    2. What are my skills?

    Right now, you possess skills that can help you succeed in the future. Think about your hard skills and soft skills.

    Hard skills – skills you’ve acquired through study, such as culinary arts or computer programming.

    Soft skills – the people and life skills you possess, including teamwork and time management.

    3. What are my talents and strengths?

    From the time you were little, you demonstrated talents and strengths that make you unique and can help you succeed in your chosen career. If you don't know your talents and strengths, make a list of everything you’re good at doing.

    4. What is my personality?

    Your personality is the way you think, feel and behave. It can be an important part of your career, so consider several aspects of your personality as you think about your future.

    • Are you a leader or followers?

    • Do you prefer to work alone or in a group?

    • Do you prefer to cooperate or compete with others?

    • Do you enjoy helping others or prefer to empower them to do things themselves?

    • Are you a thinker who focuses on ideas or are you a doer who takes action?

    • Are you a creative and artistic person or do you thrive ([θraɪv] преуспевать) with structure and routine?

    5. What are my values?

    Everyone has values or things that are important to them, such as financial security, social justice or work-life balance. These values can help you decide what type of career to pursue.

    6. What education or training do I need?

    Certain careers require advanced education and financial investment. For example, you may need eight to 12 years of education and training to be a doctor, but you could earn a hospitality management bachelor in four years. Think about the time and money required to pursue a career as you make your decision.

    7. What motivates you and what bores you?

    Here’s an overview of types of experience that you might find motivating:

    • mentoring and coaching others;

    • learning new things;

    • coming up with creative ideas to improve something, or make something new;

    • analyzing complex data in order to draw clear and simple conclusions;

    • working well as part of a team;

    • leading a team to success;

    • completing a difficult project, and seeing it through to the end;

    - finding a way to solve a problem.

    8. How much money do I want to make?

    Different careers provide different monetary rewards. Even though salary shouldn’t be the main factor in choosing a career, your paycheck (зарплата) can play a role in your quality of life and where you live.

    9. Where do I want to live?

    Some jobs are more readily accessible ([´redɪli ək´sesəbl̩] легкодоступный) while others can only be performed in certain locations. For example, you will probably need to live in a rural location if you choose to work as a farmer, and you may want to live near an urban ([´ɜːbən] городской) area if you plan to pursue a finance or fashion career.

    10. Why do I want to pursue this career?

    Always ask yourself why you want to pursue a certain career as you evaluate ([ɪ´væljueɪt] оценивать) which choice is right for you. Ultimately ([´ʌltɪmətli] В конечном счете), your career choice is solely ([´səʊlli] исключительно, только) yours.

    Reading and discussion

    I. Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions.

    1. What do you think are the most popular occupations in Russia today?

    2. What is your idea of a good job?

    II. Read the article about careers and identify the most appropriate title, a, b, or c.

    a) New professions for a changing world

    b) The Russian job market

    c) Old professions no longer needed
    How do you choose your career? Many Russian school-leavers begin college without a clear idea of what they want to do. There seem to be so many possible jobs and careers that it’s difficult to make a decision. There are hundreds of different occupations but some of them are already overcrowded. In old industries, there may be little need for new workers, while new and growing industries can offer good jobs.

    According to recent surveys, the fastest growing job opportunities in Russia are for economists and accountants. Engineers specializing in IT and computer programmers come second. Today there is also a great need for marketing and advertising specialists as well as sales managers and various kinds of designers. As there are very few professional administrators, the need for people with this kind of qualification is growing very fast.

    Other industries and professions have changed in the last ten years. Chemical, construction and food industries were in decline a decade ago but today engineers qualified in these fields are in great demand. On the other hand, the need for new lawyers (a popular career choice in the 90s) is less today, as it is an overcrowded profession.
    III. Read the descriptions and match them with jobs from the text.

    1) a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines or structures;

    2) someone whose job is to make plans or patterns for clothes, furniture or equipment;

    3) someone whose job is to keep and check financial accounts;

    4) a specialist who studies the way in which money and goods are produced and used and the systems of business and trade;

    5) someone whose job is connected the management and organization of a company, or an institution;

    6) a person who deals with selling products.
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