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  • The Profession of a Teacher

  • Vocabulary

  • Comprehension check

  • Teacher Interview Questions

  • Teacher Training in Russia

  • Comprehension Check I.

  • Unit 8 Topic “The Personality of a Teacher” What Makes a (Good) Teacher I.

  • Учебное_пособие_КП_профессиональный. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов педагогического колледжа по специальности Коррекционная педагогика в начальном образовании

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    Unit 7

    Topic “The Profession of a Teacher”
    ∙ Warm-up Task:

    Choosing a career is the most important thing in life. Now you are students of the Teaching Training College you have to think about your future profession a lot.

    Think it over and answer some Teacher Interview Questions.

    1. Why do you want to work at this school?

    2. What personality traits do teachers need to be successful?

    3. If you could only teach one subject to your students, what would it be and why?

    4. Do you have good public speaking skills?

    5. What would you like to be? Why?

    6. What do you expect from your future job?

    7. What is the main problem in choosing a profession?

    Read the text to find out what teaching looks like.

    The Profession of a Teacher
    Finishing school is the beginning of the independent life for millions of school leavers. Many roads are opened before them: vocational and technical schools, institutes and universities. But it is not an easy thing to choose a profession out of more than 2,000 existing in the world. Some pupils do this still at the industrial training centres, some follow the advice of their parents, others can't decide even after leaving school.

    As for me I made my choice long ago. I want to become a teacher of primary school. Frankly speaking I’m always interested in working with children. My choice of namely this occupation didn’t come as a sudden flash. My parents are also teachers and I know that teaching is a very specific and difficult job. It shouldn’t be taken easy. The teacher is a person who is learning as well as teaching all his life. Most jobs can be done within the usual office hours of 9 a.m. 5 p.m., but teacher’s work is never done and evenings are mostly spent marking exercise-books and preparing for the next lesson.

    I know it’s very difficult to become a good teacher. You should know perfectly the subject you teach, you must be well-educated and well-informed. An ignorant teacher teaches ignorance, a fearful teacher teaches fear, and a bored teacher teaches boredom. But a good teacher develops in his pupils the burning desire to know and love for the truth and beauty. As John Steinbeck once said, a great teacher is a great artist and you know how few great artists can be found in the world. Teaching might even be the greatest of the arts. It’s a great responsibility to bring up children. I think that’s the reason why teachers are deeply respected.

    Teachers do not only teach their subjects. They bring up the younger generation in the spirit of high moral ideals. They develop their pupils’ intellect; form their views and characters, their attitude to life and to other people.

    It’s not easy as it may seem at first. But I think that love for children combined with the knowledge I’ll get at the Teachers’ Training College would be quite enough to succeed in my work.

    I. Find the meaning of unknown the words and word combinations from the text in a dictionary to understand their context.

    1. well-informed – эрудированный

    2. ignorant [´ıgnǝrǝnt] несведущий, незнающий, малообразованный

    3. ignorance невежество, незнание, неосведомлённость

    4. fearful [´fıǝfʊl] робкий, пугливый

    5. bored – [bɔ:d] – уставший, безразличный, равнодушный

    6. boredom [´bɔ:dǝm] скука

    7. burning desire [di´zaiǝ] жгучее желание

    8. responsibility [risˏpɔnsi´bıliti] ответственность

    9. John Steinbeck [´steinbǝk] Джон Стейнбек (известный американский писатель)

    II. Read the following words and phrases in phonetic script and give their Russian equivalents.

    [tʃɔɪs] [spə´sɪfɪk ən ´dɪfɪkəlt dʒɒb]

    [rɪˏspɒnsə´bɪləti] [vjuːz ən ´kærɪktə(r)z]

    [´treɪnɪŋ ´sentə(r)z] [haɪ ´mɒrəl aɪ´dɪəlz]

    [ˏɒkjʊ´peɪʃən] [dɪ´veləp ´ɪntəlekt]

    [juːnɪ´vɜːsɪti] [´ætɪtjuːd tə laɪf]

    [´bɜː.nɪŋ dɪ´zaɪə(r)] [´diːpli rɪ´spektɪd]
    Comprehension check

    I. Find the equivalents to the corresponding words and phrases in the text.

    a) воспитывать молодое поколение –

    b) преуспевать в (моей) работе –

    c) большая ответственность –

    d) внезапное озарение –

    e) профессионально-технические училища (колледжи) –

    f) Честно говоря –

    g) независимая жизнь –

    h) работа учителя никогда не заканчивается –

    i) Её (работу) не следует воспринимать легко. –

    j) отношение к жизни и к другим людям –

    k) school leavers – выпускники школ –

    l) в духе высоких моральных идеалов

    m) робкий учитель учить робости –

    n) следовать совету –

    II. Answer the questions.

    1. When did you begin making plans for the future?

    2. When were you able to give a definite answer about your future profession? Did anyone help you to make the choice?

    3. Why do you think teaching is a noble (благородная) profession?

    4. What traits (характерная черта, особенность) must good teachers possess in your opinion?

    5. What difficulties of teaching profession can you name?

    6. What are advantages of teaching to your mind?

    7. What did Steinbeck say about teaching profession?

    8. What must a teacher’s attitude towards children be?

    Warming up activities: “Name Three”

    T: Let us think it over and continue the following.

    1. I like to go to the classroom when a teacher…

    2. I dislike going to the classroom when a teacher…
    Teacher Interview Questions

    Why did you become a teacher?

    Why do you want to work at this school?

    What kinds of qualities do students look for in teachers?

    What personality traits do teachers need to be successful?

    How do you approach discipline and what role does it play in learning?

    What do you think of technology in the classroom and how have you integrated it into your lessons?

    What do you do when you notice one or more students struggling with course material?

    How do you interact with your students’ parents?

    How have state and local curriculum standards affected your lesson planning process?

    How do you approach instances of bullying?

    If you could only teach one subject to your students, what would it be and why?

    What is your process for creating a lesson plan?

    Can you give me an example of how you make learning fun?

    Do you have good public speaking skills? How do you keep your students engaged during lessons?

    What is your grading process like? Do you allow students to advocate for better grades on assignments?

    How do you feel about extra credit? What are some examples of extra credit opportunities you provide to your students?

    Can you tell me about your favorite teacher when you were a student? What qualities did they have that you try to emulate on a daily basis?

    Teacher Training in Russia
    There are following requirements to the system of teacher training: to provide higher education for all the teachers employed in preprimary and general educational institutions; to create conditions for their further professional growth through advanced training; to attract talented specialists to the educational system; and to ensure adequate conditions for the work of specialist with advanced degrees in institutions of higher learning.

    A certified teacher can teach in pre-schools, primary or secondary education in schools, colleges, universities or institutions.

    Russian schools have two levels when it comes to training of teachers: non-university level higher education; university level higher education. Pre-school, Primary School and Lower Secondary School teachers are primarily trained at the non-university level, and teachers for lower-secondary and upper-secondary schools are trained at the university level.

    Non-university level educational institutions, such as Teachers’ Training Colleges prepare teachers for pre-primary and primary schools. The course lasts for two to four-and-a-half years. University level education institutions train teachers for primary and secondary schools. The duration of the course is five years.

    Training of Secondary School Teachers is carried out in teachers’ training university-level institutions. The duration of the program is five years.

    Professional teacher training at the non-university level takes place at colleges. These institutions mainly train teachers for pre-schools and primary schools and lasts for about 4 years. Students entering after year 11 follow a basic 3-year program, while students entering after year 9 follow a 4-year program. It is also possible to qualify as a lower secondary teacher, which is for years 5 to 9 classes.

    Teacher training institutes and universities train teachers for the lower (years 5-9) and upper secondary levels (years 10-11). A Specialist degree is needed to teach at upper secondary level.

    Students who have obtained a Bachelor’s degree may continue their studies on a Specialist program that lasts one year or Master’s program that lasts for 2 years.

    Teacher training curriculum is divided into:

    • foundation studies/core course within the arts, social sciences and natural sciences; subject specialization;

    • studies in biology and medicine;

    • studies in education and psychology;

    • introduction to the teaching profession, i.e. in-service teacher training.


    ∙ Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If you don’t, read and remember them. Pay attention to their phonetic script.

    1. requirement (n) – [rɪˊkwaɪəmənt] – требование

    2. advanced training (ph) – обучение в высших учебных заведениях

    3. adequate (adj.) – [ˊædɪkwət] – адекватный

    4. duration (n) – [djʊəˊreɪʃən] – продолжительность

    5. to obtain (v) – [əbˊteɪn] – получать

    6. psychology (n) – [saɪˊkɒlədʒi] – психология

    7. introduction (n) – [ˊɪntrəˊdʌkʃn] – введение
    Comprehension Check

    I. Read the phrases in phonetic script and give their Russian equivalents.

    [nɔn-juːnɪˊvɜːsɪtɪ ˊlevl] [baɪˊɒlədʒi ənd ˊmedsn]

    [ˊædɪkwət kənˊdɪʃənz] [ˊʌpə(r) ˊsekəndri ˊlevəl]

    [ˊspeʃəlɪst ˊprəʊɡræm] [ədˊvɑːnst dɪˊɡriː]

    [səbˊdʒekt ˏspeʃəlaɪˊzeɪʃən] [ˊpriː-skuːlz /priː-ˊskuːlz/ ənd ˊpraɪməri skuːlz]

    II. Find English equivalents for the following word combinations.

    Высшие учебные заведения; основной курс; обеспечить адекватные условия; учителя среднего звена школы; базовая 3-летняя программа; учителя дошкольных и начальных школ; старшие классы средней школы; введение в профессию; повышение квалификации учителей без отрыва от работы.

    III. Match a line A with a line B to find out the definitions of the words.

    A word

    B definition

    1) educational

    a) to teach (a person or animal) a particular skill or type of behavior through practice and instruction over a period of time.

    2) subject

    b) a person who teaches, especially in a school

    3) curriculum

    c) an institution for educating children

    4) teacher

    d) of or relating to the provision of education

    5) train (v)

    e) the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college

    6) school

    f) to cause to come to a place or participate in a event by offering something of interest, favorable conditions, or opportunities

    7) to attract (v)

    g) a branch of knowledge studied or taught in a school, college, or university

    IV. Discuss the questions below with your partner.

    1. What are the requirements to the system of teacher training in Russia?

    2. In which educational establishments can a certified teacher teach?

    3. What are two levels of training teachers in Russia?

    4. What do non-university level educational institutions do?

    5. What does university level education look like?

    6. What is the peculiarity of college education in the country?

    7. May students with Bachelor’s degree continue their studies?

    8. Teacher training curriculum is divided into several studies, isn’t it? What are these studies?

    Unit 8

    Topic “The Personality of a Teacher”

    What Makes a (Good) Teacher?
    I. Warming up activities

    Discuss the following questions.

    - If you were allowed to choose the subject you want to study what one would you prefer?

    - If education required payment which lessons would you pay for?

    II. Vocabulary

    The focus point of teaching process is a teacher himself. After our parents a teacher may be the most important person in our lives. And of cause a teacher as a person should have some personal traits of character and professional qualities. Read the list of words and word combinations and get ready to discuss some items on the topic.
    Verbs connected with teaching process

    1. to possess – [pǝ´zes] – обладать, владеть; to be ∼ed of smth. – обладать чем-либо

    2. to pretend – [pri´tend] – притворяться, делать вид; претендовать; разыгрывать из себя

    3. to provide – [prǝ´vaıd] – обеспечивать; предоставлять, давать

    4. to promote – [prǝ´mǝʊt] – способствовать, помогать; содействовать развитию

    5. to encourage – [in´kʌriʤ] – ободрять; поощрять, поддерживать

    6. to reinforce – [ˏri:ın´fɔ:s] – усиливать; укреплять

    7. to treat – [tri:t] – обращаться, обходиться; относиться

    8. to intimidate – [in´tımideıt] – пугать; запугивать, устрашать

    9. to influence – [´ınfluǝns] – оказывать влияние, влиять

    10. to get rid of – избавиться от

    11. to demonstrate – [´demɔnstreıt] – демонстрировать, наглядно показывать; доказывать

    12. to communicate – [kǝ´mju:nikeıt] – сообщать; передавать; общаться (with)

    13. to master – владеть, овладевать; преодолевать (трудности); руководить

    14. to improve – [im´pru:v] – улучшать; совершенствовать

    15. to concentrate (on, upon) – [´kɔnsǝntreıt] – сосредотачивать(ся); концентрировать(ся)

    16. to determine – [di´tɜ:min] – определять; устанавливать; решать; побуждать, заставлять

    17. to define – [di´faın] – определять, давать определение; очерчивать

    18. to monitor – [´mɔnitǝ] – наставлять, советовать

    19. to evaluate – [i´væljueıt] – оценивать
    Adjectives connected with personal qualities of a teacher

    20. alert – [ǝ´lɜ:t] – живой; проворный

    21. resourceful – [ri´sɔ:sfʊl] – находчивый, изобретательный

    22. determined – [di´tɜ:mind] – решительный

    23. approachable – [ǝ´prǝʊʧǝbl] – охотно идущий навстречу предложениям и т.п.

    24. focused – [´fǝʊkǝst] – собранный

    25. imaginative – [i´mæʤinǝtiv] – одарённый богатым воображением

    26. flexible – [´fleksǝbl] – гибкий

    27. confident – [´kɔnfidǝnt] – уверенный

    28. precise – [pri´saız] – аккуратный, пунктуальный

    1. to create the atmosphere of mutual respect and fairness

    2. to provide opportunities for “active learning”

    3. to explain and describe things clearly

    4. to be up-to-date in one’s subject area

    5. do not pretend to know all, willing to learn from students

    6. to provide a variety of activities, tasks and pace of work

    7. to monitor and evaluate students’ progress

    8. to show flexibility in responding to students needs

    9. to encourage students to think, to make connections, to practice and reinforce, to learn from other learners

    10. to treat all students’ questions seriously and do not intimidate.

    Warm-up Task: Answer some of the questions on the topic.

    1. Can you say that your primary school teacher was your inspiration?

    2. Why do you think so?

    3. Do you consider your primary school teacher has influenced your career?

    4. Were you a willing and cooperative student at school?

    5. What would you want your pupils be?
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