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  • Colleges and Universities ”

  • Why “Public Schools”

  • School rules

  • Comprehension check I.

  • Eton College

  • Comprehension I.

  • Учебное_пособие_КП_профессиональный. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов педагогического колледжа по специальности Коррекционная педагогика в начальном образовании

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    НазваниеУчебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов педагогического колледжа по специальности Коррекционная педагогика в начальном образовании
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    1. National Curriculum – национальная программа, учебный план

    2. attainment – приобретение знаний, навыков

    3. the Ordinary level – обычный уровень

    4. the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) – общий аттестат о среднем образовании, экзамен на аттестат о среднем образовании

    5. A (Advanced) level – продвинутый уровень

    6. exclusive – исключительный, с ограниченным доступом

    7. goal – цель




    nursery school, playgroup, or




    reception class

    infant school


    year 1


    year 2


    year 3

    primary school


    year 4

    junior school


    year 5


    year 6


    year 7


    year 8


    year 9

    secondary school


    year 10


    year 11


    year 12


    year 13

    sixth form / college


    first year (fresher)


    second year

    University or Polytechnic


    third year





    I. Answer the following question.

    1. Which are the major types of educational establishments in Great Britain?

    2. Which are the main steps of the educational system in GB?

    3. When does compulsory primary education begin in the country?

    4. Which subjects do the British children study at secondary level according to the National Curriculum?

    5. Which school-leaving examinations at the age of sixteen pupils have to take?

    6. What do the A (Advanced) level exams look like?

    7. What are private or “independent” schools in the country?

    II. Read the statements below and mark each of them as “true” or “false”.

    a. Scotland and Ireland have the same education system as England and Wales.

    b. The majority of schools in Britain are free so that parents don’t have to pay to send their children to these schools.

    c. Public schools are supported from public funds.

    d. Compulsory schooling in England and Wales lasts from the age of 5 to 14.

    e. After the age of 16 a growing number of school students leave school.

    III. Read the definitions below and fill in the blank with one of the following words.

    a. primary school d. Polytechnic

    b. public school e. comprehensive school

    c. secondary school f. university

    1. This is an institution of higher education which specialized in preparing students for particular jobs in science, industry, etc.

    2. This is a school which is not supported by government money and where parents have to pay for their children’s education.

    3. This is a school which a child attends from the age of 5 to the age of 11.

    4. This is a school which is run by the government and where education is free. It is the most common type of state secondary school where pupils of all abilities and backgrounds are taught together.

    1. This is an institution where students study for degrees. Academic research is done there, too.

    2. This is a school a child attends after the age of 11 and until he or she is 16 or 18.

    Colleges and Universities


     Discuss the questions below with your partner.

    1. Describe your college. What does it look like?

    2. Which place do you like best at your college? Why?

    3. How is a college / university different from high school?

    4. Why do people decide to study at college / university?

    5. What are some of the most famous universities in the world?

    6. How often do you borrow books from your college / university library?

    7. How many minutes does it take to go to your college / university from your home?

    8. How did you choose to study at your college / university (why not another?)

    9. How were colleges / universities different 300 years ago?

    10. What are two things you don’t like about your college / university?


    Why “Public Schools”?
    Public schools are private schools! How eccentric!.. or is it?

    Well, not really, since there are historic reasons for their names. When the first schools were invented, hundreds of years ago, they were all private schools. There were no such things as “state schools”. People, who could afford those public institutions, sent their children to be educated in the only schools available: these schools were open to the public – thus the name “public schools” but they are not free.


    1. eccentric – [ık´sentrık] – эксцентричный; странный

    2. to be invented – быть изобретённым

    3. available – [ǝ´veılǝbl] – доступный; имеющийся в распоряжении

    4. to be (not) free – (не) быть бесплатным
    School rules
    Public schools are schools which believe in discipline. Generally speaking, they have no strict rules, and pupils who break the rules are punished. Some rules are reasonable. No smoking, no alcohol, no drugs. Uniforms are usually obligatory (обязательна). Other rules may depend on the school: certain places (certain parts of the town) may be “out of bounds”. Pupils, who are mostly boarders, are not usually allowed to have motorbikes, or beards. If they insult the teacher, they may be expelled from the school. In the past, most schools used a lot of corporal punishment. Today they try to do without it, except in special circumstances.

    1. strict rules – строгие правила

    2. to depend on – зависеть от чего-либо

    3. to punish (v) – наказывать

    4. drugs – наркотики

    5. boarder – [´bɔ:dǝ] – пансионер (в школе)

    6. beard – [bıǝd] – борода; растительность на лице

    7. to insult (v) – [ın´sʌlt] – оскорблять, наносить оскорбление; обижать

    8. to expel from (v) – [ıks´pel] – исключать (из школы)
    Comprehension_check_I.'>Comprehension check

    I. Read the text quickly and say whether the following statements are true or false.

    1. Most public schools have strict rules.

    2. Most students are boarders.

    3. The relationship between teachers and pupils are based on obedience and respect.

    4. Corporal punishment is forbidden nowadays in public schools.

    II. Match the words having a certain relationship in meaning:

    1. discipline a. uniform

    2. punishment b. severity

    3. wear c. rules

    4. insult d. rude

    Reading Comprehension

    Eton College
    “The King College of Our Lady Eton”, beside Windsor, was founded by King Henry VI in 1440 to provide King’s College of Cambridge with scholars, a connection which still exists today, Eton being the exclusive reserve of the upper classes. Today Eton remains the largest and most famous public school in Britain. Boys arrive at school at the age of thirteen and leave at eighteen to take up their university careers at Oxford and Cambridge. They live in a boy’s house which is run by a house master, who is assisted in domestic affairs by a Dame (a sort of substitute mother for boys.) The house is the centre of the boy’s lives: it is here that they do about three hours’ preparation per day. The activities of the house are or-ganized by a senior boy known as the House Captain, who is often assisted by other three senior boys.

    School dress consists of tail coats and pin-striped trousers. Senior boys wear wing collars known as “stick-ups” and white bow ties.

    Former pupils or “Old Etonians” include twenty prime ministers, from Wal-pole and Pitt the elder to Harold Mac Milan and Sir Alec Douglas-Home in recent times. The writers Shelley, Gray, Aldus Huxley and George Orwell as well as the famous economist, Keynes, were all “Old Etonians”.

    1. to provide (v) – снабжать

    2. connection (n) – связь

    3. the exclusive reserve – [iks´klu:siv ri´zɜ:v] – особый / исключительный резерв

    4. to remain (v) – оставаться

    5. to be run (v) – управляться

    6. domestic affairs – внутренние дела

    7. Dame (n) – [deım] – начальница; кавалерственная дама

    8. substitute (n) – замена

    9. pin-striped trousers – брюки в тонкую полоску

    10. tail coat – [´teıl´kǝʊt] – фрак

    11. collar – [´kɔlə] – воротник

    I. Read the text and fill in the chart:

    Name of the school

    Year of foundation

    Students’ age range

    School uniform

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