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  • Comprehension check

  • Sensation and Perception” Warm-up Task I.

  • Comprehension check I.

  • Unit 16 Topic “Special Education” The History of Special Education in Russia

  • Practicing Vocabulary I.

  • Learning Disabilities

  • Учебное_пособие_КП_профессиональный. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов педагогического колледжа по специальности Коррекционная педагогика в начальном образовании

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    Unit 15

    Topic “Phycology and Teaching”

    Depression is an illness that affects over 10 million Americans every year. It can affect anyone of at any age. It occurs in any racial, ethnic and religious group and in both sexes, although women report symptoms of depression about twice as often as men. As many as one in Americans will suffer with some degree of depression during their lifetimes. Elderly people may get depressed over physical problems, retirement or loss of beloved ones. Middle-aged adults may become depressed when children leave home or goals begin to seem out of reach. Parental depression is a common condition. And for parents of children with developmental disabilities it is even more likely than for parents of children without disabilities. Young adults may become depressed as they struggle with new responsibilities. Married people may get depressed more often than singles, due to the interpersonal conflicts of married life. Children, even babies can also suffer depression. It’s often related to family conflicts, and symptoms usually pass quickly.

    There are a broad range of symptoms of depression: general slowing down, neglect of responsibilities, poor memory, inability to concentrate, emotional emptiness, hopelessness, loss of sexual desire, loss of self-esteem, and suicidal thoughts or actions.

    Depression is an illness that affects how you feel. It involves your mood, your thoughts and your behaviour. It affects the way you eat and sleep, the way you fell about yourself, the way you relate to the other people and the way you think about things.

    Treatment of depression, as with the most illnesses, is most effective when it begins early. Most depression can be successfully treated without hospitalization. The methods of treatment include psychotherapy and meditation.

    1. It occurs – это случается

    2. responsibility (n) – [rɪˏspɒnsə´bɪləti] – обязанность

    3. adult (n) – [´ædʌlt] – взрослый

    4. retirement (n) – [rɪ´taɪəmənt] – отставка, уход на пенсию

    5. parental depression (phr.) – [pə´rentəl dɪ´preʃən] – родительская депрессия

    6. symptom (n) – [´sɪmptəm] – симптом

    7. neglect (n) – [nɪ´ɡlekt] – пренебрежение

    8. hopelessness (n) – [´həʊplɪsnɪs] – безнадежность

    9. suicidal thoughts (phr.) – [ˏsuːɪ´saɪdəl θɔːts] – суицидальные мысли

    10. treatment (n) – [´triːtmənt] – лечение

    11. due to – [djuː tə] – из-за

    12. loss of self-esteem (phr.) – [lɒs əv ˏselfɪ´stiːm] – потеря самооценки

    13. sexual desire (phr.) – [´sekʃuəl dɪ´zaɪə(r)] – сексуальное желание

    14. emptiness (n) – [´emptinəs] – пустота

    Comprehension check

    I. Suggest Russian equivalents for the following word combinations.

    Children with developmental disabilities, goals begin to seem out of reach, struggle with new responsibilities, a common condition, general slowing down, a broad range of symptoms, the interpersonal conflicts, inability to concentrate, hospitalization, loss of beloved ones.

    II. Find English equivalents for the following word combinations.

    Женатые люди, страдают от депрессии, пренебрежение своими обязанностями, без госпитализации, в течение своей жизни, борются, плохая память, неспособность сосредоточиться, затрагивает ваше настроение, эмоциональная пустота, суицидальные мысли или действия.

    III. Read the phrases in phonetic script and give their Russian equivalents.

    [´reɪʃəl ´eθnɪk ənd rɪ´lɪdʒəs] [´fɪzɪkl ´prɒbləmz]

    [θɔːts ənd bɪ´heɪvjə(r)] [dɪ´veləpməntəl ˏdɪsə´bɪlɪtiz]

    [´sɪmptəmz əv dɪ´preʃən] [´sʌfə(r) dɪ´preʃən]

    [´fæməli ´kɒnflɪkts] [´kɒmən kən´dɪʃn]

    [ˏsaɪkəʊ´θerəpi ənd ˏmedɪ´teɪʃən] [´meθədz əv ´triːtmənt]

    IV. Answer the following questions.

    1. Do women report symptoms of depression more often than men?

    2. What are the symptoms of depression?

    3. Why do married people get depressed more often than singles?

    4. What are the reasons of depression of elderly people?

    5. What are the reasons of depression of middle-aged adults?

    6. What are the reasons of depression of parents of children with developmental disabilities?

    7. Children, even babies can also suffer depression, can’t they? Why?

    8. Can depression be treated?

    V. Translate the following sentences.

    1. Депрессия – это болезнь, которая поражает людей из любой группы.

    2. Женщины страдают от депрессии почти в два раза чаще, чем мужчины.

    3. Выход на пенсию может быть причиной депрессии.

    4. Обычно симптомы депрессии у детей проходят быстро.

    5. Депрессия – это болезнь, которая влияет на то, как вы себя чувствуете.

    6. Лечение депрессии, также как и большинства других заболеваний, наиболее эффективно, если оно начато в начале заболевания.

    Sensation and Perception”
    Warm-up Task

    I. Think it over and answer the questions.

    • What human’s senses do you know?

    • What are the most important ones?

    • What senses do you use very often?

    II. Read the text “Sensation and Perception” and get ready to discuss the information of the text.
    We receive information about the world around us through the senses. We have at least eleven senses, but the five ones are taste, touch, smell, hearing and sight. Each of these senses supplies a different quality of information about our environment, but they normally work in harmony to give us a complex multi-dimensional impression of the world.

    So far we have named the five basic senses but these are not only means that man has for receiving information. The sense of touch, for example, can be divided into four separate sub-senses of pressure, pain, warmth and cold. Each has its characteristic receptors and there are varying concentrations of receptors in the body. The ends of the fingers have a large number of pressure receptors but the back of hand has very few.

    The brain is the control centre and nerves resemble message lines, transmitting information from our senses to our brain.

    What we sense we interpret, and this psychological process is called “perception”. By perception we mean the process by which we become aware of and interpret or identify the sensation we receive. There are a lot of factors that influence our perceptions. Inheritance seems to be one factor. Learning is another influence. Learning may be defined as changes in behaviour as the result of the past experience. Perception depends on what we are used to, what we expect, and the context of our experience.

    1. sense (n) – [sens] – чувство, ощущение

    2. sensation (n) – [sen´seɪʃən] – ощущение

    3. perception (n) – [pə´sepʃən] – восприятие

    4. pressure (n) – [´preʃə(r)] – давление

    5. to resemble (v) – [rɪ´zembl̩] – напоминать

    6. to vary (v) – [´veəri] – варьироваться

    7. to transmit (v) – [trænz´mɪt] – передавать

    8. to interpret (v) – [ɪn´tɜːprɪt] – интерпретировать

    9. become aware of (v) – [bɪ´kʌm ə´weə(r) əv] – узнать

    10. inheritance (n) – [ɪn´herɪtəns] – наследование

    11. to define (v) – [dɪ´faɪn] – определять

    12. to identify (v) – [aɪ´dentɪfaɪ] – идентифицировать

    13. to influence (v) – [´ɪnfluəns] – влиять

    14. to depend on (v) – [dɪ´pend] – зависеть от
    Comprehension check

    I. Suggest Russian equivalents for the following word combinations.

    A complex multi-dimensional impression of the world; characteristic receptors; the five basic senses; separate sub-senses; the sense of touch; pressure receptors; a large number of pressure receptors; taste, touch, smell, hearing and sight.

    II. Find English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.

    Психологический процесс, изменения в поведении, линии сообщений, контекст опыта, работа в гармонии, по крайней мере, используются для, получение информации, окружающая среда, интерпретация или идентификация, пока что, опыт.

    III. Match the words with their definitions.

    1) concentration a) surroundings

    2) harmony b) comprehension

    3) behaviour c) data

    4) information d) conduct

    5) environment e) focus

    6) perception f) balance

    IV. Answer the following questions.

    1. How do we receive information about the world?

    2. How many sense do we have? What are they?

    3. How do we get a complex multi-dimensional impression of the world?

    4. Which process is called “perception”?

    5. Is inheritance one of the factors that influence our perception? What are the other factors?

    6. How can “learning” be defined?

    7. What does perception depend on?

    V. Translate the following sentences.

    1. Информацию об окружающей среде мы получаем через наши чувства, которых более десяти, но основные пять – это зрение, слух, вкус, осязание и обоняние.

    2. Когда все наши чувства работают в гармонии, мы получаем сложную многомерную картину мира.

    3. Нервы – это линии связи, передающие информацию от органов чувств к мозгу.

    4. Много факторов влияют на восприятие (перцепцию).

    5. Наследственность и обучение – два основных фактора, влияющих на восприятие.

    6. Обучение – это изменение поведения в результате прошлого опыта.

    7. Восприятие зависит от содержания нашего жизненного опыта.

    Unit 16

    Topic “Special Education”

    The History of Special Education in Russia
    The education of handicapped children in our country is a part of the state educational system. A few months after the Great October Socialist Revolution the state took upon itself the care of handicapped children.

    On December 10, in a decree signed by Vladimir Lenin, the Council of People’s Commissars determined the functions of the various People’s Commissariats in regard to the education and medical care of physically and mentally handicapped children. In accordance with this decision, retarded children were to be cared for and educated in the so-called auxiliary schools, where blind, deaf and physically handicapped children were to attend corresponding special schools of the People’s Commissariat of Education.

    In time a united system of for bringing up and educating handicapped children was created. This network of special establishments had been under constant improvement.

    Blind children and those with severely impaired eyesight received a complete secondary education in the course of 12 years of study. Deaf and the second division hard of hearing pupils were given the same period to acquire the curriculum of the eight-year secondary education, while the first division hard of hearing children accomplished the programme of the ordinary ten-year secondary school in 12 years.

    There were special evening secondary schools for working adults who were blind, partially sighted or deaf, or hard of hearing. Auxiliary schools (for mentally retarded children) with an eight-year term of study provided an elementary education and the children vocational training.

    There were also special secondary schools for children with disturbance of motor function and a special school for children who were multiply handicapped.

    Pre-school establishments for the deaf and hard of hearing, the blind, the mentally retarded and children with special defects had been developing successfully in the twentieth century.

    Prior to entering school all children aged six had to have a thorough medical examination by a team of specialists at their district children’s polyclinics. This examination was compulsory for every child entering school. Children who had serious defects of vision, hearing or speech and who could find studying in normal school too difficult were referring to a special school.
    Practicing Vocabulary

    I. Do you know the meaning of the words and phrases? If you don’t, read and remember them. Pay attention to their phonetic script.

    1. handicapped (adj.) – [ˊhændɪkæpt] – страдающие недостатками (физическими и умственными)

    2. the Council of People’s Commissars (phr.) – [ðə ˊkaʊnsl əv ˊpiːplz ˏkɒmɪˊsɑːrz] – Совет Народных Комиссаров

    3. People’s Commissariat (phr.) – [piːplz ˏkɒmɪˊseəriət] – Наркомат (Народный комиссариат)

    4. to determine (v) – [dɪˊtɜːmɪn] – определять, устанавливать

    5. in accordance with (phr.) – [ɪn əˊkɔːdəns wɪð] – в соответствии с

    6. retarded children (phr.) – [rɪˊtɑːdɪd] – умственно отсталые дети

    7. auxiliary school (phr.) – [ɔːɡˊzɪliəri skuːl] – вспомогательная школа

    8. 2nd division hard of hearing (phr.) – 2-я степень глухоты

    9. disturbance (n) – [dɪˊstɜːbəns] – нарушение

    10. multiply handicapped (phr.) – [ˊmʌltɪplaɪ ˊhændɪkæpt] – (человек) с множественными отклонениями в развитии

    11. thorough (adj.) – [ˊθʌrə] – комплексный, тщательный, полный

    12. to accomplish (v) – [əˊkʌmplɪʃ] – выполнять, завершать

    13. to refer to (v) – направлять, обращаться, относиться

    14. severely impaired eyesight (phr.) – [sɪˊvɪəli ɪmˊpeərd ˊaɪsaɪt] – значительно ослабленное зрение

    15. defect (n) – [ˊdiːfekt] – дефект
    II. Read the phrases in phonetic script and give their Russian equivalents.

    [rɪˊsiːv ə kəmˊpliːt ˊsekəndri ˏedʒuˊkeɪʃn]

    [ðə steɪt ˏedjʊˊkeɪʃənəl ˊsɪstəm]

    [dɪˊveləp səkˊsesfəli]

    [piːplz ˏkɒmɪˊseəriət əv ˏedʒuˊkeɪʃn]

    [ˊfɪzɪkli ənd ˊmentəli ˊhændɪkæpt ˊtʃɪldrən]

    [ˊspeʃl ɪˊstæblɪʃmənts]

    [ˊtʃɪldrən wɪð ˊspeʃl ˊdiːfekts]

    [skuːlz fə(r) ˊwɜːkɪŋ ˊædʌlts]

    [ðə ˊprəʊɡræm əv ðə ˊɔːdnri ten-jɜː sekəndri skuːl]

    [vəʊˊkeɪʃənəl ˊtreɪnɪŋ]

    [ˏelɪˊmentəri ˏedʒuˊkeɪʃn]

    [ˊθʌrə ˊmedɪkl ɪɡˏzæmɪˊneɪʃn]
    Comprehension check

    I. Suggest Russian equivalents for the following word combinations.

    The Great October Socialist Revolution, to acquire the curriculum, partially sighted or deaf, children with disturbance of motor function, prior to entering school, the mentally retarded and children with special defects, accomplished the programme of the ordinary ten-year secondary school.

    II. Find English equivalents for the following word combinations.

    Дети с нарушениями (физическими и умственными), умственно отсталые дети, взять на себя, в соответствии с этим решением, слепые и глухие дети, воспитание, создавать так называемые вспомогательные школы, соответствующие школы, обычная школа, развиваться успешно, районные детские поликлиники, комплексное медицинское обследование, дошкольное учреждение, все дети в возрасте шести лет.
    III. Match a line A with a line B to find out synonyms.

    A B

    impaired eyesight disabled

    special schools to raise

    handicapped auxiliary schools

    to bring up to supply

    to provide poor eyesight

    IV. Fill each gap with a proper word according to the definitions.

    To examine (v), retarded (adj.), deaf (adj.), to provide (v), to bring up (v), special (adj.), blind (adj.), disable (adj.)

    1) _______ – to cause to be unable to do something, especially by making a limb useless;

    2) _______ – to take care of in the family until grown;

    3) _______ – to supply something needed or useful;

    4) _______ – not able to hear at all or to hear well;

    5) _______ – not able to see;

    6) _______ – unusual; different from ordinary;

    7) _______ – of a person having less mental development than others;

    8) _______ – to look at a person or thing carefully, to find out something.

    V. Complete the following sentences.

    1. The young Soviet state took upon itself the care _________________.

    2. _________________ determined the functions of the various People’s Commissariats in regard to _________________.

    3. From 1919 retarded children were to be cared _________________.

    4. A united system for bringing up and educating handicapped children _________________.

    5. Blind children and those with poor eyesight received _________________.

    6. There were also auxiliary schools for children who were ___________________.

    7. Six-year-old children had to have a complex medical ________________.

    8. Disabled children who had serious problems with their health were referred to _________________.

    VI. Discuss the questions below with your partner.

    1. What steps in regard to the education of handicapped children did the state take after the Great October Socialist Revolution?

    2. What kind of schools were established for this purposes?

    3. What system of special education was developed?

    4. Was medical examination compulsory for every child entering school?

    Learning Disabilities

    Learning disability is a general term that refers to individuals who find it harder to learn, understand and communicate. Other terms that are used to describe an individual’s situation include complex needs or high support needs. Learning difficulty is often used in educational settings and refers to individuals who have specific problems. Children and young people requiring special education needs are often described as having a learning difficulty.

    Throughout the world, learning disabilities affect at least 1 in 10 children. But nowadays a learning disability isn’t considered anymore a handicap. People have learned to accept those with such conditions, and the personas from the public life had a great contribution. Apart from the classic examples of Albert Einstein who was unable to speak to the age of three, or the great Demosthenes who was a powerful public speaker in the ancient times, but who in his youth faced serious problems of stammering, there are also modern public figures who acknowledge freely that at a certain moment in their lives have been confronted with such a “malady”, such as actor Tom Cruise, singer Cher or director Steven Spielberg.

    Causes of learning disabilities

    The exact causes leading to these types of disabilities have not been clearly stated by specialists in their research. However, there are several factors that could possibly cause such a disorder. Among these, the most important to remember are: genetic factors, organic factors and environmental factors.

    Genetic factors

    Evidence has shown that learning problems run in families. The odds that a child is learning-disabled are much higher when the in the family was previously reported at least one such case.

    There are maternal factors such as the use of drugs, alcohol or tobacco during pregnancy that have negative effects; it is well-known that mothers who smoke during pregnancy for example, are more likely to bear small babies, who are at a higher risk for learning disabilities; poor prenatal medical care and nutrition and prenatal injury or delivery complications can also be responsible.

    Organic factors

    Organic factors refer to dysfunctions that may appear in the central nervous system and damage the brain known as Minimal Brain Dysfunctions.

    Environmental factors

    There are several factors in the child’s environment thought to affect his abilities of learning, such as nutritional deficiencies, inadequate learning experience or environmental toxins such as mercury or dioxins released into the child’s body within his first year of life.

    For example, in economic deprived families there exist the possibility the child is never given the opportunity to go to school, and so he is a “stranger” to the domain of linguistic and cognitive activities.

    Researchers agree that poor quality teaching in schools may also cause a learning disability. There are cases when the use of inappropriate materials or a teaching style that does not allow the learner enough time to acquire basic skills, moving too fast can contribute to the unsuccessful activity of the student.

    There are many cases when students are labeled unconsciously by their teachers or peers as being lazy or stupid, but in fact their only problem is that their brains are designed to process information differently. So far there no treatment has been found to “cure” this condition, but children can be helped to learn successfully with the appropriate support from both parents but especially from teachers. However, it is necessary for a learning disabled child to be discovered in time.
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