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  • Comprehension Check I.

  • Unit 17 Topic “Working with Difficult Children in Primary Schools”

  • Vocabulary I.

  • Behavioural Difficulties of Schoolchildren

  • Список использованной литературы

  • Учебное_пособие_КП_профессиональный. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов педагогического колледжа по специальности Коррекционная педагогика в начальном образовании

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    Practicing Vocabulary

    I. Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If you don’t, read and remember them. Pay attention to their phonetic script.

    1. to require (v) – [rɪˊkwaɪə(r)] – требовать, нуждаться

    2. to affect (v) – [əˊfekt] – влиять, воздействовать

    3. to be considered (v) – [kənˊsɪdəd] – рассматриваться

    4. handicap (n) – инвалидность

    5. to accept (v) – [əkˊsept] – принимать, признавать, соглашаться

    6. Albert Einstein – [ˊælbət ˊaɪnstaɪn] – Альберт Эйнштейн

    7. Demosthenes – [dɪˊmɒsθəniːz] – Демосфен

    8. stammering (n) – [ˊstæmərɪŋ] – заикание

    9. to acknowledge freely (phr.) – [əkˊnɒlɪdʒ ˊfriːli] – признавать свободно

    10. malady (n) – [ˊmælədi] – болезнь, расстройство

    11. prenatal injury (phr.) – [ˏpriːˊneɪtəl ˊɪndʒəri] – пренатальная (внутриутробная) травма

    12. delivery complications (phr.) – [dɪˊlɪvəri ˏkɒmplɪˊkeɪʃən] – осложнения во время родов

    13. organic factors (phr.) – [ɔːˊɡænɪk ˊfæktərz] – органические факторы

    14. dysfunction (n) – [dɪsˊfʌŋkʃən] – дисфункция

    15. odds (n) – [ɒdz] – шансы

    16. maternal factors (phr.) – [məˊtɜːnəl] – материнские факторы

    17. nutrition (n) – [njuːˊtrɪʃən] – питание

    18. inappropriate (adj.) – [ˏɪnəˈprəʊpriət] – несоответствующий, неподходящий, неуместный

    19. mercury (n) – [ˊmɜːkjʊri] – ртуть

    20. dioxins – [daɪˊɒksɪnz] – диоксины

    21. unconsciously (adv) – [ʌnˊkɒnʃəsli] – бессознательно

    22. to contribute (v) – [kənˊtrɪbjuːt] – способствовать, содействовать

    II. Read the phrases in phonetic script and give their Russian equivalents.

    [əˊprəʊpriət səˊpɔːt] [ˊleɪzi ɔː(r) ˊstjuːpɪd]

    [ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentl ˊtɒksɪnz] [ɪˊnʌf taɪm]

    [kɔːz ə ˊlɜːnɪŋ ˏdɪsəˊbɪlti] [ˊdæmɪdʒ ðə breɪn]

    [ðə ˊsentrəl ˊnˏːvəs ˊsɪstəm] [ˊmɪnɪməl breɪn dɪsˊfʌŋkʃənz]

    [lɜːn səkˊsesfəli] [ˏɪndɪˊvɪdʒuəlz ˏsɪtʃuˊeɪʃn]

    [lɪŋˈɡwɪstɪk ənd ˊkɒɡnɪtɪv ækˊtɪvɪtiz] [dʒəˊnetɪk ˊfæktə(r)z]
    Comprehension Check

    I. Find English equivalents for the following word combinations.

    По всему миру; неспособность к обучению; высокие потребности в поддержке; столкнулся с серьезными проблемами; причины неспособности к обучению; плохое предродовое медицинское обслуживание; употребление наркотиков, алкоголя или табака; соответствующая поддержка; использование неподходящих материалов; быть бессознательно отмеченным ярлыком, область языковой и познавательной деятельности; минимальные мозговые дисфункции.

    II. Suggest Russian equivalents for the following word combinations.

    A powerful public speaker, are more likely to bear, abilities of learning, economic deprived families, a learning disabled child, to acquire basic skills, are labeled unconsciously, to process information differently, to be discovered in time, environmental factors, apart from the classic examples, types of disabilities, environmental toxins, requiring special education, disorder.

    III. Match a line A with a line B to find out the definitions of the words.

    A word

    B definition

    1) disability

    a) to share or exchange information, news, or ideas

    2) education

    b) a physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities

    3) problem

    c) abnormality or impairment in the function of a specified bodily organ or system

    4) dysfunction

    d) to make (something, typically something bad) happen

    5) communicate (v)

    e) the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university

    6) specialist

    f) a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome problem

    7) cause (v)

    g) a person highly skilled in a specific and restricted (ограниченный) field

    VI. Discuss the questions below with your partner.

    1. What does a term “learning disability” means?

    2. What kind of children and young people require special education?

    3. Is learning disability a rare problem nowadays?

    4. Which factors can cause learning disabilities?

    5. How can be defined genetic (organic or environmental) factors?

    6. What other reasons can cause learning disabilities?

    7. Which factors caused learning disabilities are the most serious, in your opinion?

    8. And which ones can be avoided?

    Unit 17

    Topic “Working with Difficult Children in Primary Schools”
    Reading for detail

    A Few Ways to Help a Learning-disabled Child Better Understand His Studies
    Children who are inattentive, hyperactive or impulsive are likely to benefit from an environment which is well structured and predictable. It is good for them to know what is going to come next. Unexpected events, movements between lessons and anything where there are unexpected happenings can be difficult to cope with. It makes sense to start their day by explaining what is going to happen.

    Here are some tactics to help a child work on set tasks.

    1. Position the child close to the teacher.

    It is an advantage when a teacher can keep a regular check on what a child is actually doing and be able to react, encourage, motivate, explaining things a little further.

    2. Present tasks in bite-size chunks.

    Children with learning disabilities have difficulty holding things in their mind for any length of time. This means that a complex task is difficult for the child because his or her working memory cannot deal with a series of instructions without a break. If an activity is broken down into easily stages so that a small amount of information can be presented at one time, the whole task can be managed more easily.

    3. Provide visual prompts.

    Visual reminders on the wall/board can be very helpful. They might be something like this:

    a. First do this.

    b. Then do this.

    c. Lastly stop.

    4. Working in pairs

    By working in a pair the two children can motivate each other and provide feedback. They can discuss the problem and help to take it outside an individual’s personality. It is also good if one makes notes.

    5. Peer tutoring

    Peer tutoring, where one child teaches another child, and in particular cross-age tutoring where an older child teaches a younger child, is one of the most successful ways of helping children to learn.

    6. Working on the computer

    This helps because the computer can provide information, can be a motivator. It can provide stimulation when the teacher is not available and it is a successful way of maintaining a child’s concentration.

    I. Do you know the meaning of these words and phrases? If you don’t, read and remember them. Pay attention to their phonetic script.

    1. hyperactive (adj.) – [ˏhaɪpərˊæktɪv] – гиперактивный

    2. to be likely to benefit from an environment (phr.) – быть в состоянии извлечь выгоду из окружающей среды

    3. predictable (adj.) – [prɪˊdɪktəbl] – предсказуемый

    4. to encourage (v) – [ɪnˊkʌrɪdʒ] – поощрять, поддерживать, ободрять

    5. visual prompt (phr.) – [ˊvɪuəl] – визуальная подсказка

    6. to manage (v) – справляться

    7. prompt (n) – [prɒmpt] – подсказка
    Comprehension Check

    I. Read the phrases in phonetic script and give their Russian equivalents.

    [ˏʌnɪkˊspektɪd ɪˊvents] [ˊstrʌktʃəd ənd prɪˊdɪktəbl]

    [ˊeɪbl tə riˊækt] [prəˊvaɪd ˏstɪmjʊˊleɪʃən]

    [ˏhaɪpərˊæktɪv ɔː(r) ɪmˊpʌlsɪv] [ˊlɜːnɪŋ ˏdɪsəˊbɪlɪtiz]

    [ə ˊsɪəriːz əv ɪnˊstrʌkʃənz] [ən ˊəʊldə tʃaɪld]

    [ˊiːzəli ˊsteɪdʒiz] [meɪnˊteɪn ə tʃaɪldz ˏkɒnsnˊtreɪʃn]

    II. Find English equivalents for the following word combinations.

    Визуальные напоминания; концентрация ребенка; небольшое количество информации; обеспечить обратную связь; предоставить информацию; сложная задача; комплект задач; рабочая память; успешные способы; разновозрастное обучение; обсудить проблему; без перерыва.

    III. Suggest Russian equivalents for the following word combinations.

    Can be difficult to cope with; what is going to happen; unexpected happenings; hold things in mind for any length of time; it makes sense; bite-size chunks; peer tutoring; deal with a series of instructions; to broke down into easily stages; explain things a little further.

    IV. Match a line A with a line B to find out the definitions of the words.

    A word

    B definition

    1) hyperactive

    a) succeed in coping with any task

    2) tactic [ˊtæktɪk]

    b) detailed information telling how something should be done

    3) motivate (v)

    c) able to be predicted

    4) instruction

    d) an action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end

    5) tutor (v)

    e) provide (someone) with a motive for doing something

    6) predictable

    f) abnormally or extremely active

    7) manage (v)

    g) act as a tutor to (a single student or a very small group)

    V. Discuss the questions below with your partner.

    1. What can be difficult to cope with for children with learning disabilities?

    2. What are some tactics to help a child work on set tasks?

    3. Why is it important to present tasks in bite-size chunks?

    4. How does working in pairs provide learning progress?

    5. Why is peer tutoring one of the most successful ways of helping children to learn?

    6. What can working on the computer provide?
    Reading Comprehension

    Behavioural Difficulties of Schoolchildren
    There are many straightforward explanations for why children behave in certain ways at schools.

    Some children are simply young or immature and as they get older their inattentiveness or other behavioural problems will disappear. They grow out of it.

    Some children arrive at school having little chance to mix with other children; they may have had little pre-school experience with few siblings at home and so they have not had time to practice or learn social skills. Such children will continue to grow and learn as they pick up different ways of behaving at school.

    Other children have a hearing loss or visual impairment making them appear inattentive, impulsive or hyperactive.

    Then there is the possibility that the home background of the child, or the group of children that the child happens to be with can influence behaviour.

    Personality interactions between the teacher and a child can also be important and this can mean that the child behaves in one way with one teacher and in a quite different way with another teacher.

    In summary, the child lives in a complex, changing world and inattention, impulsiveness and hyperactivity can have many origins. In many cases a child will grow out of it. On the other hand, if all the origins of behavioural difficulties mentioned above have been ruled out and if the child has, over a long period, appeared to be inattentive or hyperactive and perhaps impulsive then it is beginning to suggest that there might be a deeper cause of the behaviour. If that is the case, then there is a fairly clear understanding of what causes this kind of behaviour, which is the problem for the child.

    1. straightforward (adj.) – [ˏstreɪtˊfɔːwəd] – простой

    2. immature (adj.) – [ˏɪməˊtʃʊər] – незрелый

    3. to disappear (v) – [ˏdɪsəˊpɪə(r)] – исчезать, пропадать

    4. sibling (n) – [ˊsɪblɪŋ] – брат или сестра

    5. impairment (n) – [ɪmˊpɛːm(ə)nt] – ухудшение, повреждение

    6. to be ruled out (v) – быть исключенным

    7. perhaps – [pəˊhæps] – возможно
    Comprehension Check

    I. Suggest Russian equivalents for the following word combinations.

    a) behavioural problems h) to mix with other children

    b) in summary i) visual impairment

    c) impulsive or hyperactive j) a complex, changing world

    d) have a hearing loss k) to influence behaviour

    e) in many cases l) a deeper cause

    f) on the other hand m) to practice or learn social skills

    g) pre-school experience n) a fairly clear understanding

    II. Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.



    1) behaviour

    a) reciprocal (взаимное) action or influence

    2) hyperactive

    b) have an influence on

    3) interaction

    c) not paying attention to something

    4) influence (v)

    d) the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward others

    5) to practice (v)

    e) abnormally or extremely active

    6) inattentive

    f) of or relating to the time before a child is old enough to go to elementary school

    7) pre-school

    g) carry out or perform (a particular activity, method, or custom) habitually or regularly

    III. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

    1. There aren’t any explanations for behavioural difficulties of schoolchildren.

    2. Some schoolchildren grow out of behavioural difficulties.

    3. The lack of pre-school experience in socializing causes some behaving problems at school.

    4. Inattentiveness, impulsiveness and hyperactivity and some others are typical behavioural problems at school.

    5. Personality interactions between the teacher and a child aren’t so important.

    6. A child lives in a straightforward world which leads to behaving problems at school.

    7. The origins of behavioural difficulties may be different.
    Список использованной литературы
    1. Степанова С.Н., Хафизова С.И., Гревцева Т.А. Английский язык для педагогических специальностей=English for Pedagogical Specialities: учеб. пособие для студ. высш. пед. учеб. заведений. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2008. – 224 с.

    2. Harnis M. New Opportunities Russian Edition: Intermediate Students’ Book / M. Harnis, D. Mower, A. Sikorzynska, I. Larionova, O. Melchina, I. Solokova. – 2-nd impression. – China: Rearson Education Limited GCC/02, 2017. – 144 p.

    3. Hutchinson, T. New Hotline: Pre-intermediate Student’s Book / T. Hutchinson. – Oxford University Press, 2018. – 119 p.

    4. Wildman J. Attain: Intermediate Students’ Book /Jayne Wildman, David Bolton. – Oxford University Press, 2019. – 111 p.

    5. Интернет-ресурс: 50 motivating quotes about books and reading. Режим обращения: http://ebookfriendly.com/best-quotes-books-reading/ (дата обращения: 20.01.2022)

    6. Интернет-ресурс: Free ESL Worksheets. Режим обращения: http://elcivics.com/worksheets/esl-worksheets.html (дата обращения: 21.01.2022)

    7. Интернет-ресурс: British Council. https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/ru/category/topics (дата обращения: 12.11.2021)

    7. Интернет-ресурс: www.allthingstopics.com (дата обращения: 27.10.2020)

    8. Интернет-ресурс: www.allthinggrammar.com (дата обращения: 29.10.2020)
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