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  • Family Problems 1.

  • Comprehension check I.

  • Unit 14 Topic “Children with Special Needs”

  • Children with Special Needs

  • VII.

  • Учебное_пособие_КП_профессиональный. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов педагогического колледжа по специальности Коррекционная педагогика в начальном образовании

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    Answer the following questions.

    1. Where does a person’s upbringing and education start?

    2. What is a child’s upbringing?

    3. What parenting styles do you know?

    4. What parenting style do many parents choose?

    5. What is essential to make children happy and to develop them successfully?

    Reading Comprehension

    Family Problems
    1. One of the main things is family problems. A lot of children fell caught in the middle when their parents are separating. They feel they might be asked to make a choice about which parent they want to live with even if that’s not the reality.

    Also other family problems, like if they don’t get on with their brothers and sisters. Just because you are born into the family does not mean you automatically get on!

    2. The main thing we would tell young children to do is to talk about their feelings. Not to keep it all to themselves.

    Children often feel they can’t talk to their parents in case they upset them. But parents are adults; it’s their responsibility to listen to children.

    If they feel they can’t talk to their parents, they can perhaps talk to a school psychologist or a teacher or the mother of their best friend, for example.

    3. Children don’t use the word “depressed”. They can say “I ‘m feeling really down” or “I’m fed up all the time and I don’t know why”. Or “I can’t stop crying” or “I just don’t feel right”. Any child who thinks they have these problems should always talk about it to someone.

    4. Children tell us all the time that there’s not enough counseling. And that is a key in dealing with children’s mental health problems. A counselor can tease out from a child whether they might need specialist help or if they just need help to sort out one issue.

    So we think the government should give more money to provide more counseling for children.

    5. If you depressed, one more thing we like to say to children is that “You never know what tomorrow is going to bring”. Yes, it could be something worse but it could be something which is so much better.

    My biggest message for children is to make sure they talk about stuff and not store it up. They should talk to someone they trust.

    If you’re worried about anything, you should have a talk and discuss it.

    1. to be caught in the middle (phr.) – быть между двух огней

    2. to upset (somebody) (v) – [ʌpˊset] – расстраивать,огорчать

    3. to be fed up (v) – быть сытым по горло

    4. counselor (n) – [´kaʊnsə] –консультант

    5. to tease out (v) – [tiːz] – выведать; выспросить

    6. to store up (v) – накапливать; хранить

    7. issue (n) – [ˊɪʃuː] – проблема
    Comprehension check
    I. Match the questions below with the paragraphs 1-5.

    a. What advice would you give to children who have problems?

    b. Have you got any other advice for children with problems?

    c. What are the biggest problems for children?

    d. What needs to be done to help all these children with problems?

    e. How do children know if they’re depressed and not just feeling a bit sad?
    II. Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.



    1. problem

    a) to sense, perceive or experience

    2. counselor

    b) of or relating to the mind

    3. feel (v)

    c) believe in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of

    4. mental

    d) an important topic or problem for debate or discussion

    5. depressed

    e) arrange systematically in groups; separate according to type, class, etc.

    6. sort out (v)

    f) (of a person) in a state of general unhappiness or despondency

    7. trust (v)

    g) a person trained to give guidance on personal, social, or psychological problems

    III. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

    1. Problems with their pears are the main thing for children.

    2. If a child is depressed, he or she should cope with depression himself or herself.

    3. In fact children never use the word “depressed”.

    4. When a child says “I just don’t feel right”, it means he is trying to solve the problem.

    5. Sometimes depressed children might need specialist help them.

    6. The best advice for depressed children is to talk about the problem and not store it up.

    7. It is common thing when brothers and sisters get on well with each other.
    Unit 14

    Topic “Children with Special Needs
    Warm-up Task:

    ∙ Think it over and answer the following questions.

    1. What is a child with special needs?

    2. What causes a child to have special needs?

    3. What is the most common type of special needs?

    4. Have you ever dealt with a special needs child?

    5. Do you know a family with a special needs child?

    ∙ Use the topical vocabulary in your answers.

    A special needs child; the most common special needs; learning disabilities; hereditary [həˊredɪtəri] – наследственный; to require special attention and specific necessities; medical factors; during pregnancy; environmental factors; speech and/or language delays; Autism Spectrum Disorder; cognitive delays; social and emotional disorders.

    Reading for detail

    Children with Special Needs

    Scan the text. Work in pairs to do the tasks that follow.

    Children with special needs are those who are unable to form good relationships with other children because of problems in their character and behaviour. For children with social and emotional problems, special therapeutic services may be provided. Psychotherapy and behaviour modification by psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers are generally a part of the educational program. Psychotherapy is the treatment of mental illness, for example depression, by talking to maladjusted children and discussing their problems rather than using drugs or medical treatment.

    Behaviour modification means the control of behaviour in which desired behaviour is rewarded, and vice versa, undesirable one is punished. Behaviour modification helps teachers to shape individual behaviour toward some desired effect and to control behaviour in classrooms. Teaching techniques for maladjusted children are to stress personality development, social adjustment, and habits of interpersonal relationships. Personality development, social adjustment, and habits of interpersonal relationships must come before subjects that maladjusted children study at school. But to study different subjects at school is therapeutic in itself and must be promoted as much as possible.

    1) maladjusted – [ˏmælə´dʒʌstɪd] – неумеющий приспособиться к окружающей обстановке

    2) maladjustment – дезадаптация

    3) therapeutic – [ˏθerə´pjuːtɪk] – терапевтический

    4) psychotherapy – [ˏsaɪkəʊ´θerəpi] – психотерапия

    5) behaviour modification = behaviour therapy – изменение поведения (метод мотивации, базирующийся на утверждении, что поощрение приводит к повторению, а наказание к избежанию совершенных поступков и образцов поведения)

    6) psychologist – [saɪ´kɒlədʒɪst] – психолог

    7) psychiatrist – [saɪ´kaɪətrɪst] – психиатр

    8) social worker – [´səʊʃl] – социальный работник

    9) mental illness – душевная болезнь

    10) drugs – лекарства

    11) medical treatment – [´medɪkl ´triːtmənt] – лечение

    12) technique – [tek´niːk] – метод, способ

    13) personality development– – развитие личности

    14) social adjustment – [səʊʃl ə´dʒʌstmənt] – приспособление к окружающей социальной среде

    15) habits of interpersonal relationships – навыки межличностных взаимоотношений.

    16) inadequate – [ɪ´nædɪkwət] – неадекватный, неполноценный

    17) to promote – [prə´məʊt] – способствовать, поощрять, продвигать

    Comprehension check

    I. Answer the questions.

    1. What children are unable to form good relationships with other children because of problems in their character and behaviour?

    2. What is generally a part of the educational program?

    3. What is meant by the term “psychotherapy”?

    4. What does behaviour modification mean?

    5. What does behaviour modification help teachers to do?

    6. What are teaching techniques for maladjusted children to stress?

    7. What must come before subjects that maladjusted children study at school?

    8. What is therapeutic in itself and must be promoted as much as possible?

    II. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

    1. Social adjustment is poor, faulty, or inadequate adjustment.

    2. Therapy is the way that somebody behaves, especially towards other people and in a particular situation.

    3. A relationship is a feeling of sadness that makes you think there is no hope for the future.

    4. Behaviour is the treatment of an illness or injury over a fairly long period of time, especially without using drugs or operations.

    5. An individual is the various aspects of a person's character that combine to make them different from other people.

    6. Maladjustment is a change in the way a person behaves or thinks.

    7. Depression is the way in which two people or two groups behave towards each other.

    8. Personality is one person, considered separately from the rest of the group or society that they live in.

    III. Rearrange these words to make sensible sentences.

    1. Maladjusted children those who are unable to form good relationships with other children because of problems in their character and behaviour are.

    2. Psychotherapy and behaviour modification by psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers generally a part of the educational program are.

    3. Psychotherapy the treatment of mental illness, for example depression, by talking to maladjusted children and discussing their problems rather than using drugs or medical is treatment.

    4. Behaviour modification the control of behaviour in which desired behaviours are rewarded, and vice versa, undesirable ones are means punished.

    5. Behaviour modification teachers to shape individual behaviour toward some desired effect and to control behaviour in classrooms helps.

    6. Teaching techniques for maladjusted children to stress personality development, social adjustment, and habits of interpersonal are relationships.

    7. Personality development, social adjustment, and habits of interpersonal relationships come before subjects that maladjusted children study at school must.

    8. To study different subjects at school therapeutic in itself and must be promoted as much as possible is.

    IV. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English.

    Изменение поведения; развитие личности; приспособление к окружающей социальной среде; навыки межличностных взаимоотношений; терапевтические услуги; психотерапия; психолог; психиатр; социальный работник; душевная болезнь; лекарства; лечение; методы обучения детей, не умеющих приспособиться к окружающей обстановке; довольно долгий период времени.

    V. Complete the following sentences.

    1. Maladjusted children are ...

    2. ... are generally a part of the educational program.

    3. Psychotherapy is ...

    4. Behaviour modification means ...

    5. Behaviour modification helps teachers to shape ... and to control ...

    6. Teaching techniques for maladjusted children are to stress ...

    7. ... must come before subjects that maladjusted children study at school.

    8. To study different subjects at school is...

    VI. Choose one topic to speak about

    a) therapeutic services for maladjusted children;

    b) teaching techniques for maladjusted children.

    VII. Write an abstract to the text.

    Autism Spectrum Disorders
    I. Do you know what autism is? If you don’t, read the information below and get ready to answer the questions below.

    Note: Autism is one of the neurobiological disorder. I mean autism [´ɔːtɪzəm] or Autism Spectrum Disorders [´ɔːtɪzəm ´spektrəm dɪs´ɔːdəz].

    Расстройство аутистического спектра – нейроонтогенетическое расстройство, то есть расстройство психического развития с наступлением в младенчестве или детстве, характеризующееся стойким дефицитом способности начинать и поддерживать социальное взаимодействие и общественные связи, а также ограниченными интересами и часто повторяющимися поведенческими действиями. Основная характеристика расстройства – перманентный дефицит в социальной коммуникации и социальном взаимодействии.

    II. Answer the following questions.

    1. Have you ever heard about this neurobiological disorder?

    2. Have you ever met a child with this disorder?

    3. Has he or she any differences in his or her behaviour? What are they?

    Patterns of Behavior

    • Repetitive behaviors like hand-flapping, rocking, jumping, or twirling.

    • Constant moving (pacing) and “hyper” behavior.

    • Fixations on certain activities or objects.

    • Specific routines or rituals (and getting upset when a routine is changed, even slightly)

    • Extreme sensitivity to touch, light, and sound.

    III. Scan the text. Work in pairs to answer the questions that follow.

    Autism is a neurobiological disorder that affects physical, social, and language skills. The term was first used by the psychiatrist Leo Kanner in the 1940s to describe children who appeared to be excessively withdrawn and self-preoccupied. Autism usually appears before 2 years of age. Autistic children appear indifferent or averse to affection and physical contact. They may suffer episodes of rage or panic.

    Speech develops slowly and abnormally or not at all. It may be characterized by constant repetition of what is said by others. The replacement of speech by strange mechanical sounds also occurs .Suffering severe learning difficulties; some autistic children may have an unusually high level of ability in a particular skill, for example in art or music. Autism is often characterized by rhythmic body movements such as rocking or hand-clapping and by an obsessive desire to prevent change in daily routines.

    Autistic individuals may be hypersensitive to, for example high-pitched sounds, and abnormally slow to react to, for example physical pain. The disorder is more common in males. Though postnatal factors such as lack of parental attention were once blamed, it is now known that autism is the result of abnormalities in the brain structure. There is no effective treatment for autism.

    1. autism – [´ɔːtɪzəm] – аутизм (оторванность от людей, от жизни; погружённость в свой собственный мир)

    2. autistic – [ɔː´tɪstɪk] – страдающий аутизмом

    3. neurobiological – [njʊərəʊbaɪ´ɒləʤɪkl] – нейробиологический

    4. disorder – расстройство

    5. withdrawn – [wɪð´drɔːn] – замкнутый, ушедший в себя

    6. self-preoccupied = self-absorbed – [self əb´zɔːbd] – эгоцентричный, поглощенный в свои мысли, интересы, эмоции; indifferent (to) – безразличный, безучастный, равнодушный; averse – питающий отвращение

    7. affection (towards, for) – привязанность, любовь

    8. suffer – испытывать

    9. episode – [´epɪsəʊd] – эпизод

    10. rage – ярость, гнев

    11. panic – паника

    12. abnormally – ненормально

    13. rocking – качание

    14. hand-clapping – хлопанье в ладоши

    15. obsessive – [əb´sesɪv] – навязчивый

    16. routine – заведенный порядок

    17. hypersensitive – [haɪpə´sensɪtɪv] – чрезмерно чувствительный

    18. high-pitched sounds – высокие, пронзительные звуки

    19. postnatal – [pəʊst´neɪtl] – происходящий после рождения

    20. parental – [pə´rentl] – родительский

    21. abnormality – [æbnɔː´mælɪtɪ] – неправильность, ненормальность

    22. autistic savant = idiot savant – [ɔː´tɪstɪk´sævənt] = [´ɪdɪət´sævənt] умственно неполноценный человек, проявляющий незаурядные способности в какой-л. области.
    Comprehension check

    I. Answer the questions.

    1. What is meant by the term “autism”?

    2. What term was first used to describe children who appeared to be excessively withdrawn and self-preoccupied?

    3. When does autism usually appear?

    4. What do autistic children appear indifferent or averse to?

    5. What may autistic children suffer?

    6. How does the speech of autistic children develop?

    7. What may the speech of autistic children be characterized by?

    8. What also occurs among autistic children?

    9. May some autistic children have an unusually high level of ability in a particular skill?

    10. Autism is characterized by rhythmic body movements such as rocking or hand-clapping, isn’t it?

    11. Autism is characterized by an obsessive desire to prevent change in daily routines, isn’t it?

    12. May autistic individuals be hypersensitive to high-pitched sounds?

    13. May autistic individuals be abnormally slow to react to physical pain?

    14. Is autism more common in males or females?

    15. What was once blamed for autism?

    16. Is autism the result of abnormalities in the brain structure?

    17. There is no effective treatment for autism, is there?
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