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    Итоговая контрольная работа по грамматике
    Задание 1. Запишите перевод предложений, которые Вы выбрали для итоговой контрольной работы (по 2 на каждую грамматическую тему):

    1. Времена английского глагола в действительном залоге



    1. Времена английского глагола в страдательном залоге



    1. Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий



    1. Модальные глаголы



    1. Согласование времён



    1. Условные предложения и сослагательное наклонение



    Задание 2. Выберите по 2 вопроса из каждой разговорной темы и письменно ответьте на вопросы:

    1. Student’s Life.

    1. Are you a full time or a part time student?

    2. What city are you from?

    3. Do you live in a hostel?

    4. Are you the monitor of your group?

    5. Have you written any semester test papers already?

    6. Are you a first year student, second year student or a matriculant?

    7. How much time does it take you to get to the University?

    8. How do you usually get to the University?

    9. At what time do you have a break for lunch? 10.What subjects do you study at the University? 11.What exams will you pass this semester?

    12.What should your examination marks be if you want to get state grant?

    1. St. Petersburg Forestry University.

    1. When was the University founded?

    2. Where was the University situated after its foundation?

    3. What is the University famous for?

    4. How many faculties are there at the University?

    5. What is the oldest faculty?

    6. When was the University transferred to St. Petersburg?

    7. When was the training area in Lisino founded?

    8. Do students of the University still go to Lisino to have their practice there?

    9. What is the name of your faculty?

    10. At what levels does the University train students? 11.Is there a part time department at the University? 12.What are your opportunities after the graduation?

    1. St. Petersburg

    1. When was the city founded?

    2. What was the first construction of the city and why?

    3. Why was the city named “St. Petersburg”?

    4. How many times was the city renamed and why?

    5. When did St. Petersburg become the capital of Russia?

    6. When was the capital transferred to Moscow?

    7. Where is the most famous monument to Peter I situated?

    8. What places of interest would you recommend to see?

    9. What is the symbol of St. Petersburg? 10.What is the main street of the city?

    11.What is your favourite place in St. Petersburg and why? 12.Why is the city called “Venice of the Norh”?

    1. London

    1. When was the city founded?

    2. What is the population of London?

    3. What is the City of London?

    4. Who lives in the Buckingham Palace?

    5. What is the main waterway (river) of the city?

    6. What is similar between Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg and Tower in London?

    7. What happened in 1665and 1666?

    8. What is the population of the city?

    9. Who is the Prime Minister?

    10. What is the official address of the Prime Minster?

    11. What places of interest in London would you like to visit? 12.What is smog?

    1. Russia

      1. What is the territory of Russia?

      2. What is the political system of Russia?

      3. Who is the Head of the Government?

      4. What is the name of Russia’s Prime Minister?

      5. What is the population of the country?

      6. What is the population of the capital of the country?

      7. What Russian rivers do you know?

      8. What Russian mountains do you know?

      9. What famous Russian people are well known abroad in your opinion? 10.What seas wash the coasts of Russia?

    11.What can you say about the climate of Russia? 12.What is Russia very rich in?

    1. Great Britain

      1. What is the political system of Great Britain?

      2. What can you say about the climate of Great Britain?

      3. What can you say about rivers of Great Britain?

      4. What can you say about mountains of Great Britain?

      5. What parts does the country consist of?

      6. Can you name all the capitals of all the parts of Great Britain?

      7. Who is the Prime Minister of the country?

      8. What is the official address of the Prime Minister?

      9. What is the Buckingham palace famous for?

      10. What famous people from Great Britain do you know? 11.What places in Great Britain would you like to visit?

    12.What can you say about the geographical position of the country?

    1. Forests

    1. What kinds of forests do you know?

    2. What can you say about the forests of Russia?

    3. What is typical for deciduous trees?

    4. What is typical for coniferous trees?

    5. What can you say about the forests of Great Britain?

    6. What can you say about the forests of Europe?

    7. What are the main functions of forests?

    8. Are there many forests in the part of the country where you live?

    9. How would you characterize tropical forests? 10.How would you characterize boreal forests? 11.How would you characterize temperate forests? 12.What can you say about global natural forests?

    Задание 3. Выберите один из текстов и отредактируйте компьютерный перевод. Проанализируйте ошибки в компьютерном переводе.

    Выберите один из текстов. Найдите сказуемые в предложениях, определите их время. Переведите текст и сравните свой перевод с компьютерным переводом. Выскажите своё мнение по описанной в тексте проблеме.*

    Ex 3. Is it going on or has it already happened? Underline the right variant:

    It is becoming/has become evident that global warming is a fraud.

    Since the end of the last Ice Age, sea level is rising/has risen more than a hundred meters.

    The polar bear population is increasing/has increased.

    We are not currently experiencing/has not experienced more floods, droughts, or forest fires.

    There is no evidence of any type to support the idea that we are entering/have entered an era when significant climate change is occurring/has occurred.
    Global Warming Is a Fraud David Deming
    As the years pass and data accumulate, it is becoming evident that global warming is a fraud. Climate change is natural and ongoing, but the Earth has not warmed significantly over the last thirty years. Nor has there been a single negative effect of any type that can be unambiguously attributed to global warming.

    As I write, satellite data show that the mean global temperature is the same that it was in 1979. The extent of global sea ice is also unchanged from 1979. Since the end of the last Ice Age, sea level has risen more than a hundred meters. But for the last three years, there has been no rise in sea level. If the polar ice sheets are melting, why isn’t sea level rising? Global warming is supposed to increase the severity and frequency of tropical storms. But hurricane and typhoon activity is at a record low.

    Every year in the US, more than forty thousand people are killed in traffic accidents. But not one single person has ever been killed by global warming. The number of species that have gone extinct from global warming is exactly zero. Both the Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheets are stable. The polar bear population is increasing. There has been no increase in infectious disease that

    can be attributed to climate change. We are not currently experiencing more floods, droughts, or forest fires.

    In short, there is no evidence of any type to support the idea that we are entering an era when significant climate change is occurring and will cause the deterioration of either the natural environment or the human standard of living. Глобальное потепление является мошенничество
    Дэвид Деминга
    Как проходят годы, и накопления данных, становится очевидным, что глобальное потепление является мошенничеством. Изменение климата является естественным и постоянной, но земли не разогрет значительно в течение последних тридцати лет. Не было достигнуто единого негативное воздействие любого типа, который может быть однозначно обусловлено глобального потепления.

    Как я пишу, спутниковые данные показывают, что средняя глобальная температура те же, что он был в 1979 году. Масштабы глобального морского льда также является неизменным по сравнению с 1979 года. После окончания последнего ледникового периода уровень моря повысился более чем ста метров. Однако за последние три года было не повышение уровня моря. Если таяния полярных ледяных покровов, почему это не уровень моря растет? Глобальное потепление предполагается увеличить тяжесть и частотности тропических штормов. Но ураганов и тайфунов активность находится на рекордно низкого уровня.

    Каждый год в США, более чем сорок тысяч человек погибает в дорожно- транспортных происшествий. Но не один один человек когда-либо был убит глобального потепления. Количество видов, которые прошли вымерших от глобального потепления, ровно ноль. Антарктики и Гренландии ледяного являются стабильными. Полярный медведь численность населения увеличивается. Там не увеличилось в инфекционных заболеваний, которые могут быть вызваны изменением климата. Мы переживаем в настоящее время не более наводнений, засух и лесных пожаров.

    Короче говоря нет никаких признаков какой-либо поддержать идею, что мы вступаем в эпоху, когда значительный климата происходит и приведет к ухудшению окружающей среды или человеческой жизни.
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