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база нкт. Ин, яз, 4 курс, НКТ база (1). Курс 4 Тестовые задания

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Дисциплина: Английский язык

ОП: Иностранный язык: два иностранных языка

Курс: 4

Тестовые задания

Find the synonym to the word “Sad”:
1. mourning

2. escape

3. scanty

4. attractive

5. pregnant


Find the opposite of the underlined word
Smoking is permitted in this part of the

1 refused 

2 let

3 forbidden

4 allowed

5 legal


Match the abbreviation with its meaning:

1 Free Business inquiry
2 Full board of interests
3 Federal Bureau of Investigation
4 Interest rate
5 Federal Board of Investors


Choose an appropriate ending for an adjective “warm - "
1 weather
2 headed
3 eye
4 out
5 hearted


Choose an appropriate ending for an adjective “good - "
1 warmed
2 hearted
3 tempered
4 skilled
5 headed


Replace underlined word with its opposite.
She is always obedient.
1 inobidient
2 disobedient
3 misobidient
4 overobidient
5 notobidient


Complete the sentence with an appropriate reported verb.
We ... to receive the machine parts today.
1 expected
2 suggested
3 threaten
4 assumed
5 warned 


Match the sentence with its correct conditional form.
If you could change one thing in your life what would it be?
1 mixed conditional
2 second conditional
3 first conditional
4 zero conditional
5 third conditional


Choose an appropriate reported speech sentence.
“John left here an hour ago”.
1 She told me that John had left there an hour before.
2 She told me that John had left there an hour ago.
3 She told me that John left there an hour ago.
4 She told me that John has left there an hour before.
5 She told to me that John had left there an

hour before.


Match the sentence with its correct conditional form.
Come and see us next week if you have time.
1 second conditional
2 first conditional
3 zero conditional
4 mixed conditional
5 third conditional


Compile the correct word order to make an affirmative sentence.
my saw with Bill car he new when green was envy
1 8245631011917
2 8942751011631
3 8421756109311
4 5281014793611
5 2351879101164


Complete the sentence with an appropriate preposition.
Don’t laugh ... my work! I'm doing my best.
1 for
2 at
3 with
4 of
5 to


Complete the sentence with an appropriate degree of adjective.
She was ... ashamed to admit her mistake.
1 too
2 the most
3 enough
4 as... as


Complete the sentence with an appropriate degree of adjective.
Andrew came round to my flat ........ he could.
1 quickly
2 quicker
3 more quickly
4 most quicker
5 quickly as


Find a vulgar fraction 7/9
1 seven nine
2 seven ninth
3 seven and ninth
4 seven and nine
5 seventh nine


Complete the sentence with an appropriate pronoun.
He's the actor .... daughter is in this class.
1 his
2 which
3 our
4 theirs
5 whose


"495" Choose the right sentence:
1 four hundred and nineteen five
2 four hundred and ninety-five
3 four hundreds and ninety five
4 four hundred and ninety fifth
5 four hundred ninety five


Complete the sentence with an appropriate degree of adjectives.
He drives ... carefully than his girlfriend.
1 more
2 as ...as
3 most
4 the most
5 much


Complete the sentence with an appropriate pronoun.
I've lost ... earrings last week.
1 his
2 my
3 our
4 theirs
5 her


Complete the sentence with an appropriate degree of adjective.
I'm afraid the box is .... to carry.
1 too heavy
2 the heaviest
3 more heavy
4 most heavy
5 heavier


Match the number with its writing: 2 3\4
1 two and three fourth

2 two and third fourth
3 two and three four
4 two third four
5 two three fourth


Complete the sentence with appropriate prepositions.
He apologized ... policeman ... driving fast.
1 for / to
2 in/ at
3 with/to
4 of / for
5 to / for


Complete the sentence with an appropriate preposition.
Because she had to go ... home, she couldn't only stay for two weeks.
1 over
2 during
3 back
4 of


Complete the sentence with suitable verb form from the list.
The manager let us ... early on Fridays.
1 to come
2 coming
3 leaving
4 will leave
5 leave


Choose an appropriate reported speech

“When are you leaving?” My parents asked

1 My parents asked me when are you leaving.
2 My parents asked to me when are you leaving.
3 My parents asked me when were you leaving.
4 My parents asked for me when I am leaving.
5 My parents asked me when I was leaving.


Find a participial construction sentence from the list below.
1 Waving their scarves and shouting, the funs run into the pitch.
2 Waving their scarves and shouting, the funs lounging into the pitch.
3 The funs waved their scarves and shouted on the pitch.
4 The funs waving their scarves and shouting.


 Choose an appropriate modal verb to complete the sentence.
Was it really necessary? You ... ... ... tell the police, you know.
1 can not
2 couldn't have to
3 mustn't have to
4 wouldn't
5 didn't need to


Fill in the sentence with an appropriate word.
They are said ... to a new flat.
1 move
2 to moving
3 moving
4 to moved
5 to have moved


Choose an appropriate article.
 ... unreasonable decision

1 a

2 an

3 -

4 one

5 the


Choose the correct form of the verb to

complete the sentence.
My sister .... a motorcycle and sidecar.
1 used to owning
2 would have own
3 used to own
4 was owning
5 would own


Choose the verb which is followed by both the Gerund and the Infinitive.
1 mind
2 promise
3 wish
4 enjoy
5 start


Choose the most appropriate order for adjectives.
Have you seen this ........... invention?
1 fantastic, new, German
2 German, new, fantastic
3 fantastic, German, new
4 German, fantastic, new
5 new, fantastic, German


Choose an appropriate article.
We go to.... theatre about once .... month.

1 a/the

2 the/the

3 -/a

4 the/a

5 -/-


Find the sentence with the Gerundial construction.
1 The children are making such a noise.
2 He admitted sorry to keep you waiting for a long.
3 A child should start to learn a language at primary school.
4 I regret being unable to help you.
5 My electric shower is not working.


Compile the correct word order to make an affirmative sentence.
my fell Jim completely story for
1 342615
2 341652
3 324651
4 635142
5 135264


Choose an appropriate article.
... women usually talk more than ... men.
1 a/ the

2 the/the

3 -/a

4 the/a

5 -/-


Complete the sentence with an appropriate reported verb.
Liz ... us that we should come after
1 agreed
2 demanded
3 asked
4 wanted
5 suggested to


Complete the sentence with an appropriate word.
She must be exhausted. She was on stage ... performance.
1 every
2 the whole
3 each
4 all of
5 all


Complete the sentence with an appropriate conditional form.
That girl will get into trouble if she ... ... her uniform.
1 didn't wear
2 wears
3 isn’t wearing
4 hasn't wear
5 doesn't wear


Find words which are differently pronounced in this group.
1 nothing
2 done
3 money
4 cost
5 sold

4 5

1 The car need repairing
2 The washing machine need repaired
3 The car needed to repairing
4 The washing machine needs mending
5 The washing machine need mend
6 The car needs repairing

4 6

Choose correct reported speech sentences.
1 She said that Jack had a new job.
2 She said she didn’t have spare time.
3 She told us as she didn’t have spare time.
4 She told that Jack had a new job.
5 She said that she can be free.

1 2

Choose the correct answer: Are these your pens?
1 Yes, they are mine
2 No, they have books.
3 yes, they are blue.
4 No, they are us.
5 No, they aren't my
6 Yes, they are my pens
7Yes they are me
8 No, these pens are his 

1 6 8
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