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Choose appropriate variants to read a sum
1 Eight times seven is fifty six.
2 Eighth times seven is fifty six.
3 Eight seventh are fifty six.
4 Eighth seventh are fifty six.


5 Eight to seven is fifty six.

1 3

Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence.
I'm surprised Jack... ... ... the job.
1 weren't offered

2 didn't get offered

3 hasn't offered

4 did get offered

5 wasn't offered

6 will offered

7 was offered

2 5

Choose the sentence with Gerund
1 I'm interested in learn foreign languages
2 He is interested in learning foreign

3 They are interested in learning foreign

4 I'm interested in learning foreign languages
5 They interested to learning foreign

6 He is interesting in learning foreign


2 3 4

Find sentences with the Absolute Participial construction.
1 The letter having been written, he went out to post it.
2 The fuel exhausted, the engine stopped.
3 As it was Sunday, the library was closed.
4 As the rain had ruined my flat, | had to buy a new one.
5 As the professor was ill, the lecture was put off.
6 An election leaving the surface, the metal

becomes positively charged.

1 2 6

Choose the line of irregular plural nouns
1 sofa, apple, grass

2 men, geese, teeth

3 cloud, poultry, cattle

4 noise, paper, blood

5 information, pyjamas, pianos


The Beach Boys
The Beach Boys formed in California in 1961 The original members were Brian Wilson, his two brothers, Dennis and Carl, his cousin Mike Love and a friend, Al Jardine. Although the group started around the same time as surfing became much more popular in California, the only member of the band who used to surf was Dennis.
After releasing their first album, Surfin’Safari, there was a huge rise in the popularity in the surf culture on the west coast of the USA, the band had their biggest international hit with their most famous album, Pet Sounds, and the single Good Vibrations. During that time they were the only American band who could compete with The Beatles and the most people think that they are one of America’s greatest rock band.
Over the years, 36 of their songs have been in the USA Top 40 and as a result they have sold over 100 million records around the world. Incredibly the band is still playing - with some different members and in the last few years they have

continued to tour.
How many members were there originally in The Beach Boys?
1 six members
2 three members
3 five members
4 eight members
5 seven members


Replace the underlined words with an idiom.

I can’t decide about that job in Paris.

1 am in two minds

2 am thinking

3 would like

4 dream

5 make a decision


Complete the sentence with the appropriate phrasal verb.

I think the strikes will ...... some changes in management.

1 bring out

2 bring up

3 bring back

4 bring about

5 bring down


Match the idiom with its meaning:

You are a pain in the neck.

1 interesting person

2 easy going person

3 a difficult person

4 an attractive person

5 painful person


Find negative adjective which fits the following definition

Means unable to read or write -

1 immature

2 illiterate

3 inliterate

4 capable

5 literacy


Find the odd word from the list below:

1 tweezers

2 scales

3 pincers

4 tights

5 metros


Compile the correct word order to make an affirmative sentence.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

your matter none business is this of

1 6572134

2 2357164

3 4572613

4 3625714

5 6253714


Determine the function of the infinitive in the sentence.

To understand the rule better, I read it several times.

1 an adverbial modifier of result

2 as a subject

3 as an attribute

4 as parenthesis

5 an adverbial modifier of purpose


Complete the sentence with an appropriate conditional form.

I .... .... with my parents if I didn’t have to.

1 am living

2 will live

3 would live

4 live

5 have lived


Complete the sentence with an appropriate degree of adjective.

A motorbike is ... a scooter.

1 the most powerful

2 powerful

3 most powerful

4 as powerful

5 more powerful than


Match the number with its writing: 10.3

1 ten third

2 ten and three

3 three and tenth

4 ten to three

5 ten point three


Choose the correct answer.

I don’t approve of them ... late.

1 to be

2 be

3 being

4 are

5 is being


Complete the sentence with an appropriate preposition.

Don’t worry, the exam will be over ... a couple of hours.

1 on

2 in

3 for

4 to

5 at


Choose an appropriate modal verb to complete the sentence.

You are right ... , but I am still not convinced.

1 must be

2 have to be

3 should be

4 would be

5 may be


Choose an appropriate modal verb to complete the sentence.

We ... ... taken a taxi when it rained.

1 should have

2 can have

3 able to have

4 will have

5 might have


Complete the sentence with one word.

Did she ... you what happened?

1 said

2 say

3 tell

4 asked

5 told


Choose an appropriate reported speech sentence.

«Why did you dump your girlfriend?»

1 My friend asked me why I had dumped my girlfriend

2 My friend told me why I had dumped my girlfriend.

3 My friend asked me why I dump my girlfriend

4 My friend asked me why I have dumped my girlfriend

5 My friend said me why I had dumped my girlfriend


Fill in the sentence with an appropriate word.

He is thought ... a very good singer.

1 to be

2 was

3 is being

4 has been

5 have been


Complete the sentence with an appropriate preposition.

I read the paper .... the taxi on the way.

1 in

2 for

3 on

4 at

5 to


Complete the sentence with an appropriate preposition.

You mustn’t look directly ... the sun during the eclipse.

1 on

2 in

3 to

4 of

5 at


Choose the correct answer.

Jack hurt his arm ... volleyball.

1 plays

2 played

3 has played

4 is playing

5 playing


Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence.

A new route ....... between Moscow and Paris.

1 is creating

2 has been created

3 has created

4 will create

5 created


Choose an appropriate article.

There is ... Dr. Kenneth Perch on ... phone.

1 -/the

2 a/the

3 a/a

4 the/-

5 the/a


Find the sentence with the Complex Object.

1 I looked out of the window

2 I felt the blood rush into my cheeks

3 I didn’t like the film, it was boring

4 I felt that somebody was coming

5 There are oak trees on the bank of the river


Complete the sentence with suitable verb form from the list.

Layla gave up ... when she had a baby.

1 model

2 to model

3 modeling

4 smoking

5 smoke


Choose an appropriate article.

That’s not ... Stephan Fraser I went to ... school with.

1 -/a

2 a/the

3 a/a

4 -/-

5 the/a


Choose on appropriate participial construction sentence for the given one.

He rushed out of the room. He was shouting at the top of his voice.

1 He rushed out of the room and was shouting at the top of his voice

2 Shouting at the top of his voice he rushed out of the room

3 Rushing out of the room and was shouting at the top of his voice

4 He rushed out of the room and shouting at the top of his voice

5 He rushed out and was shouting at the top of his voice


Choose on appropriate participial construction sentence for the given one.

We rushed out of the room. We were shouting hurray at the top of our voice.

1 We rushed out of the room and we were shouting at the top of our voice.

2 Rushing out of the room and we were shouting hurray at the top of our voice.

3 Shouting hurray at the top of our voice we rushed out of the room.

4 We rushed out of the room and we were shouting at the top of our voice.

5 We rushed out and were shouting at the top of our voice.


Complete the sentence with suitable verb form from the list.

I don’t mind ... overtime during the week.

1 being

2 having

3 locking

4 working

5 doing


Choose the correct conditional to the following sentence.

If Tom hadn’t gone to university, he wouldn’t have met Sarah.

1 first conditional

2 mixed conditional

3 second conditional

4 zero conditional

5 third conditional


Choose the most appropriate order for adjective.

There was a ............ rug on the floor.

1 soft, woolen, wonderful

2 wonderful, woolen, soft

3 woolen, soft, wonderful

4 soft, wonderful, woolen

5 wonderful, soft, woolen


Бір немесе бірнеше дұрыс жауапты таңдаңыз.

Find phrases where the is pronounced as [ðí]

1 the end

2 the cinema

3 the sun

4 the other way

5 the world

1, 4

Бір немесе бірнеше дұрыс жауапты таңдаңыз.

Choose verbs after which both Infinitive and Gerund are followed by

1 stop

2 forget

3 decline

4 remember

5 mean

6. deny

7. hesitate

8. regret

1, 2, 4, 5

Бір немесе бірнеше дұрыс жауапты таңдаңыз.

Complete the sentence with an appropriate pronoun.

... love watching fireworks, but the noise sometimes makes ... nervous.

1 You, us

2 He, him

3 We, our

4 She, her

5 I, me

6. They, their

7. We, us

8. I, my

5, 7

Бір немесе бірнеше дұрыс жауапты таңдаңыз.

Indirect speech.

1 They said they would do it the next day

2 I won’t do this again

3 He said that he had toothache

4 He told police that he had made a balloon

5 They told everyone that they had lied

6. We may be famous

1, 3, 4, 5

Бір немесе бірнеше дұрыс жауапты таңдаңыз.

Choose the correct sentence following the rules of Sequence of Tenses.

1 We knew that he plays tennis well

2 The question has been already discussed

3 He phoned me to invite me to the party

4 Harris said he knew what kind of place I meant

5 We all knew about their arrival

6. He asked what time the train usually starts

7. He said that Jack had told her that he was writing a play

8. I thought he would tell her that he intended to go to the Crimea

1, 4, 6, 7, 8

Бір дұрыс жауапты таңдаңыз.

Last School Party

It was our last year in school and most of us were planning to go to university or to try to find a job. Our class decided to have a party and luckily the school let us use the school hall. We put up some colourful decorations and our parents made some food, which was all so delicious!

Everybody dressed up for the occasion - it was so funny to see all my classmates in fashionable party clothes. First, we watched the video by one of our classmates, with photos of us all from previous years - my friend Chloe said it was so sad and started to cry! Then the head teacher came and made a short speech, wishing us all good luck and she told us not to be very noisy.

After that, an impressive local band played some great musi3 and we danced until 9 o’clock. It was very amazing! Some of my friends went to Sam Carter’s house after the party but I was very tired, so Chloe and I walked home. It was a great night!
Where did they have the party?

1 at her place

2 in the school hall

3 in the theatre

4 at friend’s house

5 at the disco


Give the opposite of the word “consequence”:

  1. Convince

  2. Significance

  3. Cause

  4. Effect

  5. support


Change the words in brackets with an appreciate one.

This firm has been very (produced a lot) in recent years

  1. productive

  2. producing

  3. produce

  4. production

  5. productively


Find the sentence with the Complex subject

  1. She was best in her group

  2. We are sure to come to the heart of the matter

  3. I saw him entering the shop

  4. Please put on a thicker coat

  5. He was in love with another woman


Choose an appropriate article:

My friend is … chef. If I think he is … best cook in the world

  1. The/the

  2. a/the

  3. -/a

  4. -/-

  5. The/a


Find the correct sentence with for-to-infinitive phrase

  1. It`s important to take care of health

  2. It`s very important for children to play outdoors

  3. I have been waiting for you three hours

  4. It`s not interesting for me

  5. I don`t ask for any help


Choose an appropriate article

Are you talking now about … Johg Smith who led … Labour Party?

  1. a/a

  2. -/the

  3. -/a

  4. The/a

  5. The/the


Replace underlined verb with suitable one in the following sentence:

She bet that Peter wouldn`t be on time

  1. Promised

  2. Predicted

  3. Asked

  4. Believed

  5. wanted


Complete the sentence with an appropriate degree of adjectives

Among my family members, my mum is … driver

  1. more better

  2. good

  3. as good as

  4. the best

  5. better than


Complete the sentence with an appropriate degree of adjectives

It`s been the … day in London for 35 years

  1. hottest

  2. most hot

  3. the most hottest

  4. more hotter

  5. as hot as


Match the number with its writing 3 z/4x

  1. third z over four x

  2. three z over four x

  3. three z above four x

  4. four x over three z

  5. fourth x under three z


Complete the sentence with an appropriate degree of adjective

He doesn`t play golf now … he used to

  1. so much as

  2. so much that

  3. as much as

  4. as many as

  5. much more


Match the number with its writing 28.5

  1. Twenty eighth point five

  2. Twenty eight point five

  3. Twenty eight and five

  4. Twenty eight five

  5. Twenty eight point fifth


Complete the sentence with an appropriate pronoun:

Young people … need to get more involved in politics

  1. Yourself

  2. Himself

  3. Myself

  4. Theyself

  5. themselves


Complete the sentence with an appropriate conditional form:

I … … with my parents if I didn`t have to.

  1. Would live

  2. Will live

  3. Am living

  4. Have lived

  5. live


Find the sentence with complex object

  1. We knew him as a brave person

  2. I`ve known him since my childhood

  3. We knew that he is very brave

  4. We knew him to be very brave

  5. He is known as a brave man


Choose an appropriate article

John has sat down on … bench nearest to the monument

  1. an

  2. a

  3. The

  4. one


Choose an appropriate article

There was … serious fire in … block of flats in Glasgow last night

  1. a/a

  2. a/the

  3. -/a

  4. The/a

  5. The/the


Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence

The first bicycles … in the 1800 in Europe

  1. Were introduced

  2. Introduced

  3. Have been introduced

  4. Was introduced

  5. Were introducing


Choose the correct answer

I don`t approve of them … late

  1. Being

  2. Be

  3. To be

  4. Is being

  5. are


Choose an appropriate modal verb to complete the sentence

I enjoyed her first novel, so the new one … be good

  1. able

  2. can

  3. ought to

  4. might

  5. will


Choose an appropriate modal verb to complete the sentence

I was so tired, I … … slept for a week

  1. could have

  2. can have

  3. mustn`t have

  4. couldn`t be

  5. couldn`t have


Complete the sentence with appropriate conditional form

You … … the weekend if you had come with us

  1. had enjoyed

  2. would have enjoyed

  3. have enjoyed

  4. will enjoy

  5. being enjoyed


Fill in the sentence with an appropriate word

The play is likely … by Shaw

  1. to have been written

  2. wrote

  3. to write

  4. to have written

  5. to be written


Find the sentence with the complex subject

  1. she was heard to laugh heartily

  2. I`m afraid to catch cold

  3. We want to invite you to the party

  4. Please put on a thicker coat

  5. He was in love with another woman


Choose an appropriate reported speech sentence

Would you like to come on a picnic with us?

  1. He invited us to have come on a picnic with them

  2. He asked us to come on a picnic with him

  3. He invited us to come on a picnic with them

  4. He invited us came on a picnic with them


Choose an appropriate prepositions

… our plans we`ll speak … them later

  1. instead of

  2. except for

  3. as to

  4. due to

  5. about


Sentence with possessive pronoun

  1. she is beautiful

  2. these are my books

  3. those are our relatives

  4. it`s carol`s skirt

  5. they are not mine

  6. it`s your dog

2, 3

Complete the sentence with the words:

Not/ beautiful/house

It`s … I`d imagined

  1. not a house beautiful as

  2. not as beautiful a house as

  3. as beautiful as a house

  4. as not beautiful as house

  5. not as beautiful house as

  6. not such a beautiful house as

5 6

Find sentences in the forms of participle

  1. the company are rehearsing a new production

  2. having explained everything I want to tell you how I am sorry

  3. having been written long ago the manuscript was impossible to read

  4. the police found the money hidden in a disused garage

  5. the band were changed and in the gallery already

  6. I was leased with a dozen handkerchiefs

  7. He is a man loved and admired by everyone

  8. The young men building our house with me are my brothers

2 3

This happened a few years ago. I live in Alicante, in Spain and my husband and I had rented a house in Galicia for the summer holiday. We were going to first drive to Tarragona, to stay for a few days with some friends, and then drive from Tarragona to Galicia.

The first part of the journey was fine. We were using our new satnav for the first time, and it took us right to the door of our friends' house.

Three days later, when we continued our journey, we put in the name of the small town in Galicia, Nigrán, which was our final destination.

We started off, obediently following the instructions, but after a while we realized that instead of driving west towards Ileida, we were going north. In fact, soon we were quite near Andorra. I was sure we were going in the wrong direction, my husband wanted to do what the satnav was telling us - it was his new toy! It was only when we started seeing mountains that even he admitted this couldn't be the right way. We stopped, got out an old map, and then turned round! We had wasted nearly two hours going in the wrong direction!

It was an awful journey as well as getting lost, when we were

nearly at our destination we had another problem. We stopped for a

coffee at a little bar, but we got back onto the motorway

we realized that we had left our dog under the table in the café! For the second time that day we had to turn round and go back. Luckily, the dog was still there! However, the beginning of our trip was a disaster, we had a wonderful holiday!

What was the route of their journey

  1. From Galicia to Spain

  2. From Alicante to Galicia

  3. From Galicia to tarragona

  4. From tarragona to spain

  5. To targragona


Find the antonym:

Alice met him at a party and they made friends

1 saw

2 noticed

3 came up to

4 parted with

5 observed


Change the underlined words with an appropriate adjective

I found the book very easy and pleasant to read.

1 relaxed

2 boring

3 worth

4 interesting

5 readable


Complete the sentence with an appropriate conditional form.

We ... ... ...the hotel if we hadn't seen the signpost.

Бір дұрыс жауапты таңдаңыз.

1 would find

2 have found

3 found

4 had found

5 would have found


Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence.

Experts predict that in the future, electricity ...to power most cars.

Бір дұрыс жауапты таңдаңыз.

1 will use

2 be used

3 will be used

4 being used

5 was used


Complete the sentence with an appropriate preposition.

The overnight rise ... Wall Street was not maintained.

Бір дұрыс жауапты таңдаңыз.

1 for

2 in

3 at

4 on

5 to


Match the number with its writing: 2 865

Бір дұрыс жауапты таңдаңыз.

1 two thousand and eight hundred sixty five

2 two thousands eight hundred and sixty five

3 two thousandth eight hundred and sixty five

4 two thousand eight hundred and sixty-five

5 two thousand eight hundred sixty fife


Choose the correct variant.

1/6 - ...

Бір дұрыс жауапты таңдаңыз.

1 sixth

2 sixth one

3 one sixth

4 a sixth

5 one six


Match the number with its writing:

62,3 % of adults have false teeth.

Бір дұрыс жауапты тандаңыз.

1 Sixty two and three percent

2 Sixty two point three percent

3 Sixty second point three percent

4 Sixty two three percent

5 Sixty two point third percent


Complete the sentence with an appropriate word.

There were tears streaming down ... side of her face.

Бір дұрыс жауапты таңдаңыз.

1 ever

2 each

3 any

4 some

5 all


Fill in a suitable pronoun:

What do you know about ...?

Бір дұрыс жауапты таңдаңыз.

1 your

2 my

3 their

4 his

5 them


Complete the sentence with an appropriate word.

...of her students went on to become teachers.

Бір дұрыс жауапты таңдаңыз.

1 A lot of

2 Much

3 Lots

4  much of

5 a few


Complete the sentence with an appropriate reported verb.

It is ...all staff that they should be at work by 8.30

1 checked with

2 required of

3 assumed

4 expected

5 argued with


Choose an appropriate reported speech sentence.

"I have found my keys!"

Бір дұрыс жауапты таңдаңыз.

1 She announced that she has found her keys.

2 She announced that she had found her keys.

3 She announced she has found her keys.

4 She announced that she found her keys.

5 She announced she have found her keys


Replace underlined verb with suitable one in the following sentence.

She bet that Peter wouldn't be on time.

1 predicted

2 asked

3 wanted

4 promised

5 believed


Complete the sentence with suitable verb form from the list.

It's important for me .... time with my family.

1 to regret

2 to spend

3 having

4 being

5 spending


Reported speech

"I love ice cream”, said Altai

Бір немесе бірнеше дұрыс жауапты таңдаңыз.
1 Altai said that he loved ice cream

2 Altai said that he love ice cream

3 He says that he loved ice cream

4 Altai said that he loved ice cream

5 Altai said that he love ice cream

6 He says that he loved ice cream

7 He said that he loved ice cream

8 He said that he loves ice cream

9 He said that he loving ice cream


Sentence with reflexive pronouns

Бір немесе бірнеше дурыс жауапты таңдаңыз.

1 I work for myself

2 They are doctors

3 Those are my relatives

4 We did it ourselves

5 These children are our pupils

6 We got there by ourselves


Find wrong sentences from the list

Бір немесе бірнеше дұрыс жауапты таңдаңыз.

1 You'll find the explanation further on.

2 She speaks French fluent.

3 I think you behaving very cowardly.

4 I'll be here as quickly as I can.

5 He kicked the ball high over the goal

6 He play the guitar remarkable good for his age.

7 Everyone says that he was now enormous rich.


The correct pronoun is:

I drink hurdly_____coffee. I just don't like it

Бір немесе бірнеше дұрыс жауапты таңдаңыз.

1 any

2 a few

3 Some

4 Little

5 Many

6 few


Choose sentences with correct question tags.

Бір немесе бірнеше дұрыс жауапты таңдаңыз.

1 You know that man, don't you?

2 They didn't have enough evidence, did they?

3 Mike hasn't been to Rome before, has he?

4 You are going out with him, don't you?

5 You won't tell any lies, don't you?

6 We've met before, haven't we?

7 The police have arrested someone, hasn't he?

8 You didn't know he was a criminal, did you?


Choose verbs after which Gerund is followed by

Бір немесе бірнеше дұрыс жауапты таңдаңыз.


2 hurry

3 enjoy

4 deny

5 insist

6 detest

7 manage


Choose the wrong sentences from the list below.

Бір немесе бірнеше дұрыс жауапты таңдаңыз.

1 Who are you inviting to the meal?

2 Who is to blame for wasting publi3 money?

3 "Who are coming with you in the car?” “Jane, Amy and Alex."

4 "Who do you want to be when you grow up?''"An astronaut"

5 What do left in the fridge?

6 Which of the children are in the choir?

7 What living person do you most admire?

8 What one of you borrowed my blue pen?



Useful Innovative Ideas

Guy Jeremiah presented Aquafina. He argued that bottled water is bad for the planet, because each person throws way at least 85 empty plasti3 bottles a year. His invention is a bottle that you can compress and keep in your pocket. Then you take it out of your pocket and fill it up when you are somewhere that has drinking water, for example a gym, a school or your work place, or even a café which can give you a tap water. He tried to convince the Dragons by showing that in the UK more and more people are asking for tap water in bars and restaurants and are not buying bottled mineral water. He also had an idea of a phone app which could tell people where the nearest place is where they can fill up their bottle. Kirsty Henshow's idea was for a frozen dessert, which is a healthy alternative to ice cream. These desserts are low in fat, low in calories, and don't contain any sugar, milk or gluten, or anything that could be a problem for people with allergies. The desserts come in different flavours, chocolate, strawberry and vanilla. Kirsty came up with the idea because her son is allergi3 to milk and in the summer he got very sad when all the other children were eating ice creams and he couldn't have one. Kirsty's products are currently sold in a few health food shops but she would like to increase production and sell her desserts in big supermarkets. The desserts are called Kirsty's Freedom.
What was Guy Jeremiah's innovative idea?

Бір дұрыс жауапты таңдаңыз.

1 to keep bottle in a pocket

2 to clean the planet from useless bottles

3 to clean the tap water

4 to use small bottles for water

5 not to drink too much water



Unfavorable Accident

People are very careless with money. One occasionally hears that pet dogs or even small children have eaten dollar bills. Goats are supposed to be particularly fond of them. Many people have lost their homes in fires which have also destroyed precious bundles of money hidden in mattresses. In this regard, banks are a great blessing because people no longer have to hide money in places where it can be easily destroyed or stolen. However, accidents still happen - as I found out to my regret recently. I gave my wife an old pair of jeans to wash and went out to work in the yard. My wife usually goes through my pockets before washing anything but for some reason she did not think of it this particular time. As I was raking leaves in the front yard, I suddenly remembered that there was a fifty dollar money order in one of the pockets of the pants I have given to her to wash. I dropped my rake and rushed into the house. But it was too late. My wife told me that my pants had been in the washing machine for ten minutes already! I stopped the machine and pulled them out as quickly as I could. I nearly tore off the pockets as I frantically searched for the money order. Finally, I managed to find the soggy bits of paper which have once been a fifty- dollar money order. To my great disappointment, I discovered that all of them were bleached pure white.

Where do people prefer to keep their money?

Бір дұрыс жауапты таңдаңыз.

1 in mattresses

2 in banks

3 at homes

4 in the pockets

5 on the selves


Complete the sentence with an appropriate conditional form.
I … … with my parent if I didn`t have to.

  1. Have lived

  2. live

  3. am living

  4. would live

  5. will live


Complete the sentence with an appropriate conditional form.

We ……. the hotel if we hadn`t seen the signpost.

  1. would have found

  2. found

  3. have found

  4. had found

  5. would found


Choose an appropriate participal construction sentence for the suggested one.
I noticed that the door was open. I decided to go in.
1 I noticed that the door was open. I decided to go in.
2 I noticed the open door. I and decided to go in.

3 I noticed that the door was open so I decided to go in.

4 Noticing that the door was open I decided to go in.

5 I noticed that the door was open and I decided to go in.


Match the sentence with its correct conditional form.
You wouldn`t treat me like this if you really liked me.

1 third condition

2 mixed condition

3 first condition
4 zero condition

5 second condition


Choose the correct conditional to the following sentence.

If Tom hadn`t gone to university he wouldn`t have me Sarah.

1 third conditional

2 zero conditional

3 first conditional

4 second conditional

5 Mixed conditional


We can use Reported Speech the verbs

1 want to know

2 say

3 ask

4 help

5 wonder


Choose the correct sentence saying the date

1 Her birthday is one the ninth of December

2 Her birthday is on the nine of December

3 Her birthday is on December nine.

4 Her birthday is on December the ninth.

5 Her birthday is on ninth of December


Choose the wrong sentences from the list below.

1 What one of you borrowed my blue pen?

2 What do left in the fridge?

3 Who is to blame for wasting publi3 money?

4 Who do you want to be when you grow up? An astronaut

5 What living person do you most admire?


Complete the idiom with suitable key word.

I wasn`t really sure, I guessed it , it was just a __

1 stick

2 shot

3 ocean

4 pie

5 shock


Finds the odd word from the list below:

1 tights

2 pincers

3 metros

4 scales

5 tweezers


Complete the sentences with an appropriate preposition.

The overnight rise ... Wall Street was maintained.

1 at

2 on

3 to

4 for

5 in


Complete the sentence with an appropriate conditional form.

We ... ... ... the hotel if we hadn`t seen the signpost

1 found

2 had found

3 would have found

4 would find

5 have found


Complete the sentence with an appropriate word.

.. of students went on the become teachers

1 Lots

2 Much of

3 A few

4 A lot of

5 Much


Choose the most appropriate order for adjectives.

She gave me a ……… box

1 square, small, jewellery , metal

2 small, square . metal, jewellery

3 small, metal, jewellery, square

4 jewellery, metal , small, square

5 metal, small, square, jewellery


Choose the correct answer.

Jack hurts arm … volleyball

1 is playing

2 has played

3 playing

4 played

5 plays


Find a participant construction sentence from the list below.

1 I left the parcel in the shed because there was no at home

2 Realizing no one at home, I left the parcel in the shed

3 Realize there was no one at home, and left the parcel in the shed

4 I realized there was no one at home so I left parcel in the shed

5 Realizing there was no one at home , I left the parcel in the shed


Complete the sentence with suitable verb form from the list.

It`s important for me… time with my family

1 having

2 being

3 spending

4 to regret

5 to spend


Find words which are differently pronounced in group.

1 cost

2 done

3 sold

4 Nothing

5 money


Choose appropriate variants to read a formula life


1 two x plus three y minus z equal to three z to four x

2 two x plus three y minus equals to three z and four x

3 tow x plus three u minutes z equals z over four x

4 two x plus three y minus z equals three x divided by four x

5 two x plus three y minus z is three z to four x

3, 4

Find sentences with participle adjectives. (бірнеше жауап бар сұрақ)

1 It was a long-lasting dispute

2 Tom`s a builder who works for himself

3 We hired a designed team based in Singapore

4 I grew up in a car – making town

5 The town in which I grew up made cars

6 The publi3 square was lined with trees

7 It was a record – breaking perfomance


Find the correct noun:

(бірнеше жауап бар сұрақ)

1 now

2 rainbow

3 know

4 new

5 jow

6 slow


Choose sentences with correct question tags.

(бірнеше жауап бар сұрақ)

1 You won`t tell any lies, don`t you?

2 We`ve met before , haven`t we?

3 The police have arrested someone, hasn`t he?

4 You didn`t know he was a criminal , did you ?

5 You know that man , didn`t you?

6 They didn`t have enough evidence , did they?


Useful Innovative Ideas

Guy Jeremiah presented Aquafina. He argued that bottled water is bad for the planet, because each person throws way at least 85 empty plasti3 bottles a year. His invitation is a bottle that you can compress and keep in your pocket. Than you take it out of your pocket and fill it up when you are somewhere that has drinking water , for example a gym , a school or your work place , or even a café which can give you a tap water. He tried to convince the Dragons by showing that in the UK more and more people are asking for tap water in bars and restaurants and are not buying bottled mineral water. He also had an idea of a phone app which could tell people where the nearest place is where they can fill up their bottle.

Kirsty Henshow`s idea was for a frozen dessert, which is a healthy alternative to ice cream. These dessert are low in fat, low in calories, and don`t contain any sugar, milk or gluten, or anything that could be a problem for people with allergies. The desserts come in different, chocolate, strawberry and vanilla. Kirsty came up with the idea because her son is allergi3 to milk and in the sugar he got very sad when all the other children were eating ice creams and he couldn`t have one. Kirsty`s products are currently sold in a few health food shops would like to increase production and sell her desserts in big supermarkets. The desserts are called Kirsty`s Freedom.

What was Guy Jeremiah`s innovative idea?

1 to clean the tap water

2 to use small bottles for water

3 not to drink too much water

4 to keep bottle in a pocket

5 to clean the planet from useless bottles


Complete the idiom with suitable key word.

I cannot do job as well, I've got enough on my........ as it is.

  1. pie

  2. block

  3. way

  4. plate

  5. handle


Change the underlined word with an appropriate compound noun.

Take your things to the

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