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  1. Older and wiser and better people had told him that there could not possibly be a frog in his bread-and-milk.1 How can I possibly do it? Do it if you possibly can. The child couldn't possibly have done it alone.

  2. She was a woman of few ideas, with immense power of concentration. She was a woman of few words.

She has always been a woman of fashion. He is a man of property.

  1. a) ... there was a piece of tapestry that was evidently meant to be a fire-screen. The door is meant to be used in case of emergency.

He was meant to be an artist. b) They were meant for each other. Are these flowers meant for me? What I said wasn't meant for your ears.

  1. That part of the picture was simple if interesting. That part of the play was entertaining if long. The con­cert was enjoyable if loud.

The dress was unattractive if new.

Phrases and Word Combinations
to be in disgrace to change the subject

to describe with much detail (in great detail) (for) the greater part of the day

(the time; the year; of one's time) (more literary)

as a matter of fact (to look, to come, etc.) in one's direction/in the direc-

tion of

to picture to oneself (literary) to come up to one's expectation (BE),

to meet one's expectations (AE)
in the first (second, last) place to be inclined to do smth

to claim one's attention to be in a tight corner (spot)

to open on to (smth) (of a window, door) in comparison with

to be one pace (mile) away from smb or smth to be in search of smb or smth

in one's haste of (doing) smth 1 The pattern is mostly used in interrogative and negative sentences.



  1. shift vt/i to change the place, position or direction of, e. g. The boy shifted from one foot to the other. He kept on shifting his plate on the table until his mother looked at him. The wind has shifted to the west.

to shift the blame on to smb else to make another person bear the blame, e. g. Don't try to shift the blame onto me. It's not my fault.

to shift one's ground to change one's point of view, especially during an argument, e. g. He shifted his ground whenever it seemed to his advantage to do so.

shift n 1) a change in the position or direction, as a shift in the wind, in political opinion. 2) a group of work­ers which takes turns with one or more other groups, e. g. I work on the day/ night shift at the factory. shifty a showing a tricky and deceitful nature, e. g. He had a shifty look in his eye that made me wary of him.

  1. elate vt (usu. pass.) to fill (smb) with pride and joy, e. g. He was elated by his son's success. elated a filled with elation, e. g. The people were elated by the victory.

elation n (U) the state or quality of being filled with pride and joy, as the people's elation at the good news, e. g. The parents were filled with great elation on hearing their child's results.

  1. concentrate vt 1) to keep or direct (all one's thoughts, efforts, attention) (on, upon), e. g. If you don't con­centrate more on your work you'll make no progress. 2) to (cause to) come together in or around one place, e. g. The large buildings were concentrated in the centre of the town near the monument. Population tends to concentrate in cities.

concentration n 1) close or complete attention, e. g. The book will need all your concentration. 2) (C) a close gathering, e. g. There is a concentration of industry in the East of the country.

  1. evade vt 1) to get out of the way of or escape from, as evade an enemy, e. g. The lion evaded the hunters. 2) (derog.) to avoid or avoid doing (smth one should do), as to evade one's duty, paying one's taxes, debts,

military service, police, rules, e. g. Criminals try to evade the law. 3) (derog.) to avoid answering (a question) properly, e. g. The clever politician easily evaded the awkward question.

evasion n 1) (U) the act of evading, as the fox's clever evasion of the dogs. 2) (C/U) (derog.) an action or lack of action which evades, e. g. George is in prison for tax evasion. 3) (C) (derog.) a statement which evades, e. g. The minister's speech was full of evasions.

evasive a (derog.) which evades or tries to evade, as evasive answer, e. g. They had all been evasive about their involvement in the firm.

to fake evasive action (formal) (of a ship, aircraft, etc. in war) to get out of the way or try to escape, e. g. During the Second World War many planes had to take evasive action while crossing the channel.

  1. confirm vt 1) to support, make certain; give proof (of), e. g. Please confirm your telephone message in writing. The delegate confirmed that the election would be on June 20th. 2) to give approval to (a person, agreement, position, etc.), to agree to, e. g. When do you think the President will confirm you in office? confirmation n 1) the act of confirming, e. g. The confirmation of the agreement was received with satis­faction by the public. 2) proof, smth that confirms, e. g. Your news was really confirmation for my be­liefs.

confirmed a firmly settled in a particular way of life, as confirmed drunkard, bachelor, opponent of (re­forms), e. g. He will never get married: he is a confirmed bachelor.

  1. store vt 1) to make up and keep a supply of, as to store food in the cupboard. 2) to keep in a special place (warehouse), as to store one's furniture. 3) to fill with supplies, as to store one's cupboard with food. 4) to put away for future use, as to store one's winter clothes, e. g. Where do you store your fur coat for the summer?

store n I) a supply for future use, e. g. This animal makes a store of nuts for the winter. 2) a place for keeping things, e. g. My food store is in the kitchen.

in store 1) kept ready (for future use), as to keep a few pounds in store for a rainy day. 2) about to hap­pen, e. g. Who knows what is in store for us?


set much (great, small, little) store by smth, smb to feel to be of (the) stated amount of importance, e. g. He sets great store by his sister' s ability.

storehouse n (used lit. and fig.), e. g. The storehouse was a large grey building stuffed with any kind of furni­ture. He is a storehouse of information.

  1. overlook vt 1) to have or give a view of (smth or smb) from above, e. g. Our room overlooked the sea. 2) to look at but not see; not notice, e. g.. Every time the question of promotion came up, Smythe was always over­looked. 3) to pretend not to see; forgive, e. g. I overlooked that breech of discipline as you were concentrating on a very important job.

Syn. open on, give on, face, miss

  1. absorb vt 1) to take or suck in (liquids), e. g. A sponge absorbs water. Some materials absorb sound. 2) to take in (privilege, ideas, etc.), as to absorb smth from smth, e. g. He absorbed all the information on the text and was easily able to repeat it. 3) to take up all the attention, interest, time, etc. (in, by), e. g. I was totally ab­sorbed in a book and didn't hear her call. His film absorbed all his attention.

absorbing a 1) that absorbs, as a sound-absorbing surface. 2) taking all one's attention; very interesting, as absorbing tale of adventure, e. g. It was such an absorbing mystery that I could not put it down. absorption n 1) the act or action of absorbing or being absorbed, e. g. The absorption of different materials varies greatly. 2) the taking up of all one's attention, interest, time, etc., e. g. Their total absorption in the pro­ject lasted for three months. 3) the taking over of little countries, businesses, etc., by big ones, e. g. It took very little time for the absorption of the town's small enterprises into one big business.

  1. way n 1) a road or track (used lit. and fig.), e. g. Are you going my way?

to block the way to make movement difficult or impossible, e. g. Will you step aside, you're blocking the way.

to clear the way (for smth or smb), e. g. Clear the way for the car.

to make way (for smth or smb) to allow freedom to pass, e. g. All traffic must make way for a fire-engine.


to feel (grope) one's way to feel about with the hands; to search for in a hesitating way, e. g. We groped our way through the dark streets. "Have you come to any definite conclusion yet?" "No, I'm still feeling my way."

to give way (1) to break; to fail to hold up, e. g. The branch gave way and I fell into the stream. His legs gave way and he fell on his side, e. g. The army gave way (= retired) before the advance of the enemy. (2) to sur­render oneself to smth, e. g. Don't give way to despair. (3) to be replaced by smth, e. g. His anger gave way to curiosity.

to go out of one's way to do smth, to make a special effort to do smth, e. g. He went out of his way to do me a kindness (a favour, an injury).

out-of-the-way remote, e. g. Students come to Moscow from the most out-of-the-way parts of the county.

  1. direction (used lit. and fig.), e. g. I was so ashamed, I didn't know which way to look.

to know (see, find out) which way the wind blows to know what the state of affairs is, e. g. He always seems to know which way the wind blows (is blowing).

  1. progress; advance, as to make (push, fight, feel, force, elbow, shoulder, pick, etc.) one's way (along, for­ward, to, towards, back, home, etc.), e. g. He pushed (elbowed, forced, etc.) his way through the crowd.

  2. a method or plan; a course of action, e. g. Don't change anything, I like it that way.

to know one's way about to know one's course of actionf e. g. You needn't worry about her, she knows her way about and can take care of herself.

all (quite, just) the other way about (AE around) quite the opposite, e. g. "As far as I know he denied what he had said before." "Quite the other way about. He confirmed everything."

(in) one way or another (other, the other), e. g. You'll have to do it one way or another, there's no getting away from it.

  1. a characteristic method or manner of behaving, e. g. I don't like his ways at all.

to have a way with smb to be able to win the confidence and affection of people, e. g. She'll make a good teacher, she has a way with children.

it (this) is always the way with smb, it is always the case with smb, e. g. Tom failed me again, this is al­ways the way with him.

1446) respect, degree, e. g. In one way that explanation is satisfactory, but in another way it is not. in no way, e. g. The photos are in no way similar.

by way of: 1) as a substitute for, e. g. He said something by way of apology. 2) via, e. g. He went to town by way of the old road.

underway, as restructure underway, e. g. With the election campaign underway the candidates began giving a great deal of speeches.


  1. a) Consult a dictionary and practise the pronunciation of the following words. Pay attention to stresses:

pseudonym, imperious, frivolous, depravity, asperity, obstinacy, effectually, artichoke, raspberry, paradise, germinate, tapestry, ridiculously, mandarin, discernment, disastrous.

b) Get together with another student. Listen to his/her reading of the exercise. What recommendations would you give to correct any mis­pronunciations?

  1. Read the following words observing: a) two primary stresses; b) the secondary and the primary stress; c) a primary stress:

  1. self-righteous, nevertheless, uninteresting, uncounted, unauthorised, unsympathetic, undignified, unmer­ited;

  2. disposition, imagination, expedition, concentration, execution, illumination, vegetation, energetic, disobe­dient;

  3. ungovernable, unwarranted, unrivalled, forfeited, satirise, characterise, fortify, privilege.

  1. a) Read out aloud the following word combinations and phrases paying attention to the phonetic phenomena of connected speech (all types of assimilation, the linking "r", all kinds of plosions, etc.):

on the seemingly frivolous ground; older and wiser and better people; seemed the veriest nonsense; the dra­matic part; he felt entitled to know; you said there couldn't possibly be; you are in disgrace; he felt perfectly capable; in the first place; and consign them; bare and cheerless; hidden behind the trees; were in a tight cor­ner; quaint twisted candlesticks in the shape of snakes; behind the sheltering screen; the gooseberry gar­den; while the wolves feasted on the stricken stag.


b) Ask your partner to read the exercise aloud; write down all cases of erroneous pronunciation; correct them.

  1. Complete the following sentences:

a) 1. I can't possibly... 2. How can I possibly...? 3. We couldn't possibly... 4. You can't possibly... 5. How could we possibly...? 6. ...if you possibly can.

  1. 1. This textbook is meant for... 2. I wonder who... meant for? 3. ...is evidently meant... 4. ...wasn't meant...

  2. 1. That part of the house was nice if... 2. The lecture was educational if... 3. The meeting was useful if...

  1. Make up five sentences on each pattern (p. 140).

  2. Pair work. Make up and act out a dialogue using the speech patterns.

  3. Translate the following sentences and word combinations into English:

  1. 1. Как же я могу это сделать, если вы отказываетесь мне помочь? 2. Помой, пожалуйста, посуду. — Бо­юсь, что никак не смогу это сделать. 3. Не могу же я заставлять их ждать, у них уйма других дел. 4. Мы ни­как не можем отправляться сейчас, я еще не все купил. 5. Я ведь не могу делать одновременно две вещи, подожди немного.

  2. женщина со вкусом; человек действия; женщина с характером; мужественный (смелый) человек; чувст­вительный человек; человек слова; женщина со средствами; ученая женщина; человек с опытом; немного­словный человек; гениальный человек; многословный человек; ограниченная женщина; состоятельный че­ловек.

  3. 1. Существует много различных упражнений, предназначенных для развития навыков устной речи. 2. Этот дом предназначается не для того, чтобы в нем жили, в нем разместится учреждение. 3. Эти деньги те­бе на покупку нового пальто (на то, чтобы ты купила на них себе новое пальто). 4. Они были созданы друг для друга. 5. Его прочили в пианисты. 6. Сад был красивый, но запущенный. 7. Урок был хороший, но скучный. 8. Квартира была удобная, но маленькая.


8 Note down from the text (p. 134) the sentences containing the phrases and word combinations (p. 140) and translate them into Russian.

9. Complete the following sentences using the phrases and word combinations:

1. After it was discovered that the politician had stolen others' speeches he was ... in the public eye for a long time. 2. I can write you a letter of recommendation any time .... I'll do it right now. 3. In answer to my ques­tion she said nothing and I found it best to .... 4. Every time that Mary sat in her dingy city apartment she would ... a nice suburbian home. 5. All her friends in Moscow had told her that visiting the Bolshoi Theatre would be her most exciting experience and as a matter of fact it.... 6.... you are on the wrong bus the road to your destination is closed.

  1. The bay window in her sea-side apartment ... the harbour.

  2. On the bus this morning there was a man who kept looking but when I looked back at him he would turn away. 9. Try as he might, Smith couldn't... his rigorous work schedule. 10. I would ... to pay the painters later so that the work gets done properly. 11. Down 3 to 1 (3-1) in the final period, it looked like the Canadian hockey team was .... 12. As you walked into Isabella's house the Shagal hanging in her living-room immedi­ately.... 13.... other great cities Moscow has many more parks. 14. All day we rummaged through the office ... the old manuscript and only at five o'clock did we find it. 15. The builders worked day and night in ... finish­ing the new metro station.

10. Paraphrase the following sentences using phrases and word combinations:

1. We spent most of the day discussing our plans for the holidays. 2. He told a lie and is in disfavour. 3. Henry always looks so conceited; in reality he is very shy. 4. We've discussed the problem fully, let's talk about something else. 5. The woman travelled all over the country in order to find the child. 6. Try to imagine the beauty of the ocean on a bright sunny day. 7. He has a tendency towards business. 8. The ballet was as good as I had expected it to be. 9. The two rooms face the garden. 10. There are several urgent matters that attracted my attention. 11. The wood is at a very short distance from the cottage. 12. I see someone coming towards us. 13. To begin with, your story lacks confirmation, furthermore, I very much doubt it could have happened at all. 14. I'm afraid I won't be able to deal effectively with all these difficulties.

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