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  • Make up five sentences on each pattern (p. 140).

  • Pair work. Make up and act out a dialogue using the speech patterns.

  • 8 Note down from the text (p. 134) the sentences containing the phrases and word combinations (p. 140) and translate them into Russian.

  • 10. Paraphrase the following sentences using phrases and word combinations

  • 11. Translate the following sentences into English using the phrases and word combinations: 1.

  • Pair work. Make up and act out situations using the phrases and word combinations. Explain what is meant by

  • 14. Answer the following questions and do the given assignments

  • Give a summary of the text, dividing it into several logical parts. Make up and act out dialogues between

  • 17. Suppose Nicholas turned up at the same house 20 years later after his aunts death. Describe his reactions to his childhood sur­rounding.

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    b) Ask your partner to read the exercise aloud; write down all cases of erroneous pronunciation; correct them.

    1. Complete the following sentences:

    1. 1. I can't possibly. have done it alone... 2. How can I possibly .do it..? 3. We couldn't possibly .be in our bread-and-milk.. 4. You can't possibly . jump into the icy cold water.. 5. How could we possibly .meet a ghost..? 6. .Translate it without a dictionary ..if you possibly can.

    2. 1. This textbook is meant for .us to be very difficult.. 2. I wonder who .may be.. meant for? 3. .He..is evidently meant to be an engineer... 4. .She..wasn't meant. to be a girl of few ideas.

    3. 1. That part of the house was nice if .small.. 2. The lecture was educational if .difficult.. 3. The meeting was useful if .long..

    1. Make up five sentences on each pattern (p. 140).


    They had told him that Nicholas could not possibly be one of the party; he was in disgrace. Only that morning he can possibly have refused to eat it. The dramatic part of the incident can possibly be that there really was a frog in Nicholas's basin of bread-and-milk; he had put it there himself, so he can possibly feel entitled to know something about it. The fact that stood out clearest in the whole affair, as it presented it­self to the mind of Nicholas, can possibly be that the they had been proved to be profoundly in error in matters about which they had expressed the utmost assurance.

    1. Pair work. Make up and act out a dialogue using the speech patterns.

    ченных для развития навыков устной речи. 2. Этот дом пред-
    назначается не для того, чтобы в нем жили, в нем разместит-
    ся учреждение. 3. Эти деньги тебе на покупку нового пальто
    (на то, чтобы ты купила на них себе новое пальто). 4. Они
    были созданы друг для друга. 5. Его прочили в пианисты. 6.
    Сад был красивый, но запущенный. 7. Урок был хороший, но
    скучный. 8. Квартирабылаудобная, номаленькая.

    the spoken language skills to develop. 2. This house is not intended for living, an institution is located in it. 3. Here is the money for you to buy a new overcoat. This money is meant to be paid for your new overcoat. 4. They were meant to each other. 5. He was meant to be a pianist.7. The lesson was good if tiresome/bored. 8 The flat was comfortable if small.

    8 Note down from the text (p. 134) the sentences containing the phrases and word combinations (p. 140) and translate them into Russian.
    9. Complete the following sentences using the phrases and word combinations:

    1. After it was discovered that the politician had stolen others' speeches he was ... in the public eye for a long time. 2. I can write you a letter of recommendation any time .... I'll do it right now. 3. In answer to my ques­tion she said nothing and I found it best to .... 4. Every time that Mary sat in her dingy city apartment she would ... a nice suburbian home. 5. All her friends in Moscow had told her that visiting the Bolshoi Theatre would be her most exciting experience and as a matter of fact it.... 6.... you are on the wrong bus the road to your destination is closed.

    1. The bay window in her sea-side apartment ... the harbour.

    2. On the bus this morning there was a man who kept looking but when I looked back at him he would turn away. 9. Try as he might, Smith couldn't... his rigorous work schedule. 10. I would ... to pay the painters later so that the work gets done properly. 11. Down 3 to 1 (3-1) in the final period, it looked like the Canadian hockey team was .... 12. As you walked into Isabella's house the Shagal hanging in her living-room immedi­ately.... 13.... other great cities Moscow has many more parks. 14. All day we rummaged through the office ... the old manuscript and only at five o'clock did we find it. 15. The builders worked day and night in ... finish­ing the new metro station.

    10. Paraphrase the following sentences using phrases and word combinations:

    1. We spent most of the day discussing our plans for the holidays. 2. He told a lie and is in disfavour (dis­grace). 3. Henry always looks so conceited; in reality he is very shy. 4. We've discussed the problem fully, let's talk about something else. 5. The woman travelled all over the country in order to find the child. 6. Try to imagine the beauty of the ocean on a bright sunny day. 7. He has a tendency towards business. 8. The ballet was as good as I had expected it to be. 9. The two rooms face the garden. 10. There are several urgent matters that attracted my attention. 11. The wood is at a very short distance from the cottage. 12. I see someone com­ing towards us. 13. To begin with, your story lacks confirmation, furthermore, I very much doubt it could have happened at all. 14. I'm afraid I won't be able to deal effectively with all these difficulties. - I am afraid I could not possibly deal effectively



    11. Translate the following sentences into English using the phrases and word combinations:

    1. Мне не хотелось разговаривать с Бобом, так как он был I 1. I did would not like to talk with Bob as he had been in disgrace for his
    наказан за плохое поведение, 2. Чем вы занимаетесь боль-
    шую часть своего свободного времени? 3. Джеймс жаловался,
    что ему никто ничего не говорит, но на самом деле он был в
    курсе всех событий. 4. Студент впервые читал Пушкина в
    оригинале, и красота стиха поэта привлекала его внимание. 5.
    Джейн пыталась представить себе человека, которого знала
    только по переписке (по его письмам). 6. Когда она увидела
    его, он не оправдал ее ожиданий. 7. Во-первых, он был до-
    вольно старый, а во-вторых, суетлив и раздражителен. 8. Я
    могу подробно описать все, что случилось. 9. Я в это время
    стояла в двух шагах от того места, где произошел несчастный
    случай. 1O. Окна моей комнаты выходят во двор. 11. Кто эта
    девушка, которая смотрит в нашу сторону? 12. Этот дом ка-
    жется совсем крошечным по сравнению с новым. 13. Я все
    перерыла в поисках билета в театр, куда же я могла его по-
    ложить? 14. В спешке отъезда никто не заметил, что старик
    остался на мосту.

    bad behaviour. 2. What (is your trade)(are you about) for the most part
    of the your free time? 3. James complained that nobody spoke anything
    to him but he was actually up/(in the know)/(well informed)/(well posted)
    on all the events. 4. The student read Pushkin in the original for the first
    time and the beauty of the poet's verse attracted his attention. 5. Jane
    tried to imagine the man, which was known to her only on his corre-
    spondence (under his letters). 6. When she had seen him, he did not
    justified her expectations. 7. First, he was rather old, and second, he
    was fussy and irritable. 8. I can detail (write up) everything happened. 9.
    At this time I stood (a short step away, a few steps away, nearby, a
    stone's throw away) from the place where there was an accident hap-
    pened. 1O. The windows of my room faces/gives on the court yard. 11.
    Who is that girl who looks towards us (in our direction)? 12. This house
    seems absolutely tiny in comparison with the new one. 13. I have rum-
    maged all in searching the theatre ticket, where I could put it indeed?
    14. In haste of departure nobody noticed that the old man had remained
    on the bridge.

    1. Pair work. Make up and act out situations using the phrases and word combinations.

    2. Explain what is meant by:

    the fact that stood out clearest in the whole affair; - факт, которыйяснопроявилсявэтомделеan unwarranted stretch of imagination -the delights that he had justly forfeited ­

    a circus of unrivalled merit and uncounted elephants -

    without any of the elation of high spirits that should have characterised it -

    (did not) admit the flawlessness of the reasoning -

    wriggling his way with obvious stealth of purpose -

    self-imposed sentry duty -

    having thoroughly confirmed and fortified her suspicions -the aunt by assertion -

    there were wonderful things for the eyes to feast on -

    such luxuries were not to be over-indulged in -

    the children could not have been said to have enjoyed themselves -

    (of) one who has suffered undignified and unmerited detention -


    14. Answer the following questions and do the given assignments:

    1. 1. What made the boy commit the offence thus bringing the punishment upon himself? 2. What was the aunt's method of bringing up the children and what did it result in? How are the ideas of punishment and pleasure treated in the story in general? 3. Had the trip to the sands any appeal to the boy and what did he think of the pleasures promised by the aunt? What is his idea of a "treat"? 4. The author calls the boy "a skilled tactician" and not for nothing. What strategy did Nicholas work out to get into the lumber-room unno­ticed and leave it without trace? 5. At the same time the author evaluates the aunt as "a woman of few ideas with immense power of concentration". How does this feature of her character define her actions in the story? What motivates her actions — strong faith or false piety? 6. The lumber-room in spite of its dust and desola­tion came up to the boy's expectations. What role does the lumber-room play in the evaluation of his charac­ter? 7. It was a kitchen-maid who came to the aunt's rescue. What was wrong in the family that made its members so indifferent to each other? 8. For what reasons were the members of the family silent at tea that evening? Why does the author lay special emphasis on the cause of their silence? 9. How did Nicholas man­age to fight the aunt with her own weapon and finally disarm her? Speak on the conflict between the boy and the aunt: a) Does the punishment of the aunt at the hands of Nicholas suggest anything to you? b) On what issues are they opposed? 10. Speak on the story in terms of unchangeable conventional reality versus poetry and intellectual freedom. 11. On whose side do the author's sympathies lie? Based on your interpretation of the story say a few words about the author.


    1. 1. In what vein is the story written? 2. What are the butts of the author's irony? What does he ridicule through the character of the aunt? 3. How is irony achieved on a verbal plane? How does the ironic intention of the author affect his style (wording and syntax)? 4. Is the vocabulary employed by the author in keeping with the subject-matter or out of place? If it is out of place what is the author's criteria for word-choice? Ac­count for the frequent use of a) military terms; b) religious words; c) judicial phrases; d) scientific arguments. 5. Is the author straightforward and direct in presenting the characters and telling the story or is he evasive and ambiguous? What is the device he resorts to, when saying: "a woman of few ideas", "prisoner in the rain­water tank", etc.? 6. How does the syntax contribute to the ironic effect? Is it formal or informal, bookish or colloquial? What turns of a phrase strike you as formal and pompous? What are the grammatical con­structions favoured by the author? What does the story gain through them? 7. Besides verbal, there is dramatic irony that lies in the story, the plot, the complications of the story, the relationship of the charac­ters. Say something about the story, the turns and twists of the plot, the ending in terms of dramatic irony. 8. The theme of the story is the conflict between prose and poetry, dogmatic, pedantic, philistine mind and poetic imagination. How does the theme affect the tone and the style of the story? 9. When does the story shift to a more poetic plane? What is presented in poetic terms? Dwell upon the description of the lumber-room. What stylistic devices are employed by the author? 10. Explain the title of the story in the light of your observation on the theme, the point and the style of the story.

    1. Give a summary of the text, dividing it into several logical parts.

    2. Make up and act out dialogues between:

    1. The aunt and Nicholas.

    2. The two aunts after the tea.

    3. Nicholas and the children after they all went to bed.

    17. Suppose Nicholas turned up at the same house 20 years later after his aunt's death. Describe his reactions to his childhood sur­rounding.



    1. Study the essential vocabulary and translate the illustrative examples into Russian.

    2. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

    I. James who felt very uncomfortable in that low chair,
    shifted his feet uneasily, and put one of them on the
    cat lying beside his chair. 2. Laws shift from genera-
    tion to generation. 3. Abruptly it was all gone, the
    elation running out of me like air out of a pricked bal-
    loon. 4. The nation's wealth in the country came to be
    concentrated in a few families. 5. If the facts once
    became known, it will be impossible for them to
    the responsibility. 6. The key to the code
    evaded all his efforts. 7. One would admire his excel-
    lent qualities, but avoid his company. 8. Please an-
    swer the question; do not evade. 9. Each person
    avoided the eyes of the others. 1O. The latest reports
    confirmed the information he had previously received.

    II. We think, we may as well give up the flat and store
    our things, we'll be gone for the summer. 12. The
    future didn't seem to hold so many fears in store. 13.
    We are well underway with the publication of the text-
    book. 14. "I can give you a lift." "No, I'm going the
    other way." 15. The night was pitch dark and he felt
    his way about. 16. He has a way with students and
    they crowd to his lecture. 17. There is nothing unusual
    of the letter, nothing out of the way. 18. My wife went
    into hysterics at the mention of the police, but I stood
    firm and at last she gave way. 19. I'll see to every-
    thing, all you have to do is not to get in the way. 2O.
    They go out of their way to do you good ... but you feel
    like a fool. 21. I gave him up (abandon) because didn't
    want to stand in his way. 22. Remember if there is any
    way in which I help you, it will be a pleasure. 23. I
    made my way into the smoking room. 24. Now they
    were inclined to meet us half-way. 25. I gave way to
    quite ungovernable grief. 26. So we two went on our
    way in great happiness ['h1pinis]. 27. The way to
    school was plain enough; the game consisted in find-
    ing some way that wasn't plain, starting off ten min-
    utes early in some almost hopeless ['hquplis] direc-
    tion, and working my way round through unaccus-
    tomed streets to my goal. 28. He was walking part of
    the way home with me. 29. She didn't say anything
    but made way for us to pass. 3O. He estimated they
    were half-way to the city. 31. In contrast to the way
    she had been before, she was now just another eld-
    erly woman. 32. Our garden is overlooked from the
    neighbours' windows. 33. He complains that his ser-
    vices have been overlooked by his employers. 34.
    Carbon acid is formed when water absorbs carbon
    dioxide. 35. There was no amazement, but only an
    impression of being reminded of happy things that had
    in some strange way been overlooked.

    1. Джеймс, которому было очень неудобно сидеть на этом низком сту­ле, с трудом передвинул ноги, и наступил одной из них на кота, лежа­щего радом со стулом. 2. Законы изменяются от поколения к поколе­нию. 3. Вдруг всё исчезло, энтузиазм покинул меня, вышел как воздух из проколотого воздушного шара. 4. Здоровье нации (в стране) оказа­лось сосредоточено в молодых семьях. 5. Если факты однажды рас­кроются, им будет невозможно уйти/ускользнуть от ответственности. 6. Ключ к коду ускользал от всех его усилий. [Несмотря на все его усилия, ему не удавалось подобрать ключ для расшифровки кода]. 7. Предпочитают (каждый предпочитает) восторгаться/[восхищаться] его прекрасными качествами, но избегать его компании. 8. Пожалуйста, отвечай на вопрос, не уклоняйся от ответа/[не увиливай]. 9. Каждый человек избегал [смотреть в глаза другим] 1O. Последние донесе­ния/сообщения подтвердили сведения, полученные им ранее. 11. Ду­маем, что мы также можем бросить квартирe и едать наши вещи на хранение, на лето мы уйдем. 12. Казалось, будущее [не таит в себе] столько опасений. 13. Мы хорошо продвигаемся с публикацией этого учебника. 14. "Я могу вас подбросить". "[Спасибо]/Нет, я пойду другим путём". 15. Ночь была темной, как асфальт/смоль [хоть глаза выколи], он [двигался «на ощупь»]/нащупывал свой путь. 16. Он имеет к сту­дентам [подход]/( влияние на студентов), и они толпятся к его лекции. 17. Нет ничего необычного в письме, ничего странного. 18. Моя жена закатила истерику при упоминании о полиции, но я выдержал харак­тер/не сдавался/твердо стоял на своём, и наконец она уступила. 19. Я позабочусь обо всем, всё, что вам необходимо делать, это не мешать. 2O. Они стараются изо всех сил , чтобы сделать вам приятное а вы чувствуете себя как дурак. 21. Я покинул (оставил) его, потому что не хотел стоять на его пути. 22. Помни, если существует какой-нибудь способ, которым я помогаю тебе, это будет удовольствие. 23. Я про­бивался в курительную. 24. Теперь они были расположены/склонны встретить нас на полпути. 25. Я предался/дал волю неудержимой пе­чали. 26. И так мы вместе пошли по нашему пути к большому счастью. 27. Путь к школе был достаточно прост; игра заключалась в поиске некоторого пути, который не прост, отправляясь на десять минут раньше в некотором почти безнадежном направлении, и прокладывая себе путь через непривычные улицы к моей цели. 28. Часть пути до­мой он шел со мной. 29. Она ничего не сказала но потеснилась/дала дорогу, чтобы мы прошли. 3O. Он приблизительно подсчи­тал/прикинул, что они на полпути к городу. 31. В отличие от того, чем она была прежде, теперь она была просто пожилой женщиной. 32. Наш сад обозревается из соседних окон. 33. Он жалуется, что его ус­лугам работодатели не придают значения/(не обращают внимания на). 34. Когда вода поглощает углекислый газ образуется угольная кислота. 35. Никакого изумления не было, но только впечатление, походящее на счастье, которое каким-то странным образом упусти­ли/не заметили.

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