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    to be,

    to have. Определите по грамматическим признакам, являются ли указанные глаголы:

    а) смысловыми; б) вспомогательными; в) эквивалентами или синонимами модального глагола

    (какого); г) глаголом-связкой.
    1. The traditional feature of Christmas in Britain is the Christmas tree.

    2. When we walked through the entrance we saw shelves full of more toys than we have ever imagined.

    3. By the time we reached the teacher we were wet from head to toe.

    4. The Internet and its technology continue to have a profound effect in promoting the exchange of

    V. Перепишите предложения с выделенными в них словами и переведите данные предложения,

    обращая внимание на перевод выделенных словосочетаний.
    1. It was the new system of education that gave the best results.

    2. It was the director who adopted the general plan of reconstruction.

    3. Neither my friend nor I am fond of skating.

    4. Either your children or my son has broken this vase.

    5. Both students and teachers have already gathered in the big hall.
    VI. Прочитайте и письменно переведите следующий текст.
    A Japanese construction company plans to create a huge independent city-state, akin to the legendary Atlantis, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The city, dubbed "Marinnation", would have about one million inhabitants, two airports, and possibly even a space port. Marinnation, if built, would be a separate country but could serve as a home for international organizations such as the United Nations and the World Bank.

    Aside from the many political and social problems that would have to be solved, the engineering task envisaged is monumental. The initial stage requires the building of a circular dam 18 miles in diameter attached to the sea bed in a relatively shallow place in International waters. Then, several hundred powerful pumps, operating for more than a year, would suck out the sea water from within the dam. When empty and dry, the area would have a city constructed on it. The actual land would be about 300 feet below sea level. According to designers, the hardest task from an engineering point of view would be to ensure that the dam is leak proof and earthquake proof.

    If all goes well, it is hoped that Marinnation could be ready for habitation at the end of the second decade of the twenty-first century. Whether anyone would want to live in such an isolated and artificial community, however, will remain an open question until that time.

    Для выполнения контрольного задания 2 необходимо проработать следующие разделы курса:

    1. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.

    2. Система времен в пассивном залоге.

    3. Особенности употребления пассивного залога в английском языке по сравнению с русским.

    4. Многофункциональность глаголов to be и to have.

    ВАРИАНТ 2.
    I. Прочитайте и перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните в каждом из них модальный

    глагол. Переведите письменно эти предложения на русский язык.
    1. Can you speak any foreign languages?

    2. Everyone must obey the law.

    3. Everybody should eat more fruits and vegetables.

    4. She may say anything she wants.

    5. You ought to help your friend.
    II. Прочитайте и перепишите приведенные ниже предложения, подчеркните в каждом из них

    синоним или эквивалент модального глагола. Определите модальный глагол, синонимом или

    эквивалентом которого он является. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

    Образец выполнения 1:

    These machines are to replace the old Эти механизмы должны заменить старое

    equipment of our shop. оборудование нашего цеха.

    Are to - синоним модального глагола can в Present Indefinite Active, мн. число.

    1. Tom might not be able to come tomorrow.

    2. She stayed in bed this morning because she didn’t have to go to work.

    3. According to the contract, the goods are to arrive at the port at the end of the week.

    4. As the manager was out he had to wait for five minutes.

    5. She was allowed to practise the piano any time.
    III. Прочитайте и перепишите приведенные ниже предложения. Подчеркните в каждом из них глагол

    в Passive Voice, проанализируйте данные глаголы и письменно переведите эти предложения на

    русский язык.
    Образец выполнения 2:

    The following examples were made use of. Были использованы следующие примеры.

    Were made - Past Indefinite Passive от нестандартного глагола to make.
    1. On festive occasions sweets are served at the end of a meal.

    2. She stood in the shadows of the jungle, knowing that she must have been followed by the Indians.

    3. All tickets had been sold before we got to the theatre.

    4. The students will be examined next Friday.

    5. “A Farewell to Arms” was published in 1929.

    IV. Прочитайте и перепишите следующие предложения. Подчеркните в них глаголы to be,

    to have. Определите по грамматическим признакам, являются ли указанные глаголы: а)

    смысловыми; б) вспомогательными; в) эквивалентами или синонимами модального глагола

    ( какого); г) глаголом-связкой.
    1. The first Christmas trees were introduced in Britain about 150 years ago.

    2. Christmas is only a few weeks away, so I have made a list of my favourite toys to send to Santa Claus!

    3. Alf played very well but in the end Jack was able to beat him.

    4. Gary Kasparov had to work hard but finally it paid and he became world chess champion.

    V. Перепишите предложения с выделенными в них словами и переведите данные предложения,

    обращая внимание на перевод выделенных словосочетаний.
    1. It is the statistical analysis which is of great importance for proper planning.

    2. It was our relatives who sent us that telegram.

    3. My daughter could neither read nor write when she went to school.

    4. We’ll either be going to the theatre or the cinema this week-end.

    5. Both my sister and I were upset when we heard the news.
    VI. Прочитайте и письменно переведите следующий текст.
    One of the most striking features of English life is the self-discipline and courtesy of people of all classes. There is little noisy behaviour, and practically no loud disputing in the street. People do not rush excitedly for seats in buses or trains, but take their seats in queues at bus stops in a quiet and orderly manner.

    Englishmen are naturally polite and are never tired in saying "Thank you", "I'm sorry", "Beg your pardon". If you follow anyone who is entering a building or a room, he will hold a door open for you. Many foreigners have commented on a remarkable politeness of the English people.

    English people don't like displaying their emotions even in dangerous and tragic situations, and ordinary people seem to remain good-tempered and cheerful under difficulties.

    The Englishman does not like any boasting or showing off in manners, dress or speech. Sometimes he conceals his knowledge: a linguist, for example, may not mention his understanding of a foreigner's language.

    The Englishman prefers his own house to an apartment in a block of flats, because he doesn't wish his doing to be overlooked by his neighbours. "An Englishman's house is his castle."

    Для выполнения контрольного задания 2 необходимо проработать следующие разделы курса:

    1. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.

    2. Система времен в пассивном залоге.

    3. Особенности употребления пассивного залога в английском языке по сравнению с русским.

    4. Многофункциональность глаголов to be и to have.

    ВАРИАНТ 3.
    I. Прочитайте и перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните в каждом из них модальный

    глагол. Переведите письменно эти предложения на русский язык.

    1. When we went to the forest we could smell burning.

    2. Mary should have gone to bed earlier last night.

    3. Michael mustn’t drive without headlights, it’s forbidden.

    4. He asked what time he might arrive for an interview.

    5. We ought to wash the dishes but we needn’t dry them.

    II. Прочитайте и перепишите приведенные ниже предложения, подчеркните в каждом из них синоним

    или эквивалент модального глагола. Определите модальный глагол, синонимом или эквивалентом

    которого он является. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
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